普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语 选修(语言应用类) 初级财经英语 English For personal Finance 人民教育出版社课程教材研究所 英语课程教材研究开发中心编著 图 Educate麦格劳-希尔教育集团 人人办“社
编委会主任:刘道义 编委会副主任:魏国栋龚亚夫 澳方主编: Graham Happer Robert Mulas 中方主编:李泽鹏 改 编:陶明天胡萍张慧娟 责任编辑:陶明天 绘 a: Steven Bray Alan Laver(Shelly Communications) 封面设计:林荣桓 Commerce in Action Book I sth Edition ISBN074714066 All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping, or any information and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright o 2005 by McGraw-Hill Education This authorized adapted edition is jointly published by McGraw-Hill Education(Australia) Pty Ltd and People's Education Press 本书改编版由人民教育出版社和麦格劳一希尔教育集团合作出版。未经出版者预先书面许可,不得用任何方式复制或抄袭本书的 任何内容 Copyright c 2005 by McGraw-Hill Education and People's Education Press 版权合同登记号:图字:01-2005-J871 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语 选修(语言应用类) 初级财经英语 人民教育出版社课程教材研究所 英语课程教材研究开发中心编著 麦格劳-希尔教育集团 人AA·出版发行 网址:http://www.pep.com.cn 北京美通印刷有限公司印装全国新华书店经销 开本:890毫米x1240毫米/16印张:6字数:120000 2007年5月第2版2011年5月第15次印刷 ISBN978-7-107-18829 G·11919(课) 定价:745元 著作权所有·请勿擅用本书制作各类出版物·违者必究 如发现印、装质量问題,影响阅读,请与本社出版二科联系调换。 (联系地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街17号院1号楼邮编:100081)
前言 《普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语选修(语言应用类)初级财经英语》是由课 程教材研究所英语课程教材研究开发中心和麦格劳一希尔教育集团联合开发的,已经于 2005年通过了“全国中小学教材审定委员会”的初审。本书按照《普通高中英语课程标 准(实验)》的精神,结合我国高中生的现有水平和实际需要,科学选材、精心编写,具 有以下优点: 围绕“个人理财介绍财经知识,突出财经英语的实用性。 在现代社会,任何一个人都面临着合理支配收入的问题。只有做到收支平衡,满足 衣食住行方面的基本需求,才能有更多的精力为社会做贡献。所以,我们希望通过这本 书教给学生一些基本的理财知识,提高学生的生存技能,让学生形成合理消费的观念, 做一个理性的消费者 二,在保证知识体系完整的前提下,内容具有一定的伸缩性。 全书分为两部分,第一部分是“个人理财”( Personal finance).系统而全面地介 绍了个人理财的方方面面:收入( Earning an income)、消费和储蓄( Spending and saving Income)、借贷( Borrowing money)、理财( Managing finances)和投资( nesting money)等, 第一部分形成了一个完整的知识体系,是必修部分,第二部分的“投资”( Investing).是 第一部分最后一个问题的深入和拓展,只要求学有余力、程度好的学生掌握。 三本书图文并茂,形式与内容完美结合。 在每单元的各小节,我们首先在正文中用简洁明了的文字说明基本原理和具体做 法,然后在边框中以批注的形式介绍正文中出现的术语和概念,最后用图表和漫画对上 述内容进行形象化的说明。这些漫画和图表不是脱离文本的装饰,而是正文不可分割的 补充和说明。 四.练习和活动的设计富有层次性 在每个小节之后,我们都设计了“ What do you know?”栏目,该栏目是一些检测性 和复习性的练习题,目的在于强化学生对知识的理解。然后,我们设计了“ HOT(higher order thinking) activities”,该栏目是一些具有实际意义的任务,要求学生或进行调查,或 设计解决方案,把学到的知识加以应用。在每个单元结束的时候,我们还设计了Now goto.栏目,指导学有余力的学生通过网络、杂志、报纸或其他途径搜集更多的财经 资料,拓宽知识面,加深对所学理财知识的理解。 根据《普通高中课程标准(实验》的精神,本门选修课共开设9周(36学时)。本书设计 了9个单元,原则上每周学习一个单元。但教师可以根据学生的接受程度灵活掌握:条 件好的地区可以学完9个单元,平均每周学习一个单元,条件有限制的地区可以只学第 部分的5个单元,每个单元所用时间也可以灵活安排。 编者
Contents Topic 1 Personal finance Unit One earning an income............................3 Unit Two Spending and saving income.…..,……….0 Unit Three Borrowing money..... 21 Unit Four Managing finances....……30 Unit Five Investing money. Topic 2 Investing Unit Six Making investment decisions Unit Seven Investment options. Unit Eight Investment planning 79 Unit Nine Current issues Appendix ossary
TOPIC 1 Personal finance FOCUS In this topic you will develop knowledge understanding and skills that will help you achieve financial independence by developing the ability to make informed judgements and effective decisions regarding the use and management of money
PERSONAL FINANCE Earning an income Spending and saving income Borrowing money Managing finances Investing money WHAT YOU WILL LEARN In this topic you will learn: The ways in which income is earned from work, investments, business activities and government transfers The ways income is spent and why saving is important. You will also learn how and why spending patterns vary Why people borrow, how loans are obtained and the main sources of loans. You will also learn about some of the dangers involved in excessive borrowing The importance of managing income and expenditure, and levels of borrowing and credit to avoid problems Budgeting skills and when and how to seek financial advice from a range of sources How to maximise income by investing wisely in a range of investment options WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN THIS TOPIC Managing your personal finances is vital to your material and social health Poor management of finances is a major cause of unhappiness Saving and budgeting are both vital and are the key to financial stability At times you will need to borrow money-for example, for a car or a house.Borrowing is not a potential problem if it is done wisely Investing your savings is important to prepare for your future and to maximise your income
Unit One Earning an income employees people who work for others and are paid a salary For many students, pocket money is your only form of income. Whether you or wage spend it all as soon as you get it, or save some of it so you can buy something special later on. it never seems enough. If you are able to get a part-time job you employers people and organisations will be paid in return for the work that you do for your employer. Your income who have others will obviously increase but you will still have to choose whether you spend it all work for them or save some. However, you may also decide to take up the option of investing some of your savings to help increase your income INCOME Income is the amount of money people receive. Some people earn their income by working for someone else. Their skills and efforts as employees a⊙ are purchased by employers. )Nearly all of the others get their income from being self-employed, from investments and from government payments wage a payment for work that is based on an hourly ratethe more hours worked the greater the amount earned To start thinking about how you can earn an income, look at the following table by the worker that illustrates a number of different income-related activities These activities and their return often depend on having special skills or abilities. The return is the salary a yearly amount of money paid to the person who carries out the activity. For example, payment for work that is broken down someone doing regular paid work for a business would receive a wage. The into smaller units of amount would generally depend on the worker's age, experience and qualifications eekly, fortnightly or monthly pay Type of activity Return dividend the return Doing regular paid work Wages and salary or profit you receive Running a business venture Profit from your shares Professional