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西安石油大学外语系:《大学英文 College English》课程电子教案_unit 7 book 3


Unit 7 section a a Rose is a rose . Background knowledge Valentines day Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor at that time, Claudius ll, ordered the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine defied the Emperor's decree and secretly married the young couples. He was even arreste imprisoned, and put to death. Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of the roman holiday Lupercalia(t*xi*p). After his death, Valentine was named a saint. As rome became more Christian, the priests moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th-Valentine's Day The Andes mountains The Andes Mountains stretch over 5, 500 miles from the southern tip of Argentina and Chile to the northern part of Columbia in south America ith many peaks and active volcanoes over 20,000 feet, including the highest peak Cerro Aconcagua(elevation 22, 826, located on the Chile and Argentina border ), this majestic region is second only to the Himalayas in size and average elevation Ecuador Ecuador, the " Republic of the Equator,, was one of three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Colombia and Venezuela). Between 1904 and 1942 Ecuador lost territories in a series of conflicts with its neighbors a border war with Peru that flared in 1995 was resolved in 1999 Colombia Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830(the others being Ecuador and Venezuela). A 40-year insurgent campaign to overthrow the Colombian Government escalated during the 1990s, undergirded in part by funds from the drug trade. Although the violence is deadly and large swaths of the countryside are under guerrilla influence, the movement lacks the military strength or popular support necessary to overthrow the II. Text Analysis Main idea of the text Rose industry, both selling and growing in U.S., is faced with severe challenges. Fortunately, some retailers and growers have found their way out. Roses Only, a retailer, made it by holding prices down, and Johnson Flowers survived the intense competition through cooperation with overseas Structure

Unit 7 Section A A Rose Is a Rose I. Background Knowledge Valentine’s Day Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine defied the Emperor’s decree and secretly married the young couples. He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and put to death. Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of the Roman holiday Lupercalia (牧神节). After his death, Valentine was named a saint. As Rome became more Christian, the priests moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th—Valentine’s Day. The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains stretch over 5,500 miles from the southern tip of Argentina and Chile to the northern part of Columbia in south America. With many peaks and active volcanoes over 20,000 feet, including the highest peak Cerro Aconcagua (elevation 22,826, located on the Chile and Argentina border), this majestic region is second only to the Himalayas in size and average elevation. Ecuador Ecuador, the “Republic of the Equator”, was one of three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Colombia and Venezuela). Between 1904 and 1942, Ecuador lost territories in a series of conflicts with its neighbors. A border war with Peru that flared in 1995 was resolved in 1999. Colombia Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Ecuador and Venezuela). A 40-year insurgent campaign to overthrow the Colombian Government escalated during the 1990s, undergirded in part by funds from the drug trade. Although the violence is deadly and large swaths of the countryside are under guerrilla influence, the movement lacks the military strength or popular support necessary to overthrow the government. II. Text Analysis Main idea of the text Rose industry, both selling and growing in U.S., is faced with severe challenges. Fortunately, some retailers and growers have found their way out. Roses Only, a retailer, made it by holding prices down, and Johnson Flowers survived the intense competition through cooperation with overseas rivals. Structure:

Part I(Para. 1)As long as the rose remains the most popular flower as a symbol of love, any changing conditions in the nations rose industry mean much to rose growers, and to those who distribute roses and those who sel Part Il (Paras. 2-6)When selling roses is no longer a beautiful experience for traditional flower shops, one rose retailer, Roses Only, made a success with some adjustments Part Ill(Paras. 7-12)Severe foreign competition puts U.S. rose growers on the edge of bankruptcy Johnson Flowers, a domestic rose grower, however, finds a way out Part IV(Paras. 13-14)When people in the rose business are trying to adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace in order to succeed, they long for the good old days of steady profits for I. Language points essions 1.不再时兴,过时 to go out of style (L. 6) 像衣着和发型这样外在的东西可能会过时,但像诚实这样的内在素质却永远不会过时。 Such exteriors as wearing and hairstyle may fall out of fashion, but the interiors like honesty will never go out of style 2.对某人来讲不再是美差 to be no longer a beautiful experience for sb. (L 8) 对一个学生来说,求知一旦不再是一种令人痛苦的差使,他/她就会将更大的精力投到学习 Once knowledge seeking is no longer a painful experience for a student, he /she will focus more of his /her energy on it. 3.给忙碌的人们提供方便 to offer convenience to the busy (L 9) 在生活中,与人方便,自己方便。 He who offers convenience to others in life finds life convenient for himself 4.是一个很好的范例 to be a good example of (L I1) 人类活动会对大自然产生不利的影响,沙漠化现象就是一个令人伤心的例子。 Desertification is a sad example of how human activities affect the nature adversely 5应对挑战 to answer the challenge(L. 12) 为了应对未来的挑战,许多年轻人利用业余时间重新走进大学给自己充电 themselves with knowledge at their spare time v of the youth go back to colleges to recharge answer 6.在一定范围内变化或扩展 to range from.to.(L.12) 一个国家的发展是多方面的,包括从政治体制和经济到教育及人民生活水平的各个方面 The development of a country is of many dimensions, ranging from political system and economy to education and the people's living standards 7.花一大笔钱

Part I (Para. 1 ) As long as the rose remains the most popular flower as a symbol of love, any changing conditions in the nation’s rose industry mean much to rose growers, and to those who distribute roses and those who sell. Part II (Paras. 2-6) When selling roses is no longer a beautiful experience for traditional flower shops, one rose retailer, Roses Only, made a success with some adjustments. Part III (Paras. 7-12) Severe foreign competition puts U.S. rose growers on the edge of bankruptcy. Johnson Flowers, a domestic rose grower, however, finds a way out. Part IV (Paras. 13-14) When people in the rose business are trying to adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace in order to succeed, they long for the good old days of steady profits for them. III. Language Points Expressions: 1. 不再时兴,过时 to go out of style (L. 6) 像衣着和发型这样外在的东西可能会过时,但像诚实这样的内在素质却永远不会过时。 Such exteriors as wearing and hairstyle may fall out of fashion, but the interiors like honesty will never go out of style. 2. 对某人来讲不再是美差 to be no longer a beautiful experience for sb. (L. 8) 对一个学生来说,求知一旦不再是一种令人痛苦的差使,他/她就会将更大的精力投到学习 上。 Once knowledge seeking is no longer a painful experience for a student, he / she will focus more of his / her energy on it. 3. 给忙碌的人们提供方便 to offer convenience to the busy (L. 9) 在生活中,与人方便,自己方便。 He who offers convenience to others in life finds life convenient for himself. 4. 是一个很好的范例 to be a good example of (L. 11) 人类活动会对大自然产生不利的影响,沙漠化现象就是一个令人伤心的例子。 Desertification is a sad example of how human activities affect the nature adversely 5 应对挑战 to answer the challenge (L. 12 ) 为了应对未来的挑战,许多年轻人利用业余时间重新走进大学给自己充电。 To answer the challenges of the future, many of the youth go back to colleges to recharge themselves with knowledge at their spare time. 6. 在一定范围内变化或扩展 to range from…to… (L. 12 ) 一个国家的发展是多方面的,包括从政治体制和经济到教育及人民生活水平的各个方面。 The development of a country is of many dimensions, ranging from political system and economy to education and the people’s living standards. 7. 花一大笔钱

