北新花大孝现代远程数育 Unit 11 A Tour in China(I) Listening Comprehension Spot dictation Conversation Passage
Unit 11 A Tour in China (Ⅱ) Listening Comprehension • Spot dictation • Conversation • Passage
Spot Dictation Listen to the short passage andfill in the blankswith the missing words. Last week,my daughter,Sally,was invited to a children's party.I to take her by train.Sally was excited because she had never traveled on a train before.Sally sat near the and asked questions about everything she _When she arrived at the party, many children have been there.She a wonderful time
Spot Dictation Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Last week, my _______ daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party. I _________ to take her by train. Sally was _______ excited because she had never traveled on a train before. Sally sat near the ___________ and asked questions about everything she ________. When she arrived at the party, many children have been there. She ______ a wonderful time
Spot Dictation Listen to the short passage and fill in the blankswith the missing words. Last week,my was invited to: arrive at the party to take he Childi arrive in Beijing cited becaus arrive at school Chil ain befor arrive home and asked She saw Iha On a bus/ship/plane irty, Sha In a car/boat/taxi many had a wor I had never travelled to Shanghai before I was ten
Spot Dictation Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Last week, my _______ daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party. I _________ to take her by train. Sally was _______ excited because she had never traveled on a train before. Sally sat near the ___________ and asked questions about everything she ________. When she arrived at the party, many children have been there. She ______ a wonderful time. four-year-old decided very window saw had four-year-old四岁的 four years old 四岁 100-meter race一百米跑 The boat is 2 meters long. A 2-meter long boat Children’s party儿童聚会 Children’s Day儿童节 Teachers’ Day教师节 Women’s Day妇女节 April Fools’ Day愚人节 Valentine's Day情人节 She had never travelled… I have never travelled to Shanghai. I had never travelled to Shanghai before I was ten. On a train On a bus/ship/plane In a car/boat/taxi arrive at the party arrive in Beijing arrive at school arrive home
Conversation Listen to the conversation and choose the best answers to complete the statements. 1.How many stamps does the man want to buy A.10 B. Stampl邮票 12 M: Excuse me,I'd like to buy eight stamps. W:Here you are.Eighty cents please
• Listen to the conversation and choose the best answersto complete the statements. 1.How many stamps does the man want to buy? A.10 B.8 C.18 D.12 Conversation Stamp邮票 M: Excuse me, I’d like to buy eight stamps. W: Here you are. Eighty cents please
Conversation Listen to the conversation and choose the best answers to complete the statements. 2.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At the bank.B.At the hotel C.In the office.DAt the post office. W:What can I do for you,sir? M:I'd like to mail two letters to Beijing
