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北京科技大学材料科学学院:《薄膜材料与纳米技术 Thin Film Materials & Nanotechnology》第一讲 引言、薄膜技术的真空技术基础 Fundamentals of vacuum technology in thin films techniques

一、 薄膜材料 二、 薄膜材料的应用 三、 薄膜技术所研究的内容 四、 薄膜材料与纳米技术 ◆ 气体分子运动论的基本概念 ◆ 真空获得的手段 ◆ 真空度的测量

◆薄膜材料 ◆薄膜材料的应用 薄膜技术所研究的內容 ◆薄膜材料与纳米技术

引 言 ◆ 薄膜材料 ◆ 薄膜材料的应用 ◆ 薄膜技术所研究的内容 ◆ 薄膜材料与纳米技术

Have you ever? used a personal computer? used a Cd player? used a touching screen in an ATM? used a pair of glasses? Have you realized that without thin film technology, there would be no modern civilization

• used a personal computer? • used a CD player? • used a touching screen in an ATM? • used a pair of glasses? Have you realized that without thin film technology, there would be no modern civilization? Have you ever?

Worldwide market of raw materials for thin film technology 10.000 9,000 00 7000 6000 5000 4.000 3.000 2000 1.000 0 2002 2003 2004 2009 口 Physical processes■ Chemical processes a The market has been estimated at S7. 1 billion in 2004 and was projected as $13. 5 billion by 2009 a it rises at average annual growth rate of 13.7%%

Worldwide market of raw materials for thin film technology  The market has been estimated at $7.1 billion in 2004 and was projected as $13.5 billion by 2009.  it rises at average annual growth rate of 13.7%

薄膜材料的定乂 利用特殊的技术手段人为制得的、其一维尺度显著小于 另外两维尺度的、具有特定性能与用途的材料 a thin film is a layer of material with a high surface-to-volume ratio It is a very thin coating applied to things that we use everyday o Thin Films can be made of many different materials and can be applied to almost any surface It is an important and exciting branch of material science

薄膜材料的定义 利用特殊的技术手段, 人为制得的、其一维尺度显著小于 另外两维尺度的、具有特定性能与用途的材料. ◆ A thin film is a layer of material with a high surface-to-volume ratio. ◆ It is a very thin coating applied to things that we use everyday. ◆ Thin Films can be made of many different materials and can be applied to almost any surface. ◆ It is an important and exciting branch of material science

薄膜材料的特点 一般并不是单独存在的 口结合了不同材料的不同特性 ■种类繁多 需要使用特殊的制备与研究方法

薄膜材料的特点 ◼ 一般并不是单独存在的 ◼ 结合了不同材料的不同特性 ◼ 种类繁多 ◼ 需要使用特殊的制备与研究方法

为什么要发展薄膜材料 三个理由 不同材料特性的优势互补 微电子技术、光电子技术的发展 ◆功能性结构的微小型化

为什么要发展薄膜材料 三个理由: ◆ 不同材料特性的优势互补 ◆ 微电子技术、光电子技术的发展 ◆ 功能性结构的微小型化

薄膜材料的应用 耐磨、防腐与装饰涂层 光学涂层 光电薄膜 微电子技术 磁存储技术 微机电系统

薄膜材料的应用 ◼ 耐磨、防腐与装饰涂层 ◼ 光学涂层 ◼ 光电薄膜 ◼ 微电子技术 ◼ 磁存储技术 ◼ 微机电系统 ……

耐磨、防腐与裝饰涂层 gee




光电薄膜材料 Phg: Freud


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