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上海交通大学:《日语》课程教学资源(教学大纲)日本课程教学大纲汇编 Japanese Course Outline


Japanese Course Outline September,2018

Japanese Course Outline September, 2018

Content EN123 English Listening&Speakingl EN124 English Listening &Speaking2 .11 EN125 English Reading and Writingl 17 EN126 English reading and writing? 20 EN255 English Advanced Listening and Speakingl 23 EN256 English Advanced Listening and Speaking2 EN257 English Practical Writingl .28 EN258 English Practical Writing2 30 EN361 Comprehensive English 33 EN366 Selected Readings in Western Literary Classics 37 40 JA102 Japanese Intensive Reading2 …44 JA201 Japanese Intensive Reading3 47 JA222 Japanese Intensive Reading4 50 JA325 Japanese Intensive Reading5 54 Inensive Reading 6 58 JA104 Japanese Speakingl. .59 IA105 Jananese Speaking? 62 IA205 Japanese Speaking3 64 JA206 Jap anese Speaking 66 JA103 Audio-visua ora Japanese Coursel IA203 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course2.. ,71 JA204 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course3. .74 JA303 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course4. 77 JA304 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course5 JA402 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course6 .83 JA207 Extensive R eading in Japanese -86 JA208 Extensive Reading in Japanese2 .89 JA305 Extensive Reading in Japanese3. 92 JA306 Extensive Reading in Japanese4 .94 JA403 Extensive Reading in Japaneses 07 A209 An Introdu uction to Japan 9 JA311 Japanese-Chinese Translation ..102 JA406 Japanese-Chinese Translation2 .106 JA310 Japanese Interpretationl 10g JA405 Japanese Inte etation2 112 A210 Japanese Writ 15 JA308 Japanese Writing2 117 JA309 Japanese Writing3. 119 JA404 Japanese Writing4 122

Content EN123 English Listening &Speaking1 .............................................................................................4 EN124 English Listening &Speaking2 ........................................................................................... 11 EN125 English Reading and Writing1............................................................................................17 EN126 English Reading and Writing2............................................................................................20 EN255 English Advanced Listening and Speaking1……………………………………………...23 EN256 English Advanced Listening and Speaking2……………………………………………...25 EN257 English Practical Writing1 ..................................................................................................28 EN258 English Practical Writing2 ..................................................................................................30 EN361 Comprehensive English…………………………………………………………………...33 EN366 Selected Readings in Western Literary Classics.................................................................37 JA111 Japanese Intensive Reading1................................................................................................40 JA102 Japanese Intensive Reading2 ...............................................................................................44 JA201 Japanese Intensive Reading3 ...............................................................................................47 JA222 Japanese Intensive Reading4 ...............................................................................................50 JA325 Japanese Intensive Reading5 ...............................................................................................54 JA326 Japanese Intensive Reading6 ...............................................................................................56 JA417 Japanese Intensive Reading7 ...............................................................................................58 JA104 Japanese Speaking1..............................................................................................................59 JA105 Japanese Speaking2..............................................................................................................62 JA205 Japanese Speaking3..............................................................................................................64 JA206 Japanese Speaking4..............................................................................................................66 JA103 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course1....................................................................................68 JA203 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course2....................................................................................71 JA204 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course3....................................................................................74 JA303 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course4....................................................................................77 JA304 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course5....................................................................................80 JA402 Audio-visual-oral Japanese Course6....................................................................................83 JA207 Extensive Reading in Japanese1…………………………………………………………...86 JA208 Extensive Reading in Japanese2…………………………………………………………...89 JA305 Extensive Reading in Japanese3…………………………………………………………...92 JA306 Extensive Reading in Japanese4…………………………………………………………...94 JA403 Extensive Reading in Japanese5…………………………………………………………...97 JA209 An Introduction to Japan......................................................................................................99 JA311 Japanese-Chinese Translation1 ..........................................................................................102 JA406 Japanese-Chinese Translation2 ..........................................................................................106 JA310 Japanese Interpretation1.....................................................................................................109 JA405 Japanese Interpretation2..................................................................................................... 112 JA210 Japanese Writing1 .............................................................................................................. 115 JA308 Japanese Writing2 .............................................................................................................. 117 JA309 Japanese Writing3 .............................................................................................................. 119 JA404 Japanese Writing4 ..............................................................................................................122

