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(补贴协议)可诉补贴 Actionable subsidy (纺织品与服装、农产品)一体化进程 Integration process (服务贸易)境外消费 Consumption abroad (服务贸易)跨境交付 Cross border supply (服务贸易)商业存在 Commercial presence

汉英口译分类词汇(07)-世贸组织词汇 (补贴协议)可诉补贴 Actionable subsidy《北美自由贸易协定》NAFI(Norh (纺织品与服装、农产品)一体化进程 American Free Trade Agreement) Int 《濒危物种国际贸易公约》 Convention on (服务贸易)境外消费 Consumption International Trade in Endangered Species 《伯尔尼公约》(有关保护文学和艺术作 服务贸易)跨境交付 Cross border suppl品版权的公约) Berne Convention (服务贸易)商业存在 Commercial 种纤维协定》MFA( Multifibre pre Agreement) (服务贸易)自然人 natural person 《纺织品与服装协议》ATC( Agreement on (服务贸易)自然人流动 Presence of Textiles and Clothing) natural person 《服务贸易总协定》GAIS( General (解决争端)被诉方 Defendant Agreement on Trade in Services) (解决争端)调查结果 Findings 《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》 (解决争端)上诉 Appeal DSUCUnderstanding on Rules and (解决争端)申诉方 Complaint Procedures Governing the settlement of (利益的)丧失和减损 Nullification and Disputes 《京都议定书》 Kyoto Protocol (农产品)国内支持 Domestic support 《里斯本条约》(有关地理标识及其国际 (农产品)综合支持量AM( Aggregate注册) Lisbon Agreement Measurement of Support 《蒙特利尔议定书》有关保护大气臭氧层 (农产品国内支持)黄箱措施 Amber box的多边环境协定 Montreal protocol measures 《农产品协议》特殊保障SSG( Special (农产品国内支持)蓝箱措施 Safeguard) BOP(Balance-of-payments) Provisions 《农业协议》中关于反补贴的和平条款 (农产品国内支持)绿箱措施 reen BoxPeace clause 《生物多样性公约》 CBD(Convention on (农业)多功能性 Multifunctionality Biological Diversity) 欧盟)共同农业政策 Common 《信息技术协议》IT^A( Information (争端解决)专家组 Panel WTO最不发达国家高级别会议HLM (知识产权)地理标识 Geographica (WTO High-level Meeting for LDCs) 北美自由贸易区 NAFTA( North American 《巴黎公约》关于保护工业知识产权的公| Free Trade Area 约) Paris Convention 采取措施后 Ex post 《巴塞尔公约》(有关危险废弃物的多边采取措施前 Ex ante 环境协定) Basel Convention 产品生命周期分析LCA( Life Cycle

36 汉英口译分类词汇(07)--世贸组织词汇 (补贴协议)可诉补贴 Actionable subsidy (纺织品与服装、农产品)一体化进程 Integration process (服务贸易)境外消费 Consumption abroad (服务贸易)跨境交付 Cross border supply (服务贸易)商业存在 Commercial presence (服务贸易)自然人 natural person (服务贸易)自然人流动 Presence of natural person (解决争端)被诉方 Defendant (解决争端)调查结果 Findings (解决争端)上诉 Appeal (解决争端)申诉方 Complaint (利益的)丧失和减损 Nullification and impairment (农产品)国内支持 Domestic support (农产品)综合支持量 AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support) (农产品国内支持)黄箱措施 Amber Box measures (农产品国内支持)蓝箱措施 BOP(Balance-of-payments) Provisions (农产品国内支持)绿箱措施 Green Box measures (农业)多功能性 Multifunctionality (欧盟)共同农业政策 Common Agriculture Policy (争端解决)专家组 Panel (知识产权)地理标识 Geographical indications 《巴黎公约》(关于保护工业知识产权的公 约)Paris Convention 《巴塞尔公约》(有关危险废弃物的多边 环境协定)Basel Convention 《北美自由贸易协定》NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 《濒危物种国际贸易公约》Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 《伯尔尼公约》(有关保护文学和艺术作 品版权的公约)Berne Convention 《多种纤维协定》MFA (Multifibre Agreement) 《纺织品与服装协议》ATC (Agreement on Textiles and Clothing) 《服务贸易总协定》GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) 《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》 DSU(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes) 《京都议定书》 Kyoto Protocol 《里斯本条约》(有关地理标识及其国际 注册)Lisbon Agreement 《蒙特利尔议定书》(有关保护大气臭氧层 的多边环境协定)Montreal Protocol 《农产品协议》特殊保障 SSG (Special Safeguard) 《农业协议》中关于反补贴的和平条款 Peace clause 《生物多样性公约》CBD(Convention on Biological Diversity) 《信息技术协议》ITA (Information Technology Agreement) WTO 最不发达国家高级别会议 HLM (WTO High-level Meeting for LDCs) 北美自由贸易区 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 采取措施后 Ex post 采取措施前 Ex ante 产品生命周期分析 LCA (Life Cycle

