INTRODUCTIONTO Autogyros, Helicopters, and Other V/STOL Aircraft Volume I: OVERVIEW and AUTOGYROS Franklin D.Harris
"Helicopters remain a remarkable innovation to many.But if they have the opportunity to experience flight firsthand, their reaction is one of total jubilation.” As quoted by my wife,Susan Bullis Harris, May16,2004
And to Sue.Whenever I asked her if she thought I would finish this book,she'd reply, with conservative New England reserve,“Eventually.” vi TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ixACKNOWLEDGMENTS xi OVERVIEW AUTOGYROS 11
2.1 ROLLING MOMENT 444444 13 2.2 FLAPPING HNGE.… 19 )3 LEAD-LAG HINGE 29 2.4 ROTOR STARTUP… 35 2.5 DIRECT CO八TROL 43 2.6 LONGITUDINAL TRIM. 51 2.6.1 Fundamentals
52 2.6.2 Blade Twisting Effect. 54 2.6.3 Flapping and Feathering Interchangeability 62 2.6.4 Stick Vibration..... 65 2.7 SWASHPLATE CONTROL 73 2.7.1 The E.Burke Wilford Rotor S System .74 2.7.2 Pitch-Roll Coupling With the Wilford System..... 77 2.7.3 The Raoul Hafner Rotor System-Part .81 2.7.4 Gust Response With Hafner Rotor System ....... 89 2.7.5 The Raoul Hafner Rotor System-Part
92 2.7.6 Closing Remarks 100 S JUMP TAKEOFF 103 2.8.1 Cierva's Approach.… 104 2.8.2 Pitcairn's Approach 108 2.8.3 Hafner and Kellett's Approach.......... 109 2.8.4 Kellett's Predictions 112 2.8.5 Wheatley's Research 115 2.8.6 Static Thrust and Torque 125 2.8.7 Ground Effect
129 2.8.8 Thrust Overshoot 131 2.8.9 Closing Remarks 137 2.9 BLADES..... 139 2.91 StructuralDetails 144 2.9.2 Vibration Frequencies 154 2.9.3 Mode Shapes 160 2.9.4 Bending Moments and Ste88es........................................................................... 165 vii
2.9.5 C.30A Flapwise Bending Analysis. 173 2.9.6 C.30A Chordwise Bending Analysis.… 182 2.9.7 C.30A Torsional Bending Analysis.… 186 2.9.8 C.30A Total Blade Stresses gg8年有gg。8g”有。g。g8。有g8sg有车gg。gg 188 2.9.9 Closing Remarks 1902.10 VIBRATION 193 2.10.1 C.30 Vibration Background........ 197 2.10.2 C.30 Vibratory Hub Loads 199 2.10.3 C.30 Once-per-Revolution Vibration ,*年,,:。。,。,,年年+4+年4,,。∠
2.10.4 Closing Remarks 2102.11 PERFORMANCE. 211 2.1 1.1 Descent and Landing 211 2.11.2 Gliding and Landing… 220 .2.11.3.Maximum LD 225 2.1 1.4 Minimum Rotor Drag 234 2.1 1.5 Autogyro Versus Airplane… 237 2.11 .6 Improvements 249 2.11.7 Drag Reduction..... 259 2.1 1.8 Kellett YO-60 Predicted
Performance.. 265 2.11.9 Closing Remarks 5550550000000010为00505050数卡15卡卡0t卡卡卡1市卡卡1卡卡卡卡卡卡+为1卡卡+卡卡5卡卡号卡卡卡卡+号5卡+4行卡卡行卡55++号号中卡号号55年1 2712.12 MAINTENANCE. 2732.13 SAFETY 2792.14 CONCLUDING REMARKS 2832.15 REFERENCES 289 APPENDIX A-Cierva's Patent.... 299APPENDIX B-Airfoil Lift and Pitching Moment.... 305APPENDIX C-Basic c Dynamics and Ground Resonance.. 333 APPENDIX D-Control Loads 365APPENDIX E-Autogyro Era Rotor Trim and Performance Equations