重庆医科大学附属第一医院 Stress-Related Disorders 应激相关障碍 Mental Health Center Li Jing 17782351779
Stress –Related Disorders 应激相关障碍 Mental Health Center Li Jing 17782351779
置庆医科大学附属弟一医园 Learning objectives 1.Master the definition of traumatic events,the clinical features and diagnosis criteria of acute stress disorder,posttraumatic stress disorder and adjustment disorder
Learning objectives 1.Master the definition of traumatic events, the clinical features and diagnosis criteria of acute stress disorder , posttraumatic stress disorder and adjustment disorder
重庆医科大学附属弟一医烷 Learning objectives 2.Familiar with the definition of acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.Know treatment principles of SRDs. 3.Understanding the biological mechanism of stress-related disorder and the etiology of posttraumatic stress disorder
Learning objectives 2. Familiar with the definition of acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Know treatment principles of SRDs. 3. Understanding the biological mechanism of stress–related disorder and the etiology of posttraumatic stress disorder
重庆医科大学附属弟一医园 Traumatic Events Traumatic Event:extremely negative(disturbing) event. A traumatic event is an event that is or may be a cause of trauma.The term may refer to one of the followiong: Trauma(medicine),an event associated with a physical trauma Psychological trauma,an event associated with a psychological trauma
Traumatic Events Traumatic Event: extremely negative (disturbing) event. A traumatic event is an event that is or may be a cause of trauma. The term may refer to one of the followiong: Trauma (medicine), an event associated with a physical trauma Psychological trauma, an event associated with a psychological trauma
重庆医科大字附属弟一医院 Traumatic event Traumatic event (Traumatic stressor )involves the stressor or event of actual or threatened death/serious injury to self or others and includes natural and man-made disaster
Traumatic event Traumatic event (Traumatic stressor ) involves the stressor or event of actual or threatened death/serious injury to self or others and includes natural and man-made disaster
重庆医科大字附属弟一医园 >Natural disaster(天灾): earthquake fire disaster flood drought snowstorm
Natural disaster(天灾): earthquake fire disaster flood , drought snowstorm
重庆医科大学附属第一医院 ging.weibo.com/ 云南省彝良县发生5.7级地震
疹发生.D强霞引发海啸核危机 )时间:2011年3月11日)震源深度:30公里网易新间 截至当地时间2011年04月24日16时, 3月11日发生的日本大地震及其引发的海啸 已确认造成14300人遇难11999人失踪
截至当地时间2011年04月24日16时 , 3月11日发生的日本大地震及其引发的海啸 已确认造成14300人遇难 11999人失踪
日本地震前后比较 置庆医科大学附属弟一医园