Analysis) 国际贸易组织临时委员会 ICITO( Interim 出口补贴 Export subsidy Commission for the International Trade 出口实绩 Export performance 垂直兼并 vertical merger 国际清算 international settlement 当地含量 Local content 国际收支 balance of international 电子商务 Electronic Commerce payments/ balance of payment 东部和南部非洲共同市场 COMESA 国际收支条款BOP( Balance- of-payments Common Market for Eastern and Southern Provisions Africa) 国际兽疫组织 International office of 东盟自由贸易区 ASEAN Free Trade AreaEpizootics 动植物卫生检疫措施SPs( Sanitary and 国民待遇 National treatment Phytosanitary Standard 国内补贴 Domestic subsidy 反补贴税 Countervailing duty 国内生产 Domestic production 反倾销措施ant- dumping measures 海关估价 Customs valuation against 海关完税价值 Customs value 反向通知 Counter- notification 横向兼并 horizontal merger 非配额产品 quota-free products 环保型技术EST( Environmentally-sound 非生产性投资 Investment in technology) non-productive projects 灰色区域措施 Grey area measures 非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协货币留成制度 Currency retention scheme TE)ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific 货币贸易理事会 CTG( Council for Trade in Group Goods) 风险管理/评估 risk management 基础税率 Base tariff level assessment 既定日程 Built-in agenda 关贸总协定,世界贸易组织的前身GATT交叉报复 Cross retaliation ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)|进口差价税 Import variable duties 规避 Circumvention 进口附加税 Import surcharge 国际标准化组织ISO( International 进口环节税 import linkage tax Organization for Standardization 进口渗透 Import penetration 国际纺织品服装局ITCB( International 进口替代 Import substitution Textile and Clothing Bureau) 进口许可 Import licensing 国际货币基金组织IMF( International 进口押金 Import deposits Monetary Fund 经济合作与发展组织OECD( Organization 国际劳工组织IO( International Labor for Economic Cooperation and Organization Development) 国际贸易中心ITC( International trade 垃圾融资 junk financing 联合国环境署UNEP( United Nations 国际贸易组织ITO( International Trade Environment Program) Organization 联合国开发计划署UNDP( United Nations

37 Analysis) 出口补贴 Export subsidy 出口实绩 Export performance 垂直兼并 vertical merger 当地含量 Local content 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 东部和南部非洲共同市场 COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) 东盟自由贸易区 ASEAN Free Trade Area 动植物卫生检疫措施 SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard ) 反补贴税 Countervailing duty 反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures against… 反向通知 Counter-notification 非配额产品 quota-free products 非生产性投资 investment in non-productive projects 非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协 定)ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group) 风险管理/评估 risk management/ assessment 关贸总协定,世界贸易组织的前身 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 规避 Circumvention 国际标准化组织 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际纺织品服装局 ITCB (International Textile and Clothing Bureau) 国际货币基金组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际劳工组织 ILO (International Labor Organization) 国际贸易中心 ITC (International Trade Center) 国际贸易组织 ITO (International Trade Organization) 国际贸易组织临时委员会 ICITO (Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization) 国际清算 international settlement 国际收支 balance of international payments/ balance of payment 国际收支条款 BOP(Balance-of-payments) Provisions 国际兽疫组织 International Office of Epizootics 国民待遇 National treatment 国内补贴 Domestic subsidy 国内生产 Domestic production 海关估价 Customs valuation 海关完税价值 Customs value 横向兼并 horizontal merger 环保型技术 EST(Environmentally-sound technology) 灰色区域措施 Grey area measures 货币留成制度 Currency retention scheme 货币贸易理事会 CTG(Council for Trade in Goods) 基础税率 Base tariff level 既定日程 Built-in agenda 交叉报复 Cross retaliation 进口差价税 Import variable duties 进口附加税 Import surcharge 进口环节税 import linkage tax 进口渗透 Import penetration 进口替代 Import substitution 进口许可 Import licensing 进口押金 Import deposits 经济合作与发展组织 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 垃圾融资 junk financing 联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) 联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations

Developme 世界知识产权组织WPO( World 联合国粮农组织FAO( Food and Intellectual Property Organization) Agriculture Organization of the Unite 市场准人的行政管理措施AAMA (Administrative Aspects of Market Access) 联合国贸易与发展会议 UNCTAD(Untd市场准入 Market access Nations Conference on trade and 通知义务 Notification obligation Development) 同类产品 Like product 粮食安全 Food security 乌拉圭回合 Uruguay Round 慢性萧条 chronic depression 消费膨胀 inflated consumption 贸易和投资自由化和便利化TLF( (Trade协调制度(商品名称及编码协调制度)Hs and Investment liberalization and Harmonized Commodity and Coding Facilitation) System) 贸易与发展委员会 Committee on Trade 新议题 New issues and Development 许可费 License fee 贸易与环境委员会 Committee on trade有秩序的市场安排 Orderly market and Environment arrangements 模式 Modalities 约束水平 Bound level 南方共同市场(或称南锥体共同市场)争端解决机构 Dispute Settlement Body MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market) 政府采购 Government procurement 南亚区域合作联盟 SAARO( South asi 知识产权IPRs( Intellectual property rights)) Association for Regional cooperation 直接支付 Direct payment 欧洲自由贸易联盟EFIA( European Free诸边协议 Plurilateral agreement Trade Association 专门的营销机构 Market boards 配额调整条款 modulation of quota clause转基因生物 GMOs( Genetically Modified 瓶颈制约 'bottleneck restrictions 全球配额 global quota 祖父条款 grandfather clause 上诉机构 Appeal body 最不发达国家LDCs( Least- developed 申报制度 reporting system; Income countries) declaration system 最初谈判权(初谈权)INRs( Initial 生产补贴 Production subsidy 实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment最惠国待遇(现通常称正常贸易关系) MFN (most-favored-nation)treatment 实质损害 Material injury 最惠国贸易地位(待遇MFN 食品法典委员会 CAC(Codex (Most-favored-nation)(Treatment) Alimentaries Commission) 世界海关组织WCO( World Customs 世界贸易组织WTO( World trade Organization

