Unit5 Nelson Mandelas A Mdern lere
PERODI WarMing uk 你及员 /8a 夕 ⊥ gue/ng Please describe one of your classmate as detailed as possible Some useful phrases He/she is egg (clever talle braye, homest andson) He/sheis good ateeg His/her hobbyisegg He/she prefers toes
MY HEBR ATHENS 20049 打世 图都
o is youG nero oG heroine Why do you like him so much? Did be do anything for others? bat arel were his/her best qualities?
PHO TS HEP He was: a very strong feel He was a very Impo vn country. He eame ta ne Chinese and their a fortunatel he ot bloc orking in China and Norman Bethune (1890 1939), Canada白求恩
eife for a s ideas and forgat for ais country to Be soee From tae ak ia a Gandhi((869-1948) India甘地
Gite founded the iast Repalle &n China&a 7977@角 mang neac° Believed &n the theee Livelihood pates he lled the opposition to Groan 80ka2 Sun Yat-sen(1866- 1925), China 孙中山
Hg fought for black people and was in prison for T⌒r almost thirty years. He helped black people get the same rights as white people dO MIIr ⌒r 德拉尤素福·卡什190年 Nelson Mandela
He was the sixteenth President of the United Stares。He fought for the freedom and rights of the slave all through his life, but he was murdered Lincoln USA
o She is a famou lyricist and the first per bel prizes for her work o Der dscover of polonium est qualities are persiste and modesty Marie Curie