The cap and vcd the hidden reason behind the outbreak of vcjd BY Jamie Ge Lingwei葛玲薇
The CAP and VCJD The hidden reason behind the outbreak of VCJD BY Jamie Ge Lingwei 葛玲薇
The abuse of contaminated meat- and-bone meal to cattle a Money-driven ranchers d Over-confidence in high tech and lack of respect for natural laws a European people's enthusiasm towards organic food and lohas 口 Contradicting
The abuse of contaminated meatand-bone meal to cattle Money-driven ranchers Over-confidence in high tech and lack of respect for natural laws European people’s enthusiasm towards organic food and LOHAS Contradicting?
Burden of European agriculture a Excessively high population density d Insufficient rural labor force 口 The cap
Burden of European Agriculture Excessively high population density Insufficient rural labor force The CAP
Population density of Europe D 10. 4 million square kilometers 6th biggest continent In 1800, 170 million people a In 2005, 726 million people a 1st place among all the continents
Population density of Europe 10.4 million square kilometers, 6th biggest continent In 1800, 170 million people In 2005, 726 million people 1st place among all the continents
Rural labor force Finland Sweden n so little agricultura population PD. 15 22 (ppl/ km2) So huge demand for P D of the128 237 food capital city (ppl/km2) 口 So limited farmland
Rural labor force Finland Sweden P.D. (ppl/km2) 15 22 P.D. of the capital city(ppl/km2) 128 237 So little agricultural population So huge demand for food So limited farmland
The Common Agriculture policy a First launched in 1962 a Minimum price to producers a Impose import tariffs a Quotas on certain goods from outside the eu 口 Why against import?
The Common Agriculture Policy First launched in 1962 Minimum price to producers Impose import tariffs Quotas on certain goods from outside the EU Why against import?
The Common Agriculture Policy a Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, agricultural population descended Europe started to depend on imports of grains and other productions. d From the Wwii to 1960s, import of food was stervratite dnd ggertnge foed palmed most parts in Europe. From 1962, European countries started to join hands in self-dependent agriculture policy
The Common Agriculture Policy Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, agricultural population descended. Europe started to depend on imports of grains and other productions. From the WWII to 1960s, import of food was interrupted, triggering the overwhelming starvation and shortage of food plagued most parts in Europe. From 1962, European countries started to join hands in self-dependent agriculture policy
The Common Agriculture Policy D Limited import quotas aggravated agricultural burdens and led to the mode of intensive agriculture especially technology- intensive agriculture. a The cap was unquestionably justifiable from the beginning as self-protection but partly generated the present crisis
The Common Agriculture Policy Limited import quotas aggravated agricultural burdens and led to the mode of intensive agriculture, especially technologyintensive agriculture. The CAP was unquestionably justifiable from the beginning as self-protection but partly generated the present crisis
Conclusion i a Globalization the double-edged sword ■G| obal climate change Surging population The increasing popularity of renewable energy such as ethanol
Conclusion I Globalization, the double-edged sword ◼ Global climate change ◼ Surging population ◼ The increasing popularity of renewable energy such as ethanol
Conclusion ii 日 The ultimate" rightness” 口 The ultimate“eror 口 The ultimate“ dilemma
Conclusion II The ultimate “rightness” The ultimate “error” The ultimate “dilemma