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《近代中国对外关系史 The History of Modern China's Foreign Relations》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Week 4 - The Second Opium War and the Reconfirmation of the Treaty System


Week 4 The Second Opium War and the Reconfirmation of the Treaty System

Week 4 The Second Opium War and the Reconfirmation of the Treaty System

1843年南京條約簽滿一年,英國香港總督璞鼎查爵士依南京條約第2款要求清朝,允許英國商 民帶家眷层住廣州城。但條約上規定英國商民只能在寄宿在通商口岸,前沒有可以首由進入城 內的權利。而更關键的是,清國官苠對於洋人的发咸和輕蔑,並未隨著蓧約的簽了而有所改善 屦任荬駐廣州領事多次要清方履行承諾,英軍更曾在1847年4月2日派軍艦威嚇,兩廣總督耆 英被拍答應病年後入城的要求。 1848年新任兩廣總督徐廣縉上任,眼看入城條款即將生效,徐廣縉和廣東巡撫葉名琛為了防患 未然,兩人決意抵制英國人入城。 1849年4月6日,廣州集結了,「昇平社鬓」組織的武装民團和官重在珠江兩岸整弯列隧,高呼口 號。部分廣州市民在官紳的組織下於巡燕衙門集結,也在城外外國商人往 弧邏戒備 ,一時 情况紧·但英國人亮避免戰,時放人城要求:由於反英入城事的?腾利冷道光帝 頗為满意,道光帝下令將沿海各省的外國事務全部交由雨廣總督和廣東巡撫辦理 1854年:英國公使包念提出入廣州督府商談,葉名琛察覺英人入城之目的,便要求在城外的仁 信棧房會面,但不獲接受

1843年南京條約簽滿一年,英國香港總督璞鼎查爵士依南京條約第2款要求清朝,允許英國商 民帶家眷居住廣州城。但條約上規定英國商民只能在寄宿在通商口岸,而沒有可以自由進入城 內的權利。而更關鍵的是,清國官民對於洋人的反感和輕蔑,並未隨著條約的簽訂而有所改善。 歷任英國駐廣州領事多次要清方履行承諾,英軍更曾在1847年4月2日派軍艦威嚇,兩廣總督耆 英被迫答應兩年後入城的要求。 1848年新任兩廣總督徐廣縉上任,眼看入城條款即將生效,徐廣縉和廣東巡撫葉名琛為了防患 未然,兩人決意抵制英國人入城。 1849年4月6日,廣州集結了「昇平社學」組織的武裝民團和官軍在珠江兩岸整齊列隊,高呼口 號。部分廣州市民在官紳的組織下於巡撫衙門集結,也在城外外國商人住宅旁巡邏戒備,一時 情況緊張。但英國人為避免戰禍一時放棄了入城要求,由於反英入城鬥爭的「勝利」令道光帝 頗為滿意,道光帝下令將沿海各省的外國事務全部交由兩廣總督和廣東巡撫辦理 1854年,英國公使包令提出入廣州督府商談,葉名琛察覺英人入城之目的,便要求在城外的仁 信棧房會面,但不獲接受

America's and France's negotiations of the Treaties TREATY OF WANG-HEA TREATY OF WHAMPOA ARTICLE XXXIV 第卅五條 When the present convention shall have been definitively concluded,it shall be obligatory on both 别國所定章程不在佛蘭西此次所定條款内者, Powers,and its provisions shall not be altered without grave cause;but,inasmuch as the 佛蘭西領事等官與民人不能限以遵守,惟中 circumstances of the several ports of China open to 國將來如有特恩曠典優免保祐别國得之,佛 foreign commerce are different,experience may 蘭西亦與焉。 show that inconsiderable modifications are requisite in those parts which relate to commerce and navigation:in which case,the two Governments will,at the expiration of twelve years from the date of said convention,treat amicably concerning the same,by the means of suitable persons appointed to conduct such negotiation

America’s and France’s negotiations of the Treaties TREATY OF WANG-HEA ARTICLE XXXIV When the present convention shall have been definitively concluded, it shall be obligatory on both Powers, and its provisions shall not be altered without grave cause; but, inasmuch as the circumstances of the several ports of China open to foreign commerce are different, experience may show that inconsiderable modifications are requisite in those parts which relate to commerce a n d n a v i g a ti o n : i n w h i c h c a s e , t h e t w o Governments will, at the expiration of twelve years from the date of said convention, treat amicably concerning the same, by the means of suitable persons appointed to conduct such negotiation. TREATY OF WHAMPOA 第卅五條 別國所定章程不在佛蘭西此次所定條款內者, 佛蘭西領事等官與民人不能限以遵守,惟中 國將來如有特恩曠典優免保祐別國得之,佛 蘭西亦與焉

Father Auguste Chapdelaine(6 February 1814-29 February1856) AUGUSTE CHAPDELAINE THE EXECUTION LE MONDE ILLOSTRE 1A