38 Development Program) 联合国粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States) 联合国贸易与发展会议 UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 粮食安全 Food security 慢性萧条 chronic depression 贸易和投资自由化和便利化 TILF (Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation) 贸易与发展委员会 Committee on Trade and Development 贸易与环境委员会 Committee on Trade and Environment 模式 Modalities 南方共同市场(或称南锥体共同市场) MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market) 南亚区域合作联盟 SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional cooperation) 欧洲自由贸易联盟 EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 配额调整条款 modulation of quota clause 瓶颈制约 'bottleneck' restrictions 全球配额 global quota 上诉机构 Appeal body 申报制度 reporting system; income declaration system 生产补贴 Production subsidy 实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to 实质损害 Material injury 食品法典委员会 CAC(Codex Alimentaries Commission) 世界海关组织 WCO (World Customs Organization) 世界贸易组织 WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界知识产权组织 WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) 市场准人的行政管理措施 AAMA (Administrative Aspects of Market Access) 市场准入 Market access 通知义务 Notification obligation 同类产品 Like product 乌拉圭回合 Uruguay Round 消费膨胀 inflated consumption 协调制度(商品名称及编码协调制度)HS (Harmonized Commodity and Coding System) 新议题 New issues 许可费 License fee 有秩序的市场安排 Orderly market arrangements 约束水平 Bound level 争端解决机构 Dispute Settlement Body 政府采购 Government procurement 知识产权 IPRs (Intellectual property rights) 直接支付 Direct payment 诸边协议 Plurilateral agreement 专门的营销机构 Market boards 转基因生物 GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) 祖父条款 grandfather clause 最不发达国家 LDCs (Least-developed countries) 最初谈判权(初谈权) INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights) 最惠国待遇(现通常称'正常贸易关系') MFN(most-favored-nation) treatment 最惠国贸易地位(待遇)MFN (Most-favored-nation)(Treatment)

wTO术语英文解释 April 1994 GATT-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,binding, bound-see"tariff binding which has been superseded as an international electronic commerce- The production, GATT 1947-The old(pre-1994)version of the free-rider -A casual term used to infer that a GATT country which does not make any trade concessions GATT1994-The new version of the general Agreement, incorporated into the WTO, which concessions made by other countries in governs trade in good negotiations under the most-favoured-nation Members-WTO governments(first letter capitalized, in WTO style) Harmonized System-An international MFN-Most-favoured- nation treatment(GA nomenclature developed by the world Customs Article I, GATS Article II and TRIPS Article 4), the Organization, which is arranged in six digit codes principle of not discriminating between ones allowing all participating countries to classify trading partners. national treatment-The principle traded goods on a common basis. Beyond the six of giving others the same treatment as ones owr digit level, countries are free to introduce national nationals distinctions for tariffs and many other purposes GATT Article Ill requires that imports be treated no ITA-Information Technology Agreement, or less favourably than the same or similar formally the Ministerial-Declaration on Trade in domestically-produced goods once they have Information Technology Products, under which passed customs GATS Article XVII and TRIPS participants will remove tariffs on IT products by Article 3 also deal with national treatment for the year 2000 ervices and intellectual property protection. II-Negotiations aimed at expanding ITAs TPRB, TPRM--The Trade Policy Review Body is product coverage. General Council operating under special procedures nuisance tariff -Tariff so low that it costs the for meetings to review trade policies and practices government more to collect it than the revenue it of individual wto members under the trade schedule of concessions - List of bound tariff Policy Review Mechanism rates transparency-Degree to which trade policies and tariff binding-Commitment not to increase a rate practices, and the process by which they are of duty beyond an agreed level. Once a rate of duty established, are open and predictable is bound, it may not be raised without launched at Punta del Este, Uruguay in September 1986 and concluded in Geneva in December 1993 semi-processed products than on raw materials, and Signed by Ministers in Marrakesh, Morocco, in higher still on finished products. This practice

39 WTO 术语英文解释 General GATT — General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which has been superseded as an international organization by the WTO. An updated General Agreement is now one of the WTO’s agreements. GATT 1947 — The old (pre-1994) version of the GATT. GATT 1994 — The new version of the General Agreement, incorporated into the WTO, which governs trade in goods. Members — WTO governments (first letter capitalized, in WTO style). MFN — Most-favoured-nation treatment (GATT Article I, GATS Article II and TRIPS Article 4), the principle of not discriminating between one’s trading partners.national treatment —The principle of giving others the same treatment as one’s own nationals. GATT Article III requires that imports be treated no less favourably than the same or similar domestically-produced goods once they have passed customs. GATS Article XVII and TRIPS Article 3 also deal with national treatment for services and intellectual property protection. TPRB, TPRM —The Trade Policy Review Body is General Council operating under special procedures for meetings to review trade policies and practices of individual WTO members under the Trade Policy Review Mechanism. transparency — Degree to which trade policies and practices, and the process by which they are established, are open and predictable. Uruguay Round — Multilateral trade negotiations launched at Punta del Este, Uruguay in September 1986 and concluded in Geneva in December 1993. Signed by Ministers in Marrakesh, Morocco, in April 1994. Tariffs binding, bound — see “tariff binding” electronic commerce — The production, advertising, sale and distribution of products via telecommunications networks. free-rider — A casual term used to infer that a country which does not make any trade concessions, profits, nonetheless, from tariff cuts and concessions made by other countries in negotiations under the most-favoured-nation principle. Harmonized System —An international nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization, which is arranged in six digit codes allowing all participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis. Beyond the six digit level, countries are free to introduce national distinctions for tariffs and many other purposes. ITA — Information Technology Agreement, or formally the Ministerial-Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products, under which participants will remove tariffs on IT products by the year 2000. ITA II — Negotiations aimed at expanding ITA’s product coverage. nuisance tariff — Tariff so low that it costs the government more to collect it than the revenue it generates. schedule of concessions — List of bound tariff rates. tariff binding — Commitment not to increase a rate of duty beyond an agreed level. Once a rate of duty is bound, it may not be raised without compensating the affected parties. tariff escalation — Higher import duties on semi-processed products than on raw materials, and higher still on finished products. This practice

