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《GeoCOM Reference Manual(Ver. 1.01)》Gc1100

TPS1100 series Theodolites are modern geodetic measurement instruments. Most of the main tasks can be fulfilled with these instruments implicitly by their integrated applications. Now, to fulfil a broader spectrum of tasks and applications

Geo COM Reference manual Ver.1.01 1999, Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg Switzerland

GeoCOM Reference Manual Ver. 1.01 © 1999, Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland

GeoCOM Reference Manual GEOCOM 1.1 ODUCTION TPS I 100 SYSTEM SOFTWARE 1.2.1 Organisation of Subsystems I-I 1 3 PRINCIPLES OF GEOCOM OPERATION 1-3 GENERAL CONCEPTS OF USING GEOCOM 2.1 GENERAL CONCEPT OF OPERATION 2-1 2.2 ASCII PROTOCOL 2. 2. 1 ASCII Protocol Syntax 2.3 FUNCTION CALL PROTOCOL -C/C++ 2-4 2.4 FUNCTION CALL PROTOCOL- VBA 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING GEOCOM 3-1 ASCII PROTOCOL PROGRAMMING 3.1.1 Data Types in ASCII Protocol. 3.1.2 ASCII Protocol Program Example. 3.1.3 Modes ofoperani 3-5 C/C++- PROGRAMMING 3.2.1 Data Types in C/C++ 6 3.2.2 Basic GeoCOM Application Frame for C/C++ 3.2.3 C/C++ Development System Support 3.2.4P BA- PROGRAMMING 3.3. 1 Data Types in V'BA-General rules for derivation 3-8 3.3.2 Basic GeoCOM Application Frame for vBA 3-10 3.3.3 VBA Development System Support 3-11 3.4 UNITS OFⅤ ALUES 3-12 3.5 TPSI 100 INSTRUMENT MODES OF OPERATION 3-12 3.5.1 Getting Mode of Operation Concerning Commumication 3.6 COMMON COMMUNICATION ERRORS 3-15 4 REMARKS ON THE DESCRIPTION 4.1 STRUCTURE OF DESCRIPTIONS 4-1 4.1.1 Structure of a Subsystem... 4-1 4.1.2 Structure of a RPC Description Sample of a RPC Description 4-3 TPSI100-Version lo1

GeoCOM Reference Manual Contents TPS1100-Version 1.01 I 1 GEOCOM...................................................................................................1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1-1 1.2 TPS1100 SYSTEM SOFTWARE .....................................................................1-1 1.2.1 Organisation of Subsystems........................................................................1-1 1.3 PRINCIPLES OF GEOCOM OPERATION ........................................................1-3 2 GENERAL CONCEPTS OF USING GEOCOM ................................2-1 2.1 GENERAL CONCEPT OF OPERATION ............................................................2-1 2.2 ASCII PROTOCOL.........................................................................................2-2 2.2.1 ASCII Protocol Syntax ................................................................................2-2 2.3 FUNCTION CALL PROTOCOL – C/C++.........................................................2-4 2.4 FUNCTION CALL PROTOCOL – VBA............................................................2-5 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING GEOCOM.....................3-1 3.1 ASCII PROTOCOL PROGRAMMING ..............................................................3-1 3.1.1 Data Types in ASCII Protocol....................................................................3-1 3.1.2 ASCII Protocol Program Example.............................................................3-4 3.1.3 Modes of Operation Concerning Communication....................................3-5 3.2 C/C++ - PROGRAMMING ..............................................................................3-5 3.2.1 Data Types in C/C++..................................................................................3-6 3.2.2 Basic GeoCOM Application Frame for C/C++........................................3-6 3.2.3 C/C++ Development System Support........................................................3-7 3.2.4 Programming Hints.....................................................................................3-8 3.3 VBA – PROGRAMMING................................................................................3-8 3.3.1 Data Types in VBA - General rules for derivation....................................3-8 3.3.2 Basic GeoCOM Application Frame for VBA.......................................... 3-10 3.3.3 VBA Development System Support.......................................................... 3-11 3.3.4 Programming Hints.................................................................................. 3-11 3.4 UNITS OF VALUES...................................................................................... 3-12 3.5 TPS1100 INSTRUMENT MODES OF OPERATION....................................... 3-12 3.5.1 Getting Mode of Operation Concerning Communication ..................... 3-13 3.6 COMMON COMMUNICATION ERRORS....................................................... 3-15 4 REMARKS ON THE DESCRIPTION..................................................4-1 4.1 STRUCTURE OF DESCRIPTIONS.....................................................................4-1 4.1.1 Structure of a Subsystem.............................................................................4-1 4.1.2 Structure of a RPC Description..................................................................4-1 Sample of a RPC Description....................................................................................4-3

