PARTHI PROCESSNINDUSTRY Unit 14 Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering 化工的中单元操作
化工的中单元操作 PART Ⅲ PROCESS INDUSTRY Unit 14 Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering
Words and Expressions l.sequence n.序列,连续,顺序,结果series,.succession in historical[alphabetical]sequence按历史[字母]顺序 sequence control system 顺序控制检验]系统 2.versatility r.通用性,多面性,多功能性 versatile adj. versatilely adv. 3.originate v.起源于,由..引起 All theories originate from/in practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务
Words and Expressions 1. sequence n. 序列, 连续, 顺序, 结果 series, succession in historical [alphabetical] sequence 按历史[字母]顺序 sequence control system 顺序控制[检验]系统 2. versatility n. 通用性, 多面性, 多功能性 versatile adj. versatilely adv. 3. originate v. 起源于, 由…引起 All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践, 反过来又为实践服务
Words and Expressions 4.co0 rdinate v.使协调,使同等;n.坐标 Cartesian coordinates直角坐标(系) 5.pulverize pound,crush,or grind to a powder or dust (磨碎,粉碎) 6.roast v;n.焙烧,锻烧,烘烤 roast duck 7.lixiviate V.To wash or percolate the soluble matter from 沥滤从...中洗去或滤去可溶性物质;浸出,浸滤,析出,撞出 (=leach)
4. coordinate v. 使协调, 使同等; n. 坐标 Cartesian coordinates 直角坐标(系) 5. pulverize v. to pound, crush, or grind to a powder or dust (磨碎 , 粉碎) 6. roast v; n. 焙烧, 锻烧, 烘烤 roast duck 7. lixiviate v. To wash or percolate the soluble matter from 沥滤从……中洗去或滤去可溶性物质; 浸出,浸滤,析出, 撞出 (= leach) Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions 8.precipitate v.To cause(a solid substance)to be separated from a solution. 使沉淀使(固态物质)从溶液中分离出来:使沉淀,析出.沉淀物 9.crystallize v.To cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure. 结晶,晶化使形成晶体或采取晶体的结构(结晶,晶化)=crystallise 10.electrolyze vt.To cause to decompose by electrolysis. 使电解用电解来引起分解;(使)电解,(使)电离=electrolyse
8. precipitate v. To cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution. 使沉淀使(固态物质)从溶液中分离出来;使沉淀, 析出 n. 沉淀物 9. crystallize v. To cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure. 结晶, 晶化使形成晶体或采取晶体的结构 (结晶, 晶化) =crystallise l0.electrolyze vt. To cause to decompose by electrolysis. 使电解用电解来引起分解; (使)电解, (使)电离 =electrolyse Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions 11.imp0sev.发生影响,将.强加于 impose a peace settlement.强制推行和平解决 Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you. 不要勉强和不需要你的人在一起。 12.qu0tev.引用,引证,提到 The author frequently quoted Shakespeare. 作者经常引用莎士比亚作品里的话。 l3.designate vt..指明,指出,任命,指派 He was designated by the President as the next Secretary of State. 他被总统任命为新国务卿
11. impose v. 发生影响 , 将……强加于 impose a peace settlement. 强制推行和平解决 Don‘t impose yourself on people who don’t want you. 不要勉强和不需要你的人在一起。 12. quote v. 引用 , 引证, 提到 The author frequently quoted Shakespeare. 作者经常引用莎士比亚作品里的话。 13. designate vt. 指明, 指出, 任命, 指派 He was designated by the President as the next Secretary of State. 他被总统任命为新国务卿。 Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions l4.humidification n.To make humid增湿作用,湿润 15.sedimentation n.沉积,沉淀 centrifugal sedimentation【化工】离心沉降 16.agitation n.搅拌(作用),搅匀,搅动 hydraulic agitation液力搅拌 17.centrifugation n.离心作用,分离作用,分离 centrifugate v.centrifuge n.离心分离机
14. humidification n. To make humid 增湿作用, 湿润 15.sedimentation n. 沉积 , 沉淀 centrifugal sedimentation【化工】离心沉降 16. agitation n. 搅拌 ( 作用 ), 搅匀 , 搅动 hydraulic agitation 液力搅拌 17.centrifugation n. 离心作用, 分离作用, 分离 centrifugate v. centrifuge n.离心分离机 Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions 18.terminology n.专门名词,术语,词汇 the terminology of engineering工程学术语 chemical terminology化学术语 19.volatile a.挥发性的,易挥发的 volatile matter 挥发物 the ups and downs of volatile stocks. 易波动的股票沉浮 20.solute r.溶解物,溶质 volatile solute 挥发溶质 2L.solvent n.溶剂,基本组分
19. volatile a. 挥发性的, 易挥发的 volatile matter 挥发物 the ups and downs of volatile stocks. 易波动的股票沉浮 20. solute n.溶解物, 溶质 volatile solute 挥发溶质 2l. solvent n.溶剂, 基本组分 Words and Expressions 18. terminology n. 专门名词 , 术语 , 词汇 the terminology of engineering 工程学术语 chemical terminology 化学术语
Words and Expressions 22.extraction n.萃取,提炼,取出 extract:To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action,as by pressure,distillation,or evaporation. 榨出,提取,蒸馏通过化学作用或机械作用从某物质中获得,如 通过压榨、蒸馏或蒸发 23.leaching n.滤取,滤去 leach To remove soluble or other constituents from by the action of a percolating liquid. 过滤通过渗透液体使可溶解的或其他成分分离出来 24.inc0mmon共同,共用
22. extraction n.萃取,提炼,取出 extract: To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation. 榨出,提取,蒸馏通过化学作用或机械作用从某物质中获得,如 通过压榨、蒸馏或蒸发 23. leaching n.滤取, 滤去 leach : To remove soluble or other constituents from by the action of a percolating liquid. 过滤通过渗透液体使可溶解的或其他成分分离出来 24. in common 共同 , 共用 Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions 25.Semipermeable adj.Partially permeable. 半渗透的部分,可渗透的 Allowing passage of certain,especially small,molecules or ions but acting as a barrier to others.Used of biological and synthetic membranes. 半渗透的允许特定的,尤其是小型的分子或离子通过,但对其它粒 子则是屏蔽的。用于生物的和人造的膜 26.immiscible adj.That cannot undergo mixing or blending不能混合或融合的 immiscible elements不能融合的成分 27.settling ,n.沉降,沉淀 settling matter沉淀[积]物settling tank沉淀槽
25. Semipermeable adj. Partially permeable. 半渗透的部分,可渗透的 Allowing passage of certain, especially small, molecules or ions but acting as a barrier to others. Used of biological and synthetic membranes. 半渗透的允许特定的,尤其是小型的分子或离子通过,但对其它粒 子则是屏蔽的。用于生物的和人造的膜 26. immiscible adj. That cannot undergo mixing or blending 不能混合或融合的 immiscible elements 不能融合的成分 27. settling n.沉降, 沉淀 settling matter 沉淀[积]物 settling tank 沉淀槽 Words and Expressions
炼厂或油田电脱盐/脱水的作用 1,净化原油 >脱出原油中的可滤性固体杂质 >脱出原油中的水 >脱出原油中的可溶于水的盐类 2.防腐工艺 >减轻蒸馏装置塔顶低温部位腐蚀 >减轻催化裂化、渣油加氢催化剂中毒失活 LPE士中细石化柴团洛阳石油化工工程公回