Cultural,Historical and Political Background of Public Policy-making in the .S
Cultural, Historical and Political Background of Public Policy-making in the U.S
USA N State and Capital MAINE Augusta WASHINGTON MONTANA VERMONT Concord NORTH DAKOTA .HAMPSHIRE Helena MINNESOTA Bismarck Providence OREGON St.Paul NEW YORK RHODE ISLAND IDAHO WISCONSIN MICHIGAN Boise SOUTH DAKOTA Madison CONNECTICUT Lansing WYOMING Pierre Harnsburg NEW JERSEY IOWA OHIO Carson City Cheyenno NEBRASKA INDIANA DELAWARE Salt Lake Cty WASHINGTON D.C.MARYLAND Sacramento NEVADA Denver Springfield indianapolis Richmond UTAH Topeka 0 KANSAS KENTUCKY CALIFORNIA MISSOURI Nashville TENNESSEE San Fe Columbia OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS SOUTH CAROLINA ARIZONA Oklahoma City PACIFIC Little Rock ALABAMA Atlanta NEW MEXICO OCEAN Phoenix MISSISSIPPI GEORGIA ATLANTIC Jackson TEXAS OCEAN LOUISIANA Baton Rouge Austin MEXICO BAHAMAS ALASKA G u l f o f i M e x i co 入” CANADA LEGEND CUBA HAWAII Pacific Honoiulu Intemational Boundary Juneau State Boundary Pacific 100 0 200 Country Capital 400600800100012001400m 什华四 Oce a n ■ State Capital Copyright 2008-09
In many ways and like many other countries, America is a unique country.America is a political nation and American people are political peope.There was first a state and a nation in America(nation-building vs.state- building).For most other countries,the common bond is blood or kinship.There were French before there was a france,and there were Japanese before there was a Japan.However,the common bond among
In many ways and like many other countries, America is a unique country. America is a political nation and American people are political peope. There was first a state and a nation in America (nation-building vs. state- building). For most other countries, the common bond is blood or kinship. There were French before there was a France, and there were Japanese before there was a Japan. However, the common bond among
Americans (or national identity among Americans)is political ideals that Americans share. I.Early American History 1.Native Americans (American Indians) 2.Christopher Columbus voyages to the American continent between 1492-1504 3.Early immigrants (Puritans or Pilgrims) from Britain:Mayflower lands on Plymouth in Massachusetts in 1620
Americans (or national identity among Americans) is political ideals that Americans share. I. Early American History 1. Native Americans (American Indians) 2. Christopher Columbus voyages to the American continent between 1492-1504 3. Early immigrants (Puritans or Pilgrims) from Britain: Mayflower lands on Plymouth in Massachusetts in 1620
4.The American Revolution of 1776 (Independence War) taxation without representation;Boston Tea Party of 1773;Minutemen rebellion; Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776 in Philadelphia,"We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal, that they endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
4. The American Revolution of 1776 (Independence War) taxation without representation; Boston Tea Party of 1773; Minutemen rebellion; Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Il.The American Political Culture Political culture:dominant values,beliefs and attitudes held by citizens toward governance,politics and their own roles in the society Political subculture 1.personal freedom and liberty 2.self-government and limited government 3.equality (of opportunities,not necessarily outcomes) 4.individualism
II. The American Political Culture Political culture: dominant values, beliefs and attitudes held by citizens toward governance, politics and their own roles in the society Political subculture 1. personal freedom and liberty 2. self-government and limited government 3. equality (of opportunities, not necessarily outcomes) 4. individualism
5.diversity and pluralism form of government and democracy These are key and mainstream American political values.Holding opposite values is said to be un-American.However,we should treat these values as ideals.The American political system is still evolving and self- improving
5. diversity and pluralism 6. republican form of government and democracy These are key and mainstream American political values. Holding opposite values is said to be un-American. However, we should treat these values as ideals. The American political system is still evolving and selfimproving
Limited government in economic area: Three approaches toward political economy 1)Mercantilism or statism:politics determines economics 2).Marxism:economics determines politics 3)Classical liberalism:politics and economics should be separated as much as possible
Limited government in economic area: Three approaches toward political economy 1) Mercantilism or statism: politics determines economics 2).Marxism: economics determines politics 3) Classical liberalism: politics and economics should be separated as much as possible
Classical liberalism (free enterprise system, capitalist market economy)is still the dominant ideology in the U.S.even though it has been declining since the still a regulative and distributive state,not a developmental state
Classical liberalism (free enterprise system, capitalist market economy) is still the dominant ideology in the U.S. even though it has been declining since the 1930s. U.S. is still a regulative and distributive state, not a developmental state
Democracy Three different approaches toward the understanding of democracy: 1)liberal democracy 2)participatory democracy 3)Marxist approach toward democracy
Democracy Three different approaches toward the understanding of democracy: 1) liberal democracy 2) participatory democracy 3) Marxist approach toward democracy