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《世界近代史》课程PPT教学课件(双语版)第十一章 俄国农奴制改革 The Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia

一、农奴制的俄国及其对外扩张 二、农奴制危机和革命民主主义的产生 三、1861年的农奴制改革

课件十一:俄国农奴制改革 The Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia (11-1-1) 农奴制的俄国及其对外扩张 矿二、农奴制危机和革命民主主义的产生 矿三、1861年的农奴制改革

课件十一:俄国农奴制改革 The Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia (11-1-1) 一、农奴制的俄国及其对外扩张 二、农奴制危机和革命民主主义 的产生 三、1861年的农奴制改革

改革前的农奴状况 Background By 1861, estimates are that about 52 million people in Russia were serfs out of a live and work off their obligations. These allotments also were supposed to o population of 74 million. Lords allotted their serfs a piece of land on which provide for the serfs' subsistence Serfs either paid their obligation in labor on their lord's land(barshchina), or they paid in money or dues(obrok). By 1861 71 of serfs owed barshchina, and the rest owed a combination of obrok and barshchina Serfs fell into three categories: gentry, state, and appanage serfs. Gentry serfs(AA 农奴) were those belonging to the nobilit. State serfdom(国家农奴) developed under Peter the Great in the 18th century. These peasants were a diverse group of people who fell into the category of state peasant by default 不履行契约), either because their owners broke the law and they were confiscated, or because they owed military service to the state. Appanage peasants(采邑农奴) belonged to the imperial family. They suffered the worst conditions. The allotment (pt) of land for appanage serfs was unequal, and many of them had allotments that were insufficient for existence

改革前的农奴状况 Background By 1861, estimates are that about 52 million people in Russia were serfs out of a population of 74 million. Lords allotted their serfs a piece of land on which to live and work off their obligations. These allotments also were supposed to provide for the serfs' subsistence. Serfs either paid their obligation in labor on their lord's land (barshchina), or they paid in money or dues (obrok). By 1861, 71 % of serfs owed barshchina, and the rest owed a combination of obrok and barshchina. Serfs fell into three categories: gentry, state, and appanage serfs. Gentry serfs(私有 农奴) were those belonging to the nobility. State serfdom (国家农奴) developed under Peter the Great in the 18th century. These peasants were a diverse group of people who fell into the category of state peasant by default( 不履行契约), either because their owners broke the law and they were confiscated, or because they owed military service to the state. Appanage peasants(采邑农奴)belonged to the imperial family. They suffered the worst conditions. The allotment(分配) of land for appanage serfs was unequal, and many of them had allotments that were insufficient for existence

Peter I“ the Great? 16721725, czar of Russi6821725彼得大帝 c Assuming personal power(1689), he gave Russia an outlet to the Black Sea by capturing Azov from Turks(1695-96), After extensive travels in Europe(1697-98), he began to westernize russian institutions. His victory over the Swedes(1709)in the Northern Wargave Russia access to the Baltic. In 1713 he moved the capital from Moscow to St Petersburg

Peter Ⅰ “the Great” (1672-1725 , czar of Russia 1682-1725) 彼得大帝 Assuming personal power(1689), he gave Russia an outlet to the Black Sea by capturing Azov from Turks(1695-96),After extensive travels in Europe(1697-98), he began to westernize Russian institutions. His victory over the Swedes (1709) in the Northern War gave Russia access to the Baltic. In 1713, he moved the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg

Peters Reform 彼得一世改革 His other reforms included 1. the reorganization of army, and the founding of a navy 2. the reorganization of government; 3. the establishment of several hundred of factories. the construction of canals, and establishing a new tax system; 4. the construction technical school, and the planning of the Russian Academy of Science, 5. Established the "Holy Synod", to make the Church subject to the state

Peter’s Reform 彼得一世改革 His other reforms included: 1. the reorganization of army, and the founding of a navy; 2. the reorganization of government; 3. the establishment of several hundred of factories, the construction of canals, and establishing a new tax system; 4. the construction technical school, and the planning of the Russian Academy of Science; 5. Established the “Holy Synod”,to make the Church subject to the State. By often ruthless methods he made Russia an important European power

Catherine t“ the great”(17291796) 叶卡特琳娜二世 Empress of Russia(1762-96)A benevolent despot, she reformed local administration and gave a new charter to the nobility confirming their privileges. She increased Russian territory in partition of Poland(1772. 1793, 1795)and by the Russo Turkish Wars(1768-74,1787-92) She wrote memoirs and plays, and was a patron of writers and artists

Catherine Ⅱ “the Great”(1729-1796) 叶卡特琳娜二世 Empress of Russia (1762-96). A benevolent despot, she reformed local administration and gave a new charter to the nobility, confirming their privileges.She increased Russian territory in partition of Poland (1772, 1793,1795) and by the Russo￾Turkish Wars (1768-74,1787-92). She wrote memoirs and plays, and was a patron of writers and artists