GeoCOM Reference Manual COMMUNICATION SETTINGS 5.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 5-1 5.2 GENERAL GEOCOM FUNCTIONS 5.2.1 COM Get Double Precision-Get Double Precision Setting.. 5.2. 2 COM SetDoublePrecision-Set Double Precision Setting 5.3 CLIENT SPECIFIC GEOCOM FUNCTIONS 5.3.1 COM Init-Initialize GeoCOM 5.3.2 COM End -Quit GeoCOM. .5-5 5.3.3 COM Open Connection-Open a Port for Commumication 5.3.4 COM Close Connection -Close the Open Port 5.3.5 COM Get BaudRate-Get Current Baud rate .5-9 5.3.6 COM SetBaudRate-Set baud rate 5-10 5.3.7 COM GetTime Out-Get Current Timeout Value 5-11 53.8 COM SetTimeOut- Set Current Timeout value 5.3.9 COM GetComFormat-Get Transmission Data Format 5-13 5.3.10 COM SetComFormat-Set Transmission Data Format 5-14 5.3.11 COM Use Window- Declare Parent Windo Handle 5-15 5.3.12 COM SetConnDIg Flag-Set Connection Dialog Flag 5-16 5.3.13 COM View Error-Pop Up Error Message Box 5-17 53.14 COM GetErrorText- Get Error Text 5.3.15 COM GetWinSWVersion-Retrieve Client Version Information.5-19 5.3. 16 COM GetTPSState-Get Current TPS Operation Mode 5-20 AUTOMATION·AUT USAGE 6.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPE 6-3 6.3.1 AUT GetATRStatus-Get the status of the ATR mode 6.3.2 AUT SetATRStatus-Set the status of the ATR mode 6.3.3 AUT GetLockStatus-Get the status of the lock switch 6-5 6.3.4 AUT SetLockStatus-Set of the ATR lock switch 6.3.5 AUT ReadTol-Read current setting for the positioning tolerances.6-7 6.3.6 AUT SetTol-Set the positioning tolerances 6.3.7 AUT ReadTimeout- Read current timeout setting for positioning.6-10 6.3.8 AUT SetTimeout-Set timeout for positioning 6.3.9 AUT MakePositioning- Turns telescope to specified position.6-12 6.3.10 AUT Change Face-Turns telescope to other face 6-16 6.3.11 AUT Fine Adjust- Automatic tar 6-19 6.3.12 AUT Search- Performs an automatically target search....6-22 6.3.13 AUT Get FineAdjustMode-Get fine adjust positioning mode 6-25 TPSI100-Version lo1

