Vitamins(维生素) Vitamins are organic substances that, along with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and inorganic salts, are required in the diet for normal health and growth of an organism The early history of vitamins can be traced to observations that certain diets produced disease that could be cured by a supplement of another foodstuff. For example, the ancient s Arab physicians and their successors valued the use of liver to cure night blindness, and the North America Indian knew that scurvy( (坏血病) could be treated by a tea made from cedar(*)leaves. In seventeenth century, it was standard procedure for the british Navy to provide lemon juice for its sailors to prevent scurvy
Vitamins(维生素) Vitamins are organic substances that,along with carbohydrates, proteins, fats,and inorganic salts,are required in the diet for normal health and growth of an organism. The early history of vitamins can be traced to observations that certain diets produced disease that could be cured by a supplement of another foodstuff. For example , the ancient Arab physicians and their successors valued the use of liver to cure night blindness, and the North America Indian knew that scurvy(坏血病) could be treated by a tea made from cedar(杉树) leaves. In seventeenth century, it was standard procedure for the British Navy to provide lemon juice for its sailors to prevent scurvy
The term vitamin is derived from the words vital and amine because vitamins are required for life and were originally thought to be amines. Although not all vitamins are amines they are organic compounds required by humans in small amounts from the diet. An organic compound is considered a vitamin if a lack of that compound in the diet results in overt symptoms of deficiency
The term vitamin is derived from the words vital and amine, because vitamins are required for life and were originally thought to be amines. Although not all vitamins are amines, they are organic compounds required by humans in small amounts from the diet. An organic compound is considered a vitamin if a lack of that compound in the diet results in overt symptoms of deficiency
维生素也称维它命,是人体不可缺少的种营养素,它 是由波兰的科学家丰克为它命名的,丰克称它为“维持生命 的营养素”。人体中如果缺少维生素,就会患各种疾病。因 为维生素跟酶类一起参与着肌体的新陈代谢,能使肌体的机 能得到有效的调节 912年,波兰科学家丰克,经过千首次的试验终于从 米糠中提取出≮种能够治疗脚气病的白色物质。这种物质被 丰克称为“维持生命的营养素”,简称vam维他命 也称维生素。 随着时间的推移,越来越多的维生素种类被人们认识和 发现,维生素成了个天家族。人们把它们排列起来以便于 记忆维生素按A、B、C直排列到、P、U等几种 现代科学进步肯定了维生素对人体的抗衰老、防止心脏病 抗方面的功能
维生素也称维它命,是人体不可缺少的一种营养素,它 是由波兰的科学家丰克为它命名的,丰克称它为“维持生命 的营养素”。人体中如果缺少维生素,就会患各种疾病。因 为维生素跟酶类一起参与着肌体的新陈代谢,能使肌体的机 能得到有效的调节。 1912年,波兰科学家丰克,经过千百次的试验,终于从 米糠中提取出一种能够治疗脚气病的白色物质。这种物质被 丰克称为 “维持生命的营养素”,简称Vitamin(维他命), 也称维生素。 随着时间的推移,越来越多的维生素种类被人们认识和 发现,维生素成了一个大家族。人们把它们排列起来以便于 记忆,维生素按A、B、C一直排列到L、P、U等几十种。 现代科学进一步肯定了维生素对人体的抗衰老、防止心脏病、 抗癌方面的功能
