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湖南人文科技学院:《英语演讲》课程思政教学资源(授课教案)03 Using language


湖南人文科技学院课程教案 《英语演讲》 课程教案 编号: 授课题目 Using language 教学课型 理论课 首次授课时间 学时 大1 教学场所 固定座位教室口移动座位教室口智慧型互动教室口 实验(实训)室口校外实践基地口户外口其它口 教学目的 知识目标: At the end of the class,students can: know the importance of language use in a speech,了解演讲中语言选择的重要性 understand the definition of language accuracy,vividness,appropriateness and inclusiveness,理解语言准确、生动、恰当、有包容性的内涵 master how to use language in a speech,.掌握演讲中如何选择语言 能力目标: At the end of the class,students can: develop the ability to use language accurately.vividly,appropriately,and inclusively: 准确、生动、恰当、有包容性使用语言的能力 develop the ability to think critically.communicate effectively,and work together. 判性思维、有效沟通及团队协作能力 思政目标: At the end of the class,students can: enhance communication effect for better interpersonal relationship,改善沟通效果和人际 关系 successfully tell Chinese stories and enhance cultural confidence.讲好中国故事、提升文 化自信 教学重点、难点: Key points: understand the definition of language accuracy,vividness,appropriateness and inclusiveness理解语言准确、生动、恰当、有包容性的内涵 master how to use language in a speech演讲中如何选择语言

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 《英语演讲》 课程教案 编 号: 授 课 题 目 Using language 教学课型 理论课 首次授课时间 学 时 1 教学场所 固定座位教室□ 移动座位教室□ 智慧型互动教室□ 实验(实训)室□ 校外实践基地□ 户外□ 其它□ 教学目的: 知识目标: At the end of the class, students can: know the importance of language use in a speech; 了解演讲中语言选择的重要性 understand the definition of language accuracy, vividness, appropriateness and inclusiveness; 理解语言准确、生动、恰当、有包容性的内涵 master how to use language in a speech; 掌握演讲中如何选择语言 能力目标: At the end of the class, students can: develop the ability to use language accurately, vividly, appropriately, and inclusively; 培养 准确、生动、恰当、有包容性使用语言的能力 develop the ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and work together; 培养批 判性思维、有效沟通及团队协作能力 思政目标: At the end of the class, students can: enhance communication effect for better interpersonal relationship; 改善沟通效果和人际 关系 successfully tell Chinese stories and enhance cultural confidence. 讲好中国故事、提升文 化自信 教学重点、难点: Key points: understand the definition of language accuracy, vividness, appropriateness and inclusiveness 理解语言准确、生动、恰当、有包容性的内涵 master how to use language in a speech 演讲中如何选择语言

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 Difficult points: master how to use language accurately,vividly,appropriately,and inclusively in a speech 演讲中如何选择准确、生动、恰当、有包容性的语言 课程思政: The chapter is to introduce language use in a speech.As a matter of fact,a host of speakers have no idea about how to use language when they need to give a speech Consequently,it's important for them to be acquainted with language use in a speech. This lecture has something to do with effective communication.So I decide to combine language use in a speech with enhancing interpersonal relationship and Chinese culture spreading through effective communication. 这个主题与提升沟通效果、改善人际关系和促进文化传播有关。因此,我决定将 改善人际关系和促进文化传播这一思政元素融入到授课内容里。 First,I want students to understand that language use is especially important in a speech. 首先,我想让学生通过鉴赏与分析,了解演讲中语言使用的重要性。 Second,I want students to learn how to use language accurately,vividly,appropriately and inclusively in a speech,so that they can enhance interpersonal relationship,and successfully tell Chinese stories through successful language use. 其次,我希望他们能够通过课堂活动,掌握如何选择准确、生动、恰当、有包容 性的语言,继而通过语言使用来实现有效沟通、改善人际关系并讲好中国故事。 教学方式和手段: L.Blended teaching(混合式教学法):It is a combination of on--line teaching with classroom teaching.Use on-line teaching platform to offer learning materials,assign pre-class learning tasks and organize on-line discussion for related moral education;in the classroom,the focus is mainly put on checking students'master of skills. 2.Flipped-.classroom teaching method(翻转课堂教学法):Before the class,a video clip is offered on the on-line platform to guide students so as to help them understand what to learn;in the class,students'understanding of the skills to be learned will be checked and they will learn the skills in detail and do further discussion and other activities on related topics

