试卷代号:2148 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2016年秋季学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷1A) 2017年1月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are classmates.They are chatting about body language. The following is the procedure the students should follow. Tell B you have an interest in body languages of different cultures (Expressing interest); ● Respond to B's request and give examples of body language.Ask B about B's personal use of body language in communication.(Asking for details); ●Express possibility or impossibility of joining B in the indoor workout(室内锻炼)and give reasons;(Expressing possibility and impossibility ) Tell B your interest or lack of interest in the activities that B suggests (Expressing interest /bordom). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. For long distance travel,some people prefer to travel by train.Some other people prefer to travel by plane.Which do you prefer?Why? 431
试卷代号 :2148 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2016 年秋季学期"开放专科"期未考试 英语口语 (3) 口试题签 (学生用卷 1A) 2017 In this test. you wiIl have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 肌1ini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner. using the information provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are classmates. They are chatting about body language. The following is the procedure the students should follow. • Tell B you have an interest in body languages of different cultures (Expressing interest) ; • Respond to B' s request and give examples of body language. Ask B about B' s personal use of body language in communication. (Asking for details); • Express possibility or impossibility of joining B in the indoor workout (室内锻炼) and give reasons; (Expressing possibility and impossibility ) ; • Tell B your interest or lack of interest in the activities that B suggests (Expressing interest Ibordom) Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. For long distance travel , some people prefer to travel by train. Some other people prefer to travel by plane. Which do you ptefer? Why? 431
试卷代号:2148 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2016年秋季学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (学生用卷1B) 2017年1月 In this test,you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Roie-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner,using the information provided in the following box.You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are classmates.They are chatting about body language. The following is the procedure you should follow. 】 Ask A to give one or two exampies of body language of different cultures and explain the meaning.(Expressing concentration and interest); Respond to a's questions about your personal use of body language.Interrupt and invite A to an indoor workout(室内锻炼)(Making polite interruption); Urge A to go with you,telling A more of the advantages (Urging). Express your approval or disapproval of A's ideas.End the conversation (Concluding). Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. Name 2 interesting sights you know of in the USA that you would like to visit some day and expiain why. 432
试卷代号 :2148 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2016 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试 英语口语 (3 ) 口试题签 (学生用卷 lB) 2017 In this test. you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 .Role-play. Part 岛'li ni-talk. Part 1 Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Part 2 Complete a role-play task with your conversation partner. using the information provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are classmates. They are chatting about body language. The foHowing is the procedure you shouJd follow. • Ask A to give one or two examples of body language of different cultures and explain the meaning. CExpressing concentration and interest) ; • Respond to A' s questions about your personal use of body language. Interrupt and invite A to an indoor workout (室内锻炼) CMaking polite interruption) ; • Urge A to go with you , telling A more of the advantages CUrging). • Express your appro or disapproval of A' s ideas. End the conversation CConcluding) . Part 3 Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes. Name 2 interesting sights you know of in the USA that you would like to visit some day and exp~ain why. 432
试卷代号:2148 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2016年秋季学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3)口试题签 (教师用卷1) 2017年1月 In this test,students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk, Part 1 Ask each student two different questions,with the following topics for your reference. Each student has about 1.5 minutes. 1.Does the mobile phone play an important role in your life?Why or why not? 2.Does the web play an important role in your life?Why or why not? 3.What would be a perfect way to celebrate the Spring Festival for you?Why? 4.What would be a perfect way to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival for you?Why? Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task.Their conversation should last 4 minutes. Student A and Student B are classmates.They are chatting about of body language. 433
试卷代号 :2148 国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2016 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试 英语口语 (3 ) 口试题签 (教师用卷 1) 2017 In this test. students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Questions and Answers. Part 2 Role-play. Part 3 Mini-talk. Part 1 Ask each student two different questions. with the following topics for your reference. Each student has about 1. 5 minutes. 1. Does the mobile phone play an importaI'.t role in your life? Why or why not? 2. Does the web play an important role in your life? Why or why not? 3. What would be a perfect way to celebrate Spri'1g Festival for you? Why? 4. What would be a perfect way to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival for you? Why? Part 2 Student A and B will complete a role-play task. Their conversation sbould last 4 minutes. Student A and Student B are classmates. They é'xe chatting about of body language. 433
The following is the procedure the students should follow. Student A Student B Tell B you have an interest in body O Ask A to give one or two examples of languages of different cultures body language of different cultures and (Expressing interest); explain the meaning.(Expressing Respond to B's request and give concentration and interest); examples of body language.Ask B ● Respond to a's questions about your about B's personal use of body personal use of body language. language in communication.(Asking Interrupt and invite a to an indoor for details); workout(室内锻炼)(Making polite Express possibility or impossibility of interruption); joining B in the indoor workout(室内 ● Urge A to go with you,telling A more 锻炼)and give reasons;(Expressing of the advantages (Urging). possibility and impossibility ) ● Express your approval or disapproval ● Tell B your interest or lack of interest of A's ideas.End the conversation in the activities that B suggests (Concluding). (Expressing interest /bordom). Part 3 Student A and B will speak on the following topics.Each student should talk for 2-3 minutes. Topic for Student A For long distance travel,some people prefer to travel by train.Some other people prefer to travel by plane.Which do you prefer?Why? Topic for Student B Name 2 interesting sights you know of in the USA that you would like to visit some day and explain why. 434
The following is the procedure the students should follow. • • • • Student A Tell B you have an interest in body I • languages of different cultures (Expressing interest) ; Respond to B' s request and give examples of body language. Ask B I • about B' s personal use of body language in communication. (Asking for details) ; Express possibility or impossibility of joining B in the indoor workout (室内 1. 锻炼) and give reasons; (Expressing possibility and impossibility ) ; I • Tell B your interest or lack of interest in the activities that B suggests (Expressing interest /bordom). Student B Ask A to give one or two examples of body language of different cultures and explain the meanmg. ( Expressing concentration and interest) ; Respond to A' s questions about your personal use of body language. Interrupt and invite A to an indoor workout (室内锻炼) (Making polite interruption) ; Urge A to go with you , tel1ing A more of the advantages (Urging). Express your approval or disapproval of A' s ideas. End the conversation (Concluding) . Part 3 Student A and B will 吨>>eak on follo ngωpi6. student should talk for 2-3 自由ut Topic for Student A For long distance travel , some people prefer to travel by train. Some other people prefer to travel by plane. Which do you prefer? Why? Topic for Student B Name 2 interesting sights you know of in the USA that you would lìke to visit some day and explain why. 434