第九章发酵工程各论 第二节氨基酸生产工艺 主讲人:韩北忠 刘萍
第二节 氨基酸生产工艺 主讲人:韩北忠 刘 萍 第九章 发酵工程各论
氨基酸是构成蛋白成分 目前世界上可用发酵法生产氨基酸有20 多种
• 氨基酸是构成蛋白成分 • 目前世界上可用发酵法生产氨基酸有20 多种
Introduction History of amino acids production: The story of started in 1908 Isolated glutamic acid delicious taste Screen for amino-acid excreting microorganisms: Corynebacterium glutamicum, In 1957 Monosodium glutamate MSG): A flavor-enhancing compound (Umami)
Introduction History of amino acids production: The story of started in 1908 Isolated glutamic acid, delicious taste Screen for amino-acid-excreting microorganisms: Corynebacterium glutamicum, In 1957. Monosodium glutamate (MSG): A flavor-enhancing compound (Umami)
氨基酸 α碳原子分别以共价键连接氢原子、羧基 和氨基及侧链。侧链不同,氨基酸的性 质不同
氨基酸 • α 碳原子分别以共价键连接氢原子、羧基 和氨基及侧链。侧链不同,氨基酸的性 质不同
氨基酸的用途 1.食品工业: 强化食品(赖氨酸,苏氨酸,色氨酸于小 麦中) 增鲜剂:谷氨酸单钠和天冬氨酸 苯丙氨酸与天冬氨酸可用于制造低热量 肽甜味剂α-天冬酰苯丙氨酸甲酯),此产 品1981年获FDA批准,现在每年产量已达 数万吨
氨基酸的用途 1. 食品工业: 强化食品(赖氨酸,苏氨酸,色氨酸于小 麦中) 增鲜剂:谷氨酸单钠和天冬氨酸 苯丙氨酸与天冬氨酸可用于制造低热量 二肽甜味剂(α-天冬酰苯丙氨酸甲酯),此产 品1981年获FDA批准,现在每年产量已达 数万吨
2.饲料工业: 甲硫氨酸等必需氨基酸可用于制造动物饲料 3.医药工业: 多种复合氨基酸制剂可通过输液治疗营养或代 谢失调 苯丙氨酸与氮芥子气合成的苯丙氨酸氮芥子气 对骨髓肿瘤治疗有效,且副作用低。 4.化学工业:谷氨基钠作洗涤剂丙氨酸制造丙氨 酸纤维
2. 饲料工业: 甲硫氨酸等必需氨基酸可用于制造动物饲料 3. 医药工业: 多种复合氨基酸制剂可通过输液治疗营养或代 谢失调 苯丙氨酸与氮芥子气合成的苯丙氨酸氮芥子气 对骨髓肿瘤治疗有效,且副作用低。 4. 化学工业:谷氨基钠作洗涤剂,丙氨酸制造丙氨 酸纤维
Introduction Amino acids are used for a variety of purposes Food Industry Flavor enhancer; Sweetener (Glycine) Chemical Industry: Building blocks of compounds Pharmaceutical Industry: In Infusion; in special dietary food (essential amino acid Leu, Ie, Lys, Phe, Met, Trp, Val, Thr, Arg, His Animal feed additive: Feedstuff; eg. Soybean--methionine
Introduction Amino acids are used for a variety of purposes Food Industry: Flavor enhancer; Sweetener (Glycine) Chemical Industry: Building blocks of compounds Pharmaceutical Industry: In Infusion; in special dietary food (essential amino acid) Animal feed additive: Feedstuff; eg. Soybean -- methionine Leu, Ile, Lys, Phe, Met, Trp, Val, Thr, Arg, His
Tr Introduction The barrel represents the nutritive value of soybean meal Phe which is first limited Met Lys by its Fig 13.3 The barrel represents methionine content the nutritive value of soybean meal, which is first limited by its methionine content LGu
Introduction The barrel represents the nutritive value of soybean meal, which is first limited by its methionine content
Production methods and tools Classical strain development: Bacteria do not normally excrete amino acids in significant amounts because regulatory mechanisms control the amino acid synthesis in an economical way. a great number of amino-acid-producing bacteria have been derived by mutagenesis and screening programmes
Production methods and tools Classical strain development: Bacteria do not normally excrete amino acids in significant amounts because regulatory mechanisms control the amino acid synthesis in an economical way. A great number of amino-acid-producing bacteria have been derived by mutagenesis and screening programmes
Production methods and tools Consecutive application .Undirected mutagenesis; selection for a specific phenoty pe; . Selection of the mutant with the best aa accumulation
Production methods and tools Consecutive application: •Undirected mutagenesis; •Selection for a specific phenotype; •Selection of the mutant with the best AA accumulation