Part 1 General considerations of antimicrobial agents .i0. 〔抗微生物药物概论
Part 1. General considerations of antimicrobial agents (抗微生物药物概论)
●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●0●● ●●●● Contents ●●●● 1. Overview 2. Term and definition 3. Classification and mechanism of antibacterial action 4. Bacterial resistance
Contents 1. Overview 2. Term and definition 3. Classification and mechanism of antibacterial action 4. Bacterial resistance
●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● 抗微生物药 ●●0●● ●●●● ●●●● Antimicrobial drugs Antibacterial drugs(抗菌药) Antifungal drugs(抗真菌药) Antiviral drugs(抗病毒药)
Antimicrobial drugs: Antibacterial drugs(抗菌药); Antifungal drugs(抗真菌药); Antiviral drugs(抗病毒药). 抗微生物药
The relationship of the host, microorganisms ●●● ●●●● ●●●●● antimicrobial drugs ●●●● ●●0●● ●●●● ●●●● pathogenicity Immunological responses
pathogenicity Immunological responses The relationship of the host, microorganisms, antimicrobial drugs
●●● ●●●● ●●●●● Terminology ●●●● ●●0●● ●●●● ●●●● 1. Antibacterial drugs(抗菌药 2. Antibiotics(抗生素) 3. Bacteriostatic drugs(抑菌药) 4. Bactericidal d~ugs(杀菌药 5. Antibacterial spectrum(抗菌谱 6. Chemotherapetic index(化疗指数,CI) 7. Minimum inhibitory concentration(最小抑菌浓度,Mrc 8. Minimum bactericidal concentration(最小杀菌浓度,MBC 9. Concentration Dependent killing 10. Time-dependent killing 11. Post antibiotic effect(抗生素后效应,PAE) 12. First expose effect(首次接触效应)
Terminology 1. Antibacterial drugs(抗菌药) 2. Antibiotics(抗生素) 3. Bacteriostatic drugs(抑菌药) 4. Bactericidal drugs(杀菌药) 5. Antibacterial spectrum(抗菌谱) 6. Chemotherapetic index (化疗指数,CI) 7. Minimum inhibitory concentration (最小抑菌浓度, MIC) 8. Minimum bactericidal concentration (最小杀菌浓度, MBC) 9. Concentration Dependent killing 10. Time-dependent killing 11. Post antibiotic effect (抗生素后效应,PAE) 12. First expose effect (首次接触效应):
●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● 2. Terms and definition ●●0●● ●●●● ●●●● (1) Antibacterial drugs(抗菌药) Substances that can kill bacteria and/or inhibit its growth IncludIng ① Antibiotics(抗生素) sYnthetic antimicrobial agents such as sulfonamides(磺胺类)and quinolones(喹诺酮类),etc
2. Terms and definition: (1)Antibacterial drugs(抗菌药): Substances that can kill bacteria and/or inhibit its growth. including: ①Antibiotics(抗生素); ②Synthetic antimicrobial agents, such as sulfonamides (磺胺类) and quinolones (喹诺酮类), etc
Terms and definition ●●●● ●●0●● ●●●● ●●●● (2) Antibiotics(抗生素) Substances produced by various species of microorganisms(bacteria fungi, actinomyces, etc. ), which can kill other microorganisms or inhibit their growth
(2)Antibiotics(抗生素): Substances produced by various species of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, actinomyces, etc.), which can kill other microorganisms or inhibit their growth. Terms and definition
Terms and definition ●●●●● ●●●● ●●0●● ●●●● ●●●● (3) Chemotherapeutic index(化疗指数) LD5O/ED50, or LD5/ED95 (4) Antibacterial spectrum(抗菌谱) (5) Bacteriostatic drugs(抑菌药) 6) Bactericidal drugs(杀菌药)
(3)Chemotherapetic index (化疗指数) : LD50/ED50, or LD5/ED95 (4)Antibacterial spectrum(抗菌谱); (5)Bacteriostatic drugs(抑菌药); (6)Bactericidal drugs(杀菌药); Terms and definition
Log cfu (number of bacteria Terms and definition ●●●● 108 ●●0●● antimicrobial ●●●● ●●●● agent agents 106 Bacteriostatic 109 Bactericidal 102 7 Time (arbitrary units)
agents Terms and definition
●●● Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●0●● A. Dilution test ●●●0 Antimicrobial drug concentrations (ug/ml) ●●●● No visible growth 64 32 16 0.5 MIC 4 ug/ml 7. Minimum inhibitory Agar test concentration(MIC) 8. Minimum bactericidal concentration(MBC): 99.9% decrease in growth MBC= 32 over 24 hours gar plate
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing 7. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 8. Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC): 99.9% decrease in growth over 24 hours