Watersheds of the world - Protected area antage of Basin Area Protected p Projection: Robinson Citation: Revenga, C.S. Murray, I Abramovitz, and A Hammond, 1998 eEarthTrends 2002 Work
Watersheds of the World - Protected Area Map Projection: Robinson Citation: Revenga, C., S. Murray, J. Abramovitz, and A. Hammond, 1998. Watersheds of the World: Ecolo © EarthTrends 2002 World Resources Institute. All rights reserved. Fair use is permitted on a limited scale and for educational purposes
nalytical Overview Description: 二二 This map shows the percentage of the basin are nied my represented by polygons, but some are represented lf&2 ofthe ss than 5 percent of their land area under much of the Amazon, the Conen, and almost all the basin ndia, China, Southeast Asia, and Papua New Guinea, have less than 5 percent of Souree Hammond, 1998. Watersheds of the World: orld Conservation Montoring Centre. Biodiversity Map Library: WCMC, 1996. eEarthTrends 2002 Work
Analytical Overview: Source: Data on protected areas are from the Biodiversity Map Library, produced by WCMC, 1996. Most of the protected areas are represented by polygons, but some are represented by points only. For the latter, circular buffers were generated corresponding to the reported size of the protected area. Revenga, C., S. Murray, J. Abramovitz, and A. Hammond, 1998. Watersheds of the World: Ecological Value and Vulnerability. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute based on data from World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Biodiversity Map Library: WCMC, 1996. Description: This map shows the percentage of the basin area occupied by nationally protected areas that fall within the IUCN Management Categories I-V. Included are areas that are strictly protected and areas where some sustainable use of resources is allowed. More than half-82 of the watersheds analyzed-- have less than 5 percent of their land area under national protection. The pattern of protection is such that most of the high value, speciesrich watersheds are the least protected. For example, species-rich areas such as the Paraná watershed, as well as much of the Amazon, the Congo, and almost all the basins in India, China, Southeast Asia, and Papua New Guinea, have less than 5 percent of their area protected. © EarthTrends 2002 World Resources Institute. All rights reserved. Fair use is permitted on a limited scale and for educational purposes