Well-balanced diet Fats. oils & sweets USE SPARINGLY Milk, yogurt at, pou try, cheese h, dry beans, 2-3 SERVINGS eggs & nuts 2-3 SERVINGS Vegetables Fruit 3-5 SERVINGS 2-4 SERVINGS Bread, cereal. rice pasta 6-11 SERVINGS 答ADAM
Well-balanced diet
Healthy diet Choose fruits and vegetables over unhealthy fatty foods SADAM
Healthy diet
Fish is great for people trying to lose weight: lean, low-calorie meat great source of protein contains omega 3 FADAMI lote: Many people think that if some is good, a lot is better. This is not always the case, and high doses of certain vitamins are actually toxic. Read about the specific vitamins and check with your health care providerif you are unsure about how much to take -and how much may be too much
Note: Many people think that if some is good, a lot is better. This is not always the case, and high doses of certain vitamins are actually toxic. Read about the specific vitamins and check with your health care provider if you are unsure about how much to take -- and how much may be too much
公元前3009埃及人发现能防治夜盲症的物质,也就是后来的维A 1600年-医生鼓励以多吃动物肝脏来夜盲症 1747年苏格兰医生林德发现柠檬能治坏血病,也就是后来的维C 1831年胡萝卜素被发现 1911年波兰化学家丰克为维生素命名 1915年科学家认为糙皮病是由手缺乏某种维生素而造成的 1916年维生素B被分离出来 1917年英国医生发现鱼肝油可治愈狗偻病断定这种病是缺乏维D引起的 1920年发现人体可将胡萝卜转化为维生素A 192年维E被发现。 1928年科学家发现维B至少有两种类型 933年维E首次用于治疗。 4948年大剂量维C用于治疗炎症。 1949年维B3与维C用于治疗精神分裂症 1954年自由基与人体老化的关系被揭开 1957年Q10多酶被发现。 1969年体内超级抗氧化酶被发现 1970年维C被用于治疗感冒 199年-哈佛大学发表维生素E与心脏病关系的研究结果
公元前3500年-古埃及人发现能防治夜盲症的物质,也就是后来的维A。 1600年-医生鼓励以多吃动物肝脏来治夜盲症。 1747年-苏格兰医生林德发现柠檬能治坏血病,也就是后来的维C。 1831年-胡萝卜素被发现。 1911年-波兰化学家丰克为维生素命名。 1915年-科学家认为糙皮病是由于缺乏某种维生素而造成的。 1916年-维生素B被分离出来。 1917年-英国医生发现鱼肝油可治愈佝偻病,断定这种病是缺乏维D引起的。 1920年-发现人体可将胡萝卜转化为维生素A。 1922年-维E被发现。 1928年-科学家发现维B至少有两种类型。 1933年-维E首次用于治疗。 1948年-大剂量维C用于治疗炎症。 1949年-维B3与维C用于治疗精神分裂症。 1954年-自由基与人体老化的关系被揭开。 1957年-Q10多酶被发现。 1969年-体内超级抗氧化酶被发现。 1970年-维C被用于治疗感冒。 1993年-哈佛大学发表维生素E与心脏病关系的研究结果
Vitamins Fat-soluble Vitamins mg/day: functions Vitamin a(retino 抗干眼病VA缺乏症 Vitamin D2. D3 0.025 预防偻病骨软化症 Vitamin eax 抗VE缺乏症间歇性跛行 Vitamin KI 抗出血维生素用于新生 Vitamin k2 出血症吸收不良或长期成 Vitamin K3 用抗生素所致的体内缺乏
Vitamins Fat-soluble Vitamins mg/day functions Vitamin A(retinol) 1.5 抗干眼病,VA缺乏症 Vitamin D2,D3 0.025 预防佝偻病,骨软化症 Vitamin E 抗VE缺乏症,间歇性跛行 Vitamin K1 1 抗出血维生素,用于新生儿 Vitamin K2 出血症,吸收不良或长期应 Vitamin K3 用抗生素所致的VK体内缺乏
Water-soluble Vitamins. mg/day functions Vitamin bl VB缺乏症周围神经炎 Vitamin B2 核黄素缺乏症 Vitamin b6 VB6依赖综合症,缺乏症 先天性代代谢障碍病 Vitamin B12 0005恶性贫血抗叶酸药引起的 贫血神经系统疾病等 Vitamin H 025用于生物素缺乏症的儿童 Vitamin c 60VC缺乏症酸化尿特发性高 铁血红蛋白症
Water-soluble Vitamins mg/day functions Vitamin B1 1.5 VB 缺乏症,周围神经炎 Vitamin B2 2 核黄素缺乏症 Vitamin B6 3 VB6依赖综合症,缺乏症, 先天性代代谢障碍病 Vitamin B12 0.005 恶性贫血,抗叶酸药引起的 贫血,神经系统疾病等 Vitamin H 0.25 用于生物素缺乏症的儿童 Vitamin C 60 VC缺乏症,酸化尿,特发性高 铁血红蛋白症