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《翻译与思辩》参考资料:Topic 3 Nuclear Energy_中山大学概况


中山大学概况 (1)中山大学,原名广东大学,由中国民族主义革命先驱孙中山先生于1924年亲手创办。1926年 为纪念孙中山先生,改名为中山大学。 (2)中山大学是一所以文理科为基础的综合性大学。自国家设立重点大学制度以来,中山大学一直是 全国重点大学之一,是华南地区培养高层次人才的重要基地 (3)中山医科大学的前身—一博济医学堂成立于1866年,是中国最早设立的西医学府,孙中山先生 曾于1886年在此学医和从事革命活动。为纪念孙中山先生,1957年学校改名为中山医学院 名为中山医科大学。 (4)中山医科大学是一所多学院、多形式办学的综合性医科大学。在医学遗传学、眼科学、肿瘤学、 寄生虫学、内科肾脏病学、器官移植、传染性肝病、生物医学工程及分子医学等方面科学硏究成绩显著, 达到国家先进水平 (5)2001年10月26日,中山大学与中山医科大学合并,组成新的中山大学 (6)合并后的中山大学是一所包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学、医学、技术科学和管理科学的多 学科综合性大学。下设20个学院——岭南学院、人文科学院、外国语学院、管理学院、法学院、政治与公 共事务管理学院、地球与环境科学学院、生命科学学院、物理科学与工程学院、信息科学与技术学院、软 件学院、数学与计算科学学院、网络与教育学院、教育学院、高等继续教育学院、研究生院、中山医学院 公共卫生学院、光华口腔医学院、护理学院和8所附属医院 (7)合并后的中山大学学科更加齐全、力量更加雄厚。共有中国语言文学、历史学、数学、物理学 化学、生物学、光学工程、基础医学、生物医学工程、工商管理等11个博士、硕士学位授予权一级学科, 博士学位授予权覆盖了104个学科专业,硕士学位授予权覆盖了165个学科专业,有临床医学专业博士学 位点以及工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、法律硕士(JD)、计算机技术、环境工程硕士 临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士等7个专业硕士学位点。拥有中国语言文学、历史学、数学、物理学、化学 生物学、基础医学、临床医学、管理学等9个博士后科研流动站:中国古代文学、光学、高分子化学与物 理、动物学(含昆虫学)、眼科学,寄生虫学和内科学(肾病)等7个国家重点学科以及31个广东省重点 学科。 (8)合并后中山大学共有国家级、省部级重点实验室、研究中心、工程中心等18个。拥有港澳珠江 三角洲研究中心、逻辑与认知研究所、马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所、行政管理研究中心等4个教 育部人文学科重点研究基地。拥有哲学、中国语言文学、历史学、物理学、化学、生物学等6个国家文理 科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地:有国家大学生文化素质教育基地1个,还拥有中国第一个大学生体 育训练基地。学校的整体综合实力已稳定地居于全国一流大学的行列。 (9)合并后,中山大学师资力量更为雄厚。全校有教职工10,700余人,其中教授600多人,副教授 1300多人。有博士生导师350多人,有中国科学院院士3人、中国工程院院士3人,教育部"长江学者”特 聘教授6人,国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家15人,获国家杰出青年基金资助16人。在校各类学生33 000多人,其中博士、硕士研究生6,200多人,外国留学生370多人。 (10)合并后的中山大学图书馆藏书近400万册,各类期刊15000余种,并开展国际联机检索服务 中山大学地处广东,毗邻港澳,对外学术交流活跃。合并后,对外交流领域更为广阔 (11)合并后,广东省和国家教育部分三年投入12亿元人民币重点建设合并后的中山大学,这将有力 地促进合并后的中山大学快速发展 (12)合并后的中山大学共设三个校区:广州南校区(原中山大学)、广州北校区(原中山医科大学) 和珠海校区,分别座落在珠江两岸和南海之滨,总面积达5.04平方公里。广州南北两个校区树木葱笼,绿 草如茵,红墙碧瓦,曲径通幽:珠海校区依山面海,景色怡人,均是不可多得的读书治学的胜境

