Chapter 6. Laboratory animal facilities Those who use animals for experimental and diagnostic purposes have a moral obligation to take every care to avoid causing them unnecessary pain or suffering. The animals must be provided with comfortable, hygienic housing and adequate wholesome food and water at the end of the experiment they must be dealt with in a humane manner
Chapter 6. Laboratory animal facilities Those who use animals for experimental and diagnostic purposes have a moral obligation to take every care to avoid causing them unnecessary pain or suffering. The animals must be provided with comfortable, hygienic housing and adequate wholesome food and water. At the end of the experiment they must be dealt with in a humane manner
For security reasons, the animal house should be an independent, detached unit. lf it adjoins a laboratory, the design should provide for its isolation from the public parts of the laboratory should such need arise, and for its decontamination and disinfestation
For security reasons, the animal house should be an independent, detached unit. If it adjoins a laboratory, the design should provide for its isolation from the public parts of the laboratory should such need arise, and for its decontamination and disinfestation
Animal facilities, like laboratories, may be designated according to a risk assessment and the risk group of the microorganisms under investigation, as Animal facility Biosafety Level 1, 2 3 or 4
Animal facilities, like laboratories, may be designated according to a risk assessment and the risk group of the microorganisms under investigation, as Animal facility Biosafety Level 1, 2, 3 or 4
With respect to agents to be used in the animal la boratory factors for consideration include 1. The normal route of transmission 2. The volumes and concentrations to be used 3. The route of inoculation 4. Whether and by what route these agents may be excreted排泄
With respect to agents to be used in the animal laboratory, factors for consideration include: 1. The normal route of transmission 2. The volumes and concentrations to be used 3. The route of inoculation 4. Whether and by what route these agents may be excreted排泄
With respect to animals to be used in the animal laboratory, factors for consideration include: 1. The nature of the animals.i.e, their aggressiveness and tendency to bite and scratch 2. Their natural ecto-and endoparasites 3.Thez0 ontic(人畜互传的 diseases to which they are susceptible 4. The possible dissemination(散播) of allergens
With respect to animals to be used in the animal laboratory, factors for consideration include: 1. The nature of the animals, i.e. their aggressiveness and tendency to bite and scratch 2. Their natural ecto- and endoparasites 3. The zoonotic(人畜互传的) diseases to which they are susceptible 4. The possible dissemination(散播) of allergens
As with laboratories, the requirements for design features, equipment and precautions increase in stringency according to the animal biosafety level. These are described below and summarized in Table 4. These guidelines are additive. so that each higher level incorporates the standards of the lower levels
As with laboratories, the requirements for design features, equipment and precautions increase in stringency according to the animal biosafety level. These are described below and summarized in Table 4. These guidelines are additive, so that each higher level incorporates the standards of the lower levels
Table 4. Animal facility containment levels: summary of practices and safety equipment RISK GROUP CONTAINMENT LEVEL LABORATORY PRACTICES AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT ABSL-1 Limited access, protective clothing and gloves ABSL-2 ABSL-1 practices plus: hazard warning signs. Class or ll BSCs for activities that produce aerosols Decontamination of waste and cages before washing ABSL-3 ABSL-2 practices plus: controlled access BSCs and special protective clothing for all activities ABSL-4 ABSL-3 plus: strictly limited access. Clothing change before entering. Class Ill BSCs or positive pressure suits. Shower on exit, Decontamination of all wastes before removal from facility ABSL, animal facility Biosafety Level; BSCs, biological safety cabinets
Animal facility- Biosafety level This is suitable for the maintenance of most stock animals after quarantine(except nonhuman primates灵长类, regarding which national authorities should be consulted), and for animals that are deliberately inoculated with agents in risk Group 1. GMT are required. The animal facility director must establish policies, procedures and protocols for all operations, and for access to the vivarium动物园,植物园 An appropriate medical surveillance programme for the staff must be instituted A safety or operations manual must be prepared and adopted
Animal facility – Biosafety Level 1 This is suitable for the maintenance of most stock animals after quarantine (except nonhuman primates灵长类, regarding which national authorities should be consulted), and for animals that are deliberately inoculated with agents in Risk Group 1. GMT are required. The animal facility director must establish policies, procedures and protocols for all operations, and for access to the vivarium动物园, 植物园. An appropriate medical surveillance programme for the staff must be instituted. A safety or operations manual must be prepared and adopted
DAnimal facility -Biosafety Level 2 This is suitable for work with animals that are deliberately inoculated with micro-organisms in Risk Group2. The following safety precautions apply. I All the requirements for animal facilities Biosafety level 1 must be met. 2. Biohazard warning signs should be posted on doors and other appropriate places
❑Animal facility – Biosafety Level 2 This is suitable for work with animals that are deliberately inoculated with micro-organisms in Risk Group2. The following safety precautions apply: 1. All the requirements for animal facilities – Biosafety Level 1 must be met. 2. Biohazard warning signs should be posted on doors and other appropriate places
03. The facility must be designed for easy cleaning and housekeeping. 04. Doors must open inwards and be self-closing. 05. Heating, ventilation and lighting must be adequate 6. If mechanical ventilation is provided, the airflow must be inwards. Exhaust air is discharged to the outside and should not be recirculated to any part of the building. u7. Access must be restricted to authorized persons. 8. No animals should be admitted other than those for experimental use
❑3. The facility must be designed for easy cleaning and housekeeping. ❑4. Doors must open inwards and be self-closing. ❑5. Heating, ventilation and lighting must be adequate. ❑6. If mechanical ventilation is provided, the airflow must be inwards. Exhaust air is discharged to the outside and should not be recirculated to any part of the building. ❑7. Access must be restricted to authorized persons. ❑8. No animals should be admitted other than those for experimental use