GeoCOM Reference Manual Contents TPS1100-Version 1.01 II 5 COMMUNICATION SETTINGS..........................................................5-1 5.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES...............................................................................5-1 5.2 GENERAL GEOCOM FUNCTIONS.................................................................5-2 5.2.1 COM_GetDoublePrecision - Get Double Precision Setting....................5-2 5.2.2 COM_SetDoublePrecision - Set Double Precision Setting......................5-4 5.3 CLIENT SPECIFIC GEOCOM FUNCTIONS.....................................................5-5 5.3.1 COM_Init - Initialize GeoCOM .................................................................5-5 5.3.2 COM_End - Quit GeoCOM........................................................................5-5 5.3.3 COM_OpenConnection - Open a Port for Communication.....................5-6 5.3.4 COM_CloseConnection - Close the Open Port.........................................5-8 5.3.5 COM_GetBaudRate – Get Current Baud Rate .........................................5-9 5.3.6 COM_SetBaudRate - Set Baud Rate ....................................................... 5-10 5.3.7 COM_GetTimeOut - Get Current Timeout Value .................................. 5-11 5.3.8 COM_SetTimeOut - Set Current Timeout Value.................................... 5-12 5.3.9 COM_GetComFormat - Get Transmission Data Format...................... 5-13 5.3.10 COM_SetComFormat - Set Transmission Data Format ....................... 5-14 5.3.11 COM_UseWindow - Declare Parent Window Handle .......................... 5-15 5.3.12 COM_SetConnDlgFlag - Set Connection Dialog Flag ......................... 5-16 5.3.13 COM_ViewError - Pop Up Error Message Box.................................... 5-17 5.3.14 COM_GetErrorText - Get Error Text..................................................... 5-18 5.3.15 COM_GetWinSWVersion - Retrieve Client Version Information......... 5-19 5.3.16 COM_GetTPSState – Get Current TPS Operation Mode ..................... 5-20 6 AUTOMATION - AUT.............................................................................6-1 6.1 USAGE...........................................................................................................6-1 6.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES...............................................................................6-1 6.3 FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................6-3 6.3.1 AUT_GetATRStatus - Get the status of the ATR mode .............................6-3 6.3.2 AUT_SetATRStatus - Set the status of the ATR mode ...............................6-4 6.3.3 AUT_GetLockStatus - Get the status of the lock switch ...........................6-5 6.3.4 AUT_SetLockStatus - Set of the ATR lock switch......................................6-6 6.3.5 AUT_ReadTol - Read current setting for the positioning tolerances.....6-7 6.3.6 AUT_SetTol - Set the positioning tolerances.............................................6-9 6.3.7 AUT_ReadTimeout - Read current timeout setting for positioning ...... 6-10 6.3.8 AUT_SetTimeout - Set timeout for positioning....................................... 6-11 6.3.9 AUT_MakePositioning - Turns telescope to specified position ............ 6-12 6.3.10 AUT_ChangeFace - Turns telescope to other face ................................ 6-16 6.3.11 AUT_FineAdjust - Automatic target positioning.................................... 6-19 6.3.12 AUT_Search - Performs an automatically target search ...................... 6-22 6.3.13 AUT_GetFineAdjustMode - Get fine adjust positioning mode.............. 6-25

GeoCOM Reference Manual 6.3.14 6.3.15 扎ri SetFine Adjust Mode-Set the fine adjustment mode... LockIn- Starts the target tracking BASIC APPLICATIONS- BAP 7.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 7-1 7.2 FUNCTIONS 7-2 7.2.1 BAP GetLastDisplayedError-Get last TPS system error number.7-2 7. 2. 2 BAP Meas Distance Angle- Measure distance and angles 7.2.3 BAP GetMeasPrg-Get User Measurement Program 7-6 7.2.4 BAP SetMeasPrg-Set User Measurement Program BASIC MAN MACHINE INTERFACE-BMM CONSTANTS AND TYPES FUNCTIONS 8.2. 1 BM BeepAlarm-Output of an alarm-signal. 8-1 8.2.2 BM BeepNormal-A single beep-signal 8-2 8.2.3 1OS BeepOn-Start a beep-signal 8.2.4 1OS BeepOf-Stop active beep-signal COMMUNICATIONS- COM 9.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 9.2 FUNCTIONS 9-1 9.2.1 COM GetSWVersion-Retrieve Server Release information 9.2.2 COM SetSenddelay-Set Reply delay 9-2 9.2.3 COM Local- Switch TPS1100 into Local Mode 9. 2. 4 COM SwitchOnTPs-Switch on TPS instrument 9.2.5 COM SwitchofTPS-Switch off TPS1100 or Set Sleep Mode.9 9.2.6 COM NullProc-Check Communication 9.2.7 COM Enable SignOf- Enable Remote Mode logging 9.2.8 COM Get BinaryAvailable-Get Binary Attribute of Server 9.2.9 COM Set Binary Available- Set Binary Attribute of server 10 CENTRAL SERVICES-CSV 10.1 USAGE 10-1 10.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 10.3 FUNCTIONS 10-3 10.3.1 CSV GetInstrumentNo-Get factory defined instrument number 0-3 10.3.2 CSV GetInstrumentName-Get Leica specific instrument name..10-4 10.3.3 CSI GetDevice Config-Get instrument configuration 0-4 103.4 CSV Get Date Time- Get date and time l0-5 10.3.5 CSV SetDate Time- Set date and time TPSI100-Version lo1