protects domestic processing industries and discourages the development of processing activity price undertaking- Undertaking by an exporter to in the countries where raw materials originate raise the export price of the product to avoid the tariff peaks- Relatively high tariffs, usually on possibility of an anti-dumping duty. sensitive products, amidst generally low tariff PSI- Preshipment inspection -the practice of levels. For industrialized countries tariffs of 15% ompanies to check and above are generally recognized as "tariff shipment details of goods ordered overseas-ie riffs-Customs duties on merchandise imports Quantitative restrictions- specific limits Levied either on an ad valorem basis(percentage of on the quantity or value of goods that can be value)or on a specific basis(e.g $7 per 100 kgs. ) imported(or exported)during a specific time Tariffs give price advantage to similar period. rules of origin-Laws, regulations and locally-produced goods and raise revenues for the dministrative procedures which determine a wCO-World Customs Organization, a customs authority on origin can determine whether multilateral body located in Brussels through which a shipment falls within a quota limitation,qualifies participating countries seek to simplify and for a tariff preference or is affected by an rationalize customs procedures anti-dumping duty. These rules can vary from country to country. Non-tariff measures safeguard measures- Action taken to protect a anti-dumping duties- Article VI of the GATT specific industry from an unexpected build-up of 994 permits the imposition of anti-dumping duties Imports- governed by Article XIX of the GAtT between their export price and their normal value, subsidy- There are two general types of subsidies if dumping causes injury to producers of competing export and domestic. Anexport subsidy is a benefit products in the importing country conferred on a firm by the government that is circumvention-Measures taken by exporters to contingent on exports. a domestic subsidy is a evade anti-dumping or countervailing duties benefit not directly linked to exports tariffication- Procedures relating to the importing country, usually in the form of increased agricultural market-access provision in which all duties to offset subsid o producers or non-tariff measures are converted into tariffs Removing obstacles to the dumping-Occurs when goods are exported at a movement of goods across borders(e.g price less than their normal value, generally simplification of customs procedures) meaning they are exported for less than they are VRA, VER, OMA-Voluntary restraint sold in the domestic market or third-country arrangement, voluntary export restraint, orderly markets, or at less than production cost. marketing arrangement. Bilateral arrangements NTMs- Non-tariff measures such as quotas, mport licensing systems, sanitary regulations industry)agrees to reduce or restrict expor

40 protects domestic processing industries and discourages the development of processing activity in the countries where raw materials originate. tariff peaks — Relatively high tariffs, usually on “sensitive” products, amidst generally low tariff levels. For industrialized countries, tariffs of 15% and above are generally recognized as “tariff peaks”. tariffs — Customs duties on merchandise imports. Levied either on an ad valorem basis (percentage of value) or on a specific basis (e.g. $7 per 100 kgs.). Tariffs give price advantage to similar locally-produced goods and raise revenues for the government. WCO — World Customs Organization, a multilateral body located in Brussels through which participating countries seek to simplify and rationalize customs procedures. Non-tariff measures anti-dumping duties — Article VI of the GATT 1994 permits the imposition of anti-dumping duties against dumped goods, equal to the difference between their export price and their normal value, if dumping causes injury to producers of competing products in the importing country. circumvention — Measures taken by exporters to evade anti-dumping or countervailing duties. countervailing measures — Action taken by the importing country, usually in the form of increased duties to offset subsidies given to producers or exporters in the exporting country. dumping — Occurs when goods are exported at a price less than their normal value, generally meaning they are exported for less than they are sold in the domestic market or third-country markets, or at less than production cost. NTMs — Non-tariff measures such as quotas, import licensing systems, sanitary regulations, prohibitions, etc. price undertaking — Undertaking by an exporter to raise the export price of the product to avoid the possibility of an anti-dumping duty. PSI — Preshipment inspection — the practice of employing specialized private companies to check shipment details of goods ordered overseas — i.e. price, quantity, quality, etc. QRs — Quantitative restrictions — specific limits on the quantity or value of goods that can be imported (or exported) during a specific time period. rules of origin — Laws, regulations and administrative procedures which determine a product’s country of origin. A decision by a customs authority on origin can determine whether a shipment falls within a quota limitation, qualifies for a tariff preference or is affected by an anti-dumping duty. These rules can vary from country to country. safeguard measures — Action taken to protect a specific industry from an unexpected build-up of imports — governed by Article XIX of the GATT 1994. subsidy — There are two general types of subsidies: export and domestic. An export subsidy is a benefit conferred on a firm by the government that is contingent on exports. A domestic subsidy is a benefit not directly linked to exports. tariffication — Procedures relating to the agricultural market-access provision in which all non-tariff measures are converted into tariffs. trade facilitation — Removing obstacles to the movement of goods across borders (e.g. simplification of customs procedures). VRA, VER, OMA — Voluntary restraint arrangement, voluntary export restraint, orderly marketing arrangement. Bilateral arrangements whereby an exporting country (government or industry) agrees to reduce or restrict exports

