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吉林大学:《新发展英语综合教程》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)Unit 2 Attitude 第十八讲


Para.7 I'm trying very hard not to put off,hold back,or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. luster:n.光泽,光辉;荣耀 译文: 如今,我尽力不再耽搁、阻碍或保存能给我们的生活带 来欢乐、为生活增添欢笑和光彩的东西

I’m trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. Para. 7 luster: n. 光泽, 光辉; 荣耀 译文: 如今,我尽力不再耽搁、阻碍或保存能给我们的生活带 来欢乐、为生活增添欢笑和光彩的东西

hold back: to delay something or somebody “推迟,耽搁;阻挡;抑制” e.g. a.I can't hold the meal back for more than half an hour to wait for our guest. 我无法将用餐时间推迟半个多小时来等客人。 b.We started in good time but heavy rain on the road held us back. 我们是按时出发的,但路上大雨耽误了我们的行程。 c.His poor education is holding him back. 他没受过什么教育,这妨碍了他的发展。 d.She bit her lip to hold back the tears 她咬着嘴唇强忍着眼泪

hold back: to delay something or somebody “推迟,耽搁;阻挡;抑制” e.g. a. I can’t hold the meal back for more than half an hour to wait for our guest. 我无法将用餐时间推迟半个多小时来等客人。 b. We started in good time but heavy rain on the road held us back. 我们是按时出发的,但路上大雨耽误了我们的行程。 c. His poor education is holding him back. 他没受过什么教育,这妨碍了他的发展。 d. She bit her lip to hold back the tears. 她咬着嘴唇强忍着眼泪

add..to.“给…增加” e.g. We added a few more students to the class. 我们给这个班级又增加了几个学生。 add fuel to the fire/flames“火上浇油”; add insult to injury“雪上加霜” add to:to make a quality more extreme“加剧” e.g. Her classmates'laughter only added to her embarrassment. 同学们的笑声使她更尴尬了

add...to...: “给······增加······” e.g. We added a few more students to the class. 我们给这个班级又增加了几个学生。 add fuel to the fire/flames “火上浇油” ; add insult to injury “雪上加霜” add to: to make a quality more extreme “加剧” e.g. Her classmates’ laughter only added to her embarrassment. 同学们的笑声使她更尴尬了

add up to:“总计为;结果是” e.g. a.The numbers added up to exactly 100. 这些数字总和正好是100. b.Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor. 他们的建议并没有给穷人任何实际的帮助。 Back

add up to:“总计为;结果是” e.g. a. The numbers added up to exactly 100. 这些数字总和正好是100. b. Their proposals do not add up to any real help for the poor. 他们的建议并没有给穷人任何实际的帮助。 Back

Para.8 And every morning when I open my eyes,I tell myself that it is special.Every day,every minute,every breath truly is...a gift from God. 译文: 每天清晨当我睁开双眼,我告诉自己今天是个特别的日 子。每一天、每一分钟、每一次呼吸一一真的都是上帝恩 赐的礼物

And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. Every day, every minute, every breath truly is...a gift from God. Para. 8 译文: 每天清晨当我睁开双眼,我告诉自己今天是个特别的日 子。每一天、每一分钟、每一次呼吸——真的都是上帝恩 赐的礼物



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