Father Auguste Chapdelaine (6 February 1814 – 29 February 1856) AUGUSTE CHAPDELAINE THE EXECUTION

田興恕&Auguste Chapdelaine 《中法黄埔條約》第二十七款 異端邪說,最為害民。省中天主教,前因溷 跡市廛,别無駭人聽耳之事,是以姑予寬容。 凡有佛蘭西人與中國人爭鬧事件,或遇有爭 近乃肆行無忌,心實叵測,誠恐遣人四出, 鬥中,,或一二人及多人不等,被火器及别 任意煽惑,尚祈臺端無論城鄉,一體留心悢 器械毆傷致斃,係中國人由中國官嚴拏審明, 查。如有來外方之人,謬稱教主等項名目, 照中國例治罪;係佛蘭西人,由領事官設法 欲圖傳教惑人,務望隨時驅逐。不必直說係 拘拏迅速訉明,照佛蘭西例治罪,其應如何 天主教,竟以外來匪人目之,不得容留。儻 治罪之處’將來佛蘭西議定例款,如有別樣 能藉故處之以法,尤為妥善。世道之壞,已 情形,在本款未經分晰者,俱照此辦理,因 至於此,如何力挽頹風,是在太守明府之盡 所定之例,佛蘭西人在五口地方,如有犯大 心力耳,必無差謬,幸弗畏葸。如果辦理得 小等罪,均照佛蘭西例辦理。 力,定當優敘。儻不經心,任聽傳習,一經 查出,咎亦匪輕也。 田興恕、何冠英仝頓

田興恕 & Auguste Chapdelaine 《中法黃埔條約》第二十七款 凡有佛蘭西人與中國人爭鬧事件,或遇有爭 鬥中,,或一二人及多人不等,被火器及別 器械毆傷致斃,係中國人由中國官嚴拏審明, 照中國例治罪;係佛蘭西人,由領事官設法 拘拏迅速訉明,照佛蘭西例治罪,其應如何 治罪之處,將來佛蘭西議定例款,如有別樣 情形,在本款未經分晣者,俱照此辦理,因 所定之例,佛蘭西人在五口地方,如有犯大 小等罪,均照佛蘭西例辦理。 異端邪說,最為害民。省中天主教,前因溷 跡市廛,別無駭人聽耳之事,是以姑予寬容。 近乃肆行無忌,心實叵測,誠恐遣人四出, 任意煽惑,尚祈臺端無論城鄉,一體留心悢 查。如有來外方之人,謬稱教主等項名目, 欲圖傳教惑人,務望隨時驅逐。不必直說係 天主教,竟以外來匪人目之,不得容留。儻 能藉故處之以法,尤為妥善。世道之壞,已 至於此,如何力挽頹風,是在太守明府之盡 心力耳,必無差謬,幸弗畏葸。如果辦理得 力,定當優敘。儻不經心,任聽傳習,一經 查出,咎亦匪輕也。 田興恕、何冠英仝頓

The Second Opium War,1856-1860 1. Phase I:The Arrow War/The Battle of Canton(8-29 October 1856) The Burning of Cohong by Chinese,the burning of Canton by British,the formation of the Four Nation Alliance. 2. Phase ll:The First Anglo-French Expedition(28 December 1857-5 January 1858) The suppression of the Indian uprising,the Capture of Yeh Ming-cheng,the murdur of Father Auguste Chapdelaine 3. Phase lll:The First Battle of Taku(18-20 May 1858) The Signing of the Treaty of Tientsin,the exchange of the treaties. 4. Phase IV:The Second Battle of Taku(25 June 1859) Britain's war declaration upon China 5. Phase V:The Third Battle of Taku(1-21 August 1860) The Qing government's negotiations with Britain and France,China's war declaration upon Britain and France, the Capture of Henry Parkes. 6. Phase VI:The Palikao Battle(21 September 1860) The flee of Xiaofeng,the occupation of Beijing,the burning of the Summer Palace

The Second Opium War, 1856-1860. 1. Phase I: The Arrow War/The Battle of Canton (8-29 October 1856) The Burning of Cohong by Chinese, the burning of Canton by British, the formation of the Four Nation Alliance. 2. Phase II: The First Anglo-French Expedition (28 December 1857- 5 January 1858) The suppression of the Indian uprising, the Capture of Yeh Ming-cheng, the murdur of Father Auguste Chapdelaine 3. Phase III: The First Battle of Taku (18-20 May 1858) The Signing of the Treaty of Tientsin, the exchange of the treaties. 4. Phase IV: The Second Battle of Taku (25 June 1859) Britain’s war declaration upon China 5. Phase V: The Third Battle of Taku (1-21 August 1860) The Qing government’s negotiations with Britain and France, China’s war declaration upon Britain and France, the Capture of Henry Parkes. 6. Phase VI: The Palikao Battle (21 September 1860) The flee of Xiaofeng, the occupation of Beijing, the burning of the Summer Palace