Russian Empire 俄罗斯帝国的领土扩张(1)(1795-1914) ALASKA Man Enp ure, 1705 色67) Ran amnon, 1796-185s ARCT!COCEAN n如m,1855-1914 Raan→ bere ef influenee dby ACHATKA OPHONe y→Ta之 MWDRUSSIAN EMPIRE 心bo MUR OINYA HP KAZAKHSTAN OUTER MONGOLI tsan ptordotat 1912-59 作eie1921-1991 PERSIA .-LTURKESTAN 法 SPAN JAPAN 907-1911 D 11-111 KOREA AFGHANISTAN PACIFIC ⊙cEAN INDIA CHINA

Russian Empire 俄罗斯帝国的领土扩张(1)(1795-1914)

Russian Empire 俄罗斯帝国的领土扩张(2)(17961914 ↓ Arctic Ocean Barents能 500 S Laptev arsa 1st. Petersburg ◆Kyi◆ moscow Codesa Sea of Okhotsk r女ysh Caspian Irkutsk ea Ad Vladivostok Tehran Bukhoro Tok Acquisitions by 1796 Acquisitions by 1855 Acquisitions by 1914

Russian Empire 俄罗斯帝国的领土扩张(2)(1796-1914)

Chernishevsky (1828-89) 车尔尼雪夫斯基 俄国革命家、哲学家作家和批评 家 国纪事》 和《现 后任《现代人》杂志丰编,使它成 革命思想的强大阵地 855年发表的 对现实的审 系统探讨了俄国 1862年 被判处苦役终身流放西伯 在囚禁与流放中,他写了许多优秀 ? 1883年获准在回射特 由于备 受折磨,同单10月病迸

Chernishevsky (1828-89) 车尔尼雪夫斯基 俄国革命家、哲学家、作家和批评 家。大学毕业后,成为《祖国纪事》 和《现代人》进步杂志的撰稿人, 后任《现代人》杂志主编,使它成 为宣传革命思想的强大阵地。 1855年发表的《艺术对现实的审 美关系》,向黑格尔的唯心主义美 学进行了大胆的挑战,提出了“美 是生活”的定义,同年冬开始发表 论文《俄国文学果戈理时期概观》, 系统探讨了俄国文学批评思想的发 展。1862年被沙皇政府逮捕,后 被判处苦役并终身流放西伯利亚。 在囚禁与流放中,他写了许多优秀 作品,如《怎么办?》、《序幕》 等。1883年获准在阿斯特拉罕居 住。1889年才返回故乡。由于备 受折磨,同年10月病逝

ALEXANDER HERTZEN (1812-1870) 赫尔 俄国杰出的革命民主主义者,唯物主义 哲学家和思想家、著名的作家。从小憎 恨专制制度,莫斯科大学毕业后,被沙 皇政府逮捕,先后被流放到许多地方 他反对封建专政和农奴制。从1842 1847年,发表了一系列哲学著作。列宁 称赞赫尔岑的哲学思想,“竟能达到最 伟大的思想家的水平”。 1847年3月,赫尔岑携家迁居国外 1852年他侨居伦敦,创办《北极星》、 等革命刊物,刊物通过各种渠 道传入俄国,对俄国的革命运动起了很 大的推动作用

ALEXANDER HERTZEN (1812-1870) 赫 尔 岑 俄国杰出的革命民主主义者,唯物主义 哲学家和思想家、著名的作家。从小憎 恨专制制度,莫斯科大学毕业后,被沙 皇政府逮捕,先后被流放到许多地方。 他反对封建专政和农奴制。从1842 — 1847年,发表了一系列哲学著作。列宁 称赞赫尔岑的哲学思想,“竟能达到最 伟大的思想家的水平” 。 1847年 3月,赫尔岑携家迁居国外。 1852年他侨居伦敦,创办《北极星》、 《钟声》等革命刊物,刊物通过各种渠 道传入俄国,对俄国的革命运动起了很 大的推动作用

Decembrists 十二月党人起义 Members of secret revolutionary societies whose activities led to the uprising of Dec, 1825, against Czar Nicholas formed after the Napoleonic Wars, the groups comprised officers who had served in Europe and had been influenced by Western liberal ideals. They advocated the establishment of representative democracy but disagreed on the form it should take The Decembrists insurrection made a profound impression on Russia. It led both to the increasing police terrorism of the czarist government and to the spread of revolutionary activity among the educated classes

Decembrists 十二月党人起义 Members of secret revolutionary societies whose activities led to the uprising of Dec., 1825, against Czar Nicholas I .Formed after the Napoleonic Wars, the groups comprised officers who had served in Europe and had been influenced by Western liberal ideals. They advocated the establishment of representative democracy but disagreed on the form it should take. The Decembrists' insurrection made a profound impression on Russia. It led both to the increasing police terrorism of the czarist government and to the spread of revolutionary activity among the educated classes



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