GeoCOM Reference Manual Contents TPS1100-Version 1.01 III 6.3.14 AUT_SetFineAdjustMode - Set the fine adjustment mode..................... 6-26 6.3.15 AUT_LockIn - Starts the target tracking ................................................ 6-27 7 BASIC APPLICATIONS - BAP .............................................................7-1 7.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES...............................................................................7-1 7.2 FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................7-2 7.2.1 BAP_GetLastDisplayedError - Get last TPS system error number.........7-2 7.2.2 BAP_MeasDistanceAngle - Measure distance and angles.......................7-3 7.2.3 BAP_GetMeasPrg – Get User Measurement Program............................7-6 7.2.4 BAP_SetMeasPrg – Set User Measurement Program..............................7-7 8 BASIC MAN MACHINE INTERFACE - BMM.................................8-1 8.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES...............................................................................8-1 8.2 FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................8-1 8.2.1 BMM_BeepAlarm - Output of an alarm-signal.........................................8-1 8.2.2 BMM_BeepNormal - A single beep-signal................................................8-2 8.2.3 IOS_BeepOn - Start a beep-signal.............................................................8-2 8.2.4 IOS_BeepOff - Stop active beep-signal......................................................8-3 9 COMMUNICATIONS - COM................................................................9-1 9.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES...............................................................................9-1 9.2 FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................9-1 9.2.1 COM_GetSWVersion - Retrieve Server Release Information..................9-1 9.2.2 COM_SetSendDelay - Set Reply Delay......................................................9-2 9.2.3 COM_Local - Switch TPS1100 into Local Mode......................................9-3 9.2.4 COM_SwitchOnTPS - Switch on TPS instrument.....................................9-4 9.2.5 COM_SwitchOffTPS - Switch off TPS1100 or Set Sleep Mode................9-5 9.2.6 COM_NullProc – Check Communication .................................................9-5 9.2.7 COM_EnableSignOff – Enable Remote Mode Logging ...........................9-6 9.2.8 COM_GetBinaryAvailable – Get Binary Attribute of Server...................9-7 9.2.9 COM_SetBinaryAvailable – Set Binary Attribute of Server.....................9-8 10 CENTRAL SERVICES - CSV................................................................ 10-1 10.1 USAGE........................................................................................................ 10-1 10.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES............................................................................ 10-1 10.3 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 10-3 10.3.1 CSV_GetInstrumentNo - Get factory defined instrument number........ 10-3 10.3.2 CSV_GetInstrumentName - Get Leica specific instrument name ......... 10-4 10.3.3 CSV_GetDeviceConfig - Get instrument configuration......................... 10-4 10.3.4 CSV_GetDateTime- Get date and time................................................... 10-5 10.3.5 CSV_SetDateTime - Set date and time.................................................... 10-7

GeoCOM Reference Manual l0.3.6 GetSWVersion-Get Software version l0-7 10.3.7 CSI GetvBat-Get the value of the voltage supply 10.3.8 CSV GetVMem-Get value of the memory backup voltage supply.. 10-9 10.3.9 CSV GetInt Temp-Get the temperature l0-10 CONTROLLER TASK-CTL 11-1 11.1 FUNCtIONs 71.1.I CTL GetUpCounter-Get Up Counter. l-1 12 ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT- EDM 121 USAGE 12-1 12.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 12-1 12.3 FUNCTIONS 12.3.3 EDM SetEglIntensity-Change intensity of guide ligt.12-2 12.3.1 EDM Laserpoinmter-Switch on/off laserpointer 12.3.2 EDM GetEglIntensity-Get value of intensity of guide lig 12-4 12. 13 MOTORISATION- MOT 13-1 13.1 13-1 13.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 13.3 FUNCTIONS 13-2 13.3.1 MOT ReadLockStatus-Return condition of LockIn control....13-2 13.3.2 MOT Start Controller- Start motor controller l3-3 13.3.3 MOT StopController-Stop motor controller. 13-4 13. 3.4 MOT Set velocity- Drive Instrument with visual control 14 SUPERVISOR-SUP 14.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 142 FuNCtIONS l4-1 14.2.1 SUP GetConfig-Get power management configuration status 14-1 14.2.2 SUP SetConfig-Set power management configuration 14.2.3 SUP SwitchLow Temp Control -Set low temperature control l4-4 15 THEODOLITE MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION- TMC 15-1 15.1 15-2 15. .I Inclination measurement/correction l5-2 15.1.2 Sensor measurement programs l5-3 15.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES 15.3 MEASUREMENT FUNCTIONS 15-7 15.3.1 TMC GetCoordinate-Gets the coordinates of a measured point..15-7 15.3.2 TMC GetSimpleMea- Returns angle and distance measurement.. 15-10 TPSI100-Version lo1