to spend a fortune (L. 23) 花大价钱买了赛车后,他立即成为朋友们羡慕的对象。 Having spent a handsome fortune on a racing car, he immediately became an object of envy to all friend 8.看起来像:好像要 to look like (L. 24) 他学过一点汉语,会几句成语,但是他说起话来好像是个中国通一样。 He has learned a little Chinese and knows some idioms, but the way he speaks Chinese looks like he knew everything about China. 9.一朵、一朵地买玫瑰 to buy roses in ones(L. 25) 祸不单行,福无双至。 Misfortunes never come in ones; blessings never arrive in pairs 10.剩下来,留下来 to be left over(L. 30) 今日事,今日毕 Today's work should never be left over till tomorrow 11.某人成功的秘诀 sb's formula for success(L. 32) 运气是靠不住的,因为一个人成功的秘诀在于99%的努力加1%的运气。 Luck is not reliable, because one's formula for success lies in 99% of hard work plus only 1% of 12.降低价格 to hold prices down (L. 32) 就一些人而言,艰难困苦不会使他们屈服,但是金钱与美色却可以 With some people, hardships do not hold them down, but money and beauty do 13.控制玫瑰销售链上的每一个环节 to control every link in the rose chain (L. 32) 生产线的任何一个环节出了问题,整个流程就得瘫痪。 Any link in the production line goes out of order; the whole chain will break down 从……跌至 to decline from.to..(L. 39) 由于英语考试的又一次失利,她学英语的热情跌至零点。 As a result of another failure in the English exams, her enthusiasm for English learning declined to 15.占去:解释 to account for (L 4 人类的感情很复杂又很微妙,没有谁可以令人满意地解释它们。 Human feelings are so complex and subtle that no one can account for them in a satisfactory manner 16.走下坡路 to go down(L. 46) 那个国家的旅游业因为越来越多的恐怖袭击而急剧衰退。 The tourist industry in that country went down sharply because of increasing terrorist attacks

to spend a fortune (L. 23) 花大价钱买了赛车后,他立即成为朋友们羡慕的对象。 Having spent a handsome fortune on a racing car, he immediately became an object of envy to all his friends. 8. 看起来像;好像要 to look like (L. 24) 他学过一点汉语,会几句成语,但是他说起话来好像是个中国通一样。 He has learned a little Chinese and knows some idioms, but the way he speaks Chinese looks like he knew everything about China. 9. 一朵、一朵地买玫瑰 to buy roses in ones (L. 25) 祸不单行,福无双至。 Misfortunes never come in ones; blessings never arrive in pairs. 10. 剩下来,留下来 to be left over (L. 30) 今日事,今日毕。 Today’s work should never be left over till tomorrow. 11. 某人成功的秘诀 sb’s formula for success (L. 32) 运气是靠不住的,因为一个人成功的秘诀在于 99%的努力加 1%的运气。 Luck is not reliable, because one’s formula for success lies in 99% of hard work plus only 1% of luck. 12. 降低价格 to hold prices down (L. 32) 就一些人而言,艰难困苦不会使他们屈服,但是金钱与美色却可以。 With some people, hardships do not hold them down, but money and beauty do. 13. 控制玫瑰销售链上的每一个环节 to control every link in the rose chain (L. 32) 生产线的任何一个环节出了问题,整个流程就得瘫痪。 Any link in the production line goes out of order; the whole chain will break down. 14. 从······ 跌至······ to decline from…to… (L. 39) 由于英语考试的又一次失利,她学英语的热情跌至零点。 As a result of another failure in the English exams, her enthusiasm for English learning declined to zero. 15. 占去;解释 to account for (L. 41) 人类的感情很复杂又很微妙,没有谁可以令人满意地解释它们。 Human feelings are so complex and subtle that no one can account for them in a satisfactory manner. 16. 走下坡路 to go down (L. 46) 那个国家的旅游业因为越来越多的恐怖袭击而急剧衰退。 The tourist industry in that country went down sharply because of increasing terrorist attacks

