Lecture 5 Principle of safety
@重质科像院 CHONGQING UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY The cause of acc i dent causation Typical accident cause theory
1 The cause of accident causation 2 Typical accident cause theory
The cause of accident causation
1 The cause of accident causation
1. Related terminology of accident theory 1.1 Safe and safe production 2 Safety refers Safet ditions that do not hat system loss to the state o cause death, injury, f danger of o es, personnel in bjective thing se or damage or d uries, tasks are amage to property affected or tim s that can be e lost due to int generally acc nvironmental haza fractions betwe ds epte en people, hine d med a Safe production refers to the elimination or control of dangerous and harmful factors in the production process, ensuring personal safety and health, equipment intact and smooth production
1.Related terminology of accident theory Safety refers to the state o f danger of o bjective thing s that can be generally acc epted. 1 Safety means con ditions that do not cause death, injury, occupational disea se or damage or d amage to property or equipment or e nvironmental haza rds. 2 Safety means t hat system loss es, personnel in juries, tasks are affected or tim e lost due to int eractions betwe en people, mac hines and medi a. 3 1.1 Safe and safe production Safe production refers to the elimination or control of dangerous and harmful factors in the production process, ensuring personal safety and health, equipment intact and smooth production
2 Accidents and hidden dangers An accident is an injury or non-premeditated event that may involve injury. An accident is one or a series of events that cause injury or death, occupational Acc i dents disease, damage to equipment or property, or environmental hazards. An accident is an accident that occurs against the will of the person An accident is an event in which a person (individually or collectively), in the course of an activity to achieve an intention, suddenly occurs, violates the will of the person, and forces the activity to stop Hidden dangers: refers to the hidden scourge, hidden dangers are hidden disasters that may lead to acci dents. This is a consensus formed in the long-term work experience, general ly refers to those things that have BBB obvious defects and problems, equi val ent to human Safety behavior. unsafe condition of the object
Hidden dangers: refers to the hidden scourge, hidden dangers are hidden disasters that may lead to accidents. This is a consensus formed in the long-term work experience, generally refers to those things that have obvious defects and problems, equivalent to human Safety behavior, unsafe condition of the object. Accidents An accident is an injury or non-premeditated event that may involve injury. An accident is one or a series of events that cause injury or death, occupational disease, damage to equipment or property, or environmental hazards. An accident is an accident that occurs against the will of the person. An accident is an event in which a person (individually or collectively), in the course of an activity to achieve an intention, suddenly occurs, violates the will of the person, and forces the activity to stop temporarily or permanently. 1.2 Accidents and hidden dangers
1.3 Accident classification Criteria for the classification Accident level Number of deaths and serious injuries Direct economic loss(10 thousand yuan) Particularl serious accident >30 deaths, or>100 serious injuries >10000 Major accident 10-30 deaths, or50-100serious in jurie 5000-10000 3-10 deaths, or10-50serious injuries Big accident 1000-5000 General accident ≤3 deaths,or≤10 serious inJuries <1000
1.3 Accident classification Accident level Criteria for the classification Number of deaths and serious injuries Direct economic loss (10 thousand yuan) Particularly serious accident ≥30 deaths,or≥100 serious injuries ≥10000 Major accident 10-30 deaths,or50-100serious injuries 5000-10000 Big accident 3-10 deaths,or10-50serious injuries 1000-5000 General accident ≤3 deaths,or ≤10serious injuries ≤1000
Secondary accident Harmful substance Refers to accidents caused by Refers to an object or external events or accidents such as natural disasters, which are not substance that directly causes directly related to the system njury and poisoning Future event Cause three violations It refers to an event that may The object or substance Refers to illegal command, have serious consequences, but that caused the accident legal operation, and violation due to its accidental factors, 安菌日 of labor discipline. here are actually no serious 是我们的保护神
Refers to accidents caused by external events or accidents, such as natural disasters, which are not directly related to the system. Secondary accident Refers to an object or substance that directly causes injury and poisoning. Harmful substance It refers to an event that may have serious consequences, but due to its accidental factors, there are actually no serious consequences. Future event The object or substance that caused the accident. Cause Refers to illegal command, illegal operation, and violation of labor discipline. "three violations
Major Unsafe state Unsafe behavior hazard Refers to a unit that produce Refers to the object or Refers to human 5, processes, transports, uses, error that can cause or stores hazardous materials materia condition that an accident on a permanent or temporar directly causes injury and y basis, and the amount of ha poIsoning. zardous materials equals ore xceeds a critical amount
Unsafe state Refers to the object or material condition that directly causes injury and poisoning. Unsafe behavior Major hazard Refers to human error that can cause an accident. Refers to a unit that produce s, processes, transports, uses, or stores hazardous materials on a permanent or temporar y basis, and the amount of ha zardous materials equals or e xceeds a critical amount
1. 4 Four not let go pr inciple The cause of the Preventive measures are not accident is not implemented checked 01 02 without letting go The staff and 03 orkers have not 04 The person responsible for the accident has been educated not been dealt with 安全生 安全
01 02 03 04 The cause of the accident is not checked. Preventive measures are not implemented without letting go The person responsible for the accident has not been dealt with The staff and workers have not been educated. 1.4"Four not let go" principle
1.fOur does not hurt Dont hurt Do not hurt yourself 2 others 3 Protect others Not hurt by from harm others
2 1 3 4 Don't hurt yourself Not hurt by others Protect others from harm 1.5 "Four does not hurt" Do not hurt others