ithout the importing country having to make use exporting countries if the importing country can of quotas, tariffs or other import controls show that both overall imports of a product and imports from the individual countries are entering Textiles and clothing the country in such increased quantities as to ATC -The WTO Agreement on Textiles and cause -or threaten -serious damage to the Clothing which integrates trade in this sector back to gatt rules within a ten-year period Agriculture/SPS carry forward-When an exporting country uses Agenda 2000 reform plans for part of the following year's quota during the current 2000-06 aimed at strengthening the union with a view to receiving new members. Includes reform of carry over- When an exporting country utilizes the CAP(see below) the previous year's unutilized quota. border protection which acts to circumvention-Avoiding quotas and other restrain imports at point of entry. restrictions by altering the country of origin of a BSE- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or “ mad cow disease CTG- Council for trade in goods -oversees box-Category of domestic support.- Green box WTO agreements on goods, including the atC supports considered not to distort trade and integration programme-The phasing out of MFA restrictions in four stages starting on 1 January permitted supports linked to production, but subject to production limits and therefore minimally 1995 and ending on 1 January 2005. trade-distorting. -Amber box: supports ITCB- International Textiles and Clothing considered to distort trade and therefore subject to Bureau-Geneva-based group of some 20 reduction commitments developing country exporters of textiles and Caims Group-Group of agricultural exporting clothing nations lobby ing for agr icul tural trade liberal ization MFA- Multifibre Arrangement(1974-94)under It was formed in 1986 in Cairns, Australia just which countries whose markets are disrupted by before the beginning of the Uruguay Round increased imports of textiles and clothing from Current membership: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, another country were able to negotiate quota Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, malaysia, New Zealand swing-When an exporting country transfers part Paraguay, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and of a quota from one product to another restrained Uruguay CAP-Common Agricultural Policy -The EU TMB-The Textiles Monitoring Body, consisting comprehensive system of production targets and of a chairman plus ten members acting in a marketing mechanisms designed personal capacity, oversees the implementation of agricultural trade within the EU and AtC commitme transitional s d mechanism Codex Alimentarius- FAO/HO commission members to impose restrictions against individual hat deals with international standards on food

41 without the importing country having to make use of quotas, tariffs or other import controls. Textiles and clothing ATC —The WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing which integrates trade in this sector back to GATT rules within a ten-year period. carry forward — When an exporting country uses part of the following year’s quota during the current year. carry over — When an exporting country utilizes the previous year’s unutilized quota. circumvention — Avoiding quotas and other restrictions by altering the country of origin of a product. CTG — Council for Trade in Goods — oversees WTO agreements on goods, including the ATC. integration programme — The phasing out of MFA restrictions in four stages starting on 1 January 1995 and ending on 1 January 2005. ITCB — International Textiles and Clothing Bureau — Geneva-based group of some 20 developing country exporters of textiles and clothing. MFA — Multifibre Arrangement (1974-94) under which countries whose markets are disrupted by increased imports of textiles and clothing from another country were able to negotiate quota restrictions. swing — When an exporting country transfers part of a quota from one product to another restrained product. TMB — The Textiles Monitoring Body, consisting of a chairman plus ten members acting in a personal capacity, oversees the implementation of ATC commitments. transitional safeguard mechanism — Allows members to impose restrictions against individual exporting countries if the importing country can show that both overall imports of a product and imports from the individual countries are entering the country in such increased quantities as to cause — or threaten — serious damage to the relevant domestic industry. Agriculture/SPS Agenda 2000 — EC’s financial reform plans for 2000–06 aimed at strengthening the union with a view to receiving new members. Includes reform of the CAP (see below). border protection — Any measure which acts to restrain imports at point of entry. BSE — Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or “mad cow disease”. box — Category of domestic support. — Green box: supports considered not to distort trade and therefore permitted with no limits. — Blue box: permitted supports linked to production, but subject to production limits and therefore minimally trade-distorting. —Amber box: supports considered to distort trade and therefore subject to reduction commitments. Cairns Group — Group of agricultural exporting nations lobbying for agricultural trade liberalization. It was formed in 1986 in Cairns, Australia just before the beginning of the Uruguay Round. Current membership: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Uruguay. CAP — Common Agricultural Policy — The EU’s comprehensive system of production targets and marketing mechanisms designed to manage agricultural trade within the EU and with the rest of the world. Codex Alimentarius — FAO/WHO commission that deals with international standards on food

