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Imageryt(意象) 意:内在的心意或情感,是抽象的。 象:存在于想象中的物象,是具体的。 诗歌中的意象是作者心意或情感的寄托物 源于内心抽象的意与情,借助于外在的具 体的象来表达。 意象就是物象与情意的组合,是一种寓情于 景,以景托情,情景交融的艺术处理技巧 xjxsj.cn

Imagery(意象) 意:内在的心意或情感,是抽象的。 象:存在于想象中的物象,是具体的。 诗歌中的意象是作者心意或情感的寄托物, 源于内心抽象的意与情,借助于外在的具 体的象来表达。 意象就是物象与情意的组合,是一种寓情于 景,以景托情,情景交融的艺术处理技巧

“每首诗都自成一种境界。无论是作者或 是读者,在心领神会一首好诗时,都必须 有一幅画境或是一幕戏景,很新鲜生动地 突现于眼前,使他神魂为之钩摄,若惊若 喜。”--朱光潜 此“画境”或“戏景”即意象。 xxsj.cn

• “每首诗都自成一种境界。无论是作者或 是读者,在心领神会一首好诗时,都必须 有一幅画境或是一幕戏景,很新鲜生动地 突现于眼前,使他神魂为之钩摄,若惊若 喜。 ” ---朱光潜 • 此“画境”或“戏景”即意象

Image An image may occur in a single word,a phrase,or an entire short poem.It refers to any sensory experience: sight(visual imagery)视觉 sound(auditory imagery)听觉 touch(tactile imagery)触觉 smell((olfactory image)嗅觉 taste(gustatory image)味觉 action(kinaesthetic image)动态 Dp到.cn

Image • An image may occur in a single word, a phrase, or an entire short poem. It refers to any sensory experience: sight (visual imagery) 视觉 sound (auditory imagery) 听觉 touch (tactile imagery) 触觉 smell(olfactory image) 嗅觉 taste(gustatory image) 味觉 action(kinaesthetic image)动态

Ezra pound An image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. 意象表现的是在一刹那时间里理智与情感 的复合。 xxsj.cn

Ezra Pound • An image is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. • 意象表现的是在一刹那时间里理智与情感 的复合

IN A STATION OF THE METRO by Ezra Pound(1885-1972) The apparition of these faces in the crowd Petals on a wet,black bough. Notes: Apparition:the spirit of a dead person in the form that can be seen. 幽灵,鬼魂 Petal::花瓣 Bough:树枝 xxsj.cn

IN A STATION OF THE METRO by Ezra Pound(1885-1972) The apparition of these faces in the crowd ; Petals on a wet, black bough. Notes: Apparition: the spirit of a dead person in the form that can be seen. 幽灵,鬼魂 Petal: 花瓣 Bough: 树枝

Pound wrote this poem to convey an experience:emerging one day from a train in the Paris subway (Metro),he saw "suddenly a beautiful face,and then another and another. Originally 30 lines long.In this final version,each line contains an image, which,like a picture,may take the place of a thousand words. xjxsj.cn

• Pound wrote this poem to convey an experience: emerging one day from a train in the Paris subway (Metro), he saw ”suddenly a beautiful face, and then another and another.” • Originally 30 lines long. In this final version, each line contains an image, which, like a picture, may take the place of a thousand words

在地铁车站 人群中的面孔幽灵般时隐时现; 湿漉漉的黑枝头上花瓣片片。 xxsj.cn

在地铁车站 人群中的面孔幽灵般时隐时现; 湿漉漉的黑枝头上花瓣片片

Let's review some Chinese poems to understand the use of imagery. Dp到.cn

• Let’s review some Chinese poems to understand the use of imagery

天净沙秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。 xxaj.cn

天净沙 秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯

Autumn Thoughts To sand and sky Dry vine,old trees,crows at dusk, Low bridges,stream running,cottages, Ancient road,west wind,lean nag, The sun westering, And one with broken heart at the sky's edge -translated by何功杰 Dp到.cn

Autumn Thoughts To sand and sky Dry vine, old trees, crows at dusk, Low bridges, stream running, cottages, Ancient road, west wind, lean nag, The sun westering, And one with broken heart at the sky’s edge. -----translated by何功杰

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