Mood Disorders Jing Li Department of Psychiatry
Mood Disorders Jing Li Department of Psychiatry
Preview l.Mood Disorders/Affective Disorders-心境障碍 2.Elation情感高涨 3.Depression抑郁 4.Psychotic symptoms精神病性症状 5.Hallucination幻觉 6.Delusion妄想
Preview 1.Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders-心境障碍 2. Elation 情感高涨 3. Depression 抑郁 4. Psychotic symptoms 精神病性症状 5.Hallucination 幻觉 6.Delusion 妄想
7.Single episode单相抑郁 8.Bipolar Disorders(BD)双相情感障碍 9.Hypomania轻躁狂 10.Mania躁狂 l1.Life events生活事件 l2.Depressive episode抑郁发作 l3.Manic episode躁狂发作
7. Single episode 单相抑郁 8. Bipolar Disorders (BD)双相情感障碍 9.Hypomania 轻躁狂 10. Mania 躁狂 11. Life events 生活事件 12. Depressive episode 抑郁发作 13. Manic episode 躁狂发作
l4.Retardation of thinking思维迟缓 l5.Depressed mood抑郁心境 16.Irritable易怒的 17.Irritablity易激惹 18.Pharmacologic Treatments 19.Physicotherapeutics 20.Psychotherapy
14. Retardation of thinking 思维迟缓 15. Depressed mood 抑郁心境 16. Irritable 易怒的 17. Irritablity 易激惹 18. Pharmacologic Treatments 19. Physicotherapeutics 20. Psychotherapy
1.Definition Mood Disorders Affective Disorders: -Obvious and persistent elation or depression of mood (characterize) -cognitive and behavioral changes
1. Definition Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders: -Obvious and persistent elation or depression of mood (characterize) -cognitive and behavioral changes
1.Definition -Psychotic symptoms(hallucination,delusion) -Recurrent tendency -Chronic and residual symptoms
1. Definition -Psychotic symptoms(hallucination ,delusion) -Recurrent tendency -Chronic and residual symptoms
2.Classification ● Manic episode (mania) ● Depression single episode ● (unipolar) recurrent episode with or Affective without Disorders Bipolar-I(with mania) Psychotic Bipolar Bipolar-II(with hypomania) Symptom ● Disorders Mixed type ● Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder Dysthymia Cyclothymia disorder
2. Classification • Manic episode (mania) • • Depression single episode • (unipolar) recurrent episode with or Affective without Disorders Bipolar-I(with mania) Psychotic • Bipolar Bipolar-II(with hypomania) Symptom • Disorders Mixed type • Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder • Dysthymia • Cyclothymia disorder •
normality Depression mania BD
Depression mania normality B D
3.Etiology synaptic vesicie Piccolo/Bassoon CASK/Winti/el Rab3/27 ELKS SHAP.25
3. Etiology • 天生的吗?——遗传 • 后天形成的吗?——环境 • 是心理创伤和内心冲突的反应吗? • 是大脑中的神经递质发生改变了吗? 这是一个害羞的孩子, 我们得用产钳! 孩子,我告诉你,你将来的生 活肯定很艰难! 对于我来说,你的症状来自于你和你母亲的 永无休止的冲突„„
3.Etiology ·3.1 Genetic Causes ·Family Studies: In a study at the National Institute of Mental Health,25%of relatives of bipolar probands were found to have bipolar disorder or unipolar illness (depression)themselves,compared to 20%of relatives of unipolar probands and 7%of relatives of control subjects
3. Etiology • 3.1 Genetic Causes • Family Studies: • In a study at the National Institute of Mental Health, 25% of relatives of bipolar probands were found to have bipolar disorder or unipolar illness (depression) themselves, compared to 20% of relatives of unipolar probands and 7% of relatives of control subjects