• Listen to the conversation and choose the best answersto complete the statements. 2. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At the bank. B. At the hotel C. In the office. D. At the post office. Conversation W: What can I do for you, sir? M: I’d like to mail two letters to Beijing
国际物济方式 间资 黄运资运查词 适用产品 运资汁算 您油射加 时间 全芽只有的多个国家可以一觳 5-8 可查询 对贵运针间要求不高 只计算产品包装后民 直接到达,主强项在东 贵物体积较大注 的实重 南亚正和致洲。 重运我城本的广品 出关能力较强,通关能力 较弱。 UPS 是世界最大的快透公可。贵 25天查南 货物价格较氛,对资 实重和体积重软垃每月更务 超项在光线路,日坊 运时闲有要求,追求 高者 路。 质宝和眼务的产弱 DHL 是欧洲大的失进公可, 欧满和西亚、中东有镜对 位势。 Fedex 去东南亚价格、速残景有 优势。去英但、加单大包 比较有优势。 T 有兰最大的快注公司,定 西歇国家具有强的活关 能力。 hore之cnt pos酒过香港或中国攻将贵 便宜7一14需挂号 时匠党诚本较敢感 只考透产品包装后倪 (香港即政雅空物发往国外。到达买家所 对贵运词要求不 的充重 自爽) 左国家之后,过当地的 高,炭花物价格较练 china post 邮政系线送达买家手中。 体积较大的,建议箭 (中国年政航空 值在0-10关全以下 色丧) 的产品使月 顺丰 顺丰建运(米园)有限公 一 2-3可查南 发往韩国、新加坡的 种别说明:如快件新们肢、 司千1993年城立,总部 天 产品 算出家的体积垂量韩运无 设在深圳,是一冢主要超 大于实际重量。将 营国内、国际快透及相关 会按体积重量计算 业号的图年性企业。 运我
3.How much does it cost to send a post card airmail to Europe? A.$ 0.40 B.$ 0.30 C.$ 3.52 D.$ 1.25 4.How much will the man pay for the stamps? A.$ 6.00 B.$ 6.50 C.$ 7.50 D.$ 7.00 Conversation W: Could you tell me how much it is to send a post card airmail to Europe? M: 40 cents. M: Excuse me, can you give me five $ 1.50 stamps? W: Here you are
第六,名字的名人效应。听到一个新名字,大 第八,名字的唯一性。取英文名的时候,虽 然大家都希望能够与众不同,但一个公司里有 一、两个Jessica,两、三个Michael(或Mike) 也是常事。我在这几年中前后也遇到过五个 David和四个Linda。字母少的名字的优点是好 记,但很容易就会太多,容易搞混,所以取个 长一点有特点的名字,并不吃亏。 第九,名字的缩写和昵称。这也是个值得考 虑的问题,很多时候大家喜欢叫英文名字的昵 称,所以在选择英文名字的时候也要考虑名字 的昵称自己是否会喜欢。对于缩写,如: William Chen.被缩写为Wc
5.To whom the letter is sent? A. John Smith. B. Tony Smith. C. John Bush. D. Tony Bush. Conversation W: How should we deal with this letter? It is sent to John Smith, but now it is Tony Bush who lives there. M: I have no idea. John Smith given name 就是我们中 国人说的名字,一般都 是放在第一位的= first name 名字 Surname (家族的名字, 姓)surname =last name = family name 姓 现在大多数的英语国家的人士名字 通常由三部分组成: (1)教名 given name/Christian name (教名)/first name (2)中间名 middle name (3)姓氏 surname/family name/ last name Full name=(1)+(2)+(3), 全名=教名+ 自取名+姓,如 William Jefferson Clinton (1)Christian name(教名)顾名思义是 指那些信仰基督教的教徒们才适用的称 呼。由于大多数英语国家人士系基督教 徒Christian name 亦被视为 given name 或 first name 的同等 词。(2)middle name(中间名)通常是 为纪念先辈或父母亲朋中受尊敬人士而 用其名来命名的,一般说来中间名的纪 念色彩较浓。 (3)family name (姓氏)和中国差不多, 继承父辈的,只是位置是在最后 英国人习惯上将教名和中间名全部缩写, 如 M. H. Thatcher; 美国人则习惯于只缩写中间名, 如 Ronald W. Reagan。 但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写, 如 George Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用 昵称取代正式教名,如Bill Clinton。 昵称 包括爱称、略称和小名,是英语民族亲朋 好友间常来表示亲切的称呼,是在教名的基础 上派生出来的。通常有如下情况: 1. 保留首音节:如Donald => Don, Timothy => Tim. 如果本名以元音开头, 则可派生出以'N'打 头的昵称,如:Edward =>Ned. 2. +ie 或 -y 如: Don => Donnie, Tim => Timmy. 3. 采用尾音节,如: Anthony => Tony, Beuben => Ben. 4. 由一个教名派生出两个昵称,如: Andrew => Andy & Drew. 5. 不规则派生法,如:William的一个昵称是Bill. 取英文名原则 第一,改名不改姓。 一般来说,为了与说英语国家人交流我们要 去个英文名字,但是姓氏关系到家族荣誉, 将来还会关系到遗传基因。因此,无论自己 的姓多么难读,都要坚持。常见有人起英文 名时连姓也改了,如司徒健Ken Stone, 肖 燕Yan Shaw。下列英文姓尚可接受,但也 最好不用,如:Young杨,Lee李 第二,名字的发音。