Globalization's Dual Power
Globalization’s Dual Power
Robert J.Samuelson Samuelson is a 1967 graduate of Harvard University with a government.Based in Washington,D.C.,Samuelson began his journalism career as a reporter on The Washington Post's Business Desk in 1969.Samuelson joined The National Journal as an economics correspondent in 1976 and began writing the "Economic Focus"column.He became a contributing editor in 1981 and left the magazine in 1984
Ro b e rt J. S a m u elso n S a m u elso n is a 1 967 g rad u ate of H a rva rd U nive rsity with a B.A. in gove rn m e nt. B ased in Was hin gto n, D.C., S a m u elso n b ega n his j o u rn alis m ca ree r as a re po rte r o n Th e Was hin gto n P ost's B u sin ess D es k in 1 969. S a m u elso n j oin ed Th e N atio n al J o u rn al as a n e co n o mics co rres po nd e nt in 1 976 a nd bega n writin g th e " E co n o mic F ocu s" colu m n. H e be ca m e a co ntrib utin g edito r in 1 98 1 a nd left th e m agazin e in 1 984
Globalisation (or globalization)describes a process by which regional economies,societies,and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication,transportation,and trade.The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization:the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade,foreign direct investment,capital flows,migration,and the spread of technology.However,globalization is usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic,technological,sociocultural. political,and biological factors.The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas,languages,or popular culture through acculturation
Globalisation (or globalization) describes a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. However, globalization is usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and biological factors. The term can also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation
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Key words Unification:n.the act of becoming united.统一,联 合 economic unification the unification of Germany Unify:vt.①统一,使.成一体②使.相同,使.一致 The new leader hopes to unify the country. a unified transport system Unity n.①the state of being in agreement-,统 European unity unity of purpose
Key words Unification: n. the act of becoming united.统一,联 合 economic unification the unification of Germany Unify: vt. ①统一,使成一体 ②使相同,使.一致 The new leader hopes to unify the country. a unified transport system Unity n.① the state of being in agreement 一致,统一 European unity / unity of purpose
③统一体,整体 If society is to exist as a unity,its members must have shared values. Unite:vi.(为某事)联手,团结 unite in (doing)sth. unite behind/against sb./sth. Local people have united in opposition to the new policy. We will unite in fighting the crime. We will unite behind /against the new leader
③统一体,整体 If society is to exist as a unity, its members must have shared values. Unite: vi.(为某事)联手,团结 unite in (doing) sth. unite behind/against sb./sth. Local people have united in opposition to the new policy. We will unite in fighting the crime. We will unite behind /against the new leader
unite A with B与.联合,联合 She unites business skills with a charming personality. United:ad.联合的,统一的 the United Nations/the United states Antidote:n.①解毒药,解毒剂 ~to sth. There is no known antidote to the poison. 2anything that takes away the effects of sth.unpleasant消除不愉快的事物,矫正方法 An air conditioner is the perfect antidote to a long hot summer
unite A with B 与联合,联合 She unites business skills with a charming personality. United: adj.联合的,统一的 the United Nations/the United states Antidote: n.① 解毒药,解毒剂 ~ to sth. There is no known antidote to the poison. ②anything that takes away the effects of sth. unpleasant 消除不愉快的事物,矫正方法 An air conditioner is the perfect antidote to a long hot summer
Deadly::adj.①致命的,致死的 a deadly weapon/disease/game deadly poison ②十分的,极度的,彻底的 We sat in deadly silence. They are deadly enemies. ③非常有效的,无法防御的 His aim is deadly.(=so accurate that he can kill easily】
Deadly: adj. ①致命的,致死的 a deadly weapon/disease/game deadly poison ②十分的,极度的,彻底的 We sat in deadly silence. They are deadly enemies. ③非常有效的,无法防御的 His aim is deadly.(=so accurate that he can kill easily)
adv.①extremely极其地,非常地 deadly serious/dull ②deathly死一般地 deadly pale/cold Nationalism:n.①国家主义,民族主义 ②民族自豪感,民族优越感 Nationalist n.Nationalistic:adj. Nationalize:v.将.国有化 nationalized industries
adv. ①extremely极其地,非常地 deadly serious/dull ②deathly死一般地 deadly pale/cold Nationalism: n. ①国家主义,民族主义 ②民族自豪感,民族优越感 Nationalist: n. Nationalistic: adj. Nationalize: v.将国有化 nationalized industries
Favor/favour:v.①偏袒,偏向于,恩惠 The treaty seems to favor the US. ②有利于,有助于 The warm climate favors many typical plants. ③外貌上)长得像. She definitely favors her mother. n.恩惠,帮助,赞同,支持 do sb.a favor do favors in favor of in sb.'s favor
Favor/favour: v. ①偏袒,偏向于, 恩惠 The treaty seems to favor the US. ②有利于,有助于 The warm climate favors many typical plants. ③(外貌上)长得像 She definitely favors her mother. n. 恩惠, 帮助,赞同,支持 do sb. a favor / do sb. no favors in favor of / in sb.’s favor