London by William Blake from Songs of Experience "The mightiest brief poem."---Oliver Elton “最强有力的短诗” Notes: Chartered: denotations:established by a charter;privileged,leased or hired by contract被租界的,被霸占的 connotations:defined,limited,restricted,channeled, mapped,bound by law;bought and sold like a slave Other words:ban,chimney-sweeper,solider,harlot Thames:泰晤士河 Mark (v.):notice Mark(n.): sign Woe: sorrow mind-forged manacle:心灵铸成的镣铐 chimney-sweeper::扫烟囱的孩子 Black'ning:blackening Denotations:becoming black Connotations:the darkening of something once light,the defilement of something once clean,the deepening of guilt, the gathering of darkness at the approach of night. Other words:marks of weakness,marks of woe in the
London by William Blake from Songs of Experience “The mightiest brief poem.” ---Oliver Elton “最强有力的短诗” Notes: Chartered: denotations: established by a charter; privileged, leased or hired by contract 被租界的,被霸占的 connotations: defined, limited, restricted, channeled, mapped, bound by law; bought and sold like a slave Other words: ban, chimney-sweeper, solider, harlot Thames:泰晤士河 Mark (v.): notice Mark(n.): sign Woe: sorrow mind-forged manacle: 心灵铸成的镣铐 chimney-sweeper:扫烟囱的孩子 Black’ning: blackening Denotations: becoming black Connotations: the darkening of something once light, the defilement of something once clean, the deepening of guilt, the gathering of darkness at the approach of night. Other words: marks of weakness, marks of woe in the
faces of passers-by;blooded walls of a palace; marriage blighted with plagues;appall;midnight street appall: frighten 震惊 hapless:unfortunate,miserable 运气不好的,倒霉的 harlot: 娼妓 Blasts,blights denotations:to cause to wither使枯萎 to ruin or destroy使损害 connotations:sickness or death;gardens shriveled and dying:gusts of wind and the ravage of insects;things blown to pieces or rotted and warped. Other words:marks of weakness,marks of woe;the child becomes a chimney-sweeper;the soldier killed by war;blackening church and bloodied place; young girl turned harlot;wedding carriage changed into a hearse. hearse: 灵车,殡仪车 我走过每条独占的街道, 徘徊在独占的泰晤士河边, 我看见每个过往的行人
faces of passers-by; blooded walls of a palace; marriage blighted with plagues; appall; midnight street appall: frighten 震惊 hapless: unfortunate, miserable 运气不好的,倒霉的 harlot: 娼妓 Blasts, blights denotations: to cause to wither 使枯萎 to ruin or destroy 使损害 connotations: sickness or death; gardens shriveled and dying: gusts of wind and the ravage of insects; things blown to pieces or rotted and warped. Other words: marks of weakness, marks of woe; the child becomes a chimney-sweeper; the soldier killed by war; blackening church and bloodied place; young girl turned harlot; wedding carriage changed into a hearse. hearse: 灵车,殡仪车 我走过每条独占的街道, 徘徊在独占的泰晤士河边, 我看见每个过往的行人
有一张衰弱、痛苦的脸。 在每个人的每声哭泣中, 在每个婴孩害怕的号叫中, 在每种声音,每条禁令中, 我听见心灵的镣铐在铮铮作响。 多少扫烟囱孩子的喊叫 震惊了一座座熏黑的教堂, 不幸兵士的长叹 化成鲜血沿着宫墙流淌。 最怕是深夜的街头 又听年轻妓女的诅咒! 它凝固了初生儿的眼泪, 又用瘟疫把婚车变成灵柩
有一张衰弱、痛苦的脸。 在每个人的每声哭泣中, 在每个婴孩害怕的号叫中, 在每种声音,每条禁令中, 我听见心灵的镣铐在铮铮作响。 多少扫烟囱孩子的喊叫 震惊了一座座熏黑的教堂, 不幸兵士的长叹 化成鲜血沿着宫墙流淌。 最怕是深夜的街头 又听年轻妓女的诅咒! 它凝固了初生儿的眼泪, 又用瘟疫把婚车变成灵柩