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 Difficult points: master how to use language accurately, vividly, appropriately, and inclusively in a speech 演讲中如何选择准确、生动、恰当、有包容性的语言 课程思政: The chapter is to introduce language use in a speech. As a matter of fact, a host of speakers have no idea about how to use language when they need to give a speech. Consequently, it’s important for them to be acquainted with language use in a speech. This lecture has something to do with effective communication. So I decide to combine language use in a speech with enhancing interpersonal relationship and Chinese culture spreading through effective communication. 这个主题与提升沟通效果、改善人际关系和促进文化传播有关。因此,我决定将 改善人际关系和促进文化传播这一思政元素融入到授课内容里。 First, I want students to understand that language use is especially important in a speech. 首先,我想让学生通过鉴赏与分析,了解演讲中语言使用的重要性。 Second, I want students to learn how to use language accurately, vividly, appropriately, and inclusively in a speech, so that they can enhance interpersonal relationship, and successfully tell Chinese stories through successful language use. 其次,我希望他们能够通过课堂活动,掌握如何选择准确、生动、恰当、有包容 性的语言,继而通过语言使用来实现有效沟通、改善人际关系并讲好中国故事。 教学方式和手段: 1. Blended teaching(混合式教学法): It is a combination of on-line teaching with classroom teaching. Use on-line teaching platform to offer learning materials, assign pre-class learning tasks and organize on-line discussion for related moral education; in the classroom, the focus is mainly put on checking students’ master of skills. 2. Flipped-classroom teaching method(翻转课堂教学法): Before the class, a video clip is offered on the on-line platform to guide students so as to help them understand what to learn; in the class, students’ understanding of the skills to be learned will be checked and they will learn the skills in detail and do further discussion and other activities on related topics

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 教学过程: ()Pre-class arrangement课前安排 )Learning guidance(学前导读) :Questions are offered to guide students to locate the key points of what they are going to learn: 1.Is language use important in a speech? 2.How to use language accurately,vividly,appropriately,and inclusively? 2)Online brainstorming:Students are required to watch the video clip of Obama's speech "YES WE CAN" 线上头脑风暴:要求学生观看奥巴马的演讲视频《我们可以》 Questions for brainstorming: What's your impression on the language used by Obama in his speech? 奥巴马的演讲语言给你留下了何种印象? Is the communication effective according to the audience's responses and onlin comments? 根据现场观众反响以及线上评价,奥巴马的演讲效果如何? Assessment(peer assessment): Students are to evaluate others'replies from two perspectives:ideas and expressions,and grade them on-line.The criterion is as follows Scale Deserintion 01 are unrelated to the task,and only isolated words are 2.3 nt but limited range of vocabulary is used and there are noticeable err elling and ors in 4-5 The ideas are rele rant and well-develoned:a wide range of vocabulary is used and there are only minor errors in spelling and grammar. (2)In-class arrangement:课中安排(15) )Checking students'pre-class preparation and peer assessment检查学生课 前预习作业,查看生生互评结果并进行点评(') Teacher's comment: All of you have finished the pre-class exercise.According to the result of peer assessment,XX students are among the top in terms of their answer.Well-done! Through pre-class preparation,we know that language use is especially important ir a speech,and has a bearing on its success or failure.Then what are the tips for using language in a speech?Let's learn more about the topic today

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 教学过程: (1) Pre-class arrangement 课前安排 1) Learning guidance(学前导读): Questions are offered to guide students to locate the key points of what they are going to learn: 1. Is language use important in a speech? 2. How to use language accurately, vividly, appropriately, and inclusively? 2) Online brainstorming: Students are required to watch the video clip of Obama’s speech “YES WE CAN” 线上头脑风暴:要求学生观看奥巴马的演讲视频《我们可以》 Questions for brainstorming: What’s your impression on the language used by Obama in his speech? 奥巴马的演讲语言给你留下了何种印象? Is the communication effective according to the audience’s responses and online comments? 根据现场观众反响以及线上评价,奥巴马的演讲效果如何? Assessment (peer assessment): Students are to evaluate others’ replies from two perspectives: ideas and expressions, and grade them on-line. The criterion is as follows: Scale Description 0-1 The ideas are unrelated to the task, and only isolated words are used. 2-3 The ideas are relevant but are limited and not sufficiently developed; a limited range of vocabulary is used and there are noticeable errors in spelling and grammar. 4-5 The ideas are relevant and well-developed; a wide range of vocabulary is used and there are only minor errors in spelling and grammar. (2) In-class arrangement: 课中安排 (15’) 1) Checking students’ pre-class preparation and peer assessment 检查学生课 前预习作业,查看生生互评结果并进行点评 (1’) Teacher’s comment: All of you have finished the pre-class exercise. According to the result of peer assessment, XX students are among the top in terms of their answer. Well-done! Through pre-class preparation, we know that language use is especially important in a speech, and has a bearing on its success or failure. Then what are the tips for using language in a speech? Let’s learn more about the topic today