IA 307 Japanese Grammar 125 JA313 Modern Japanese Literaturel 127 JA407Moder Japanese Literature2 ngs of Japanese Newspapersl JA409 Selected Readings of Japanese Newspapers2. 135 JA416Thesis Instruction.. 138 JA249 Japanese Speech Contest1 140 JA349 Japanese Speech Contest2 142 A449 Japanese Speech Contest3 JA320 Internship. BS440 Undergraduate Project(Thesis). .150

JA307 Japanese Grammar.............................................................................................................125 JA313 Modern Japanese Literature1.............................................................................................127 JA407 Modern Japanese Literature2.............................................................................................130 JA312 Selected Readings of Japanese Newspapers1 ....................................................................133 JA409 Selected Readings of Japanese Newspapers2 ....................................................................135 JA416 Thesis Instruction...............................................................................................................138 JA249 Japanese Speech Contest1..................................................................................................140 JA349 Japanese Speech Contest2..................................................................................................142 JA449 Japanese Speech Contest3..................................................................................................145 JA320 Internship ...........................................................................................................................148 BS440 Undergraduate Project(Thesis)..........................................................................................150

EN123《英语听说(1)》课程教学大纲 课程基本信总(Course Information) *学时 课程代码 *学分 (Course Code) EN123 (Credit 32 (Credits) Hours) 课程名称 英语听说(1) (Course Name) English Listening &Speaking (1) 课程性质 (Course Type) 必修:Mandatory 授课对象 (Audience) 德语、日语专业本科一年级学生Freshmen of German&Japanese majors 授课语言 anguage of Instruction) 英语:English ◆开课院系 (School) 外国语学院:School of Foreign Languages 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 授课教师 课程网址 (Instructor) 童剑平 (Course Webpage) 无 本课程是外语学院德语、日语专业本科学生基学习阶段的必修课程,是 门基础技能训练课程。教学内容遵循《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的指导 原则,并根据本专业学生具体情况适度进行调整,听的训练主要内容包括听、练 长度从五分钟到十五分钟左右的连续自然口语语篇,如,日常会话、故事、新闻 *课程简介(Description) 报道(从慢速过渡到标准语速)、访谈、讨论、讲述等,同时训练学生逐渐具有 边听边记笔记、在听力任务结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行口头或者书面概 括、大致复述或英汉翻译的能力。说的训练主要内容包括话题讨论、交流,话题 演讲等。 通过该课程的学习,使学生具备较好的英语听力理解能力和口语表达能力, 为后期高年级专业课程学习打下基础。 This course is compulsory for freshmen majoring in German Japanese.It mainly involves training of listening speaking skills.The content of the course includes. ◆课程简介(Description) To train course participants to be able to listen with understanding to talks, stories,news,interviews and discussions which run5-15 minutes in length; ● es on acade nic lecture and to give al/w ritten su translation acco ording to what they have listened to

EN123《英语听说(1)》课程教学大纲 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码 (Course Code) EN123 *学时 (Credit Hours) 32 *学分 (Credits) 2 *课程名称 (Course Name) 英语听说(1) English Listening &Speaking (1) 课程性质 (Course Type) 必修;Mandatory 授课对象 (Audience) 德语、日语专业本科一年级学生 Freshmen of German &Japanese majors 授课语言 (Language of Instruction) 英语;English *开课院系 (School) 外国语学院;School of Foreign Languages 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 授课教师 (Instructor) 童剑平 课程网址 (Course Webpage) 无 *课程简介(Description) 本课程是外语学院德语、日语专业本科学生基础学习阶段的必修课程,是一 门基础技能训练课程。教学内容遵循《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的指导 原则,并根据本专业学生具体情况适度进行调整,听的训练主要内容包括听、练 长度从五分钟到十五分钟左右的连续自然口语语篇,如,日常会话、故事、新闻 报道(从慢速过渡到标准语速)、访谈、讨论、讲述等,同时训练学生逐渐具有 边听边记笔记、在听力任务结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行口头或者书面概 括、大致复述或英汉翻译的能力。说的训练主要内容包括话题讨论、交流,话题 演讲等。 通过该课程的学习,使学生具备较好的英语听力理解能力和口语表达能力, 为后期高年级专业课程学习打下基础。 *课程简介(Description) This course is compulsory for freshmen majoring in German & Japanese. It mainly involves training of listening & speaking skills. The content of the course includes: l To train course participants to be able to listen with understanding to talks, stories, news, interviews and discussions which run 5-15 minutes in length; l To train them to be able to take notes on academic lectures or news reports in outline form and to give an oral/written summary, retell or do English-Chinese translation according to what they have listened to

