DAY3一词多义之终极必杀 破解单词核心含义,摆脱一词多义困境 本节课目标 一词多义”产生的原因和解决之道 深刻认识单词的核心含义 commit [kemit 词典含义:①犯罪;做;②自杀;③调拨④承诺、忠于;⑤送交 字面含义( literal meaning): 前缀com-:加强语气 词根-mit=send, let go:送、派、走 核心含义:送 1、犯(罪);做坏事 If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad 2、自杀 If someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves 3、拨出,调配(资金、资源等) If you commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a particular purpose 4、承诺,保证(做;忠于偞某人) If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them 5、把.正式送进(医院、监狱等) If someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other institution, they are officially sent there for a period of time emit [I'mit vt.送出、发出,放射;发行;发表6361四六研 omit [a(ω)mit]ⅵt.省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽5624四內研雅 vomit [vomIt]ⅵt.吐出;使……呕吐8935四六研雅 词根-mis=mit:send、 let go:送、派、让走
DAY 3 一词多义之终极必杀 破解单词核心含义,摆脱一词多义困境 本节课目标: “一词多义”产生的原因和解决之道 深刻认识单词的核心含义 commit [kə'mɪt] 词典含义:① 犯罪;做;② 自杀;③ 调拨 ④ 承诺、忠于;⑤ 送交 字面含义(literal meaning): *前缀 com-:加强语气 *词根-mit=send,let go:送、派、走 核心含义:送 1、犯(罪);做(坏事) If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad. 2、自杀 If someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves. 3、拨出,调配(资金、资源等) If you commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a particular purpose. 4、承诺,保证(做);忠于(某人) If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them. 5、把…正式送进(医院、监狱等) If someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other institution, they are officially sent there for a period of time. emit [ɪ'mɪt] vt. 送出、发出,放射;发行;发表 6361 四|六|研 omit [ə(ʊ)'mɪt] vt. 省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽 5624 四|六|研|雅 vomit ['vɒmɪt] vt. 吐出;使……呕吐 8935 四|六|研|雅 词根-mis=-mit:send、let go:送、派、让走
promise v/n.承诺初高四六 dismiss解雇、解散,开除初高四六 mission n任务、使命四六研雅 demise n.死亡、终止、消亡雅托|GRE induct [In'dAkt 词典含义:vt.使正式就任;征召入伍 字面含义 前缀in-:进入 词根-duct=lead:引领,引导 核心含义:引导某人进去 ①VERB)使正式就任赋予头衔给予职位 If someone is inducted into a particular job, rank, or position, they are given the job, rank, or position in a formal ceremony ②(ERB)征召.伍 If someone is inducted into the army, they are officially made to join the army irrigate ['IrigeIt 词典含义:vt.灌溉;冲洗;使清新 字面含义 前缀i-:进入 词根rig=rain:水,雨水 后缀ate:动词后缀 核心含义:使水进入…
promise v/n. 承诺 初|高|四|六 dismiss v.解雇、解散,开除 初|高|四|六 mission n.任务、使命 四|六|研|雅 demise n.死亡、终止、消亡 雅|托|GRE induct [ɪnˈdʌkt] 词典含义:vt. 使正式就任;征召入伍 字面含义: *前缀 in-:进入 *词根-duct=lead:引领,引导 核心含义:引导某人进去 ① (VERB) 使正式就任;赋予头衔;给予职位 If someone is inducted into a particular job, rank, or position, they are given the job, rank, or position in a formal ceremony. ② (VERB) 征召…入伍 If someone is inducted into the army, they are officially made to join the army. irrigate [ˈɪrɪgeɪt] 词典含义:vt. 灌溉;冲洗;使清新 字面含义: *前缀 in-:进入 *词根 rig=rain:水,雨水 *后缀 ate:动词后缀 核心含义:使水进入…
irrigate(v) supply land with water, "16105, from Latin irrigates, past participle of irrigare"lead water to refresh, irrigate, flood, from assimilated form of in-"into, in, on, upon"(from PIE root"en"in)+ rigare"to water, to moisten, "of uncertain origin. Perhaps [Watkins]from PIE reg-(2)"moist"(see rain(n)). De Vaan offers as possibilities the root of regere"to direct, lead, " on the notion of leading water onto the fields, or to the root of rigere"be stiff, "literally"stretch. The first better suits the sense, but has phonetic problems. rain(n) Old English