高中新课标教材 人教版-英语(1) Unit 5 Nelson mandela ■■ a modern hero
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela ---- a modern hero
Who are they? Neil Armstrong Marie curie William Tyndale Norman Bethune Sun Yat-sen Gandhi Nelson mandela Abraham Lincoln
Who are they? Abraham Lincoln Marie curie William Tyndale Norman Bethune Sun Yat-sen Neil Armstrong Gandhi Nelson Mandela
Discussion How can we tell if an important person is a great person?
• Discussion: How can we tell if an important person is a great person?
RO ealing Ss read and make a timeline of Elias life until he met Nelson mandela 1940 He was born 1942 He was a two years old baby 1944 He was four years old 1946He began school. 1948 He left school. 1950 Nelson Mandela opened his law firm 1952 He was 12 and met Mandela 1954 He was fourteen and encouraged by Mandela
Reading Ss read and make a timeline of Elias’ life until he met Nelson Mandela. 1940___________________________ 1942 ___________________________ 1944 ___________________________ 1946 ___________________________ 1948 ___________________________ 1950 ___________________________ 1952 ___________________________ 1954 ________________________ He was born He was a two years old baby. He was four years old. He began school. He left school. Nelson Mandela opened his law firm. He was 12 and met Mandela. He was fourteen and encouraged by Mandela
Read these statements and tell whether they are true or false and why 1. Elias met nelson mandela at school F 2. Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer T 3. Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy. 4. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job. T t 5. Elias was happy blowing up government buildings. F 6. Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa 7. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. F 8. The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the anc F
• Read these statements and tell whether they are true or false and why. 1. Elias met Nelson Mandela at school. 2. Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. 3. Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy. 4. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job. 5. Elias was happy blowing up government buildings. 6. Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa. 7. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. 8. The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC. T F F T F F F F
Ss read the whole passage and see how many parts the text can be divided into, and give the general idea of each part Part I paragraph 1-2 The life of elias before he met Nelson Mandela Part II paragraph 3-5 The change of Elias life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did
• Ss read the whole passage and see how many parts the text can be divided into, and give the general idea of each part. Part I paragraph 1-2 The life of Elias’ before he met Nelson Mandela. Part II paragraph 3-5 The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did
Discussion 1. How the ANC Youth League fights the Government? 2 What can we learn from the text about Nelson mandela? 产
Discussion: 1. How the ANC Youth League fights the Government? 2. What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?
1今增组自的 谢谢各位 THANKS
O n t he fi th day, Wen Chung came t o Feng Li's mansion and saw a very wor ied chamber lain. He asked " I haven't seen Minister Fengfor a few days now. The King is wor ried and or der ed t o me to visit . Did Minister Feng come down sick?" The cham berlain said " Minister Feng is healt hy, but . but. ." " But ?" " M inist er Wen is the best f riend of Mist er Feng. You can say t hings to him that are not appr opr iate for us t o say. Why don't you tr y to talk some sense int o him ?" Wen Chung was baf led "Sense? What 's wrong with M inister Feng?" "M inist er Feng fel love wit h that li t le shepherdes. Every m or nig he leaves wit h her and don't r et ur n unt il af ter sundown. Hewon't permit any guards folowing him. He wil not be bot her ed even when I have urgent afair s." Wen Chung laughed and thought " When Br ot her Feng was living in t he kingdom of Chuh, everyone caled him Feng t he Cr azy. He never does things like other people." At t hat tim e, Feng Li was sit ing on a m ountain side gr assland130 and teling Ah Ching the story of t he godes Hsiang Fei. Ah Ching was sit ting close by his side and list ened to him intent , her lar ge br ight eyese never lef t his f ace. Sudenly she said "Hsiang Fei is r ealy that beautif ul?" Feng Li said " Her eyes are clearer and brighter than t he water in this m ountain stream. ." Ah Ching said " Does she have f ish in her eyes?" Feng Li cont inued " Her skin is like