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第31章肠道病毒 吕 nteroyruses Feng-Min Zhang Microbiol Departman, Harbin Medical University DHfffenep

Enteroviruses Feng-Min Zhang Microbiol Departman, Harbin Medical University 第31章 肠道病毒

问题 ■肠道病毒有哪些?是不是肠道感染的所有病毒 都称为肠道病毒? ■简要说明肠道病毒的特性 ■脊髓灰质炎病毒的传播途径、致病机制是什么 ?如何预防脊灰? ■B组柯萨奇病毒的致病有何特点? ECHO病毒、轮状病毒、杯状病毒、小圆结构病 毒分别与哪些疾病有关?

问题 ◼ 肠道病毒有哪些?是不是肠道感染的所有病毒 都称为肠道病毒? ◼ 简要说明肠道病毒的特性 ◼ 脊髓灰质炎病毒的传播途径、致病机制是什么 ?如何预防脊灰? ◼ B组柯萨奇病毒的致病有何特点? ◼ ECHO病毒、轮状病毒、杯状病毒、小圆结构病 毒分别与哪些疾病有关?

Groups and Serotypes Picornaviridae(小RNA病毒科) a At least 71 serotypes, divided into 4 subgroups ◆ Polioviruses(脊髓灰质炎病毒) ◆ oxsackie viruses(柯萨奇病毒) ◆ Echoviruses(埃可病毒) ◆ New enteroviruses(新肠道病毒) . more recently, new enteroviruses subtype have been allocated sequential numbers(68-71)

Groups and Serotypes ◼ Picornaviridae(小RNA病毒科) ◼ At least 71 serotypes, divided into 4 subgroups ◆Polioviruses (脊髓灰质炎病毒) ◆Coxsackie viruses(柯萨奇病毒) ◆Echoviruses(埃可病毒) ◆New enteroviruses(新肠道病毒) ❖ more recently, new enteroviruses subtype have been allocated sequential numbers (68-71))

Enteroviruses Serotypes Virus(es) ecotype Poliovirus 1,2,3 Coxsackievirus group A..... A1l-A22, A24 Coxsackievirus group B..... B1-B6 Echovirus..1-7,9,11-21,2427,29-33 Other enteroviruses....,. 68-71

Enteroviruses Serotypes

Morphology 27nm, icosahedral symmetry, no envelope

Morphology 27nm, icosahedral symmetry, no envelope

Enterovirus structure VIvi VP1 VP2 VP1 VP3 /VPl VP3 VP2 VP2 VP3 VP2 VP3/VP1 VPI P3 IT &VP3\ VP2 / Bvp VP2 VP2/VP2 VP3 VP3 VP1 VP2 VP3 VPN Surface cleft -attachment to cellular receptors Immunoglobulin superfamily, integrins, ICAM-1

Surface cleft – attachment to cellular receptors: Immunoglobulin superfamily, integrins, ICAM-1 Enterovirus structure

Structure Region Requlatory Region 5'UTR VP2 VP3 VP1 2A 2C 3A 3C 3D VP4 2B 3B 3'UTR

A:10-34 E B:40-81 C:104-180 D:188-208 E:209-481 F:484514 G:519-560 K H:581-624 150 :625-641 J:646-659 250 The IREs K:688-741 B 450 A ]500 A本A本木 5 UUCAUUUUAUUCCI AUG 100200 ●··0。 650 TGGAA AAUGUGAAA5 1837 1823 3 end of human 18S rRNA (1823-1837) FIG. 1. Diagram of RNA secondary structure in the 5'UTR of CVB3(Yang et al., 1997) and the predicted base-pairing model between the yrimidine-lich w act sequence of the viral 5'UTR and the 3 terminal sequence of human 18S rRNA. The ranges of the numbers indicate the ucleotides of respective stem-loop structures, which are labeled A through K. The IRES. authentic initiation codon AUG, and conserved polypyrimidine/AUG tract are marked. The RNA secondary structure of human 18S rRNA 3-end encompassing nucleotide 1823-1837 is based on the published model (Cnan et a/, 1984). Dots between two sequences denote base pairing. The arrows show nucleotides that were changed OCVB3/P565 RNA

肠道病毒的特点 ■小球形病毒(~30nm),无包膜 ■核酸为+ SSRNA,有感染性 ■衣壳有P1—VP4四种蛋白,VP1VP3分布在表 面,VP4与内部RNA结合 ■耐酸耐乙醚,但鼻病毒除外 ■在胞浆增殖,有明显CPE,破胞释放 引起多种疾病:麻痹性疾病、无菌性脑膜炎 心肌损伤、腹泻、皮疹等

肠道病毒的特点 ◼ 小球形病毒(~ 30 nm),无包膜 ◼ 核酸为+ssRNA,有感染性 ◼ 衣壳有VP1—VP4四种蛋白,VP1—VP3分布在表 面,VP4与内部RNA结合 ◼ 耐酸耐乙醚,但鼻病毒除外 ◼ 在胞浆增殖,有明显CPE,破胞释放 ◼ 引起多种疾病:麻痹性疾病、无菌性脑膜炎、 心肌损伤、腹泻、皮疹等

Poliovirus-脊髓灰质炎病毒 Poliovirus was first identified in 1909 by inoculation of specimens into monkeys The virus was first grown in cell culture in 1949 which became the basis for vaccines

Poliovirus-脊髓灰质炎病毒 Poliovirus was first identified in 1909 by inoculation of specimens into monkeys. The virus was first grown in cell culture in 1949 which became the basis for vaccines

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