名字是经常要要来叫 的,一个不闹笑话的名字是最基本的要求。 既不要让本国人笑话,也不要让外国人觉得 拗口。如Linwood,让我们中国人容易取笑 为“您无德”再比如Roger这个名字,居然 被人念作"弱智",尽管本意是 "famousspearman(有名的使矛的人)",最 后还是改名。外国人常用的名字基本是发音 符合名字要求的,所以没有把握不要自己去 创造有些人因为姓被人叫得多,便起个与姓 谐音的英文名。但这样的英文名单独叫尚可, 全称时就不太自然了,如:肖珊Shawn Xiao, 第三,名字的意思和来源。选名字前最好能对 它有些了解。很多英文名来自《圣经》或者希 腊、罗马神话,大家很常见的Mary和Samuel, 都是出自前者,前一个是圣母,后一个是旧约 里最著名的先知;已故的英国王妃Diana,她的 名字来自希腊神话中太阳神的妹妹--月亮女神, 她还身兼狩猎和多产女神之职。迪斯尼的《美 女与野兽》的女主人公叫Belle,如果看的是英 文版,就会注意到一个细节:当Belle手捧着书 穿过人群,有人唱到"her name means beauty", Belle作为一个法语名字,正是"美丽"的意思。 此外,由于文化差异,有些名字引申义不雅, 如:Cat, Kitty, Cat宜改为Cathy, Kitty宜改为Kate 第四,名字的词性。名字一般用名词,不 用形容词。有些人不懂这一规律,用形容词 起名,如Lucky,Sunny连名词都不是,更谈 不上是英文名。还是那句话,尽量不要自己 去创造哦(高手除外)。 第五,名字的拼写。取个英文名字本来是 为了方便交流,所以尽量找便于拼写的。有 些名字可以有好几种拼写方法,例如一个叫 Wende,最后一个字母是e不是y,虽然念起 来一样,不过拼写的时候总得一遍一遍提醒 别人,还挺烦的。还有Dianna,多这一个n, 就费很多口舌解释 第六,名字的名人效应。听到一个新名字,大 家总是会联想到同样有这个名字的某个熟悉的 人或明星,或者某本书里的人物。Sherlock会 令侦探小说迷们想起伟大的福尔摩斯,但对另 一些人,可能只会有莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》 中心狠手辣的那个犹太商人。 第七,名字的性别暗示。有些英文名即可用于 女孩,也可用于男孩,比如Chris、Pat、 Carol/Caroll、Leslie/Lesley,选用这些名字的时 候要比较注意。象Chris,虽然可以是Christina 或者Christine的爱称,但同时也是Christopher或 者Christian的爱称,性别暗示常为男性,女孩 用未必最好。还有Samantha,它的爱称为Sam, 和Samuel的爱称一样,选的时候也要注意。 第八,名字的唯一性。取英文名的时候,虽 然大家都希望能够与众不同,但一个公司里有 一、两个Jessica,两、三个Michael(或Mike) 也是常事。我在这几年中前后也遇到过五个 David和四个Linda。字母少的名字的优点是好 记,但很容易就会太多,容易搞混,所以取个 长一点有特点的名字,并不吃亏。 第九,名字的缩写和昵称。这也是个值得考 虑的问题,很多时候大家喜欢叫英文名字的昵 称,所以在选择英文名字的时候也要考虑名字 的昵称自己是否会喜欢。对于缩写,如: William Chen.被缩写为WC
Passage Listen to the dialogue and then decide whether the following statements are true (T)or false (F). 1.The Sawyers live at eighty-seven Queen Street. 2.In the morning the whole family will go out of the house. 3.Mrs.Sawyer does housework in the morning
• Listen to the dialogue and then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). • □1.The Sawyers live at eighty-seven Queen Street. • □2.In the morning the whole family will go out of the house. • □3.Mrs.Sawyer does housework in the morning. Passage
Passage Listen to the dialogue and then decide whether the following statements are true (T)or false (F). ·☐1.The Sawyers live at eighty-seven Queen Street. ● 2.In the morning the whole family will go out of the house. 3.Mrs.Sawyer does housework in the morning
• Listen to the dialogue and then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). • □1.The Sawyers live at eighty-seven Queen Street. • □2.In the morning the whole family will go out of the house. • □3.Mrs.Sawyer does housework in the morning. Passage
Passage Listen to the dialogue and then decide whether the following statements are true (T)or false (F). ·☐4.She eats her lunch in a restaurant. ● 5.Children arrive home earlier than their father. 6.At night,children have to finish their homework before going to bed
• Listen to the dialogue and then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). • □4.She eats her lunch in a restaurant. • □5.Children arrive home earlier than their father. • □6.At night, children have to finish their homework before going to bed. Passage