The Arrow War and the Battle of Canton 1856年10月8日,,亞羅號勃照過期12天,船上水手全被逮捕。領事巴夏禮聲稱英國旗被撕毀 要求清朝政府放人、赔償和道歉· 16日英國公使包令來函表示,如不满足和約要求,將要對清國出兵。 21日,巴夏禮限24小時内同意要求,葉名琛答應放出全部水手,但拒絕為扯下英國國旗而道歉。 琴提束亲毒裹责将票平曜翳壁氧3腹英艦穿越虎門,政占廣束束郊的獵德砲台·藥名联下 0 24日英國軍艦轟擊廣東南郊鳳凰崗砲台,砲台守兵奉令走避,炮旋即被毁。 25日英軍連連攻陷海珠砲台以及商館一帶,並佔據城外全部的防禦工事·直逼廣州城。 留璧跟鬓會自睾绿蓬含鼻闕个警白装套层箫单養伴父等寶囊三莞州官署· 褶层稗囊磨整缠窗躂舍銀晁香莱果貔攻入廣州城搜索莱名琛·衝入兩廣總督官署·

The Arrow War and the Battle of Canton 1856年10月8日,亞羅號執照過期12天,船上水手全被逮捕。領事巴夏禮聲稱英國旗被撕毀, 要求清朝政府放人、賠償和道歉。 16日英國公使包令來函表示,如不滿足和約要求,將要對清國出兵。 21日,巴夏禮限24小時內同意要求,葉名琛答應放出全部水手,但拒絕為扯下英國國旗而道歉。 23日,英海軍上將邁可爾·西摩爾率領3艘英艦穿越虎門,攻占廣東東郊的獵德砲台。葉名琛下 令廣東水師後撤,亦不准開炮還擊。 24日英國軍艦轟擊廣東南郊鳳凰崗砲台,砲台守兵奉令走避,炮旋即被毀。 25日英軍連連攻陷海珠砲台以及商館一帶,並佔據城外全部的防禦工事,直逼廣州城。 27日西摩爾照會,要求同意英人自由入城,葉不回答。英軍便每5到7分鐘砲轟一次廣州官署, 官署士兵逃走。但葉名琛坐在官署內,當日公告廣州軍民:「殺一英人,賞銀三十元」。 28日砲轟廣州城南之牆。29日下午,英軍約100人攻入廣州城搜索葉名琛,衝入兩廣總督官署。 但當日葉名琛已經暫避舊城巡撫衙門,未能捉住

CHINA WAR,HOUSE OF COMMONS,26 FEBRUARY 1857. This House has heard with concern of the conflicts which have occurred between the British and Chinese authorities on the Canton River;and,without expressing an opinion as to the extent to which the Government of China may have afforded this country cause of complaint respecting the non-fulfilment of the Treaty of 1842,this House considers that the papers which have been laid on the table fail to establish satisfactory grounds for the violent measures resorted to at Canton in the late affair of the Arrow,and that a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the state of our commercial relations with China

CHINA WAR, HOUSE OF COMMONS, 26 FEBRUARY 1857. This House has heard with concern of the conflicts which have occurred between the British and Chinese authorities on the Canton River; and, without expressing an opinion as to the extent to which the Government of China may have afforded this country cause of complaint respecting the non-fulfilment of the Treaty of 1842, this House considers that the papers which have been laid on the table fail to establish satisfactory grounds for the violent measures resorted to at Canton in the late affair of the Arrow, and that a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the state of our commercial relations with China

The Second Opium War(Phase ll) 28 December 1857:the Anglo-French alliance started to attack Canton. 29 December 1857:Canton fell to the alliance. 5 January 1858:Liang-kwang Governor-General Yeh Ming-chen was captured. 7 January 1858:Emperor Xianfeng received the information the fall of Canton. 24 April 1858:Chih-li Governor-General Tan Tingxiang was sent but the alliance did not accept him as he did not have the status of poplenitiary. 18 May 1858:the Battle of Taku. 20 May 1858:the fall of Taku. 26 May 1858:the alliance arrived Tientsin. 30 May 1858:the Alliance sent ultimatum. 1 June 1858:Guiliang,Huashanan and Qiying were sent and they signed the Treaties of Tientsin with Britain, France,Russia and America

The Second Opium War (Phase II) 28 December 1857: the Anglo-French alliance started to attack Canton. 29 December 1857: Canton fell to the alliance. 5 January 1858: Liang-kwang Governor-General Yeh Ming-chen was captured. 7 January 1858: Emperor Xianfeng received the information the fall of Canton. 24 April 1858: Chih-li Governor-General Tan Tingxiang was sent but the alliance did not accept him as he did not have the status of poplenitiary . 18 May 1858: the Battle of Taku. 20 May 1858: the fall of Taku. 26 May 1858: the alliance arrived Tientsin. 30 May 1858: the Alliance sent ultimatum. 1 June 1858 : Guiliang, Huashanan and Qiying were sent and they signed the Treaties of Tientsin with Britain, France, Russia and America

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