section1、Bacteria 一、Definition of bacteria 二、Shapes and size of bacteria 三 、Bacterial reproduction 四、Bacterial incubation characteristics 五、Some bacteria in production
section1、Bacteria 一、Definition of bacteria 二、Shapes and size of bacteria 三 、Bacterial reproduction 四、Bacterial incubation characteristics 五、Some bacteria in production
section2、 Actinomycetes 一、 Definition of Actinomycetes 二、 Basic properties of Actinomycetes 三、 Shapes and conformation of Actinomycetes 四、 Colony characteristics 五、Reproduction of Actinomycetes 六、Important genus
section2、 Actinomycetes 一、 Definition of Actinomycetes 二、 Basic properties of Actinomycetes 三、 Shapes and conformation of Actinomycetes 四、 Colony characteristics 五、Reproduction of Actinomycetes 六、Important genus
一、Definition of Actinomycetes 是一类主要呈菌丝状生长和以孢子繁殖的 陆生性较强的革兰氏阳性一类原核微生物
一、Definition of Actinomycetes 是一类主要呈菌丝状生长和以孢子繁殖的 陆生性较强的革兰氏阳性一类原核微生物
二、 Basic properties of Actinomycetes ⚫ Produce antibiotics ⚫ A large group of filamentous bacteria ⚫ Usually gram-positive, forming branching filaments ⚫ Most form spores ⚫ Have high GC content of 63-78%
二、 Basic properties of Actinomycetes ⚫ Produce antibiotics ⚫ A large group of filamentous bacteria ⚫ Usually gram-positive, forming branching filaments ⚫ Most form spores ⚫ Have high GC content of 63-78%
三、Shapes and conformation of Actinomycetes
三、Shapes and conformation of Actinomycetes
⚫A young colony of an actinomycete of the genus Nocardia(诺卡氏菌属, 土壤丝菌属) A young colony of an actinomycete of the genus Nocardia, showing typical filamentous cellular structure (mycelium). Each filament is about 0.8-1 um in diameter
⚫A young colony of an actinomycete of the genus Nocardia(诺卡氏菌属, 土壤丝菌属) A young colony of an actinomycete of the genus Nocardia, showing typical filamentous cellular structure (mycelium). Each filament is about 0.8-1 um in diameter
⚫ Micrograph of the actinomycete Actinomyces israelii showing haphae formation. This bacteria is a human pathogen
⚫ Micrograph of the actinomycete Actinomyces israelii showing haphae formation. This bacteria is a human pathogen
形态构造示意图 electron micrograph showing the filamentous growth of an actinomycete light microscopy of an actinomycete colony
形态构造示意图 electron micrograph showing the filamentous growth of an actinomycete light microscopy of an actinomycete colony
Substrate mycelium(基内菌丝或称营养菌丝) 匍匐生长于培养基内,吸收营养,也称基内菌丝
Substrate mycelium(基内菌丝或称营养菌丝) 匍匐生长于培养基内,吸收营养,也称基内菌丝