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吉林大学:《新发展英语综合教程》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)Unit 7 Food 第四十八讲


Para.3 1.My first direct exposure to this aspect of China came when I attended a Chinese banquet during a trip to Beijing in 1988. 译文: 1988年我去北京出差,参加一次中国宴席时,第一次直 接接触了中国的食文化

1. My first direct exposure to this aspect of China came when I attended a Chinese banquet during a trip to Beijing in 1988. Para. 3 译文: 1988年我去北京出差,参加一次中国宴席时,第一次直 接接触了中国的食文化

exposure:n.“暴露”,与动词expose一样,多与介词to连用。 e.g. a.Too much exposure to X-rays can cause skin burns,cancer or other damage to the body. 过多接触x射线会导致皮肤烧伤,癌症,以及对人体的其它伤害。 b.It's important to expose children to more important books. 让儿童多读一些好书是很重要的。 Back

exposure: n. “暴露”,与动词expose一样,多与介词to连用。 e.g. a. Too much exposure to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body. 过多接触x射线会导致皮肤烧伤,癌症,以及对人体的其它伤害。 b. It’s important to expose children to more important books. 让儿童多读一些好书是很重要的。 Back

Para.3 2.In the United States I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have imagined how fabulous and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be. 这里用过去完成时had eaten,表明在参加1988年中国宴席之前经常 吃中餐,表示“过去的过去”的时间概念。 译文: 虽然在美国我经常吃中餐,但是我还是难以想象中国 宴席是多么的绝妙和奢侈

2. In the United States I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how fabulous and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be. Para. 3 译文: 虽然在美国我经常吃中餐,但是我还是难以想象中国 宴席是多么的绝妙和奢侈。 这里用过去完成时had eaten,表明在参加1988年中国宴席之前经常 吃中餐,表示“过去的过去”的时间概念

could not have done常用来表示从现在或过去看来过去不可能发生 事。这里表明在参加这次中国宴席之前,很难想象中国宴席有多么的妙 和奢侈。 a.They couldn't have left so soon. 他们不可能那么早就走了。 b."You do realize that you were driving at 100 mph,don't you?” "No,officer,I couldn't have been.This car can't do more than80.” “你意识到你正以每小时100英里的速度行驶吗?” “不,警官,我不可能行驶得那么快。这辆车跑不到80英里以上

could not have done常用来表示从现在或过去看来过去不可能发生 事。这里表明在参加这次中国宴席之前,很难想象中国宴席有多么的妙 和奢侈。 a. They couldn’t have left so soon. 他们不可能那么早就走了。 b. “You do realize that you were driving at 100 mph, don’t you?” “No, officer, I couldn’t have been. This car can’t do more than 80.” “你意识到你正以每小时100英里的速度行驶吗?” “不,警官,我不可能行驶得那么快。这辆车跑不到80英里以上

banquet >n.宴会,盛宴 e.8. a.Everything you cook for me is a banquet 你为我做的每一道菜都像一桌宴席。 b.What are the drinks for the banquet today? 今天宴会准备的是什么酒?

➢ n. 宴会,盛宴 e.g. a. Everything you cook for me is a banquet. 你为我做的每一道菜都像一桌宴席。 b. What are the drinks for the banquet today? 今天宴会准备的是什么酒? banquet

fabulous >ad.绝佳的,很好的 e.g. a.We had a fabulous time at the party. 我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。 b.During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth. 每次战争垄断资本家们都大发横财

➢ adj. 绝佳的,很好的 e.g. a. We had a fabulous time at the party. 我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。 b. During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth. 每次战争垄断资本家们都大发横财。 fabulous

extravagant >ad.奢侈的 e.g. a.Don't be so extravagant,spend your money more carefully. 不要如此挥霍,花钱要仔细点。 b.Am I being extravagant? 我这样是不是太奢侈? Back

➢ adj. 奢侈的 e.g. a. Don't be so extravagant, spend your money more carefully. 不要如此挥霍, 花钱要仔细点。 b. Am I being extravagant? 我这样是不是太奢侈? extravagant Back

Para.4 1.The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table to overflowing,with plates precariously wedged one on top of another. 译文: 头六七道菜就占满整张桌子,而且还要碟子摞碟子地摆放

1. The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table to overflowing, with plates precariously wedged one on top of another. Para. 4 译文: 头六七道菜就占满整张桌子,而且还要碟子摞碟子地摆放

with plates precariously wedged one on top of another 这里是with复合结构,作伴随状语, e.g. a.With my heart beating fast,I watched the man climbing the steep rock. 我看着那人攀爬陡峭的悬崖,心中怦怦直跳。 With my heart beating fast and my heart beat fast,作伴随状语

with plates precariously wedged one on top of another 这里是with复合结构,作伴随状语, e.g. a. With my heart beating fast, I watched the man climbing the steep rock. 我看着那人攀爬陡峭的悬崖,心中怦怦直跳。 With my heart beating fast = and my heart beat fast, 作伴随状语

wth复合结构除用名词+分词形式外,还可以 名词(代词)+形容词, 名词(代词)+介词短语, 名词(代词)+副词, 或名词(代词)+不定式等形式。 b.With eyes red,she told me the whole story. 她眼睛红红地告诉了我整个故事。 c.With the sun up,they continued their journey. 太阳冉冉升起,他们继续自己的旅程。 d.He couldn't sleep well,with her in danger. 她身处危险之中,令他难以入眠。 e.He knew that she could and would succeed with him to help her. 他知道有他的帮助,她能,也一定会成功的

with复合结构除用名词+分词形式外,还可以 名词(代词)+形容词, 名词(代词)+介词短语, 名词(代词)+副词, 或名词(代词)+不定式等形式。 b. With eyes red, she told me the whole story. 她眼睛红红地告诉了我整个故事。 c. With the sun up, they continued their journey. 太阳冉冉升起,他们继续自己的旅程。 d. He couldn’t sleep well, with her in danger. 她身处危险之中,令他难以入眠。 e. He knew that she could and would succeed with him to help her. 他知道有他的帮助,她能,也一定会成功的



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