名词:表示人或者事物名称的词 、名词的分类 个体名词| student 可数名词 集体名词| class 普通名词 名词 物质名词 water 抽象名词| happiness不可数名词 专有名词 China
、名词的数 敵分需君园-a蒙箬又易 词和专有名词。 ※以下名词通常用作不可数名词: fu luck advice musIc weather practice progress wealth information health bread word butter wood baggage/luggage lass equipment English furniture America homework work Jeweller
二、名词的数 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词又有单复 数之分而不可数名词没有,它包括抽象名词、物质名 词和专有名词。 ※以下名词通常用作不可数名词: fun advice weather progress information bread butter baggage/luggage equipment furniture homework luck music practice wealth health word wood glass English America work jewellery
可数名词复数形式的构成规则: 1)直接加s 2)以s,sh,ch,x结尾的加es但是: stomachs 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的改y为计es 4)大部分以fre结尾的改fe为y+es 5)不规则变化 man→men 但是: German→ Germans Roman→ Romans woman→ women child→ children mouse→)mce 0X→0Xen go0se→ geese/ tooth→ teeth/foot-→feet bacteriun→ bacteria/ medium→ media phenomenon- phenomena oasis→→ oases/ basis→→ bases Englishman Frenchman Englishwoman Frenchwoman怎样变?
可数名词复数形式的构成规则: 1)直接加s 2)以s, sh, ch, x结尾的加 es 但是:stomachs 3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的改y为 i+es 4)大部分以 f/fe结尾的改 f/fe为 v+es 5)不规则变化 man→ men 但是: German→ Germans Roman→ Romans woman→ women child→ children mouse→ mice ox→ oxen goose→ geese/tooth→ teeth/ foot→f eet bacterium →bacteria/ medium→ media phenomenon → phenomena oasis→ oases/ basis→ bases Englishman Frenchman Englishwoman Frenchwoman 怎样变?
趣味记忆法 1以o结尾的名词变成复数时通常在其后面+s 但是:下列单词在其后+es hero negro potato tomato 英雄和黑人吃马铃薯和西红柿) 2以f/fe结尾的常改ffe为ves thief wife life self leaf wolf shelf beef loaf knife half (小偷之妻生活难,自己扫叶来做饭,忽见一狼躲架后 想吃牛肉面包块,取刀把它劈两半) 3以f/fe结尾的有的既可以改成ve也可以直接+s scarf handkerchief dwarf wharf turf oaf hoof 带着围巾、手帕和矮子去码头修草皮者畸形儿蹄也
趣味记忆法 1.以o结尾的名词变成复数时通常在其后面+ s. 但是:下列单词在其后+es hero Negro potato tomato (英雄和黑人吃马铃薯和西红柿) 2.以f/fe结尾的常改f/fe为ves thief wife life self leaf wolf shelf beef loaf knife half (小偷之妻生活难,自己扫叶来做饭,忽见一狼躲架后, 想吃牛肉面包块,取刀把它劈两半) 3.以f/fe结尾的有的既可以改成ves也可以直接+s scarf handkerchief dwarf wharf turf oaf hoof (带着围巾、手帕和矮子去码头修草皮者畸形儿 蹄也)
4.下列以ffe结尾只能+s roof gulf cliff((悬崖)ree暗礁)chie(首 领,酋长) proof belief safe 不管是在屋顶上海湾里悬崖上还是碰到暗礁 酋长都有他的证据和信念守住那保险箱
4.下列以f/fe结尾只能+s roof gulf cliff(悬崖) reef( 暗礁) chief(首 领,酋长) proof belief safe 不管是在屋顶上海湾里悬崖上还是碰到暗礁 酋长都有他的证据和信念 守住那保险箱
合成词单数变复数的规则: 1. man-doctor-men-doctors woman-teacher-women-teachers 2. go-betweens touch-me-nots forget-me-nots grown-ups fathers-in-law brides-to-be passers-by lookers-on look-outs editors-in-chief film-goers wrong-doers fault-finders
合成词单数变复数的规则: 1.man-doctor→men-doctors woman-teacher→women-teachers 2.go-betweens touch-me-nots forget-me-nots grown-ups fathers-in-law brides-to-be passers-by lookers-on look-outs editors-in-chief film-goers wrong-doers fault-finders
单复数同形的词: Chinese/Japanese people sheep d eer fish means crossroads(十字路口) species(物种,种类) offspring(后代) series (系列) catt午) spacecraft(太空船)
单复数同形的词: Chinese/Japanese people sheep deer fish means crossroads (十字路口) species(物种,种类) offspring(后代) series(系列) cattle(牛) spacecraft(太空船)
单复数表示不同的含义 fish---fishes fruit---fruits food---foods wOi worKS water---waters custom---customs content---contents g00d-00d iron---Irons green---greens damage- damages(赔偿金) air---aIrs (架子) put on/throw off pain---panns brain-- brains(头脑智能) arm---armns look---looks
单复数表示不同的含义 fish---fishes fruit---fruits food---foods work---works water---waters custom---customs content---contents good---goods iron---irons green---greens damage---damages(赔偿金) air---airs(架子)put on/throw off pain---pains brain---brains(头脑 智能) arm---arms look---looks
下列名词总是用复数形式 shake hands with sb take measures/steps as follows(如下) gIve regards to take turns to do sth by turns hurt one's feelings(伤人感情) take notes take pains(下功夫) have words with in high/low spirits make preparations for see si ght观光) go to the pictures working conditions(工作条件) travel expenses(路费) come to terms with be on good/bad terms with lazybones belongings surroundings congratulations ashes savings(储蓄) outskirts(市郊) earnings(薪水)
下列名词总是用复数形式 shake hands with sb. take measures/steps as follows ( 如下) give regards to take turns to do sth by turns hurt one’s feelings(伤人感情) take notes. take pains(下功夫) have words with in high/low spirits make preparations for see sights(观光) go to the pictures working conditions(工作条件) travel expenses(路费) come to terms with be on good/bad terms with lazybones belongings surroundings congratulations ashes savings(储蓄) outskirts(市郊) earnings(薪水)