To train them to be able to express their opinions clearly in a discussion running for 3-5 minutes on a given topic. To train them to be able to give a 1-3 minutes impromptu speech fluently on a given topic after about 30 seconds preparation. The aim of is to help students lay soid foundation for higher eve learning where listening comprehension and oral communication are basic and indispensible 课程教学大纲(course syllabus) 本课程的具体学习目标如下: 1.学生在本门课程的学习结束时能够达到《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》 制定的听力理解能和口语表达能力的要求,并且 在一年级结束时,达到基本听懂长度从五分钟到十五分钟左右的连续自然口 语语篇,并且 基本具有边听边记笔记的能力,以及 4.学生在一段听力材料结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行口头或者书面概括, 并达到对原文语篇信息理解基本正确、完整、连贯,以及 5. 学生在一段听力材料结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行大致复述,并达到对 学习目标(Learning 原文语篇信总理解基本正确、完整、连贯,以及 Outcomes) 学生在一段听力材料结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行英汉翻译,并达到对 原文语篇信息理解基本正确、完整、连贯。 1 能根据给定的话题,与同组成员进行长度3-5分钟的讨论、交流,能流畅发 表自己的看法、意见,意思清楚完整,基本无语法错误,词汇、句式较丰富 语篇组构体现逻辑思维。 8 能根据给定的话题,经过30秒左右准备,进行长度1-3分钟的即席演讲,能 较为流畅地发表看法、意见,意思清楚完整,基本无语法错误,词汇、句式 较丰富,语篇组构体现逻辑思维。 教学内容学时教学方式 作业及要求基本要求考查方式 1.Unit I Jobs Listening Chapters1-2 *教学内容、进度安排及 strategies: from The 参照文宁 Listening for the Adventures of 要求 稿进行核 main ideas (D). 讲授听说练 Tom Sawver 查、掌握 (Class Schedule &Requirements) assages,News Listen and 5IVOA Discuss: 充材料 Supplementar listeningListe

l To train them to be able to express their opinions clearly in a discussion running for 3-5 minutes on a given topic. l To train them to be able to give a 1-3 minutes impromptu speech fluently on a given topic after about 30 seconds preparation. The aim of the course is to help students lay solid foundation for higher level learning where listening comprehension and oral communication are basic and indispensible. 课程教学大纲(course syllabus) *学习目标(Learning Outcomes) 本课程的具体学习目标如下: 1.学生在本门课程的学习结束时能够达到《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》 制定的听力理解能和口语表达能力的要求,并且 2.在一年级结束时,达到基本听懂长度从五分钟到十五分钟左右的连续自然口 语语篇,并且 3.基本具有边听边记笔记的能力,以及 4.学生在一段听力材料结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行口头或者书面概括, 并达到对原文语篇信息理解基本正确、完整、连贯,以及 5.学生在一段听力材料结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行大致复述,并达到对 原文语篇信息理解基本正确、完整、连贯,以及 6. 学生在一段听力材料结束后能根据笔记对所听内容进行英汉翻译,并达到对 原文语篇信息理解基本正确、完整、连贯。 7. 能根据给定的话题,与同组成员进行长度3-5分钟的讨论、交流,能流畅发 表自己的看法、意见,意思清楚完整,基本无语法错误,词汇、句式较丰富, 语篇组构体现逻辑思维。 8. 能根据给定的话题,经过30秒左右准备,进行长度1-3分钟的即席演讲,能 较为流畅地发表看法、意见,意思清楚完整,基本无语法错误,词汇、句式 较丰富,语篇组构体现逻辑思维。 *教学内容、进度安排及 要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements) 教学内容 学时 教学方式 作业及要求 基本要求 考查方式 1.Unit 1 Jobs and Occupations Listening strategies: Listening for the main ideas (I); Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni 2 讲授/听说练 习 Chapters 1-2 from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网、51VOA补 充材料 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语