GeoCOM Reference Manual Contents TPS1100-Version 1.01 IV 10.3.6 CSV_GetSWVersion - Get Software Version.......................................... 10-7 10.3.7 CSV_GetVBat - Get the value of the voltage supply.............................. 10-8 10.3.8 CSV_GetVMem - Get value of the memory backup voltage supply ...... 10-9 10.3.9 CSV_GetIntTemp - Get the temperature............................................... 10-10 11 CONTROLLER TASK – CTL............................................................... 11-1 11.1 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 11-1 11.1.1 CTL_GetUpCounter – Get Up Counter.................................................. 11-1 12 ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT - EDM.................... 12-1 12.1 USAGE........................................................................................................ 12-1 12.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES............................................................................ 12-1 12.3 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 12-2 12.3.1 EDM_Laserpointer - Switch on/off laserpointer.................................... 12-2 12.3.2 EDM_GetEglIntensity - Get value of intensity of guide light................ 12-4 12.3.3 EDM_ SetEglIntensity - Change intensity of guide light....................... 12-5 13 MOTORISATION - MOT....................................................................... 13-1 13.1 USAGE........................................................................................................ 13-1 13.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES............................................................................ 13-1 13.3 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 13-2 13.3.1 MOT_ReadLockStatus - Return condition of LockIn control................ 13-2 13.3.2 MOT_StartController - Start motor controller...................................... 13-3 13.3.3 MOT_StopController - Stop motor controller........................................ 13-4 13.3.4 MOT_SetVelocity - Drive Instrument with visual control..................... 13-5 14 SUPERVISOR - SUP ............................................................................... 14-1 14.1 CONSTANTS AND TYPES............................................................................ 14-1 14.2 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 14-1 14.2.1 SUP_GetConfig - Get power management configuration status.......... 14-1 14.2.2 SUP_SetConfig - Set power management configuration....................... 14-3 14.2.3 SUP_SwitchLowTempControl - Set low temperature control............... 14-4 15 THEODOLITE MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION - TMC 15-1 15.1 USAGE........................................................................................................ 15-2 15.1.1 Inclination measurement/correction....................................................... 15-2 15.1.2 Sensor measurement programs............................................................... 15-3 15.2 CONSTANTS AND TYPES............................................................................ 15-3 15.3 MEASUREMENT FUNCTIONS...................................................................... 15-7 15.3.1 TMC_GetCoordinate – Gets the coordinates of a measured point....... 15-7 15.3.2 TMC_GetSimpleMea - Returns angle and distance measurement...... 15-10

GeoCOM Reference Manual 15.3.3 TMC GetAnglel-Returns complete angle measurement 15-13 15.3. TMC GetAngle5-Retuurns simple angle measurement 15-15 15.3.5 TMC Quick- Returns slope-distance and hz- v-angle l5-17 15.4 MEASUREMENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS 15-22 15.4.1 TMC DoMeasure-Carries out a distance measurement 15-22 15.4.2 TMC SetHandDist-Input slope distance and height offset 15-24 15.5 DATA SETUP FUNCTIONS 15.5.1 TMC GetHeight-Returns the current reflector height 15-26 15.5.2 TMC SetHeight-Sets new reflector height .15-27 15.5.3 TMC GetAtmCorr-Get atmospheric correction parameters 15.5.4 TMC SetAtmCorr -Set atmospheric correction parameters l5-28 15.5.6 TMC GetPrismCorr-Get the prism const H: direction 15.5.5 TMC SetOrientation-Orients the theodolite 15-29 l5-31 15.5.7 TMC SetPrism Corr-Set the prism constant l5-32 15.5.8 TMC GetRefractive Corr- Get the refraction factor l5-33 15.5.9 TMC SetRefractive Corr-Set the refraction factor l5-34 15.5.10 TMC GetRefractiveMethod-Ger the refraction model l5-35 15.5.11 TMC SetRefractive Method -Set the refraction model 15-36 15.5. 12 TMC GetStation-Get the coordinates of the instrument station...15-37 15.5.13 TMC SetStation-Set the coordinates of the instrument station... 15-38 15.6 INFORMATION FUNCTIONS xx15-39 15.6.1 TMC GetFace-Get face information of current telescope position. 15-39 15.6.2 TMC GetSignal-Get information about EDM's signal amplitude.15-40 15.7 CONFIGURATION FUNCTIONS 15.7.1 TMC GetAng Switch- Get angular corrections states 15-4l 15.7.2 TMC GetIncline Switch-Get the dual axis compensator's state..15-42 15.7.3 TMC SetIncline Switch-Switch dual axis compensator -…15-43 TMC GetEdmMode-Get the Edm measurement mode 15.7.5 TMC SetEdmMode- Set EDm measurement modes 15-45 15.7.6 TMC GetSimple coord- Get cartesian coordinates .l5-46 15.7.7 TMC IDataAze Error-IATR error occu l5-50 15.7.8 TMC IDataIncError-I incline erroroccur l5-51 15.7.9 TMC SetAng Switch- Enable/disable angle corrections 15.7. 10 TMC GetSlope DistCorr-Get slope distance correction factors..15-53 16 WI- REGISTRATION- WIR 16.1 CONSTANTS FUNCTIONS 6.2. WIR 16.2.2 WIR Serech format-Get record format ormat- Set record format 16-2 TPS I100-Version 1.01

