Food safety Presented by Eunice. Bonnie. Rita, Benedict Joanna
Presented by Eunice, Bonnie, Rita, Benedict, Joanna
Definition Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness
Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness
Impact Cases Rules Morality Technology Food crisis
Cases Technology Food crisis Rules Morality Impact
The origin of food It was reported that the spinach from ibaraki prefecture(茨城县) was contaminated after the disaster. Officials said the spinach contained up to 15,020 becquerels(贝克勒尔(放射性强度的标准国际单 r)) of iodine-131 per kilogram, about seven times the 137(tE-137), which just exceeds the 500-becquereyr safe limit for spinach - plus 524 becquerels of caesium limit
It was reported that the spinach from Ibaraki prefecture(茨城县) was contaminated after the disaster. Officials said the spinach contained up to 15,020 becquerels(贝克勒尔(放射性强度的标准国际单 位)) of iodine-131 per kilogram, about seven times the safe limit for spinach – plus 524 becquerels of caesium- 137(铯-137 ), which just exceeds the 500-becquerel limit
火腿肠 Ww. NEWS. CN
Clenbuterol(一种瘦肉精) is a chemical used to prevent pigs from accumulating fat. It is banned as an additive in pig feed in China because it is poisonous to humans and can be fatal
The process of food After just 90 minutes of pouring the beef extract (牛肉 Dk ea and sr iges color differe Feited versio Wh 極品牛肉精膏 restful additive 人 deford
After just 90 minutes of pouring the beef extract (牛肉膏) over a piece of pork, it already looked and smelled like cooked beef. The meat changes color and becomes darker, and there’s no big difference between real beef and the counterfeited version. While it does put money in the pockets of restaurant owners, doctors say long-term use of additives has serious consequences including deformities and cancer
The storage of food According to media reports, workers at a shanghai Shenglu Food Co plant in Baoshan district relabeled buns made two days earlier with new production dates Employees added buns that were more than a week over their expiration date and had been returned by retailers back into mixers to make a batch of "new"buns
According to media reports, workers at a Shanghai Shenglu Food Co plant in Baoshan district relabeled buns made two days earlier with new production dates. Employees added buns that were more than a week over their expiration date and had been returned by retailers back into mixers to make a batch of "new" buns
The impact
Consumers: ❖ Health ❖ Confidence
The impact Producers 心 Reputation ☆ Revenue
Producers: ❖Reputation ❖Revenue
6日中午,重庆晚报记者在中百仓储超市红旗河沟店现 场看到, 传资料和 检测报告 盘子里准 备着牙签 名促销人 员不停招 肖人员就 自己挑起 就吞下了 近半支。 尽管促 市民还是 冷眼看待 区加州花 园A栋的 明显是做 样子给我三 的刘先生 说:“早知如此,当初为什么要用瘦肉精?为什么就不 把好关?
6日中午,重庆晚报记者在中百仓储超市红旗河沟店现 场看到,摆满双汇产品的专柜上,多了各种宣传资料和 检测报告,还放着满满两盘子的火腿肠切片。 盘子里准 备着牙签,双汇集团重庆区域马姓经理带着几名促销人 员不停招呼来往顾客品尝。见到有人观看,促销人员就 自己挑起火腿肠切片往嘴里塞,没多久马经理就吞下了 近半支。 尽管促销人员现场大嚼火腿肠,更多的围观市民还是 冷眼看待,认为这不过是作秀而已。家住渝北区加州花 园A栋的颜女士说:“问题出了才来这一招,明显是做 样子给我们看。”家住江北区建新东路145号的刘先生 说:“早知如此,当初为什么要用瘦肉精?为什么就不 把好关?