17.创立这家公司 to launch the company(L. 48) 推出这个新项目之前,该公司做了细致的市场调查。 Before launching the new project, the company made a thorough investigation of the market 18.迫使某人退出该行业 usiness(L. 54) 任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去 Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of moral ity, is bound to be chased out of business 19.挤垮了国内一些种植商 growers 在精神重压之下,有些人被压垮,而有些人则鼓起勇气获得成功。 Under heavy mental stress, some are crushed down while some gain courage to make a success 20.与海外对手竞争 to fight overseas rivals(L. 56) 正确的竞争观是互相竞争共同提高,而不是要挤垮对方。 A proper outlook on competition is to fight rivals to improve each other, but not to crush each other 21.扩大我们的业务 to widen our business(L. 57) 在大学里,学生要同时完成两项任务:一是要丰富专业知识,二是要扩大社会知识面。 In college, students must perform two tasks at the same time: one is to enrich themselves with specialty, and the other to widen their knowledge about society 22.时来运转,交好运 to get a break(L 61) 珍惜你的大学生活,因为它极有可能是你人生的转机。 Treasure your college life, for it is most likely to be a break in your life 23.对某人有利:赞同某人的意见 to be on sbs side(L 62) 帆风顺时,不可沾沾自喜:同样,事事不如意时,也不要自暴自弃 lost when everything is not on your sle are on your side; and similarly, don't give yourself up for Don't hug yourself for joy when things 24.靠别人的灾难来做生意 to operate a business on someone else's disaster(L. 62) 把自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上不仅不道德甚至还是一种罪恶。 It is not only immoral but even a crime to build one's happiness on someone else's misfortunes 渴望某物,极想得到某物 to long for sth (L 64) 我渴望富裕的生活,我决心用我的双手去创造它 I'm longing for a well-off life, and l'm determined to make it with my own hands Patterns for you to use as models 1. Typical patterns for the exposition of sb. 's way of doing sth Ra]: The company's formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the

17. 创立这家公司 to launch the company (L. 48) 推出这个新项目之前,该公司做了细致的市场调查。 Before launching the new project, the company made a thorough investigation of the market. 18. 迫使某人退出该行业 to chase sb. out of business (L. 54 ) 任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去。 Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality, is bound to be chased out of business 19. 挤垮了国内一些种植商 to crush some domestic growers (L. 55) 在精神重压之下,有些人被压垮,而有些人则鼓起勇气获得成功。 Under heavy mental stress, some are crushed down while some gain courage to make a success. 20. 与海外对手竞争 to fight overseas rivals (L. 56) 正确的竞争观是互相竞争共同提高,而不是要挤垮对方。 A proper outlook on competition is to fight rivals to improve each other, but not to crush each other. 21. 扩大我们的业务 to widen our business (L. 57) 在大学里,学生要同时完成两项任务:一是要丰富专业知识,二是要扩大社会知识面。 In college, students must perform two tasks at the same time: one is to enrich themselves with specialty, and the other to widen their knowledge about society. 22. 时来运转,交好运 to get a break (L. 61) 珍惜你的大学生活,因为它极有可能是你人生的转机。 Treasure your college life, for it is most likely to be a break in your life. 23. 对某人有利;赞同某人的意见 to be on sb’s side (L. 62) 一帆风顺时,不可沾沾自喜;同样,事事不如意时,也不要自暴自弃。 Don’t hug yourself for joy when things are on your side; and similarly, don’t give yourself up for lost when everything is not on your side. 24. 靠别人的灾难来做生意 to operate a business on someone else’s disaster (L. 62) 把自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上不仅不道德甚至还是一种罪恶。 It is not only immoral but even a crime to build one’s happiness on someone else’s misfortunes. 25. 渴望某物,极想得到某物 to long for sth. (L. 64) 我渴望富裕的生活,我决心用我的双手去创造它。 I’m longing for a well-off life, and I’m determined to make it with my own hands. Patterns for you to use as models: 1. Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.’s way of doing sth. 原句: The company’s formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the

