Unit Five Cognitive Linguistics (2)
Unit Five Cognitive Linguistics (2)
01 Image Schemas CONTENTS 02 Construal 03 Iconicity
CONTENTS 01 Image Schemas 02 Construl 03 Iconicity
Image schemas(意象图式) 1. Definitions a. Images schemas are relatively simple structures that constantly recur in our bodily experience -George Lakoff (1987) b. A recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience Mark johnson (1987) c. Image schemas are relatively abstract patterns or mental structures that arise directly from our daily interaction with and observation of the world around us
Image schemas (意象图式) 1. Definitions a. Images schemas are relatively simple structures that constantly recur in our bodily experience. ―George Lakoff(1987) b. A recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. ―Mark Johnson(1987) c. Image schemas are relatively abstract patterns or mental structures that arise directly from our daily interaction with and observation of the world around us
2. Different Types a. Container schema(容器图式) b. Path schema(路径图式) c. Center-periphery schema(中心-边缘图式) d.Part- whole schema(部分-整体图式) e. Force schema(力量图式)
2. Different Types a. Container schema (容器图式) b. Path schema(路径图式) c. Center-periphery schema(中心-边缘图式) d. Part-whole schema(部分-整体图式) e. Force schema (力量图式)
The Container Image Schema(容器图式) The Container schema comprises three parts: the interior, the exterior and the boundary )I take out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator (2)I pour the milk out of the bottle 3)I pour the milk into a cup
The Container Image Schema (容器图式) The Container schema comprises three parts: the interior, the exterior and the boundary. (1) I take out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator. (2) I pour the milk out of the bottle. 3) I pour the milk into a cup
The Path Image Schema(路径图式) This image schema consists of three arts(a source point A, a terminal point B, and a path moving from a to b)and a relation(specified as a force vector moving from a to B a. We go to university from home A b. To fly hong kong to london c. The highway links Beijing and Shanghai
The Path Image Schema(路径图式) This image schema consists of three “arts” (a source point A , a terminal point B, and a path moving from A to B) and a relation (specified as a force vector moving from A to B) a. We go to university from home. b. To fly Hong Kong to London. c. The highway links Beijing and Shanghai
However, in practice, the path schema also exhibits internal complexity Different components of the path can be highlighted by using different lexical items a soUrce. Tom left [England] b. GOAL. Tom travelled [to france] C. SOURCE-GOAL Tom travelled [from England] [to france d PATh-GoAL. Tom travelled [through the chunneljIto france e, SOURCE-PATH-GOAL Tom travelled [from Englandjthrough the chunnelllto france]
However, in practice, the PATH schema also exhibits internal complexity. Different components of the PATH can be highlighted by using different lexical items: a. SOURCE: Tom left [England]. b. GOAL: Tom travelled [to France]. c. SOURCE-GOAL: Tom travelled [from England] [to France]. d. PATH-GOAL: Tom travelled [through the Chunnel][to France]. e. SOURCE-PATH-GOAL: Tom travelled [from England][through the Chunnel][to France]
Construal(识解) Cognitive linguistics generally holds that there is no direct mapping between the external world and language form That is to say, the same situation can be interpreted in alternate ways (1)a Jack hid Tom's keys b Toms keys were stolen by Jack
Construal (识解) Cognitive linguistics generally holds that there is no direct mapping between the external world and language form. That is to say, the same situation can be interpreted in alternate ways. (1) a. Jack hid Tom's keys, b. Tom's keys were stolen by Jack
(2)a. Oh, Jesus, John is so thrifty b. Oh, Jesus, John is so stingy (3)a. The path falls steeply into the valley b. The path climbs steeply out of the valley These sentences in each group describe the same situation, however, they never express the same thing because different structures spell different meanings
(2) a. Oh, Jesus, John is so thrifty! b. Oh, Jesus, John is so stingy! (3) a. The path falls steeply into the valley. b. The path climbs steeply out of the valley. These sentences in each group describe ‘the same situation’; however, they never express the same thing, because different structures spell different meanings
Iconicity Iconicity of order(顺序象似性) Definition Iconicity of order refers to the order of elements in language parallels that in physical experience or the order of knowledge E g: 1.她走进来笑着对我说了声谢谢。 2. a. He opened the bottle and poured himself a glass of wine b * He poured himself a glass of wine, and opened the bottle
Iconicity Iconicity of order(顺序象似性) Definition: Iconicity of order refers to the order of elements in language parallels that in physical experience or the order of knowledge. E.g: 1. 她走进来笑着对我说了声谢谢。 2. a. He opened the bottle and poured himself a glass of wine. b. *He poured himself a glass of wine, and opened the bottle