safety challenged under other WTO agreements, in distortion-When prices and production are particular the Subsidies Agreement and gatt. higher or lower than levels that would usually exist Expires at the end of 2003 a competitive market. reform process/program -The Uruguay Round deficiency payment- Paid by governments to Agriculture Agreement starts a reform process. It producers of certain commodities and based on the ets out a first step, in the process, i.e. a program difference between a target price and the domesti for reducing subsidies and protection and other market price or loan rate, whichever is the less reforms. Current negotiations launched under EEP- Export enhancement programme Article 20 are for continuing the reform process programme of US export subsidies given generally SPS regulations-Sanitary and Phytosanitary to compete with subsidized agricultural expor regulations- government standards to protect from the eu on certain export markets human, animal and plant life and health, to hel food security -Concept which discourages ensure that food is safe for consumptio opening the domestic market to foreign agricultural variable levy -Customs duty rate which varies in products on the principle that a country must be as response to domestic price criterion. self-sufficient as possible for its basic dietary property pport- Encompasses any measure Berne Convention- Treaty, administered by which acts to maintain producer prices at levels WIPO, for the protection of the rights of authors above those prevailing in intemational trade; direct their literary and artistic works payments to producers, including deficiency CBD-Convention on Biological Diversity. payments, and input and marketing cost reduction compulsory licensing-For patents: when the measures available only for agricultural production International Office of Epizootics- Deals with than the patent owner to use the rights of the pate international standards concerning animal health make, use, sell or import a product under multifunctionality -Idea that agriculture has patent(i.e a patented product or a product made by many functions in addition to producing food and a patented process)-without the permission of ndsca Allowed under the TrIPs preservation,rural employment, etc. See non-trade Agreement provided certain procedures and conditior non-trade concerns- Similar to multifunctionality counterfeit-Unauthorized representation of a The preamble of the Agriculture Agreement registered trademark carried on goods identical or ifies food security and environmental similar to goods for which the trademark protection as examples. Also cited by members are registered, with a view to deceiving the purchaser rural development and employment, and poverty into believing that he/she is buying the original alleviation peace clause- Provision in Article 13 of the exhaustion- The principle that once a product has Agriculture Agreement says agricultural subsidies been sold on a market, the intellectual property committed under the agreement cannot be owner no longer has any rights over it. (A debate

42 safety. distortion — When prices and production are higher or lower than levels that would usually exist in a competitive market. deficiency payment — Paid by governments to producers of certain commodities and based on the difference between a target price and the domestic market price or loan rate, whichever is the less. EEP — Export enhancement programme — programme of US export subsidies given generally to compete with subsidized agricultural exports from the EU on certain export markets. food security — Concept which discourages opening the domestic market to foreign agricultural products on the principle that a country must be as self-sufficient as possible for its basic dietary needs. internal support — Encompasses any measure which acts to maintain producer prices at levels above those prevailing in international trade; direct payments to producers, including deficiency payments, and input and marketing cost reduction measures available only for agricultural production. International Office of Epizootics — Deals with international standards concerning animal health. multifunctionality — Idea that agriculture has many functions in addition to producing food and fibre, e.g. environmental protection, landscape preservation, rural employment, etc. See non-trade concerns. non-trade concerns — Similar to multifunctionality. The preamble of the Agriculture Agreement specifies food security and environmental protection as examples. Also cited by members are rural development and employment, and poverty alleviation. peace clause — Provision in Article 13 of the Agriculture Agreement says agricultural subsidies committed under the agreement cannot be challenged under other WTO agreements, in particular the Subsidies Agreement and GATT. Expires at the end of 2003. reform process/program — The Uruguay Round Agriculture Agreement starts a reform process. It sets out a first step, in the process, i.e. a program for reducing subsidies and protection and other reforms. Current negotiations launched under Article 20 are for continuing the reform process. SPS regulations — Sanitary and Phytosanitary regulations — government standards to protect human, animal and plant life and health, to help ensure that food is safe for consumption. variable levy — Customs duty rate which varies in response to domestic price criterion. Intellectual property Berne Convention — Treaty, administered by WIPO, for the protection of the rights of authors in their literary and artistic works. CBD — Convention on Biological Diversity. compulsory licensing — For patents: when the authorities license companies or individuals other than the patent owner to use the rights of the patent — to make, use, sell or import a product under patent (i.e. a patented product or a product made by a patented process) — without the permission of the patent owner. Allowed under the TRIPS Agreement provided certain procedures and conditions are fulfilled. See also government use. counterfeit — Unauthorized representation of a registered trademark carried on goods identical or similar to goods for which the trademark is registered, with a view to deceiving the purchaser into believing that he/she is buying the original goods. exhaustion — The principle that once a product has been sold on a market, the intellectual property owner no longer has any rights over it. (A debate

among WTO member govemments is whether this says they must also put in place a system for applies to products put on the market under granting "exclusive marketing rights'"for the compulsory licences )Countries' laws vary as to products whose patent applications have been whether the right continues to be exhausted if the fled. product is imported from one market into another, parallel imports-When a product made legally protected product. See also parallel imports permission of the intellectual property right-holder geographical indications-Place names(or words(e.g. the trademark or patent owner). Some associated with a place) used to identify products countries allow this. others do not Roquefort) which have a particular quality for the protection of industrial intellectual property ther characteristic because they i.e. patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc come from that place piracy- Unauthorized copy ing of materials protected by intellectual property rights(such as to use the rights over a patented product or process, indications, etc)for commercial purposes and for government purposes, without the permission of unauthorized commercial dealing in copied the patent owner. See also compulsory licensing. materials intellectual property rights-Ownership of ideas, Rome Convention -Treaty, administered by including literary and artistic works(protected by WIPO, UNESCO and Io, for the protection of the copyright), inventions(protected by patents), signs works of performers, broadcasting organizations by trademarks) and other elements of industrial TRIPS-Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual IPRs-Intellectual property rights UPOV-International Union for the protection of Lisbon Agreement -Treaty, administered by New varieties of plants wIPO, for the protection of geographical Washington Treaty Treaty for the protection of indications and their international registration intellectual property in respect of lay-out designs of Madrid Agreement- Treaty, administered by integrated circuits wIPO, for the repression of false or deceptive WIPO-World Intellectual Property Organization. indications of source mailbox-Refers to the requirement of the TRIPSInvestment Agreement applying to WTO members which de export-performance measure-Requirement that a not yet provide product patent protection for certain quantity of production must be exported pharmaceuticals and for agricultural chemicals FDI- Foreign direct investmen Since 1 January 1995, when the WTO agreements local-content measure Requirement that the entered into force. these countries have to establish investor purchase a certain amount of local a means by which applications of patents for these materials for incorporation in the investor's products can be filed.(An additional requirement 43