rose chain (L. 32) 该公司成功的秘诀是通过其销售链的每一个环节降低成本 型提炼句 Sb. s formula/ recipe/ prescription for( doing)sth. is sth. else/ to do sth. else.某人(做某事)的 诀窍/秘诀是 应用:a.宽容、耐心和理解是她幸福婚姻的秘诀。 Tolerance, patience and understanding are her formula for a happy marriage 应用:b他生意场上成功的秘诀是:诚信为本,顾客至上。 His recipe for success in business is to take honesty as his cardinal principle and put the customers 2) Instead of doing sth,sb. tries to do sth.else某人不是要做某事,而是千方百计/设法做别 的事情 原句 Now, instead of fighting overseas rivals, the Johnsons are trying to work with them. (L 55 现在,约翰逊家族不是要与海外对手竞争,而是千方百计要与他们合作 (try: resolve /choose/plan/manage/decide) 应用:a.一个有良知的记者不是要掩盖真相,而是千方百计使之大白于天下。 Instead of covering facts up, a journalist of conscience tries to bring them to light 应用:b一个好母亲不是一味地迁就自己的孩子,而是设法让孩子明白是非曲直 Instead of giving in to her child blindly, a good mother manages to make her child clear about right and wrong 3) As a replacement for sth./sb.lost,sb.(also) does sth.else.作为对失去的某物/某人的弥补 某人(也)做别的事 RRAJ: As a replacement for lost rose sales, the Johnsons and other growers also are starting to sell other types of flowers. (L. 59) 作为对失去的玫瑰销售份额的弥补,约翰逊家族和其他种植商也在开始销售其他花卉。 应用:a作为对自己的儿子在成长过程中缺乏父爱的弥补,他对自己的孙子倾注了全部的 As a replacement for lack of father love during his sons growth, he devoted all of his love to his grandson 应用:b.作为对民航业在全球性恐怖袭击中所受经济损失的弥补,一些国家对该行业提供了 更多的优惠政策。 As a replacement for the economic loss of the civil aviation caused by the worldwide terrorist attacks, some countries provide more preferential policies for it 2. Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts RRG: For rose growers, those who distribute roses, and those who sell, this year's anticipated 7% increase in sales will be sweeter than a 5-pound box of chocolate candy. (L. 3) 对玫瑰花种植商、分销商及零售商来说,预计今年的销售量将增加7%,这个数字比一盒5 磅重的巧克力糖还要甜蜜。 句型提炼 l) For those who.,sth. Is more. than sth.else.对那些……人来说,某事要比别的事更 应用:a对那些从事管理工作的专业人士来说,与人共事的能力要比扎实的专业技术更重要 For those professionals who are engaged in management, the ability to work with people is more important than the sound professional skill

rose chain. (L. 32) 该公司成功的秘诀是通过其销售链的每一个环节降低成本。 型提炼句 Sb.’s formula / recipe / prescription for (doing) sth. is sth. else / to do sth. else. 某人(做某事)的 诀窍 / 秘诀是······ 应用:a.宽容、耐心和理解是她幸福婚姻的秘诀。 Tolerance, patience and understanding are her formula for a happy marriage. 应用:b.他生意场上成功的秘诀是:诚信为本,顾客至上。 His recipe for success in business is to take honesty as his cardinal principle and put the customers first. 2) Instead of doing sth., sb. tries to do sth. else 某人不是要做某事,而是千方百计/设法做别 的事情。 原句: Now, instead of fighting overseas rivals, the Johnsons are trying to work with them. (L. 55) 现在,约翰逊家族不是要与海外对手竞争,而是千方百计要与他们合作。 (try: resolve / choose / plan / manage / decide) 应用:a.一个有良知的记者不是要掩盖真相,而是千方百计使之大白于天下。 Instead of covering facts up, a journalist of conscience tries to bring them to light. 应用:b.一个好母亲不是一味地迁就自己的孩子,而是设法让孩子明白是非曲直。 Instead of giving in to her child blindly, a good mother manages to make her child clear about right and wrong. 3) As a replacement for sth./sb. lost, sb. (also) does sth. else. 作为对失去的某物/某人的弥补, 某人(也)做别的事。 原句:As a replacement for lost rose sales, the Johnsons and other growers also are starting to sell other types of flowers. (L. 59) 作为对失去的玫瑰销售份额的弥补,约翰逊家族和其他种植商也在开始销售其他花卉。 应用:a. 作为对自己的儿子在成长过程中缺乏父爱的弥补,他对自己的孙子倾注了全部的 爱。 As a replacement for lack of father love during his son’s growth, he devoted all of his love to his grandson. 应用:b.作为对民航业在全球性恐怖袭击中所受经济损失的弥补,一些国家对该行业提供了 更多的优惠政策。 As a replacement for the economic loss of the civil aviation caused by the worldwide terrorist attacks, some countries provide more preferential policies for it. 2. Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts 原句:For rose growers, those who distribute roses, and those who sell, this year’s anticipated 7% increase in sales will be sweeter than a 5-pound box of chocolate candy. (L. 3) 对玫瑰花种植商、分销商及零售商来说,预计今年的销售量将增加 7%,这个数字比一盒 5 磅重的巧克力糖还要甜蜜。 句型提炼 1) For those who…, sth. is more…than sth. else. 对那些······人来说,某事要比别的事更······ 应用:a.对那些从事管理工作的专业人士来说,与人共事的能力要比扎实的专业技术更重要。 For those professionals who are engaged in management, the ability to work with people is more important than the sound professional skill