services Fee interest the return Selling someone else,s belongings Commission you receive from Owning shares Dividend lending your money Letting someone else use your property Rent Lending money Interest royalty the return Relying on social-welfare programs Pensions and benefits you receive from Winning competitions Winnings writing published o Inheriting money Inheritance, legacy recorded material Writing a published book, song or Royalty such as a book computer program specialisation Select five people you know and outline how they earn their income doing one particular b or task types of income interdependence reliance on other We now rely on other people with specialised training or talents to provide most people in the of the things we need. The specialisation and interdependence that are part of community for what our complex commercial world mean that we work for an income and then they need TOPIC1 PERSONAL FINANCE3
use this money to buy those things we need Our income can come from many different sources; however, most can be grouped under the four headings shown 1. FIGURE 1 Where does income come from? Income ocial welfa employment programs contract an agreement between an employer and an employee as Investments Business ventures to what work will be performed and what the pay and conditions will be for that particular job ncome from work enterpnse agreeme nt In China, most people work for an income by exchanging their labour for arrangement about wages and working wages or salaries. Employers will often agree to pay higher wages or salaries conditions that have to employees that have a higher education, increased experience and skills been negotiated This sort of arrangement between an employer and an employee is called an between workers employment contract. and management in individual workplaces types of work leave entitlements the right to be away There are four basic work options available: full-time, part-time, permanent and from work with casual. Both full-time and part-time work can be either permanent or casual payment Another type of work arrangement is where a person agrees to perform Full-time work Part-time work This is based on a standard number of hours Employees work for less than 40 hours per week. usually 40 or more hours per week, as set out Hours may be fixed or variable but are less than the by Labour Laws and enterprise agreements. standard hours common for that industry. Maximum Employees can earn a wage or a salary. They also or minimum hours per week may be set. Employees have holiday and leave entitlements. are entitled to some holiday and leave on a ratio of hours worked compared to the standard for full-time employees Permanent employees Casual employees Employment is ongoing and not limited in length They are employed temporarily for a specific number by the terms of a contract Employees will continue of hours during a day or over a week. Casual working until they resign, retire, are dismissed or made employees, unlike permanent employees, do not redundant because staff numbers are cut back. They usually have sick or holiday leave entitlements To are entitled to sick and holiday leave. Depending on compensate, they are usually paid a higher, hourly the industry, other types of leave may also apply rate. They do not have job security 4 UNIT ONE EARNING AN INCOME
a particular task for a set fee. This person is not an employee but has been contracted to do the work. The contract is usually for a short period of time. Recent changes Although most employees are either full-time or part-time, and permanent or holiday casual, there are many new variations appearing in the workforce entitlements the right to be on holiday O Some workers employed on a casual basis work full-time and so become with payment entitled to some full-time employee benefits, especially if they have been the retail industry with a business for more than 12 months the industry selling Some workers have elected to be employed for less than the standard hours goods to the general but still maintain a permanent relationship with the business. This permanent public part-time arrangement can benefit both employer and employee. The way we work has also changed. Originally workers began as full-time employees and frequently worked with the one business until they retired. To save money on their wages bill and limit other payments to workers, such as sick leave and holiday entitlements, many businesses now have a majority of casual employees. This growth is clearly seen in the retail industry and in particular the fast food industry. Both industries employ a lot of school-aged workers What do you know? 1 Identify the two main types of income workers receive from their employers 2 Define full-time work in less than 25 words 3 Identify three ways employees can improve their wages and salaries TOPIC1 PERSONAL FINANCE5
HOTactiities 1 Identify two activities that would earn you a commission, a fee or a royalt 2 Suggest two reasons why employers are increasing the number of part-time and casual workers in their business savings account a bank account where money is placed to save: the interest ncome from investments rate is usually quite small Often people earn enough money to pay all their taxes and living costs, and put financial year the money aside as savings. Putting savings into special accounts or ventures expected period used by to provide a financial return is called investing. The most common form of investing companies and is saving money in a bank. The simplest bank accounts, usually called savings government for accounts, reward the saver with an interest payment often at the end of each accounting and tax financial year. If a saver can do without their money for a period of time(e.g.over purpose 6 months), banks can offer a higher interest rate. These accounts are usually referred term deposit a to as term deposits. Interest payments can provide a regular form of income for the bank account where money is place to investor, or they can be added to the deposit so the invested money grows save for an agreed period of time: the interest rate is bigger than that of a saving account 6 UNIT ONE EARNING AN INCOME