IN A STATION OF THE METRO 在巴黎地铁车站 The apparition of these faces in the crowd Petals on a wet,black bough.
IN A STATION OF THE METRO 在巴黎地铁车站 The apparition of these faces in the crowd ; Petals on a wet, black bough
Ezra pound ---Originally he had described his impression in a poem of 30 lines long. ---In this final version,each line contains an image,which,like a picture,may take the place of a thousand words.
Ezra Pound ---Originally he had described his impression in a poem of 30 lines long. ---In this final version, each line contains an image, which, like a picture, may take the place of a thousand words
An image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.---Ezra Pound 意象表现的是在一刹那时间里理智 与情感的复合。
• An image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. ---Ezra Pound • 意象表现的是在一刹那时间里理智 与情感的复合
Image Poems are grounded in the concrete and the specific---in details that stimulate our senses, for it is through our senses that we perceive the world. An image is valuable in attempt to render the abstract in concrete terms.
Image • Poems are grounded in the concrete and the specific---in details that stimulate our senses, for it is through our senses that we perceive the world. An image is valuable in attempt to render the abstract in concrete terms
Image Images in poetry generally mean a word or sequence of words that refers to any sensory experience. sight(visual imagery)视觉 sound(auditory imagery)听觉 touch(tactile imagery)触觉 smell((olfactory imagery)嗅觉 taste(gustatory imagery)味觉 action(kinaesthetic imagery)动态
Image • Images in poetry generally mean a word or sequence of words that refers to any sensory experience. sight (visual imagery) 视觉 sound (auditory imagery) 听觉 touch (tactile imagery) 触觉 smell(olfactory imagery) 嗅觉 taste(gustatory imagery) 味觉 action(kinaesthetic imagery)动态
Emily Dickinson Hope is the thing with feathers
Emily Dickinson Hope is the thing with feathers
Image意象 意:内在的心意或情感,是抽象的。 象:存在于想象中的物象,是具体的。 诗歌中的意象是作者心意或情感的寄托物 源于内心抽象的意与情,借助于外在的具 体的象来表达。 意象就是物象与情意的组合,是一种寓情于 景,以景托情,情景交融的艺术处理技巧
Image 意象 意:内在的心意或情感,是抽象的。 象:存在于想象中的物象,是具体的。 诗歌中的意象是作者心意或情感的寄托物, 源于内心抽象的意与情,借助于外在的具 体的象来表达。 意象就是物象与情意的组合,是一种寓情于 景,以景托情,情景交融的艺术处理技巧
杂诗王维 君自故乡来, 应知故乡事。 来日绮窗前, 寒梅著花未?
杂诗 王维 君自故乡来, 应知故乡事。 来日绮窗前, 寒梅著花未?
“每首诗都自成一种境界。无论是作者或 是读者,在心领神会一首好诗时,都必须 有一幅画境或是一幕戏景,很新鲜生动地 突现于眼前,使他神魂为之钩摄,若惊若 喜。”朱光潜 此“画境”或“戏景”即意象。
• “每首诗都自成一种境界。无论是作者或 是读者,在心领神会一首好诗时,都必须 有一幅画境或是一幕戏景,很新鲜生动地 突现于眼前,使他神魂为之钩摄,若惊若 喜。 ” ---朱光潜 • 此“画境”或“戏景”即意象
At sunset hillside village still seems far; Cold and deserted the thatched cottages are. At wicket gate a dog is heard to bark. With wind and snow I come when night is dark.
At sunset hillside village still seems far; Cold and deserted the thatched cottages are. At wicket gate a dog is heard to bark. With wind and snow I come when night is dark