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 2)Lead-in导入(4) Ask the students to wateh a video clip:We Are All Fighters Ouestions: How do you feel after watching the video?Are you motivated or touched? Possible answers::可能的答案 I've got a better understanding on the contributions made by people from all walks of life in China.I respect them more. I feel touched and are proud of what Chinese people have done in our fight against COVID-19.I'm proud of being a Chinese. Teacher's comment:教师评价 Great job!Thanks to vivid pictures and successful language use,the video is really touching.Language use is of great importance in a speech,and has a lot to do with the communication effect.Then,what contributes to successful language use in a speech?Today,we are going to focus on how to use language accurately,vividly, appropriately and inclusively. 得益于生动的图片和成功的语言使用,导入视频触动人心。语言的使用在演讲 中非常重要,并且直接决定沟通质量。那么,演讲中语言的使用需要考虑哪些 因素?下面,我们将详细介绍如何准确、生动、恰当和包容性地使用语言。 3)Explain how to use language in a speech(8':进一步讲解如何使用语言 1.Using language accurately a. use familiar words Try to avoid using big words where short,sharp ones will do the better job. choose concrete words Concrete words:refer to tangible(确凿的,实际的)objects,.as people,places,.and things. Abstract words:refer to ideas or concepts c.eliminate clutter keep your language lean(少量的)and lively, beware (of using several words where one or two will do; avoid flabby(无说服力的)phrases. let your ideas emerge sharply and firmly

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 2) Lead-in 导入 (4’) Ask the students to watch a video clip: We Are All Fighters Questions: How do you feel after watching the video? Are you motivated or touched? Possible answers: 可能的答案 I’ve got a better understanding on the contributions made by people from all walks of life in China. I respect them more. I feel touched and are proud of what Chinese people have done in our fight against COVID-19. I’m proud of being a Chinese. Teacher’s comment: 教师评价 Great job! Thanks to vivid pictures and successful language use, the video is really touching. Language use is of great importance in a speech, and has a lot to do with the communication effect. Then, what contributes to successful language use in a speech? Today, we are going to focus on how to use language accurately, vividly, appropriately and inclusively. 得益于生动的图片和成功的语言使用,导入视频触动人心。语言的使用在演讲 中非常重要,并且直接决定沟通质量。那么,演讲中语言的使用需要考虑哪些 因素?下面,我们将详细介绍如何准确、生动、恰当和包容性地使用语言。 3) Explain how to use language in a speech (8’): 进一步讲解如何使用语言 1. Using language accurately a. use familiar words Try to avoid using big words where short, sharp ones will do the better job. b. choose concrete words Concrete words: refer to tangible(确凿的,实际的) objects, as people, places, and things. Abstract words: refer to ideas or concepts. c. eliminate clutter keep your language lean (少量的) and lively; beware (谨防) of using several words where one or two will do; avoid flabby (无说服力的) phrases; let your ideas emerge sharply and firmly

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 Exercise:To improve the following story Born in Fujian Province in 1875,Oiu Jin is one of the most revered and respected Chinese female heroines..She was a leader and a pathbreaking(开创t性觔pioneer of equal rights for women.In addition to giving her support to women's learning and education..she opposed the brutal,barbaric(s残忍的),and cruel tradition of foot binding.Trained in classical literature.she ended up becoming a talented poe and political writer and the first woman to join and be a member of Sun Yatsen's Kuomintang.She was tortured by Qing officials in the year of 1907.In this day and age she is enshrined(t神圣前beside West lake in the city of Hangzhou. 2.Using language vividly If you want to move people with your speeches,use vivid,animated language.Two of the most important ways to do this are imagery and rhythm. (1)Imagery a.concrete words Concrete words call up mental impressions of sights,sounds,touch,smell,and taste. b.Simile:an explicit comparison between things that are essentially different ye have something in common.It always contains the word"like”or"“as” Chinese VS.English Simile 胆小如鼠chicken-hearted,.pigeon-hearted 力壮如牛as strong as a horse 雨后春笋spring up like mushroom 多如牛毛plentiful as blackberries 画蛇添足paint the lily(as fair as a lily) 形影不离like peas and carrots c.Metaphor:an implicit comparison between things that are essentially different yet have something in common..It does not contain the word"like”or“as” Art is the torch of a nation's spirit.-Li Changchun With globalization,the same sea washes all of humankind.We are all in the same boat.There are no safe lands.-Kofi Annan Ex:Using metaphor to talk about the Chinese dream