regn"rain, from Proto-Germanic regma-(source also of old Saxon regan, Old Frisian rein, Middle Dutch reghen, Dutch regen, German regen, Old Norse regn, Gothic rign"rain"), with no certain cognate IE reg."moist, wet, Phich may be the source o Latin rigare"to wet, moisten"(see irrigate). Rain dance is from 1867; rain date in listings for outdoor events is from 1948 To know enough to come in out of the rain (usually with a negative) is from 1590s. Rainshower is Old English renscur O irrigate the land灌溉土地 ② irrigate the wound冲洗伤口 irrigate the air使空气变清新 scale [skeIl] 词典含义: ①n.规模,范围,程度 ②n.等级;级别 ③n.标度;刻度 ④n.比例;比例尺 ③n.音阶 ⑥n.鳞片;v.去鳞 ⑦V.攀登 ⑧n.秤 字面含义 *表示加强语气 *词根-ca/-cul=cut:切割;刻 后缀e无实意 核心含义:刻度 break /breI k/ ①V.打破;打碎;打断 ②n.休息
① irrigate the land 灌溉土地 ② irrigate the wound 冲洗伤口 ③ irrigate the air 使空气变清新 scale [skeɪl] 词典含义: ① n. 规模,范围,程度 ② n. 等级;级别 ③ n. 标度;刻度 ④ n .比例;比例尺 ⑤ n. 音阶 ⑥ n. 鳞片;v. 去鳞 ⑦ v. 攀登 ⑧ n. 秤 字面含义: *s 表示加强语气 *词根-cal/-cul=cut:切割;刻 *后缀 e 无实意 核心含义:刻度 break /breɪk/ ① v. 打破;打碎;打断 ② n. 休息
核心含义:断开 break(n) C 1300,"act of breaking, forcible disruption or separation, "from break(v ) Sense in break of day"first appearance of light in the morning "is from 1580s; meaning"sudden, marked transition from one lace,orstate to another"is by 1725.Sense of"short interval between spells of work"(originally n lessons at school)is from 1861. Meaning"stroke of luck"is attested by 1911, probably an image from billiards(where the break that scatters the ordered balls and starts the game is attested from 1865) Meaning"stroke of mercy"is from 1914. Jazz musical sense of"improvised passage, solo"is from 1920s. Broadcasting sense is by 1941 book /buk/ ①n.书;本子;账簿 ②V.预定 核心含义:(把记录在)本子上 book(v.)圖 Old English bocian"to grant or assign by charter, from book(n Meaning" to enter into a bool record"is early 13c. Meaning"to register a name for a seat or place; issue(railway)tickets"is from 1841; to engage a performer as a guest" is from1 lepart hastily, go fast by 1977, of uncertain signification. Related: Booked; booking run /rAn/ ①跑 ②运行 run in a computer ③经营 run a company ④运转 A machine is running ⑤行驶 Buses run from one place to another ⑥流 Tears were running down her cheeks 核心含义:跑 period /period/ ①周期 ②时期,一段时间 ③经期 ④句号 词根peri-= around:周 核心含义:周
核心含义:断开 book /bʊk/ ① n. 书;本子;账簿 ② v. 预定 核心含义:(把…记录在)本子上 run /rʌn/ ① 跑 ② 运行 run in a computer ③ 经营 run a company ④ 运转 A machine is running ⑤ 行驶 Buses run from one place to another ⑥ 流 Tears were running down her cheeks. 核心含义:跑 period /pɪəriəd/ ① 周期 ② 时期,一段时间 ③ 经期 ④ 句号 词根 peri- =around:周 核心含义:周
period[ pierIa]n.周期,期间;时期;月经617中|高 periodic lpiarI'odk]ad.周期的;定期的7847四六研 periodical[pier!'odke))ad_周期的;期刊13429雅托 periphery [pa'rf(e)rnn.圆周;外围10289雅托lGRE peripheral[pa' rif(er())adj.周围的;外围的8531雅|GRE perimeter[pe' rimite]n.周长;周界;视野计6692雅托|GRE perianal [peri 'einar] adj.肛周的3000医学术语 词多又”的本质是单词结合不同请境所产生的多种翻译,用母 语思维认知词汇就要化繁为简,理解和掌握单词的心含义才是 高效破解单词的王道!
period [‘pɪərɪəd] n. 周期,期间;时期;月经 617 中丨高 periodic [,pɪərɪ‘ɒdɪk] adj. 周期的;定期的 7847 四|六|研 periodical [pɪərɪ‘ɒdɪk(ə)l] adj. 周期的;期刊 13429 雅|托 periphery [pə‘rɪf(ə)rɪ] n. 圆周;外围 10289 雅|托|GRE peripheral [pə‘rɪf(ə)r(ə)l] adj. 周围的;外围的 8531 雅|GRE perimeter [pə‘rɪmɪtə] n. 周长;周界;视野计 6692 雅|托|GRE perianal [peri‘einəl] adj. 肛周的 30000+ 医学术语 “一词多义”的本质是单词结合不同语境所产生的多种翻译,用母 语者思维认知词汇就要化繁为简,理解和掌握单词的核心含义才是 高效破解单词的王道!