GeoCOM Reference Manual Contents TPS1100-Version 1.01 V 15.3.3 TMC_GetAngle1 - Returns complete angle measurement................... 15-13 15.3.4 TMC_GetAngle5 - Returns simple angle measurement....................... 15-15 15.3.5 TMC_QuickDist – Returns slope-distance and hz-,v-angle ................ 15-17 15.4 MEASUREMENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS .................................................. 15-22 15.4.1 TMC_DoMeasure - Carries out a distance measurement................... 15-22 15.4.2 TMC_SetHandDist - Input slope distance and height offset ............... 15-24 15.5 DATA SETUP FUNCTIONS ........................................................................ 15-26 15.5.1 TMC_GetHeight - Returns the current reflector height ..................... 15-26 15.5.2 TMC_SetHeight - Sets new reflector height........................................ 15-27 15.5.3 TMC_GetAtmCorr - Get atmospheric correction parameters............ 15-28 15.5.4 TMC_SetAtmCorr - Set atmospheric correction parameters.............. 15-28 15.5.5 TMC_SetOrientation - Orients the theodolite in Hz direction............ 15-29 15.5.6 TMC_GetPrismCorr - Get the prism constant..................................... 15-31 15.5.7 TMC_SetPrismCorr - Set the prism constant....................................... 15-32 15.5.8 TMC_GetRefractiveCorr - Get the refraction factor........................... 15-33 15.5.9 TMC_SetRefractiveCorr - Set the refraction factor............................. 15-34 15.5.10 TMC_GetRefractiveMethod - Get the refraction model...................... 15-35 15.5.11 TMC_SetRefractiveMethod - Set the refraction model........................ 15-36 15.5.12 TMC_GetStation - Get the coordinates of the instrument station....... 15-37 15.5.13 TMC_SetStation - Set the coordinates of the instrument station......... 15-38 15.6 INFORMATION FUNCTIONS ...................................................................... 15-39 15.6.1 TMC_GetFace - Get face information of current telescope position . 15-39 15.6.2 TMC_GetSignal - Get information about EDM’s signal amplitude ... 15-40 15.7 CONFIGURATION FUNCTIONS.................................................................. 15-41 15.7.1 TMC_GetAngSwitch - Get angular correction's states........................ 15-41 15.7.2 TMC_GetInclineSwitch - Get the dual axis compensator's state ........ 15-42 15.7.3 TMC_SetInclineSwitch - Switch dual axis compensator on or off...... 15-43 15.7.4 TMC_GetEdmMode - Get the EDM measurement mode .................... 15-44 15.7.5 TMC_SetEdmMode - Set EDM measurement modes........................... 15-45 15.7.6 TMC_GetSimpleCoord – Get cartesian coordinates........................... 15-46 15.7.7 TMC_IfDataAzeError – If ATR error occur......................................... 15-50 15.7.8 TMC_IfDataIncError – If incline error occur..................................... 15-51 15.7.9 TMC_SetAngSwitch – Enable/disable angle corrections.................... 15-52 15.7.10 TMC_GetSlopeDistCorr – Get slope distance correction factors...... 15-53 16 WI - REGISTRATION – WIR.............................................................. 16-1 16.1 CONSTANTS ............................................................................................... 16-1 16.2 FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 16-1 16.2.1 WIR_GetRecFormat – Get Record Format............................................ 16-1 16.2.2 WIR_SetRecFormat – Set Record Format.............................................. 16-2