43 among WTO member governments is whether this applies to products put on the market under compulsory licences.) Countries’ laws vary as to whether the right continues to be exhausted if the product is imported from one market into another, which affects the owner’s rights over trade in the protected product. See also parallel imports. geographical indications — Place names (or words associated with a place) used to identify products (for example, “Champagne”, “Tequila” or “Roquefort”) which have a particular quality, reputation or other characteristic because they come from that place government use — For patents: when the government itself uses or authorizes other persons to use the rights over a patented product or process, for government purposes, without the permission of the patent owner. See also compulsory licensing. intellectual property rights — Ownership of ideas, including literary and artistic works (protected by copyright), inventions (protected by patents), signs for distinguishing goods of an enterprise (protected by trademarks) and other elements of industrial property. IPRs — Intellectual property rights. Lisbon Agreement — Treaty, administered by WIPO, for the protection of geographical indications and their international registration. Madrid Agreement — Treaty, administered by WIPO, for the repression of false or deceptive indications of source on goods. mailbox — Refers to the requirement of the TRIPS Agreement applying to WTO members which do not yet provide product patent protection for pharmaceuticals and for agricultural chemicals. Since 1 January 1995, when the WTO agreements entered into force, these countries have to establish a means by which applications of patents for these products can be filed. (An additional requirement says they must also put in place a system for granting “exclusive marketing rights” for the products whose patent applications have been filed.) parallel imports — When a product made legally (i.e. not pirated) abroad is imported without the permission of the intellectual property right-holder (e.g. the trademark or patent owner). Some countries allow this, others do not. Paris Convention — Treaty, administered by WIPO, for the protection of industrial intellectual property, i.e. patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. piracy — Unauthorized copying of materials protected by intellectual property rights (such as copyright, trademarks, patents, geographical indications, etc) for commercial purposes and unauthorized commercial dealing in copied materials. Rome Convention — Treaty, administered by WIPO, UNESCO and ILO, for the protection of the works of performers, broadcasting organizations and producers of phonograms. TRIPS —Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. UPOV —International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Washington Treaty — Treaty for the protection of intellectual property in respect of lay-out designs of integrated circuits. WIPO — World Intellectual Property Organization. Investment export-performance measure — Requirement that a certain quantity of production must be exported. FDI — Foreign direct investment. local-content measure — Requirement that the investor purchase a certain amount of local materials for incorporation in the investor’s product

in Services Investor export to certain countries or region general obligations -Obligations which should be Requirement that the applied to all services sector at the entry into force investor use earnings from exports to pay fo of the agreement. Imports Initial commitments- Trade liberalizing TRIMS-Trade-related investment measures members are modes of delivery -How international trade in Appellate Body -An independent seven-pers services is supplied and consumed. Mode 1 body that, upon request by one or more parties to border supply; mode 2: consumption abroad; mode the dispute, reviews findings in panel reports 3: foreign commercial presence; and mode 4: automaticity-The“ automatIc” chronological movement of natural persons progression for settling trade disputes in regard to multi-modal- Transportation using more than one ode. In the gaTS negotiations, essentially door-to-door services that include international DSB- Dispute Settlement Body- when the shipping WTO General Council meets to settle trade national schedules- The equivalent of tariff schedules in GAtT, laying down the cor DSU-The U Round Understanding on accepted- voluntarily or through negotiation Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of by WTO members D natural persons-People, as distinct from juridical country's benefits and expectations from its WTO offer-A country's proposal for further membership through another countrys change liberal ization its trade reg failure to carry out its WTO ocols -Additional agreements attached to the GATS. The Second protocol deals with the 1995 obligations nancial services. The Third anel- Consisting of three experts, this Protocol deals with movement of natural persons independent body is established by the dsb to prudence, prudential -In financial services, terms examine and issue recommendations on a particular used to describe an objective of market regulation dispute in the light of WTO provisions by authorities to protect investors and depositors, to schedule -"Schedule of Specific Commitments accounting rate-In telecoms, the charge made by A WTO members list of commitments one country's telephone network operator for calls regarding market access and bindings regarding specific commitments- See"schedule or subsidiary in a foreign country GATS-The WTO's General Agreement on Trade Regionalism/trade and development

