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普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语 选修 IEW SENIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA STUDENT'S BOOK 9 人民教育出版社课程教材研究所编著 英语课程教材研究开发中心 y的 人“社
普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语9 选修 人民教育出版社课程教材研究所 英语课程教材研究开发中心 人∴2.“出版发行 网址http://www.pepcom.cn 山东新华印刷厂德州厂印装全国新华书店经销 开本:800毫米x1240毫米1/16甲张:8.25字数:19900 207年4月第202010年5月第9次印刷 IsHN978-7-107-18939 G·12029(课) 定价:9.90元 著作权所有·请勿擅用本书制作各类出版物·违者必究 如发现印,装质量问题,影响阅读,请与本社出版科联系调换 (联系地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街17号院1号楼邮编:1001
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CONTENTS Guit Breaking cords records Sports Emotion(surprise) Surpassing physical lir P1 Navigation Sailing the Discovery and exploration of unknown Cause and effect oceans land P11 Sea exploration History and geography of Australia Australia Wildlife Prohibition and warning Tourism P21 and culture Exploring plants Nature: plants History of plant exploration Emotions(wonder, disgust) P31 Different types of advertisements and Inside their effects Different v advertising The ways to make effective advertisements argument P41 Advertising controls Appendices Notes to the texts P91 P101 Words and expressions in each unit P105 Vocabula P115
Structunes Reading Writing Workbook The road is always ahead of you' The Subject(words, phrases, Focus on Recount nonfinite, clauses) P51 Newspaper articles of record magazine profile breaker Sailing the oceans The Predicate(different types The greatest navigational journey Persuasive writing: of verbs) a lesson in survival P59 a report to the leader Sindbad's second adventure he Predicative(words Glimpses of Australia phrases, nonfinite, clauses Australias dangerous creatures Personal recount: P67 Greenhill High School Notice Board an email Plant exploration in the 18th and 19th he Direct Object and Indirect centuries Descriptive writing Flowers and their animal pollinators describing a plant P75 Co-evolution How advertising works Creative writing .he Object Complement Keeping advertisers honest Does food advertising have an designing an P83 advertisement effect on obesity? rregular verbs P122 Changes in international phonetic symbols for English P125
Unit Breeking records Warming Up These pictures have been taken at the end of events. How do you think the participants are feeling ve reasons Hurdling Swimming Weight lifting xIng Pre-readting In groups, answer these questions about the pictures of the activities below I What is each person doing? Choose the name of each activity from the list e hula hooping e pogo stick jumping e doing jumping jacks . somersaulting e standing on a Swiss ball doing lunges 2 Have you ever done any of these activities? 3 Would you consider each activity to be a serious sport? 4 Which activities would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them? Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time) Now read about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken guinness records in all these activities
THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOu' Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. Over the last 25 years. he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. More than twenty of these he still holds. including the record for having the most records. But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather han respect. in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and itness as well as determination Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are walking. You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay on your head While Ashrita makes standing on top of a 75 cm Swiss ball look easy. it is not. It takes a lot of concentration and a great sense of balance to stay on it. You have to struggle to stay on top especially when your legs start shaking And what about somersaulting along a road for 12 miles somersaulting is a tough event as you have to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain. You are permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour of rolling but you are allowed to stop briefly to vomit Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita is outstanding. Lunges are extremely hard on your legs. You start by standing and then you step forward with the right foot while touching the left knee to the ground. Then you stand up again and step forward with the left foot while touching the right knee to the ground. Imagine doing this for a mile! Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete. As a child he was very unfit and was not at all interested in sports. However, he was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records How Ashrita came to be a sportsman is an interesting story. As a teenager. he began searching for a deeper meaning in life. He studied Eastern religions and, aged 16, discovered an Indian meditation teacher called Sri Chinmoy who lived in his neighbourhood in New York City. Since that time in the early 1970s Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy's students Sri Chinmoy says that it is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds hearts and spiritual selves. He believes that there is no limit to people's physi abilities When Ashrita came third in a 24-hour bicycle marathon in New rork nA 2
Central Park in 1978. he knew that he would one day get into the Guinness Book of World Records. He had been urged by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon even though h he had done no training. So, when he won third place. he came to the understanding that his body was just an instrument of the spirit and that he seemed to be able to use his spirit to accomplish anything. From then on, Ashrita refused to accept any physical limitation With this new confidence, Ashrita broke his first Guinness record with 27,000 jumping jacks in 1979. The motivation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to Sri Chinmoy. Every time Ashrita tries to break a ecord, he reaches a point where he feels he cannot physically do any more. At that moment, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his acher Ashrita always acknowledges his teacher in his record-breaking attempts In fact, he often wears a T-shirt with Sri Chinmoy's words on the back. The words are. "There is only one perfect road. It is ahead of you, always ahead of you Comprehending 1 Quickly glance through the text. Tick the topics about Ashrita that the author does not cover physical skills needed for events number of records broken his family life kinds of records broken why he became a sportsman countries he likes best place and date of birth his occupation his education his first Guinness record Now read the story more carefully and answer the following questions in groups I Where do you think Ashrita lives? 2 How old do you think he is? 3 Has he broken records in all seven continents? 4 hen did he first come across the Guinness Book of World Records? 5 What are some of the physical difficulties he has experienced when A walking with a bottle of milk on his head? C somersaulting 6 Which one of Sri Chinmoy's beliefs led Ashrita to attempting record, ally correct lunges? B standing on top of a Swiss ball? D doing gymnastic 7 Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathon in 1978? 8 Why did Ashrita believe he could accomplish anything after the bicycle marathon? 9 What happens in an event that prevents Ashrita from giving up? 10 Do you think that the events that Ashrita participates in are childish? Why or why not?
3 Here are some of Ashrita's beliefs In groups, discuss whether you agree with them or not There is no limit to people's physical abilities 2 The body is just an instrument of the spirit. 3 You can use your spirit to accomplish anything 4 There is only one perfect road. It is ahead of you, always ahead of you 4 Get into groups of four and choose two sports. Find out what skills are needed for each activity. Share your ideas with the other groups in your class. Finally decide which activity you would prefer to train for and give a reason Sport Training needed Sport Training needed pogo stick i keeping balance jumping jack umping 2 jumping and landing with bent knees somersaulting hula hooping doing lunges standing on a Swiss ball Learnting about Language Discovering useful words and expressions 1 Complete the table and then choose a word to complete each sentence below Verb Noun Adjective approximate adjustment accomplish devotion motvation I He is to his wife and gives her anything she asks for 2 Can you tell me the number of athletes in your club? 3 It was a huge for her to be able to reach the top of the mountain 4 Some people have the ability to others to try to achieve their goals 5 She has to the fact that she will never win the 400 metre swimming event. 4