GeoCOM Reference Manual 17 PORTING A TPS1000 APPLICATION 17.1 RPC CHANGES 17.1.1 Beep On/of. 17-3 17.1.2 Central Services-CST 17.1.3 Electronic Distance Measurement-EDM 17-3 17.1.4 Theodolite Measurement and Calculation -TMC 17.2 DATA TYPES AND CONSTANTS CHANGES 173 NEW RETURNCODES 17-5 A Return Codes A-1 General Return Codes A-2 ANG Subsyste .3 ATA Subsystem -5 TMC Subsyste MOT Subsystem A-7 A-8 WIR Subsystem A-9 AUT Subsystem A-10 BAP Subsystem Hardware interface Serial Interface B-1 Debugging Utility B-2 C-1 Settings for Terminal Emulator Program frames DDD 115 Notice: Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, win32, Visual C++ and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries TPS I100-Version 1.01

GeoCOM Reference Manual Contents TPS1100-Version 1.01 VI 17 PORTING A TPS1000 APPLICATION............................................... 17-3 17.1 RPC CHANGES .......................................................................................... 17-3 17.1.1 Beep On/Off.............................................................................................. 17-3 17.1.2 Central Services – CSV............................................................................ 17-3 17.1.3 Electronic Distance Measurement – EDM............................................. 17-3 17.1.4 Theodolite Measurement and Calculation – TMC................................. 17-4 17.2 DATA TYPES AND CONSTANTS CHANGES ................................................ 17-4 17.3 NEW RETURNCODES.................................................................................. 17-5 A Return Codes A-1 A-1 General Return Codes A-1 A-2 ANG Subsystem A-2 A-3 ATA Subsystem A-3 A-4 EDM Subsystem A-4 A-5 TMC Subsystem A-6 A-6 MOT Subsystem A-7 A-7 COM Subsystem A-7 A-8 WIR Subsystem A-8 A-9 AUT Subsystem A-9 A-10 BAP Subsystem A-10 B Hardware interface B-1 B-1 Serial Interface B-1 B-2 Debugging Utility B-2 C Provided Samples C-1 C-1 Settings for Terminal Emulator C-1 C-2 Program Frames C-2 D List of RPC’s D-1 D-1 Alpha order D-1 D-2 Numeric Order D-5 . Notice: Notice: Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, Win32, Visual C++ and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries

GeoCOM Reference Manual 1. GeoCOM 1 GEOCOM 1.1 INTRODUCTION TPS 1 100 series Theodolites are modern geodetic measurement instruments. Most of the main tasks can be fulfilled with these instruments implicitly by their integrated applications. Now, to fulfil a broader spectrum of tasks and applicatio an interface to the tps 1 100 series sensor functions has been defined and will be published with this document With this interface it will be possible to write client applications based on MS Windows and/or for any other platform which supports ASCll based communications 1.2 TPS1100 SYSTEM SOFTWARE The TPS1100 system software organises and controls the interplay sensor elements. Furthermore, it builds up a frame for applications, which can be executed on the tPs 1 100 Theodolite This document concentrates on the main interface to the sensor elements of the TPS1100 Theodolite. This main interface can be used to implement solutions for special customer problems if the already existing solution does not provide the needed functionality or just to enhance it. 1. 2. 1 Organisation of Subsystems The TPS1 100 system software is built around the sensor elements, which are parts and/or optional add-ons of the TPS1 100 Theodolite instrument. It provides a set of functions to access sensors and calculated values. These functions are organised subsystems. We will keep this segmentation in this document These functions can be grouped in the following sections AUT Automatisation; a module which provides functions like the control of the Automatic Target Recognition, Change Face function or Positioning BAP Basic Applications, some functions which can easily be used to ge measuring data BMM Basic Man Machine; functions which controls some basic input/output functionality, e. g set beep alarm,etc TPS1100-Version l01