t he clouds, but fair er ." Ah Ching said " Ar e there bir ds f lying in those clouds?" Feng Li cont inued obliviously131 " Her lips ar e sof ter t han the pet al132 of t his flower and redder . Her lips are moist, even moret han the dews on this petal. When Hsiang Fei stands next to the river , t he beauty of her reflection made al t he r iverside flowers wilt 133 in shame. Even fish dar e not swim in wat er for fear of rumpling134 her r ef lect ion. When her white hand is dipped into the river , it was so soft that i could alm ost melt into the water. ." Ah Ching said " You saw her , didn't you. How else can you descr ibe her so clearly?" Feng Li said " I saw her . I saw her ver y, ver y clear ly." O f course, he was r efer ing to Si Shi, not the goddess Hsiang Fei. He looked at he north. His eyes looked beyond a wide, roaring r iver . I s the beaut y in the r oyal palace of Wu. I s she wit h King Fu Chai? Is she thinking about me? Ah Ching said " Feng Li! Your bear d is str ange, can I touch it ?" Feng Li t hought "I s she weeping, or laughing?" Ah Ching said " Feng Li, you have two str ands136 of white bear d, just like my goats." Feng Li t hought "When we're separ at ed, she wept on my shoulder . Her tear soaked half of my r obe. I never washed t hat robe. Mytears were m ingled137 wit h her s on t hat robe. " Ah Ching said " Feng Li. Can I pul out one of your beard? I wil pul gently. You won't feel a t hing." Feng Li t hought "She said she loved r iding in a boat and float with t he cur ents. Af ter I t ake her back, I wil not be a cour t minist er anymor e. I wil ride a boat wit h her , f loat ing in river s and lakes, for t he r est of my lif e." Suddenly, he f elt a shar p pain on his chin. Ah Ching puled out a str and135 of his beard. She laughed pr et tily138. Sudenly the laugh was cut of f and she said "You'r e her e again!" A gr een shadow f lashed as Ah Ching shot f or ward. A gr en blur139 and a white blur was m oving quickly around each other. Feng Li cr ied gladly " Grandpa Whit e's here!" I t's a while before t he t wo combatant s slowed down enough for him to get a good look. Then he got a great surprise. The one fighting Ah Ching wasn't human. It was a whit e ape. The whit e ape, t o, was holding a bamboo st ick. The whit e ape per form ed int ricate swor d form s. The whooshing140 sound of the st ick signaled the gr eat strengt h it put into each for m. But everytim e he at ack, Ah Ching was always able t o block or redir ect each blow and count er at tack using even more intr icate swor d forms. When Ah Ching fought the Wu swor dmen, the forms she used wer e minim al141. Only now Feng Li wit nessed t he vast skil Ah Ching wielded. He was no exper t in swor ds, but he had looked at the Yueh swor dmen t rain f or many years. Now, he r ealized t hat the bestswordmen of Yueh were but children playing wit h toys when com pared to Ah Ching and Gr andpa. The whit e ape's atacks sped up faster and faster. Ah Ching slowed down instead. She stood stil, but each tim e she t hr usted wit h her bamboo st ick, the white ape was f or ced t o jump back. Ah Ching f or ced t he whit e ape three steps, then she puled back her st ick and stood stil. The whit e ape held his st ick in two hands and jum ped to at ack. Feng Li saw t he str ength of the at tack and cr ied out "Wat ch out!" Ah Ching's st ick moved too fast to be sen. There were t wo muf fled142 sounds of impact , t hen the white ape's bambo stick dr opped t o the gr ound. The whit e ape howed and jumped up to a tr ee. Then it leaped away. The howl was intense, but became m ut er as the it went fart her away. The howl rever ber at ed143 long after the white ape was gone. Ah Ching t ur ned back and sighed "Gr andpa broke both of his ar ms. Now he won't come play with me anym or e. " Feng Li said " You broke his ar ms?" Ah Ching noded " Grandpa is ver y angry t oday. Three tim es, he t ried to leap over and kil you. " Feng Li said in surprise " Kil me? Why?" Ah Ching shok her head " I don't know. " Feng Li became scar ed in secret "If Ah Ching din't stop it, that whit e ape can kil me, easy as blowing away a pile of ash!" The next morning, Ah Ching faced t wenty of the best swordmen of Yueh alone. Feng Li knew that Ah Ching could not teach other people how to use the sword t he way she did, so t he only way was f or t he Yueh swordmen to im itate her. The pr oblem was no Yueh swor dm en could last three passes f rom her. Whenever Ah Ching's bamboo stick moved, her opponent either lost his swor d, or got st abbed in some delicat e ar ea. The next day, she def eated thir ty swordmen. The t hir d day, thir ty more lost. The f our th day, Feng Li went to ask