Medical Genetics Department of Medical Genetics Zhang Jun
Medical Genetics Department of Medical Genetics Zhang Jun
The First Chapter Intruction of Medical Genetics
The First Chapter Intruction of Medical Genetics
Contents >Basic Concepts >Major Types of Genetic Diseases >The Hazard of Genetic Disease >A Brief History of Genetics >Reference >Emphasis
Contents ➢Basic Concepts ➢Major Types of Genetic Diseases ➢The Hazard of Genetic Disease ➢A Brief History of Genetics ➢Reference ➢Emphasis
Mutation Evolution *肩石§餐人
Mutation Evolution
Basic Concepts >Genetics is the study of heredity and its variation. >Medical Genetics is the application of genetics to medical practice. >Genetic diseases are the diseases which are due to altered genetic materials (genes or chromosomes)
Basic Concepts ➢Genetics is the study of heredity and its variation. ➢Medical Genetics is the application of genetics to medical practice. ➢Genetic diseases are the diseases which are due to altered genetic materials (genes or chromosomes)
Nature and Nurture 1=Environment Factor 2=Environment+Heredity Factor,but Environment>Heredity Factor 3=Environment+Heredity Factor,but Heredity Environment Factor 4=Heredity Factor
Nature and Nurture 1 2 3 4 1=Environment Factor 2=Environment+Heredity Factor,but Environment >Heredity Factor 3=Environment+Heredity Factor,but Heredity > Environment Factor 4= Heredity Factor
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Several Misunderstanding ⑧“Familial disease”is genetic disease ⑧“Congenital disease'”is genetic disease
Several Misunderstanding “Familial disease” is genetic disease “Congenital disease” is genetic disease
Genes are the basic unit of inheritance. are composed of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) direct the formation of proteins. Different versions of the same gene are called alleles. Alleles result from the process called mutation
Genes ✓are the basic unit of inheritance. ✓ are composed of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ✓ direct the formation of proteins. ✓Different versions of the same gene are called alleles. ✓Alleles result from the process called mutation