中山大学概况 (1)中山大学,原名广东大学,由中国民族主义革命先驱孙中山先生于 1924 年亲手创办。1926 年, 为纪念孙中山先生,改名为中山大学。 (2)中山大学是一所以文理科为基础的综合性大学。自国家设立重点大学制度以来,中山大学一直是 全国重点大学之一,是华南地区培养高层次人才的重要基地。 (3)中山医科大学的前身——博济医学堂成立于 1866 年,是中国最早设立的西医学府,孙中山先生 曾于 1886 年在此学医和从事革命活动。为纪念孙中山先生,1957 年学校改名为中山医学院。1985 年,改 名为中山医科大学。 (4)中山医科大学是一所多学院、多形式办学的综合性医科大学。在医学遗传学、眼科学、肿瘤学、 寄生虫学、内科肾脏病学、器官移植、传染性肝病、生物医学工程及分子医学等方面科学研究成绩显著, 达到国家先进水平。 (5)2001 年 10 月 26 日,中山大学与中山医科大学合并,组成新的中山大学。 (6)合并后的中山大学是一所包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学、医学、技术科学和管理科学的多 学科综合性大学。下设 20 个学院——岭南学院、人文科学院、外国语学院、管理学院、法学院、政治与公 共事务管理学院、地球与环境科学学院、生命科学学院、物理科学与工程学院、信息科学与技术学院、软 件学院、数学与计算科学学院、网络与教育学院、教育学院、高等继续教育学院、研究生院、中山医学院、 公共卫生学院、光华口腔医学院、护理学院和 8 所附属医院。 (7)合并后的中山大学学科更加齐全、力量更加雄厚。共有中国语言文学、历史学、数学、物理学、 化学、生物学、光学工程、基础医学、生物医学工程、工商管理等 11 个博士、硕士学位授予权一级学科, 博士学位授予权覆盖了 104 个学科专业,硕士学位授予权覆盖了 165 个学科专业,有临床医学专业博士学 位点以及工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、法律硕士( JD)、计算机技术、环境工程硕士、 临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士等 7 个专业硕士学位点。拥有中国语言文学、历史学、数学、物理学、化学、 生物学、基础医学、临床医学、管理学等 9 个博士后科研流动站;中国古代文学、光学、高分子化学与物 理、动物学(含昆虫学)、眼科学,寄生虫学和内科学(肾病)等 7 个国家重点学科以及 31 个广东省重点 学科。 (8)合并后中山大学共有国家级、省部级重点实验室、研究中心、工程中心等 18 个。拥有港澳珠江 三角洲研究中心、逻辑与认知研究所、马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所、行政管理研究中心等 4 个教 育部人文学科重点研究基地。拥有哲学、中国语言文学、历史学、物理学、化学、生物学等 6 个国家文理 科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地;有国家大学生文化素质教育基地 1 个,还拥有中国第一个大学生体 育训练基地。学校的整体综合实力已稳定地居于全国一流大学的行列。 (9)合并后,中山大学师资力量更为雄厚。全校有教职工 10,700 余人,其中教授 600 多人,副教授 1300 多人。有博士生导师 350 多人,有中国科学院院士 3 人、中国工程院院士 3 人,教育部"长江学者"特 聘教授 6 人,国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家 15 人,获国家杰出青年基金资助 16 人。在校各类学生 33, 000 多人,其中博士、硕士研究生 6,200 多人,外国留学生 370 多人。 (10)合并后的中山大学图书馆藏书近 400 万册,各类期刊 15000 余种,并开展国际联机检索服务。 中山大学地处广东,毗邻港澳,对外学术交流活跃。合并后,对外交流领域更为广阔。 (11)合并后,广东省和国家教育部分三年投入 12 亿元人民币重点建设合并后的中山大学,这将有力 地促进合并后的中山大学快速发展。 (12)合并后的中山大学共设三个校区:广州南校区(原中山大学)、广州北校区(原中山医科大学) 和珠海校区,分别座落在珠江两岸和南海之滨,总面积达 5.04 平方公里。广州南北两个校区树木葱笼,绿 草如茵,红墙碧瓦,曲径通幽;珠海校区依山面海,景色怡人,均是不可多得的读书治学的胜境