GeoCOM Reference Manual 1 . GeoCOM TPS1100-Version 1.01 1-1 1 GEOCOM 1.1 INTRODUCTION TPS1100 series Theodolites are modern geodetic measurement instruments. Most of the main tasks can be fulfilled with these instruments implicitly by their integrated applications. Now, to fulfil a broader spectrum of tasks and applications an interface to the TPS1100 series sensor functions has been defined and will be published with this document. With this interface it will be possible to write client applications based on MS￾Windows and/or for any other platform which supports ASCII based communications. 1.2 TPS1100 SYSTEM SOFTWARE The TPS1100 system software organises and controls the interplay of several sensor elements. Furthermore, it builds up a frame for applications, which can be executed on the TPS1100 Theodolite. This document concentrates on the main interface to the sensor elements of the TPS1100 Theodolite. This main interface can be used to implement solutions for special customer problems if the already existing solution does not provide the needed functionality or just to enhance it. 1.2.1 Organisation of Subsystems The TPS1100 system software is built around the sensor elements, which are parts and/or optional add-ons of the TPS1100 Theodolite instrument. It provides a set of functions to access sensors and calculated values. These functions are organised as subsystems. We will keep this segmentation in this document. These functions can be grouped in the following sections: AUT Automatisation; a module which provides functions like the control of the Automatic Target Recognition, Change Face function or Positioning functions. BAP Basic Applications; some functions which can easily be used to get measuring data. BMM Basic Man Machine; functions which controls some basic input/output functionality, e.g. set beep alarm, etc

GeoCOM Reference m 1. GeoCOM COMF Communication a module which handles the basic communication parameters. Most of these functions relate to both client and server side COM Communication; functions to access some aspects of TPS1 100 control which are close to communication These functions relate either to the client side or to the server side CSv Central Services; this module provides functions to get or set central/basic information about the tps 1 100 instrument CTL Control task; this module contains functions of the system control task edM Electronic distance meter the module which measures distances MOT Motorization; the part which can be used to control the movement and the speed of movements of the instrument SUP Supervisor; functions to control some of the general values of the TPS1100 instrument, e.g. set the lower limit temperature TMC Theodolite Measurement and Calculation; the core module for getting measurement data. WIR WI Registration; this module contains function for GSi recording See Picture(1)for an architectural overview of these subsystems TPS1100-Version 1.01

GeoCOM Reference Manual 1 . GeoCOM TPS1100-Version 1.01 1-2 COMF Communication; a module which handles the basic communication parameters. Most of these functions relate to both client and server side. COM Communication; functions to access some aspects of TPS1100 control which are close to communication. These functions relate either to the client side or to the server side. CSV Central Services; this module provides functions to get or set central/basic information about the TPS1100 instrument. CTL Control task; this module contains functions of the system control task. EDM Electronic Distance Meter; the module which measures distances. MOT Motorization; the part which can be used to control the movement and the speed of movements of the instrument. SUP Supervisor; functions to control some of the general values of the TPS1100 instrument, e.g. set the lower limit temperature. TMC Theodolite Measurement and Calculation; the core module for getting measurement data. WIR WI Registration; this module contains function for GSI recording. See Picture (1) for an architectural overview of these subsystems

GeoCOM Reference Manual 1. GeoCOM PC application GeoCOM client Serial Line COMF TPS GeoCoM BAP CTL EDM COM system software motorization inclination) angle distancebasic sensor sensor senso in/out Picture(1)-Overview Client/Server Application 1.3 PRINCIPLES OF GEOCOM OPERATION Communication takes place between two participants-a client and a server. The medium of communication is a serial communication line. Refer to Appendix B for further information about settings and needed hardware The idea of GeoCOM is based on SUN Microsystems Remote Procedure Call On the low level of implementation, each procedure, which is executable on th remote instrument, is assigned a remote procedure call identification number. Thi number is used internally to associate a specific request, including the implici parameters, to a procedure on the remote device. On this level, GeoCOM provides TPS1100-Version l01

GeoCOM Reference Manual 1 . GeoCOM TPS1100-Version 1.01 1-3 Picture (1) - Overview Client/Server Application 1.3 PRINCIPLES OF GEOCOM OPERATION Communication takes place between two participants – a client and a server. The medium of communication is a serial communication line. Refer to Appendix B for further information about settings and needed hardware. The idea of GeoCOM is based on SUN Microsystems’ Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol. On the low level of implementation, each procedure, which is executable on the remote instrument, is assigned a remote procedure call identification number. This number is used internally to associate a specific request, including the implicit parameters, to a procedure on the remote device. On this level, GeoCOM provides system software BMM SUP MOT TMC CSV AUT BAP EDM PC application GeoCOM server inclination sensor angle sensor distance sensor motorization basic in/out COM GeoCOM client COMF Serial Line TPS PC WIR CTL

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