her for another lesson, but he could not find her . He went o her home, but the house wasempty. Feng Li sent hundr eds of his servants and guards into t he mount ains t o look f or her, but no one could find any tr ace of her. The eight y Yueh swordmen din't learn the tr ue sword skil fr om Ah Ching, but they saw t he smalest port ion of the ultim at e swor d skil. Al t he swordmen now knew the tr ue height swor d skil could go. The eighty swor dm en t ried to t each the sm al portiont hey could under st and to t heir com rades. Even this pale shadow of a pale shadow of t he ult imate skil was enough, Yueh swordmenbecame invincible. King Kou Chiang or der ed Hsieh Chu to forge thousands of shar p swor ds. Thr ee years later , Kou Chiang atacked Wu. The arm ies of Yueh and Wu met next to a lake. Five thousand Yueh swordmen marched f or war d. Wu swordmen met hem. Yueh swor ds flashed and t he Wu ar my was shatered. King Fu Chai retr eated to Yu Hong M ountain. The ar my of Yueh folowed. The second bat le ensued. The Wu ar my was again def eated.Fu Chai com mit ed suicide in order t o avoid the cruel f at e Kou Chiang had in store f or him. Yueh took the capital of Wu. Feng Li led one thousand swor dmen and rushed to King Fu Chai's resor t palace. That was where Si Shi lived. He r an int o the palace, shouting " Yi Kwan! Yi Kwan!" He r an past a long cor idor , his foot st ep echoed clearly. The cor idor was holw underneat h144. Si Shi walked lightly, the rhythm of her st eps was more enchanting145 t han any m usic. Fu Chai built this palace, this cor ridor in order to list en t o the melodyof her foot st eps. At t he other end of t he cor idor , m usic came, like t he sound of a hapy mandolin, like t he clear sound of a zit her . A soft voicesaid "Shao Bo, is that r ealy you?" Feng Li f elt blood rushing upwar d fr om his chest and shouted " It's I. It's I. I have come for you." His own voice semed liket he voice of a stranger , speaking from far away. He r an f or war d wit h uneven146 steps. The m usic came down the cor ridor , a soft body entered his embrace. The spr ing night was meltingly war m. Flower fr agrance147 f loat ed t hr ough the cur tains, ent er ing the chamber s148 of t he r esort palce. Feng Li and Si Shi talked about their longing149 for each ot her . Suddenly t he sound goat penet rated150 into t heir awar eness151. Feng LI said " You can't for get you homeland? You have goats here?" Si Shi shook her head. She wondered about he goat s, but she couldn't think of anyt hing else in t he pr esence of t he man she loved. She held Feng Li's hand, and f iery152 blood flowed fast er thr ough their ar teries153. Suddenly, the voice of a woman sounded "Feng Li! Br ing out you Si Shi. I'l kil her! " Feng Li stood up. Si Shi f elt his palm suddenly turning cold. Feng Li recognized Ah Ching's voice. Her voice cam e from outside of t he r esort palce. Feng Li was fearf ul and puzled. " Why does she want to kil Yi Kwan? Yi Kwan had never wronged her ." Then he understood " She's not r ealy a simple vilage gir l. She always liked m e. " The understanding only made him more fearf ul. He had gone t hr ough many, many dif icult decisions as wel as danger ous sit uations. The fear he felt when he was trapped wit hKou Chiang in a Wu siege was f ar less than what he felt now. Si Shi felt his palm tr em bling and cover ed wit h cold sweat. Feng Li was not afr aid of his own death. He f eared for Si Shi. Feng Li puled himself under contr ol and said " I wil go see this per son." He r elased Si Shi's hand and walked out of the palce. Eight een swor dmen f olwed him . They al hear d Ah Ching's cry. They wer e baf fled and curious. Feng Li oly saw t he clear m onlight outside, but no one was visible. He cried out loudly "Lady Ah Ching, please com e here. We have things to talk about. " But he hear d no reply. He waited, but Ah Ching did not come. He or der ed one thousand armor ed soldiers and one thousand elit e154 swor dmento be moved t o the resor t palace. He r et ur ned to Si Shi and held her hands again. He didn't say anything. He was planing as he never planed before " Should Iletone of the ser vant maids pr et ending to be Si Shi and let Ah Ching kil her ? Should I commit suicide before Ah Ching so she wil spar e Si Shi? Should I or der two t housand ar chers15 sur ounding t his place and shot Ah Ching f ul of ar rows if she t ries tof or ce her way in?" Ever y plan he had was flawed. He also didn't want o kil Ah Ching, who had m ade the destr uction of Wu possible. He star ed at Shi Si. Suddenly he felt war mth in his heart "I t's good t hat we'l die this way. At least we spend somet ime t ogether bef or e we die