译文 Zhongshan(Sun Yat-sen)University Name and History On October 26, 2001, Zhongshan University and Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences amalgamated into the present Zhongshan University. The former Zhongshan University, originally known as Guangdong University, was founded in 1924 by Dr Sun Yat-sen(also known as Sun Zhongshan), a great democratic revolutionary in Chinese history. It was renamed Zhongshan University in 1926 in commemoration of Dr. Sun after his death. Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences originated from Boji Medical College founded in 1866, where Dr. Sun once studied and worked The former Zhongshan University was one of the key universities in China while Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences was in the top four universities of its kind. The amalgamation of the two strong institutions into the present Zhongshan( Sun Yat-sen) University heralds the beginning of an exciting new area for the University The University has three campuses which covers a total area of 5.04 square kilometer lou South Campus(formerly Zhongshan University Campus) and Guangzhou North Campus(campus of the former Sun Sat-sen University of Medical Sciences)are located south and north of the Pearl River, while the new campus in Zhuhai lies to the west of the South China Sea All three are beautiful campuses with avenues of green trees and patches of lush grass, providing pleasant environments for study and research. The Universitys Vision Zhongshan (Sun Sat-sen) University, one of the key universities in China, seeks to sustain and enhance its excellence as an institution of higher learning through outstanding teaching and research so as to produce well-rounded graduates to provide leadership and service for the societies they serve Zhongshan(Sun Sat-sen) University is a multi-disciplinary university with 18 schools and colleges, namely, School of Humanities, School of Foreign Languages, School of Management School of law. school of political Science and public Administration school of earth and Environment Sciences, School of Life Science, School of Physics and Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, School of Software Engineering, School of Mathematics and Computation Science, School of Education, School of Public Health, School of Nursing Studies, Guanghua School of Stomatology, Ling Nan College and Zhongshan Medical College. It also has other education institutions such as the Graduate School. School of Network Education and School of Continuing education Laboratories/Research Centers/ Bases Zhongshan University ranks firmly among the top universities in China because of its comprehensive strength. Apart from 18 state-level or provincial-level laboratories, research

译文: Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University Name and History On October 26, 2001, Zhongshan University and Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences amalgamated into the present Zhongshan University. The former Zhongshan University, originally known as Guangdong University, was founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen (also known as Sun Zhongshan), a great democratic revolutionary in Chinese history. It was renamed Zhongshan University in 1926 in commemoration of Dr. Sun after his death. Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences originated from Boji Medical College founded in 1866, where Dr. Sun once studied and worked. The former Zhongshan University was one of the key universities in China while Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences was in the top four universities of its kind. The amalgamation of the two strong institutions into the present Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University heralds the beginning of an exciting new area for the University. Campuses The University has three campuses which covers a total area of 5.04 square kilometers. Guangzhou South Campus (formerly Zhongshan University Campus) and Guangzhou North Campus (campus of the former Sun Sat-sen University of Medical Sciences) are located south and north of the Pearl River, while the new campus in Zhuhai lies to the west of the South China Sea. All three are beautiful campuses with avenues of green trees and patches of lush grass, providing pleasant environments for study and research. The University‘s Vision Zhongshan (Sun Sat-sen) University, one of the key universities in China, seeks to sustain and enhance its excellence as an institution of higher learning through outstanding teaching and research so as to produce well-rounded graduates to provide leadership and service for the societies they serve. Schools/Colleges Zhongshan (Sun Sat-sen) University is a multi-disciplinary university with 18 schools and colleges, namely, School of Humanities, School of Foreign Languages, School of Management, School of Law, School of Political Science and Public Administration, School of Earth and Environment Sciences, School of Life Science, School of Physics and Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, School of Software Engineering, School of Mathematics and Computation Science, School of Education, School of Public Health, School of Nursing Studies, Guanghua School of Stomatology, Ling Nan College and Zhongshan Medical College. It also has other education institutions such as the Graduate School, School of Network Education and School of Continuing Education. Laboratories/Research Centers/Bases Zhongshan University ranks firmly among the top universities in China because of its comprehensive strength. Apart from 18 state-level or provincial-level laboratories, research