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 Exercise: To improve the following story Born in Fujian Province in 1875, Qiu Jin is one of the most revered and respected Chinese female heroines. She was a leader and a pathbreaking(开创性的) pioneer of equal rights for women. In addition to giving her support to women’s learning and education, she opposed the brutal, barbaric(残忍的), and cruel tradition of foot binding. Trained in classical literature, she ended up becoming a talented poet and political writer and the first woman to join and be a member of Sun Yatsen’s Kuomintang. She was tortured by Qing officials in the year of 1907. In this day and age she is enshrined(神圣的) beside West lake in the city of Hangzhou. 2. Using language vividly If you want to move people with your speeches, use vivid, animated language. Two of the most important ways to do this are imagery and rhythm. (1) Imagery a. concrete words Concrete words call up mental impressions of sights, sounds, touch, smell, and taste. b. Simile: an explicit comparison between things that are essentially different yet have something in common. It always contains the word “like” or “as”. Chinese VS. English Simile 胆小如鼠 chicken-hearted, pigeon-hearted 力壮如牛 as strong as a horse 雨后春笋 spring up like mushroom 多如牛毛 plentiful as blackberries 画蛇添足 paint the lily (as fair as a lily) 形影不离 like peas and carrots c. Metaphor: an implicit comparison between things that are essentially different yet have something in common. It does not contain the word “like” or “as”. Art is the torch of a nation’s spirit. —Li Changchun With globalization, the same sea washes all of humankind. We are all in the same boat. There are no safe lands. —Kofi Annan Ex: Using metaphor to talk about the Chinese dream

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 (2)Rhythm a.Parallelism:the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words phrases.or sentences. Role-play the following speeches: The battle is not1 o the strong alone:it is to the vigilant(著觉物,the active,.the brave.(Patrick Henry) I speak as a Republican.I speak as a woman.I speak as a United States Senator.I speak as an American.(Margaret Smith) I came,I saw.I conquered.(Julius Caesar) b. Repetition:reiterating the same word or set of words at the beginning or end or successive clauses or sentences If not now.when?If not us,who?If not together,how?(Gorden Brown) We must imagine greatly.dare greatly.and act greatly.(Adlai Stevenson) c.Alliteration:repeating the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words. Peace is essential for progress,but progress is no less essential for peace. China endured many trials and tribulations because of the decadent and declining rule of feudalism.(Hu Jintao) d.Antithesis:the juxtaposition (of contrasting ideas,usually in parallel structure. Ask not what your country can do for you:ask what you can do for your country (John Kennedy) 3.Using language appropriately Appropriateness to the occasion Appropriateness to the audience Appropriateness to the topic Appropriateness to the speaker 4.Using language inclusively avoid the generic“he avoid using"man"when referring to both men and women avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender use names that groups use to identify themselves

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 (2) Rhythm a. Parallelism: the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences. Role-play the following speeches: The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant(警觉的), the active, the brave. (Patrick Henry) I speak as a Republican. I speak as a woman. I speak as a United States Senator. I speak as an American. (Margaret Smith) I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar) b. Repetition: reiterating the same word or set of words at the beginning or end or successive clauses or sentences. If not now, when? If not us, who? If not together, how? (Gorden Brown) We must imagine greatly, dare greatly, and act greatly. (Adlai Stevenson) c. Alliteration: repeating the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words. Peace is essential for progress, but progress is no less essential for peace. China endured many trials and tribulations because of the decadent and declining rule of feudalism. (Hu Jintao) d. Antithesis: the juxtaposition(并列) of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. (John Kennedy) 3. Using language appropriately Appropriateness to the occasion Appropriateness to the audience Appropriateness to the topic Appropriateness to the speaker 4. Using language inclusively avoid the generic “he” avoid using “man” when referring to both men and women avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender use names that groups use to identify themselves

