Section K Lipid metabolism K1 Structures and roles of fatty acids K2 Fatty acid breakdown K3. Fatty acid synthesis K4. Metabolism of triacylglycerols K5. Cholesterol metabolism K6 Lipoproteins
K1. Structures and roles of fatty acids K2. Fatty acid breakdown K3. Fatty acid synthesis K4. Metabolism of triacylglycerols K5. Cholesterol metabolism K6. Lipoproteins Section K Lipid metabolism
Structures and roles of fatty acids 1.Structure and properties 2 Nomenclature 3 Roles 4. Prostaglandin
• 1.Structure and properties • 2. Nomenclature • 3. Roles • 4.Prostaglandins Structures and roles of fatty acids
Structure and properties HHH HHH H HH H Palmitate(hexadecanoate)C16: 0 HHHHHH H C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C HHHHH H HHH Palmitoleate(cis-△° hexadecenoate)C16:1 HH HH HHHHH --c--c=C HH H (Tans△° octadecenoate)c18:1 HHHHHHHH H C-C-C-C-C H H H Linoleate(cis, cis-A.A-octadecadienoate)C18: 2
Structure and properties
Structure of fatty acid Carboxyl“0000 group CH CHy CH, CHa pyrocarbon CH, H chain CHa CH, H CHa-CHa CH (b)
Structure of fatty acid saturated fatty acid unsaturated fatty acid
structure Saturated Mixture of saturated and fatty acids unsaturated fatty acids c)
Fatty acids structure and names Solubility at30℃ (mg/g solvent) Carbon Systematic Common name kelton Structure (derivation) Water Benzene 12:0 CHa(CHghoCOOH n-Dodecanoie Lauric acid 0.063 2.600 (Latin laurus laurel plant) CHa(?COOH n-Tetradecanoic Myristic acid 53.90.024 874 acid (Latin Myristica nutmeg genus) 16:0 CHaCH,hCOOH n-Hexadecanoic Palmitic acid 6310.0083 348 acid (Greek palma 18 CHa( COOH n-Octadecanoic Stearic acid 6960.0034 12 Greek stear hard fat 20:0 CHy(CHghaCOOH Eicosa Arachidic acid 76.5 acid (Latin Arachis, legume genus) 24:0 CHa(CH,) COOH n-Tetracosanoic Lignoceric acid 86.0 (Latin lignum, wood cera, wax) 16:1(△°) CHa(CH,)CH-CH(CH2)7COOH Palmitoleic 0.5 18:1(△°)cHCH2)CH=CH(CH2)COOH Oleic acid 13 (Greek oleum 18:20△31) CH(CH,)- CHCH CH- CH(CH,)COOH t -Linoleic acid (Greek linon, fax) 18: 3(A.2.6) CHCH CH-CHCH CH CHCH CH-CH(CH2)COOH Linolenic acid 11 20: 4(A.4) CH:(CH2) CH- CHCH, CH- CH Arachidonic acid 49.5 CHCH- CH-CH(CH,)COOH
Fatty acids structure and names
Fatty acid a fatty acid consists of a hydrocarbon chain and a terminal carboxylic acid group Most fatty acids have an even number carbon atoms in an unbranched chain Fatty acids can divided into saturated and unsaturated fatty acids according to with or without double bond The properties of a fatty acid depend on the chain length and the number of double bonds
Fatty acid • A fatty acid consists of a hydrocarbon chain and a terminal carboxylic acid group. • Most fatty acids have an even number carbon atoms in an unbranched chain. • Fatty acids can divided into saturated and unsaturated fatty acids according to with or without double bond. • The properties of a fatty acid depend on the chain length and the number of double bonds
Nomenclature Fatty acid are named according to the number of carbon atoms in the chain and the number and position of any double bonds
Nomenclature • Fatty acid are named according to the number of carbon atoms in the chain and the number and position of any double bonds
Table fatty acids structure and names Solubility at 30C (mg/g solvent) Carbon Systematic Common name Structure (derivation) Water Ber 12:0 CH: CHghoCOOH nDodecanoic Lauric acid 0.063 2,600 (Latin laurus laurel plant) 14:0 CHa(CHgh COOH n-Tetradecanoic Myristic acid 53.90.024 874 (Latin Myristica nutmeg genus) 16:0 CHa(CH,hCOOH n-Hexadecanoic Palmitic acid 6310.0083 (Greek palma, palm tree) 18:0 CH(CHg)cOOH n-Octadecanoic eric acid 69.60.0034124 ( Greek stear hard fat) 20:0 CH (CHahaCOOH nEicosanoic Arachidic acid 76.5 acid (Latin Arachis 24:0 CHa(CH,)COOH n-Tetracosanoic Lignoceric acid 86.0 acid (Latin lignum, wood +cera, wax) 16:1(△°) CH(CH,)CH-CH(CH2)COOH Palmitoleic 0.B CHNCHg)CH=CH(CHa)COOH Oleic acid 13.4 (Greek oleum, oil) 18:2△1 CHd(CH,) CH- CHCH, CH-CH(CH,hCOOH a-Linoleic acid (Greek linon, flax) 18: 3(A) CHCHCH= CHCH CH- CHCH CH- CH(CH,)COOH Linolenic acid 20: 4(A 4) CHa( CH,). CH- CHCH CH- CHCH CH Arachidonic acid 49.5 CHCH CH-CH(CH,)COOH
Table fatty acids structure and names
Roles Essential components of biological membranes Covalently modifying proteins Energy stores and fuel molecules. Fatty acid derivatives serve as hormones and intracellular second messengers
Roles • Essential components of biological membranes. • Covalently modifying proteins. • Energy stores and fuel molecules. • Fatty acid derivatives serve as hormones and intracellular second messengers