centers, and engineering centers, the University has 4 humanities research bases appointed by the Ministry of Education, namely, Hong Kong- Macao-Pearl River Delta Research Center, Logic and Cognition Research Institute, Marxist Philosophy and China Modernization Research Institute, and Administration Research Center. In addition to 6 national research bases for liber al arts and for sciences(philosophy, Chinese language and literature, history, physics, chemistry, biology) and one research base for Chinese students quality education, the University also boasts the first sports training base in China for college students Post-graduate Programs At present the University is offering 104 doctoral programs and 165 master's programs. These research programs cover a wide range including Language and Literature, History, philosophy Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Optics Engineering, Pre-clinical Medicine, Biomedicine and Business administration. Academic Staff The University has a faculty and staff body of over 10, 700 people. Among them more than 600 are full professors, over 1300 associate professors, 350 doctoral supervisors. There are 3 CAS cademicians, 3 CAE academicians, 6 awarded by the Ministry of Education as"Yangtzs River ional talents), 15 young and middle aged awarded state-level Outstanding Experts and 16 Granted as National Outstanding youths Students On campus the University has 26, 430 undergraduates, 6, 200 post-graduates and 370 overseas The University Library uses an integrated online library system and has a collection of about 4,000,000 bound volumes and more than 15, 000 journal subscriptions tional Exchanges The University, located in Guangdong Province, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, is actively involved in academic exchanges with the outside world. The merging of the two universities this year provides the present Zhongshan University with even wider academic exchange opportunities Financialaid Apart from previous financial supports, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education are to provide the present Zhongshan University with a financial aid of RMB1.2 billion yuan in the coming three years

centers, and engineering centers, the University has 4 humanities research bases appointed by the Ministry of Education, namely, Hong Kong-Macao-Pearl River Delta Research Center, Logic and Cognition Research Institute, Marxist Philosophy and China Modernization Research Institute, and Administration Research Center. In addition to 6 national research bases for liberal arts and for sciences (philosophy, Chinese language and literature, history, physics, chemistry, biology), and one research base for Chinese students quality education, the University also boasts the first sports training base in China for college students. Post-graduate Programs At present the University is offering 104 doctoral programs and 165 master's programs. These research programs cover a wide range including Language and Literature, History, philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Optics Engineering, Pre-clinical Medicine, Biomedicine, and Business Administration. Academic Staff The University has a faculty and staff body of over 10,700 people. Among them more than 600 are full professors, over 1300 associate professors, 350 doctoral supervisors. There are 3 CAS academicians, 3 CAE academicians, 6 awarded by the Ministry of Education as “Yangtzs River Scholars” (exceptional talents), 15 young and middle aged awarded state-level Outstanding Experts and 16 Granted as National Outstanding Youths. Students On campus the University has 26,430 undergraduates, 6,200 post-graduates and 370 overseas students. Library The University Library uses an integrated online library system and has a collection of about 4,000,000 bound volumes and more than 15,000 journal subscriptions. International Exchanges The University, located in Guangdong Province, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, is actively involved in academic exchanges with the outside world. The merging of the two universities this year provides the present Zhongshan University with even wider academic exchange opportunities. Financial Aid Apart from previous financial supports, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education are to provide the present Zhongshan University with a financial aid of RMB1.2 billion yuan in the coming three years



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