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 4)Summary and Homework总结与作业(2') Knowledge:the importance of language use in a speech,definition of languag accuracy,vividness,appropriateness and inclusiveness;language use in a speech; Ability:ability to think critically,communicate effectively,and work together, Moral.思政: to enhance communication effect for better interpersonal relationship; 通效果和人际关系 to successfully tell Chinese stories and enhance cultural confidence讲好中国 故事、提升文化自信 Homework: As an exchange student at a comprehensive university in Britain,you are scheduled to speak with your classmates on the topic of traditional Chinese culture.List the three major aspects of language usage that you think are most important when giving the speech in English.Explain specific steps you can take to achieve each objective Students are encouraged to work in groups(of 5-6 people),discuss the topic record their ideas and upload them to the olin learning platform. 分小组讨论话题、制定具体方案,然后把小组的观点记录下来并上传到网络 教学平台。 Assessment(teacher assessment): Students are required to present their answers online,which are to be graded by the teacher 板书设计: Using language How to use language accurately How to use language vividly How to use language appropriately How to use language inclusively 思考题、作业

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 4) Summary and Homework 总结与作业 (2’) Knowledge: the importance of language use in a speech; definition of language accuracy, vividness, appropriateness and inclusiveness; language use in a speech; Ability: ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and work together; Moral 思政: to enhance communication effect for better interpersonal relationship; 改善沟 通效果和人际关系 to successfully tell Chinese stories and enhance cultural confidence 讲好中国 故事、提升文化自信 Homework: As an exchange student at a comprehensive university in Britain, you are scheduled to speak with your classmates on the topic of traditional Chinese culture. List the three major aspects of language usage that you think are most important when giving the speech in English. Explain specific steps you can take to achieve each objective. Students are encouraged to work in groups (of 5~6 people), discuss the topic, record their ideas and upload them to the online learning platform. 分小组讨论话题、制定具体方案,然后把小组的观点记录下来并上传到网络 教学平台。 Assessment (teacher assessment): Students are required to present their answers online, which are to be graded by the teacher. 板书设计: Using language How to use language accurately How to use language vividly How to use language appropriately How to use language inclusively 思考题、作业:

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 Homework: As an exchange student at a comprehensive university in Britain,you are scheduled to speak with your classmates on the topic of traditional Chinese culture.List the three major aspects of language usage that you think are most important when giving the speech in English.Explain specific steps you can tak to achieve each objective. Students are encouraged to work in groups(of 5 people),discuss the topic record their ideas and upload them to the online learning platform. 分小组讨论话题、制定具体方案,然后把小组的观点记录下来并上传到网络 教学平台。 参考资料: 1.Obama's Speech:YES WE CAN 2.Video clip:We AreAll Fighters 教学后记: Reflection on the teaching objectives,teaching methods and the effectiveness of moral teaching in English teaching:反思教学目标、教学方法、课程思政效果 1.Through in-class discussions and analysis,students can have a good command of knowledge objectives: Through in-class practice and homework,students can develop their respective abilities;and Through brainstorming and homework,students can understand and practice how to enhance interpersonal relationship,and successfully tell Chinese stories through successful anguage use. 2.Blended teaching offers more opportunities for students to express their ideas and more chances for teacher-student interactions; 3.Moral education is closely related to the content of the lecture,and inspires the students to realize that successful language use is essential to effective communication which can lead to better interpersonal relationship and wider spreading of Chinese culture

湖南人文科技学院课程教案 Homework: As an exchange student at a comprehensive university in Britain, you are scheduled to speak with your classmates on the topic of traditional Chinese culture. List the three major aspects of language usage that you think are most important when giving the speech in English. Explain specific steps you can take to achieve each objective. Students are encouraged to work in groups (of 5~6 people), discuss the topic, record their ideas and upload them to the online learning platform. 分小组讨论话题、制定具体方案,然后把小组的观点记录下来并上传到网络 教学平台。 参考资料: 1. Obama’s Speech: YES WE CAN 2. Video clip: We Are All Fighters 教学后记: Reflection on the teaching objectives, teaching methods and the effectiveness of moral teaching in English teaching: 反思教学目标、教学方法、课程思政效果 1. Through in-class discussions and analysis, students can have a good command of knowledge objectives; Through in-class practice and homework, students can develop their respective abilities; and Through brainstorming and homework, students can understand and practice how to enhance interpersonal relationship, and successfully tell Chinese stories through successful language use. 2. Blended teaching offers more opportunities for students to express their ideas and more chances for teacher-student interactions; 3. Moral education is closely related to the content of the lecture, and inspires the students to realize that successful language use is essential to effective communication, which can lead to better interpersonal relationship and wider spreading of Chinese culture



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