结合语境1、犯罪);做(坏事 f someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or 结合语境2、自杀| f someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves 结合 拨出,调配资金、资源等) If the government commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a commit [ki口'mt]vt.把.送到托付 particular purpose 结合语境4、承诺,保证();忠于(某人)fyou commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them 结合语境5、把.正式送进(医院、监狱等)f someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other institution, they are officially sent there for a period of time 结合语境1、(ERB)使正式就任赋予头衔给予职位 If someone is inducted into a particular job, rank, or position, they are given the job, rank, or induct [onodokt] vt.引导某人进入 N position in a formal ceremony. 结合语境2、(VERB)征召…入伍 f someone is inducted into the army, they are officially made to join the army 结合语境1、 irrigate the land:灌溉土 irrigate [oorngeot]v使水进入结合语境2, irrigate the wound:)冲洗伤口 结合语境3、 irrigate the air:使空气清新 结合语境1、长度刻度→比例尺,标尺 结合语境2、重量刻度→秤 结合语境3、身份刻度→等级,级别 scale [sker]n刻度结合语境4、音乐刻度一音度,音阶 结合语境5、石岩上的刻度→台阶;攀登 结合语境6、鱼身上刻度→鱼鳞;去鳞 结合语境7、事情的度→程度;范围 break/ break/V.断 结合语境1、断开;打断;打破 结合语境2、休息(让两节课之间断开的东西) book/bak/n.本子;书 结合语境1、书 B本 结合语境2,预定(把要求记录在本子上 结合语境1、运行 run in a computer 结合语境2、经营 run a company 结合语境3、运转 A machine is running run/ran/v.跑K结合语境4、行驶 Buses run from one place to 结台语境5、流 Tears were running down her 结合语境1、一段时间 period/ pariod/n.周期结合语境2、经期 结合语境3、句号
commit [kə'mɪt] vt. 把...送到/托付 induct [ɪnˈdʌkt] vt. 引导某人进入 结合语境1、犯(罪);做(坏事) If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad. 结合语境2、自杀 If someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves. 结合语境3、拨出,调配(资金、资源等) If the government commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a particular purpose. 结合语境4、承诺,保证(做);忠于(某人) If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them. 结合语境5、把…正式送进(医院、监狱等) If someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other institution, they are officially sent there for a period of time. 结合语境1、 (VERB) 使正式就任;赋予头衔;给予职位 If someone is inducted into a particular job, rank, or position, they are given the job, rank, or position in a formal ceremony. 结合语境2、 (VERB) 征召…入伍 If someone is inducted into the army, they are officially made to join the army. irrigate [ˈɪrɪgeɪt] v. 使水进入 结合语境1、 irrigate the land:灌溉土地 结合语境2、irrigate the wound:冲洗伤口 结合语境3、irrigate the air:使空气清新 scale [skeɪl] n. 刻度 结合语境1、长度刻度→比例尺,标尺 结合语境2、重量刻度→秤 结合语境3、身份刻度→等级,级别 结合语境4、音乐刻度→音度,音阶 结合语境5、石岩上的刻度→台阶;攀登 结合语境6、鱼身上刻度→鱼鳞;去鳞 结合语境7、事情的度→程度;范围 break /breɪk/ v. 断 结合语境1、断开;打断;打破 结合语境2、休息(让两节课之间断开的东西) book /bʊk/ n. 本子;书 结合语境1、书本 结合语境2、预定(把要求记录在本子上) run /rʌn/ v. 跑 结合语境1、运行 run in a computer 结合语境2、经营 run a company 结合语境3、运转 A machine is running 结合语境4、行驶 Buses run from one place to another 结合语境5、流 Tears were running down her cheeks. period /pɪəriəd/ n. 周期 结合语境1、一段时间 结合语境2、经期 结合语境3、句号