toget her. " Hour s passed. Si Shi felt that Feng's hand became war mer . He lost his fear and began t o sm ile. The r ising sun cast it s rays t hr ough the window. Suddenly t he t he sound of a f ight cam e from outside the palce dor. Then t he incesant 156 sound of weapons dropping t o the gr ound. The sound dr ew closer and closer, like a giant serpent wor ming it s way int o the palace. Then t he sound of dropping weapons came f rom t he walkways just outside the room t hey were in. Two thousand war iors were not enough to stop Ah Ching. Ah Ching's voice said " Feng Li, wher e ar e you?" Feng Li said calm ly "Ah Ching, I'm her e. " Bef or e he even finished t he word " her e" , the curt ain par ted and a green shadow cam e flying in. Ah Ching, dr essed in her usual green st od bef or e them . She pointed157 her bamboo stick at Si Shi. She stared at the face of Shi Si, the kilng158 rage on f ace gradualy disapear ed, replaced wit h disappointm ent and self -pit y, then it changed to sur prise, admir at ion and finaly wor ship. She whisper ed "Ther e. .t her e realy is such beauty under heaven! Feng Li, she is even more. .m or e beaut iful than you descr ibed. " Her slender waist turned. Wit h a cry, she flew up thr ough the window. The cry went f ar ther and farther until it s rever ber at ion159 was lef t. The sur viving guards r an inside the room. One of them bowed "Minist er , ar e you al right?" Feng Li mer ely dismissed them wit ha wave of his hand. Then he held Si Shi's hand and said "Let's change into the clothes of commners. We'l go r owing a boat uponLake Tai and never r et ur n to t his place." Happiness shone fr om Si Shi's eyes. Suddenly she fr owned and she r eached toward her hear t. Ah Ching's bambo stick didn't touch her , but he pure chi f rom t he stick had reached int o her body and did her some slight harm. I n t he next two t housand years, al people know t hat the most beautif ul image in the world was Si Shi holding her hands in f rontof her bosom 160. Wher e are t hey now? King Kou Chiang finaly got his vengeance, but something had hapened to him dur ing al t hose years when the only emotion he could feel was hat e. Feng Li must have sensed it . He r esigned his post and told his buddy161 Wen Chung to resign with him . He said "Kou Chiang is someone who you can depend on during hard tim es, but it wil be imposible t o share good t imes with him ." Wen Chung din't belive his old f riend. He believed t hat he could finaly enjoy the rewar ds he deserved. Feng Li disapear ed from hist or y. Some said t hat he became a hermit 162. Some said that he became a merchant pr ince who owned thewealt h of kingdoms. Si Shi became the Chinese ver sion of Heln, the beaut y who dest royed a great kingdom. Som e said t hat Si Shiwent wit h Feng Li and they lived hapily ever af ter. Some said that Si Shi died when Kou Chiang's wif e, fearing losing her husband, t ied a rock t o the wom an's back and sank her in a lake, gloat ing "Now, you never have t o gr ow old." You can pick t he endingyou pr ef er . Kou Chiang becam e as Feng Li pr edict ed, cr uel and merciless. Wen Chung was for ced to commit suicide when he was wrongf uly char ged wit h treason. The end he inflict ed163 upon Wu Tzu- shi became his own end. Kou Chiang became f ul of pr ide. He made war wit h the great power s of nor ther n China. The war s br ought no decisive vict or y. Then he died. Aft er his death his kingdom fel apart. Eventualy, Chuh absorbed t he t er rit ories of Wu and Yueh. The Yueh people f led south. Over the centuries, t hey were pushed farther south by the expanding Chinese empir e unt il they entered pr esent day Viet nam. They are t here stil. Recent ly, an archaeological excavation164 in Hunan uncover ed two bronze swor ds. One of them was thought to be the swor d of FuChai. The other was at tr ibut ed t o be t he sword owned by Kou Chiang. The legends of t he pr ecious swords have som e basis in f act. If anyone know mor e about he archaeological findings, please e- mail me. The swor ds Fish Intestine and Defeater of Evil wer e buried wit h King Ho Lu, Fu Chai's father . The locals swor e that they periodicaly saw a white t iger standing upon t he t omb of Ho Lu. The whit e tiger was the sym bol of metal, so t he locals belive t hat the tiger was t he personif icat ion of the magic swor ds under there. Believe it or not. As f or the Yueh Maiden, she never existed in r eal hist or y. She always exist ed in the land of legends and ther e, presumably, she roams st il. Doubt lesly she has per form ed many gr eat deds ther e, deds which wil r emain unknown until som e scribe comes and tel the tales as they deserve to be told