2.Unit 2 Artistic Issues Listening strategics Chanters 3-4 from The 参照文 main ideas(I) 稿进行 Dialogues; 听说练习 Tom Sawyer 查、掌握 Passages.New 熟记其中 批阅、讨论 Listen and 特英语听力 生词、短 Discuss, 网、5IVOA补 充材料 istening/Lister ngand Speaking 听说练习 Chapters 5-6 Adventures of Tom Sawye Listening Questions:普 特英语听力 Listening for 参照文字 51VOA 补 稿进行核 2 批阅、讨论 Dialogues, Passages New 生词、短 Listen and Supplementary listening/Lister ng and Speaking 4.Unit 4 听说练习 Chapters 7-8 ures of strategies 普 参照文字 Drawing 特英语听力 Justifiable 稿进行核 查、堂挥 Inferences 2 展示、讨论 Dialogues Passages,New Listen and Discuss: Supplementar listening/Listen

ng and Speaking 2. Unit 2 Artistic Issues Listening strategies: Listening for the main ideas (II); Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 3-4 from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网、51VOA补 充材料 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 批阅、讨论 3. Unit 3 Addictive Substances Listening strategies: Listening for significant details; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 5-6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 批阅、讨论 4.Unit 4 Education Listening strategies: Drawing Justifiable Inferences; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni 2 听说练习 Chapters 7-8 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 展示、讨论

ng and 5.Unm时 听说练习 hapters9-1 Psychologica dventures of Concerns Tom Sawver Listening srategics:Usin 特英语力 参照文学 Cont 网、 稿进行核 to Get the Gist 查、掌握 展示、讨论 Dialogues; 熟记其中 Passages News 生词、短 Listen and 语 Discuss Supplementary listening/Lister ng and Speakin 6.Unit6 听说练习 Chapters 11-12 Advertise me Tom strategies Questions. 参照文字 Prediction 特英语听力 稿进行核 Dialogues: 51VOA 查、掌握 展示与点 2 补 Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listen ng and Speaking 7.Unit 7 听说练习 Chapters 13-14 Humor Listening Adventures of strategies: Tom Sawyer Visualization. questions普 参照文字 稿进行核 特英语听力 查、掌握 展示与点 2 Listen and 热记其中 评 补 生词、短 Discuss: Supplementary 语 listening/Listen ng and Speaking 听说练习 Chapters 15-16 参照文字 Memory Adventures of 稿进行核 Listening 查、掌握 展示与点 Tom Sawyer strategies 熟记其中 Contextu izati 特英语听力 生词

ng and Speaking 5. Unit 5 Psychological Concerns Listening strategies: Using Contextual Cues to Get the Gist; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 9-10 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 展示、讨论 6. Unit 6 Advertisement Listening strategies: Prediction; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 11-12 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 展示与点 评 7. Unit 7 Humor Listening strategies: Visualization; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 13-14 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 展示与点 评 8.Unit 8 Memory Listening strategies: Contextualizatio 2 听说练习 Chapters 15-16 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 展示与点 评

