Reproductive System Section 1 Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the male Section 2. Reproductive and hormonal Functions of the female Section 3. Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle Section 4 Pregnancy Section 5 Oxytocin
Reproductive System • Section 1 Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Male • Section 2. Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Female • Section 3. Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle • Section 4 Pregnancy • Section 5 Oxytocin
Section 1 Reproductive and Hormonal functions of the male
Section 1 Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Male
Functions of testes spermatogenesis seminiferous tubules secrete hormones testosterone- by the instestitial cels of leydig inhibin by sertoil cells
Functions of testes • spermatogenesis – seminiferous tubules • secrete hormones – testosterone - by the instestitial cels of Leydig, – inhibin - by Sertoil cells
Endocrine function of testes Androgens: testosterone, dihydrotesterone(双氢睾酮) and androstendione(雄烯二酮) Function of testosterone Maintenance of spermatogenesis Stimulation of development of genitalia Development and maintenance of the male secondary sexual characteristics Maintenance of libido Effect on metabolism increases anabolism of protein causes growth of the bones deposition of calcium salts enhancement of production of red cells
I. Endocrine Function of Testes • Androgens: testosterone, dihydrotesterone (双氢睾酮) and androstenodione (雄烯二酮) • Function of testosterone – Maintenance of spermatogenesis – Stimulation of development of genitalia. – Development and maintenance of the male secondary sexual characteristics. – Maintenance of libido. – Effect on metabolism. • increases anabolism of protein, • causes growth of the bones • deposition of calcium salts • enhancement of production of red cells
Endocrine Function of Testes(cont nhibin a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 31.000-32.000 Secreted byby sertoil cells in testis potent inhibitory effect on FSH secretion by pituitary gland slightly inhibitory in GnRH secretion
Endocrine Function of Testes (cont.) • Inhibin – a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 31,000-32,000 – Secreted by by Sertoil cells in testis – potent inhibitory effect on FSH secretion by pituitary gland. – slightly inhibitory in GnRH secretion
lI. Regulation of Testis Function Hypothalamic Pituitary-Testis Axis Hypothalamus GnRH GnRH Anterior FSH. LH pituitary Testerone FSH LH Negative Feedback Sertoli yang Mechanism cells Testosterone Inhibin Testosterone Inhibin Spermatogenesis Local regulation in Accessory Secondary sexual testes structures characteristics
II. Regulation of Testis Function • HypothalamicPituitary-Testis Axis – GnRH – FSH, LH – Testerone • Negative Feedback Mechanism – Testosterone – Inhibin • Local regulation in testes
Section 2 Reproductive and Hormonal functions of the Female
Section 2 Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Female
L Menstruation Ovulation and Hormonal Regulation Menstruation cycle or female sexual cycle Uterine cycle Proliferative phase(estrogen phase) Secretary phase(progesterone phase) · Menstruation Ovarian cycle Follicular phase Ovulation uteal pnase
I. Menstruation, Ovulation and Hormonal Regulation • Menstruation cycle or female sexual cycle – Uterine cycle • Proliferative phase (estrogen phase) • Secretary phase (progesterone phase) • Menstruation – Ovarian Cycle • Follicular phase • Ovulation • Luteal phase
Uterine Cycle Proliferative phase(estrogen phase) Secretary phase(progesterone phase) Menstruation 080%心w Proliferative Secretory Menstrual ase ph ase phase (11 days) (12 days) (5 days
Uterine Cycle • Proliferative phase (estrogen phase) • Secretary phase (progesterone phase) • Menstruation
Ovarian cycle Follicular phase Ovulation Luteal phase Corpus Germinal albicans epithelium primary follicle Zona pellucida Secondary follicle Cumulus oophorous Graafian Reproduction
Ovarian Cycle • Follicular phase • Ovulation • Luteal phase