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吉林大学:《新发展英语综合教程》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)Unit 5 Cultural Difference 第四十二讲


Para.6 Stage 5:The Re-entry 1.Many times,it's just about the time where things begin to jell that you may realize that your assignment is ending and the time has come to pack up and return home. 译文: 第四阶段:回归期 很多时候,正当情况开始好转时,你可能发现工作即将结束,该 收拾行李回国了

1. Many times, it’s just about the time where things begin to jell that you may realize that your assignment is ending and the time has come to pack up and return home. Para. 6 译文: 第四阶段:回归期 很多时候,正当情况开始好转时,你可能发现工作即将结束,该 收拾行李回国了。 Stage 5: The Re-entry

Many times,it's just about the time...begin to 本文意为“很多次,正当…时候”的句型。 Many times,it's just about the time where doctors begin to find a new medicine to fight against the virus that they may realize that another new virus has emerged 很多时候,正当医生们开始发明一种新药去消灭某种病 毒时,他们会发现又有另一种病毒出现了

Many times, it’s just about the time...begin to 本文意为“很多次,正当······时候······”的句型。 Many times, it’s just about the time where doctors begin to find a new medicine to fight against the virus that they may realize that another new virus has emerged. 很多时候,正当医生们开始发明一种新药去消灭某种病 毒时,他们会发现又有另一种病毒出现了

容易混淆的词组: It's high/about time that... 表示“到了该…的时候了,现在该…了”,tht从句后应接虚拟 语 气结构,动词常用过去式。 e.g. a.It is about time(that)we ordered the dinner. 到了我们订餐的时间了。 b.It is high time(that)the government took some measures to control pollution. 到了政府采取一些措施去治理环境污染的时候了

容易混淆的词组: It’s high/about time that... 表示“到了该······的时候了,现在该······了”,that从句后应接虚拟 语 气结构,动词常用过去式。 e.g. a. It is about time (that) we ordered the dinner. 到了我们订餐的时间了。 b. It is high time (that) the government took some measures to control pollution. 到了政府采取一些措施去治理环境污染的时候了

jell: v.(of ideas,thoughts,etc.)to take a clear shape “(意见、想法)定形,成形” e.g. I found the film confusing-there were a lot of different ideas that didn't really jell. 我觉得这部片子内容很混乱,许多不同观点都不够清 楚

jell: v. (of ideas, thoughts, etc.) to take a clear shape “(意见、想法)定形,成形” e.g. I found the film confusing—there were a lot of different ideas that didn’t really jell. 我觉得这部片子内容很混乱,许多不同观点都不够清 楚

pack up:“收拾衣服,收拾工具” e.g. The company will probably pack up and move south. 这家公司可能就要收拾家当南迁了。 Back

pack up: “收拾衣服,收拾工具” e.g. The company will probably pack up and move south. 这家公司可能就要收拾家当南迁了。 Back

Para.6 2.Most start thinking about how nice it will be to return to familiar surrounding,back to friends and family and all the things you love and cherish.But the re-entry can be much harder than most realize. 译文: 大多数人会想,回国多好呀,可以回到熟悉的环境,回到朋友、 家人以及所有你喜欢、珍惜的东西旁边。但是重新适应国内的环 境比大多数人想象的要困难得多

2. Most start thinking about how nice it will be to return to familiar surrounding, back to friends and family and all the things you love and cherish. But the re-entry can be much harder than most realize. Para. 6 译文: 大多数人会想,回国多好呀,可以回到熟悉的环境,回到朋友、 家人以及所有你喜欢、珍惜的东西旁边。但是重新适应国内的环 境比大多数人想象的要困难得多

cherish ?珍爱,珍惜 e.g. a.I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.I also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners. 我非常珍视我们两座城市之间的密切关系,我也非常重视我们作为你 们最重要的贸易伙伴之一所享有的地位。 b.We Chinese cherish freedom and independence. 我们中国人都珍视自由和独立。 Back

cherish v. 珍爱, 珍惜 e.g. a. I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities. I also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners. 我非常珍视我们两座城市之间的密切关系,我也非常重视我们作为你 们最重要的贸易伙伴之一所享有的地位。 b. We Chinese cherish freedom and independence. 我们中国人都珍视自由和独立。 Back

Para.6 3.When you slowly forced yourself to like and love your new home abroad,you probably had to gradually deconstruct your long-held beliefs to make room for values and ways of life. 译文: 当你慢慢迫使自己喜欢在国外的新家时,你可能不得不逐渐改变 一些根深蒂固的观念,以接纳新的价值观和生活方式

3. When you slowly forced yourself to like and love your new home abroad, you probably had to gradually deconstruct your long-held beliefs to make room for values and ways of life. Para. 6 译文: 当你慢慢迫使自己喜欢在国外的新家时,你可能不得不逐渐改变 一些根深蒂固的观念,以接纳新的价值观和生活方式

deconstruct your long-held beliefs: “放弃一些长期坚守的信仰” deconstruct:V“解构,分解,破环” de用于动词和名词之前,表示“否定,与之相反” e.g. It took 10 minutes to deconstruct a complicated sentence in the exam. 分析试题中的一个难句用了10分钟

deconstruct your long-held beliefs: “放弃一些长期坚守的信仰” deconstruct: v. “解构,分解,破环” de-用于动词和名词之前,表示“否定,与之相反” e.g. It took 10 minutes to deconstruct a complicated sentence in the exam. 分析试题中的一个难句用了10分钟

make room for:“留出空间,让地方” e.g. a.We'll make room for you in the back of the car. 我们将在车后座给你留出位子。 b.This desk takes up a lot of room 这张课桌很占地方。 Back

make room for: “留出空间,让地方” e.g. a. We’ll make room for you in the back of the car. 我们将在车后座给你留出位子。 b. This desk takes up a lot of room. 这张课桌很占地方。 Back



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