应用:b对那些追求家庭生活温馨的人来说配偶的内在素质要比外表更可靠、更可取 For those who go after the warmth of family life, the spouse's interiors are more reliable and more desirable than his/her exteriors. 2)While sb. watches his business/career/study etc. bloom/thrive/boom/prosper etc, sb. else is undergoing sth. unfortunate/distressing etc.在某人目睹其生意/事业/学业等兴旺发达的同 时,别人正在经历不幸的事情 RRA]: While discount rose retailers watch their business bloom, U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt amid severe foreign competition. (L. 38) 在折价玫瑰花零售店生意兴隆的同时,美国的玫瑰种植商却在残酷的外来竞争中濒临破产 应用:a在我们看着沿海地区日益繁荣的同时,贫困地区许多失学儿童却亟需我们的关爱 While we watch the coastal areas thrive with each passing day, many of the children unable to go to school in the poverty-stricken regions are seriously in need of our love and care 应用:b.月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁 With the earth bathed in the rays of the moon, some families are worrying about their life while some watch theirs filled with happiness ⅣV. Writing What Causes Something New 1.近几年在社会上出现了 2.导致该现象的原因 3.分析该现象的社会影响 原因分析类) Para. 1: 1) Believe it or not/Like it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in.. a popularity. campus. 2)According to ., people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in.. 3)To get a better sense of it, it is necessary for us to find out its causes Para. 2: 4)A closer analysis/study/ observation of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern/should call for more of our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of for which. (RE D)6)In the second, it is seen. among.. as an ideal way of since.(原因I)7) And above all. it is an inevitable result of.(原因ID8) While, in fact Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our social/college life are positive/ negative/a mixed one.10) On the one hand.(分析Dl1) On the other,(分析I)12) With more and more added attached to the trend, I am fully convinced/I am deeply worried, it will certainly to. . in the time to come What Causes a boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals 1.近几年大学校园出现了一股过洋节热

应用:b.对那些追求家庭生活温馨的人来说,配偶的内在素质要比外表更可靠、更可取。 For those who go after the warmth of family life, the spouse’s interiors are more reliable and more desirable than his / her exteriors. 2) While sb. watches his business/career/study etc. bloom/thrive/boom/prosper etc., sb. else is undergoing sth. unfortunate/distressing etc. 在某人目睹其生意/事业/学业等兴旺发达的同 时,别人正在经历不幸的事情。 原句:While discount rose retailers watch their business bloom, U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt amid severe foreign competition. (L. 38) 在折价玫瑰花零售店生意兴隆的同时,美国的玫瑰种植商却在残酷的外来竞争中濒临破产。 应用:a.在我们看着沿海地区日益繁荣的同时,贫困地区许多失学儿童却亟需我们的关爱。 While we watch the coastal areas thrive with each passing day, many of the children unable to go to school in the poverty-stricken regions are seriously in need of our love and care. 应用:b.月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。 With the earth bathed in the rays of the moon, some families are worrying about their life while some watch theirs filled with happiness. IV. Writing What Causes Something New 1. 近几年在社会上出现了······ 2. 导致该现象的原因 3. 分析该现象的社会影响 (原因分析类) Para.1: 1) Believe it or not/Like it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in…/a popularity (resurgence/worsening/crisis/ decline/growth/revival/spread ) of…in our society/on the Chinese campus. 2) According to…, people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in … 3) To get a better sense of it, it is necessary for us to find out its causes. Para. 2: 4) A closer analysis/study/ observation of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern/should call for more of our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of…, for which…(原因 I) 6) In the second, it is seen, among…, as an ideal way of…, since… (原因 II) 7) And above all, it is an inevitable result of…(原因 III) 8) While…, in fact,… Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our social/college life are positive/ negative/a mixed one. 10) On the one hand,...(分析I) 11) On the other,...(分析II) 12) With more and more…added / attached to the trend, I am fully convinced / I am deeply worried, it will certainly … / is bound to…in the time to come. What Causes a Boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals 1. 近几年大学校园出现了一股过洋节热