44 product-mandating — Requirement that the investor export to certain countries or region. trade-balancing measure — Requirement that the investor use earnings from exports to pay for imports. TRIMS — Trade-related investment measures. Dispute settlement Appellate Body — An independent seven-person body that, upon request by one or more parties to the dispute, reviews findings in panel reports. automaticity — The “automatic” chronological progression for settling trade disputes in regard to panel establishment, terms of reference, composition and adoption procedures. DSB — Dispute Settlement Body — when the WTO General Council meets to settle trade disputes. DSU — The Uruguay Round Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes. nullification and impairment — Damage to a country’s benefits and expectations from its WTO membership through another country’s change in its trade regime or failure to carry out its WTO obligations. panel — Consisting of three experts, this independent body is established by the DSB to examine and issue recommendations on a particular dispute in the light of WTO provisions. Services accounting rate — In telecoms, the charge made by one country’s telephone network operator for calls originating in another country. commercial presence — Having an office, branch, or subsidiary in a foreign country. GATS — The WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services. general obligations — Obligations which should be applied to all services sector at the entry into force of the agreement. Initial commitments — Trade liberalizing commitments in services which members are prepared to make early on. modes of delivery — How international trade in services is supplied and consumed. Mode 1: cross border supply; mode 2: consumption abroad; mode 3: foreign commercial presence; and mode 4: movement of natural persons. multi-modal — Transportation using more than one mode. In the GATS negotiations, essentially door-to-door services that include international shipping. national schedules — The equivalent of tariff schedules in GATT, laying down the commitments accepted — voluntarily or through negotiation — by WTO members. natural persons — People, as distinct from juridical persons such as companies and organizations. offer — A country’s proposal for further liberalization. protocols — Additional agreements attached to the GATS. The Second Protocol deals with the 1995 commitments on financial services. The Third Protocol deals with movement of natural persons. prudence, prudential — In financial services, terms used to describe an objective of market regulation by authorities to protect investors and depositors, to avoid instability or crises. schedule — “Schedule of Specific Commitments” — A WTO member’s list of commitments regarding market access and bindings regarding national treatment. specific commitments — See “schedule”. Regionalism/trade and development

ACP-African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. preferential tariffs to imports from developing Group of 71 countries with preferential tradin countries elation with the eu under the former Lom? Treaty HLM-WTO High-Level Meeting for LDCs, held now called the Cotonou Agreement. in October 1997 in Geneva Andean Community -Bolivia, Colombia, ITC-The International Trade Centre, originally Ecuador. Peru and venezuela. established by the old GATT and is now operated APEC-Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation jointly by the wTo and the un, the latter acting through UNCTAD Focal point for technical cooperation on trade promotion of developing The seven AsEAN members of the WTo- Brunei,countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, LDCs-Least-developed countries Singapore and Thailand-often speak in the WTo MERCOSUR-Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and as one group on general issues. The other AsEAN members are Laos and vietnam NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement Caricom-The Caribbean Community and of Canada, Mexico and the us. comprises 15 countri Quad--Canada, EC, Japan and the United States CTD-The Wto Committee on Trade and SACU- Southern african Customs unio comprising Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Customs union- Members apply a common Africa and swaziland external tariff(e. g. the eC) S&D-"Special and differential treatment EC-European Communities(official name of the provisions for developing countries. Contained in European Union in the WTO) several WTO agreements EFTA- European Free Trade Association. UNCITRAL-United Nations Centre for free trade area-Trade within the group is duty nternational Trade Law. drafts model laws such free but members set own tariffs on imports from non-members(e.g. NAFTA). UNCTAD- The un Conference on Trade and G15- Group of 15 developing countries acting as Development the main political organ for the Non-Aligned Movement Trade and environment G77-Group of developing countries set up in Agenda 21- The Agenda for the 2lst Century 964 at the end of the first UNCTAD(originally 77, a declaration from the 1992 Earth Summit(UN but now more than 130 countries ). Conference on the Environment and Development) G7-Group of seven leading industrial countries held in rio de janeiro Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Article XX- GATT Article listing allowed GRULAC-Informal group of Latin-American Basel Convention -An MEA dealing with members of the wto GSP--Generalized System of Preferences BTA- programmes by developed countries granting CITES -Convention on International Trade in

45 ACP —African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Group of 71 countries with preferential trading relation with the EU under the former Lom? Treaty now called the Cotonou Agreement. Andean Community — Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. APEC — Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. ASEAN — Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The seven ASEAN members of the WTO — Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand — often speak in the WTO as one group on general issues. The other ASEAN members are Laos and Vietnam. Caricom — The Caribbean Community and Common Market comprises 15 countries. CTD — The WTO Committee on Trade and Development Customs union — Members apply a common external tariff (e.g. the EC). EC — European Communities (official name of the European Union in the WTO). EFTA — European Free Trade Association. free trade area —Trade within the group is duty free but members set own tariffs on imports from non-members (e.g. NAFTA). G15 — Group of 15 developing countries acting as the main political organ for the Non-Aligned Movement. G77 — Group of developing countries set up in 1964 at the end of the first UNCTAD (originally 77, but now more than 130 countries). G7 — Group of seven leading industrial countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States. GRULAC — Informal group of Latin-American members of the WTO. GSP — Generalized System of Preferences — programmes by developed countries granting preferential tariffs to imports from developing countries. HLM —WTO High-Level Meeting for LDCs, held in October 1997 in Geneva. ITC — The International Trade Centre, originally established by the old GATT and is now operated jointly by the WTO and the UN, the latter acting through UNCTAD. Focal point for technical cooperation on trade promotion of developing countries. LDCs — Least-developed countries. MERCOSUR — Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. NAFTA — North American Free Trade Agreement of Canada, Mexico and the US. Quad — Canada, EC, Japan and the United States. SACU — Southern African Customs Union comprising Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. S&D — “Special and differential treatment” provisions for developing countries. Contained in several WTO agreements. UNCITRAL — United Nations Centre for International Trade Law, drafts model laws such as the one on government procurement. UNCTAD — The UN Conference on Trade and Development. Trade and environment Agenda 21 — The Agenda for the 21st Century — a declaration from the 1992 Earth Summit (UN Conference on the Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro. Article XX — GATT Article listing allowed “exceptions” to the trade rules. Basel Convention — An MEA dealing with hazardous waste. BTA — Border tax adjustment CITES — Convention on International Trade in



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