输 血 blood transfusion
2输血量应该等于出血量 输血能够补充营养、增加机体抵抗力 2血越新鲜的越好
输血能够补充营养、增加机体抵抗力 输血量应该等于出血量 血越新鲜的越好;
本次课的主要内容 ※输血的临床应用 (clinical applications of transfusion) 成分输血( blood component therapy) ※输血并发症( complications of transfusion) 自体输血( autotransfusion)
本次课的主要内容 ※输血的临床应用(clinical applications of transfusion) 成分输血(blood component therapy) ※输血并发症(complications of transfusion ) 自体输血(autotransfusion)
History of Transfusion 1 t 1665 First transfusion(dog to dog t 1667 Dennis-first human transfusion (lambs blood tt 1818 Blundell- first human transfusion with human blood t 1900 Landsteiner -discovered ABo blood groups t 1907 Ottenberg-introduced pretransfusion compatibility testing t 1914 Hustin -introduced citrate as anticoagulant t 1915 Weil -introduced refigerated storage of citrated blood t 1936 Blood banks introduced t 1940 Landsteiner& Wiener -discovered Rh system t 1941 Strumia Mc Graw- Plasma transfusions t 1943 Loutit Mollison -introduced ACD solution as preservative
History of Transfusion 1 1665 First transfusion (dog to dog) 1667 Dennis - first human transfusion (lamb’s blood) 1818 Blundell - first human transfusion with human blood 1900 Landsteiner - discovered ABO blood groups 1907 Ottenberg - introduced pretransfusion compatibility testing 1914 Hustin - introduced citrate as anticoagulant 1915 Weil - introduced refrgerated storage of citrated blood 1936 "Blood banks" introduced 1940 Landsteiner & Wiener - discovered Rh system 1941 Strumia & McGraw - Plasma transfusions 1943 Loutit & Mollison - introduced ACD solution as preservative
History of Transfusion 2 Post world war此: #t Expansion of Blood Bank network Ht Use of plastic tubing& bags for storage tt Development of blood component therapy tt Testing of blood for infectious agents 其 autotransfus|on 粗放型 安全节约型
History of Transfusion 2 Post World War II: Expansion of Blood Bank network Use of plastic tubing & bags for storage Development of blood component therapy Testing of blood for infectious agents autotransfusion 粗放型 安全-节约型
其输全血—成分输血 其替补输血—治疗性输血 其人的血源性制品 生物技术制品; 其异体输血 →自体输血
输全血 成分输血; 替补输血 治疗性输血; 人的血源性制品 生物技术制品; 异体输血 自体输血
第一节输血的临床应用 ※(一)适应证 1、创伤和失血 2、贫血或低蛋白血症 3、严重感染 4、凝血功能障碍
第一节 输血的临床应用 4、凝血功能障碍 ※ (一)适应证 1、创伤和失血 2、贫血或低蛋白血症 3、严重感染
ASA提出的输血指南 其Hb100g/L不必输血 其Hb60~100g/L根据患者情况: 心血管功能、年龄、动脉血氧合 凊况、混合静脉血氧分压、心排 出量和血容量以及外科因素 Blood Drop
ASA提出的输血指南 Hb 100 g/L 不必输血 Hb 60~100 g/L 根据患者情况: 心血管功能、年龄、动脉血氧合 情况、混合静脉血氧分压、心排 出量和血容量以及外科因素