2.阐明导致该现象的原因 3.分析该现象的社会影响。 Para. 1: 1) Believe it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in celebrating foreign festivals on the Chinese campus. 2) According to an official report/survey, young people, especially college udents, are showing more and more interest in such festivals as Valentine's Day, April Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 3 )To get a better sense of the boom, it is nec for us to find out its causes Para. 2: 4)A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of students'seeking after individuality and novelty, for which the college campus offers an ideal climate (RE I)6) In the second, it is seen, among the students, as an ideal way of freeing themselves from stress for the time being, since most college students, single child of each family, are subjected to the unprecedented pressures from all sides although they enjoy the abundance of material wealth. (RE II) 7) And above all it is an inevitable result of more and more exchanges between Western and Eastern cultures (RE lll)8)While the Chinese watch their children thirst for the joy derived from foreign festi vals, in fact, the Americans are discussing whether or not to list the Chinese Spring Festival among their official holidays Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our college life are positive. 10)On the one hand, it has created more chances for students to gain a better insight into other cultures (s+T I)11)On the other, it has enriched the college life thus making the campus a more pleasant place to live on. (s tT Il)12)With more and more health and color added to the trend, I firmly believe it will certainly bring more benefits to our campus life in the time to come Section B The chunnel I. Reading Skills Authors write for a reason. Three common purposes of writing are: 1)to inform, 2)to persuade or 3)to entertain Reading effectively means recognizing the author's purpose-which may not al ways be as easy as it sounds, especially when you're reading in a foreign language. Writers sometimes disguise their aims: A text that appears to be factual information may really be full of emotional

2. 阐明导致该现象的原因。 3. 分析该现象的社会影响。 Para. 1: 1) Believe it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in celebrating foreign festivals on the Chinese campus. 2) According to an official report/survey, young people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in such festivals as Valentine’s Day, April Fools’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 3) To get a better sense of the boom, it is necessary for us to find out its causes. Para. 2: 4) A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of students’ seeking after individuality and novelty, for which the college campus offers an ideal climate. (原因 I) 6) In the second, it is seen, among the students, as an ideal way of freeing themselves from stress for the time being, since most college students, single child of each family, are subjected to the unprecedented pressures from all sides although they enjoy the abundance of material wealth. (原因 II) 7) And above all, it is an inevitable result of more and more exchanges between Western and Eastern cultures. (原因 III) 8) While the Chinese watch their children thirst for the joy derived from foreign festivals, in fact, the Americans are discussing whether or not to list the Chinese Spring Festival among their official holidays. Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our college life are positive. 10) On the one hand, it has created more chances for students to gain a better insight into other cultures. (分析 I) 11) On the other, it has enriched the college life, thus making the campus a more pleasant place to live on. (分 析 II) 12) With more and more health and color added to the trend, I firmly believe, it will certainly bring more benefits to our campus life in the time to come. Section B The Chunnel I. Reading Skills Identifying the Writer’s Purpose (I) Authors write for a reason. Three common purposes of writing are: 1) to inform, 2) to persuade or 3) to entertain. Reading effectively means recognizing the author’s purpose—which may not always be as easy as it sounds, especially when you’re reading in a foreign language. Writers sometimes disguise their aims: A text that appears to be factual information may really be full of emotional