网、 语 Listen and Discuss; Supplementar listening/Lister ngand 9.Unit9 听说练习 Chapters 17-18 Weather and Adventures of Power Listenin Tom Sawver 参照文字 Isolating Nonverbal Cues 补 稿进行核 查、掌握 陈述与讨 Dialogues; 熟记 生 短 语 Discuss, Supplementary listening/Listen ngand Speaking.Test 10.Unit 10 听说练习 Chapters 19-20 Safety Listening Adventures of strategies:The Tom Sawve Five Ws and the 参照文字 稿讲行核 特英语所力 Passages,New 2 网 SIVOA 陈述与讨 Listen and 补 生词、短 Discuss: Supplementary ⑧ listening/Listen ngand Spcakin 11.Unit 11 听说练习 Chapters 21-22 Love and Family Adventures of Ties Listening Tom Sawver 参照文学 稿进行核 Understandin 掌握 2 陈述与讨 the News Lead 网、 51VOA Dialogues. 补 生词、短 Passages News 语 Listen and

n; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 网 、 51VOA 补 语 9.Unit 9 Weather and Power Listening strategies: Detecting and Isolating Nonverbal Cues; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking; Test 2 听说练习 Chapters 17-18 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论 10.Unit 10 Safety Listening strategies: The Five Ws and the H; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 19-20 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论 11.Unit 11 Love and Family Ties Listening strategies: Understanding the News Lead; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; 2 听说练习 Chapters 21-22 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论

Supplementary listening/Listen ngand Speak 12.Unit 12 听说练习 Chapters 23-24 Finance and Adventures of Economy Tom Sawyer strategies 特英语听力 参照文 网 5IVOA 稿进行移 Pyramid 补 查、堂握 陈述与讨 Structure: 熟记其中 Dialogues 论 生词、短 语 Listenand Discuss: Supplementary listening/Listen ng and Speaking 13.Unit 13 听说练习 Chapters 25-2 Cultural Adventures of Commerce Tom Sawver Listening 特语听力 SIVOA 参照文字 稿进行核 and Semanti 补 查、掌拥 陈述与讨 Markers: 熟记其中 论 Dialogues Passage 生词、短 Listen and Discuss. Supplementary listenine/Lister ng and Speaking Unit 14 Succes 听说练习 Chapters 27-28 and Failure Listening Tom Sawye 参照文字 strategics: Ouestions:普 稿进行核 Understanding 特英语听力 the Lexical 2 查、掌握 陈述与讨 补 熟记其中 论 News. 生词、短 Dialogues. 语 Passages:News Listen and

Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 12 .Unit 12 Finance and Economy Listening strategies: The Inverted Pyramid Structure; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 23 -24 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论 13 .Unit 13 Cultural Commerce Listening strategies: News Development and Semantic Markers; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 25 -26 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论 Unit 14 Success and Failure Listening strategies: Understanding the Lexical Features of News; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and 2 听说练习 Chapters 27 -28 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论

ng and Speaking 15.Unit 15 听说练习 Chapters 29-30 Tadtionanc tures of Tom Sawye Listening Questions:普 strategies: 特英语听力 Understanding 网、51VOA 参蹈灯宝 the Syntax 蕴排行核 2 陈述与讨 News Dialogues: 生词、短 Passages,News Listenand Supplementary listening/Listen ng and Speaking 16.Speaking 2 听说练习 复习 Test 考核方式 期末考试(35%):期中测验(35%);口语考试(10%)平时(20%) (Grading) Final (35%);mid-term test(45%);attendance&class performance(20%) 1.超越感念:听力1Ⅱ *教材或参考资料 (Textbooks&Other 2.How to Master Skills for the TOEFL:Listening Intermediate Materials) 3.口语教程3 其它 (More) 备注 (Notes) 备注说明: 1.带*内容为必填项。 2.课程简介字数为300-500字:课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限

Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 15. Unit 15 Tradition and Modernity Listening strategies: Understanding the Syntax Features of News; Dialogues; Passages; News; Listen and Discuss; Supplementary listening/Listeni ng and Speaking 2 听说练习 Chapters 29-30 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Questions; 普 特英语听力 网 、 51VOA 补 参照文字 稿进行核 查、掌握 熟记其中 生词、短 语 陈述与讨 论 16.Speaking Test 2 听说练习 复习 *考核方式 (Grading) 期末考试(35%);期中测验(35%);口语考试(10%)平时(20%) Final (35%); mid-term test (45%); attendance & class performance (20%) *教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) 1.超越感念:听力III 2.How to Master Skills for the TOEFL:Listening Intermediate 3.口语教程 3 其它 (More) 备注 (Notes) 备注说明: 1.带*内容为必填项。 2.课程简介字数为300-500字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限

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