appeals meant to persuade you of the writer's point of view, or an apparently serious piece of persuasion may in fact be a humorous text intended mainly to amuse you. There are also times when the question of whether a writer is serious may depend largely on each readers individual philosophy. However, there are some clues that effective readers can watch for to help them identify what kind of writing they're dealing with 1. Informational writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments. It often contains dates, statistics or other figures, and/or quotes from experts or witnesses. Depending or the subject, the language may include technical jargon, but the vocabulary and sentence structure are often quite simple 2. Persuasive writing features emotional appeals: opinions and arguments(which may be presented as if they were facts, so be careful!); rhetorical questions; evaluating language (good/bad, right/wrong, horrifying/wonderful, etc )and/or judgmental language(must, should, had better, etc.) 3. Texts written mainly to entertain can, of course, be very varied-but they often use rather informal language, simple sentence structure, dialogs, puns and/or figures of speech Lets have a look at an analysis of Passage A and then identify the writer's aim First, the title of the article is "A Rose Is a Rose". At the first glance, you might guess the article is going to be something about love or about some romantic stories as you remember the famous saying, "My love is like a red red rose". Besides, a rose has always been a symbol of love, passion, or affection guess is rejected as it talks about Valentine's Day, the growing, sales and distributions of roses You may also notice that the language in the paragraph is simple in diction and structure Second, when you have read the whole article, you notice that the numbers in it are statistics (mainly prices)and dates. Besides, the quotes are from a director, a rose customer and a rose grower. All these indicate they are facts instead of opinions Third, as the text is featured by statistics, dates, quotes, and simple language, we can say the writer aims to be informational Directions: When you read Passage B, scan it for clues that help you identify the writers aim. Use the questions below to guide your scanning, then decide: Is the text informational, persuasive or meant mainly to entertain? Or does the author have more than one aim? 1. What is the Chunnel? The Chunnel stands for the 31-mile Channel Tunnel, a word made of Ch(annel) and (tunnel 2. What numbers do you see in the text? Are they dates, statistics or something else? The numbers are statistics and dates 3. What quotes do you see in the text? Are they from experts, witnesses, or whom else? There are quotes from one man from London, from a professor of English history, from a newspaper, and from one pessimistic visitor The first paragraph is simple in diction, but a rather long sentence, which is characteristic of journalism. No technical terms are involved in both paragraphs. The last paragraph, simple in structure, gives the reader the impression of uncertainty. The overwhelming the paragraph is"pessimistic". To sum up, as the text is featured by statistics, dates quotes, and a journalist style, the writer aims to be informational Text Analysis

appeals meant to persuade you of the writer’s point of view; or an apparently serious piece of persuasion may in fact be a humorous text intended mainly to amuse you. There are also times when the question of whether a writer is serious may depend largely on each reader’s individual philosophy. However, there are some clues that effective readers can watch for to help them identify what kind of writing they’re dealing with: 1. Informational writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments. It often contains dates, statistics or other figures, and/or quotes from experts or witnesses. Depending on the subject, the language may include technical jargon, but the vocabulary and sentence structure are often quite simple. 2. Persuasive writing features emotional appeals: opinions and arguments (which may be presented as if they were facts, so be careful!); rhetorical questions; evaluating language (good/bad, right/wrong, horrifying/wonderful, etc.) and/or judgmental language (must, should, had better, etc.). 3. Texts written mainly to entertain can, of course, be very varied—but they often use rather informal language, simple sentence structure, dialogs, puns and/or figures of speech. Let’s have a look at an analysis of Passage A and then identify the writer’s aim. First, the title of the article is “A Rose Is a Rose”. At the first glance, you might guess the article is going to be something about love or about some romantic stories as you remember the famous saying, “My love is like a red red rose”. Besides, a rose has always been a symbol of love, passion, or affection. However, when you come to the first paragraph and have gone through it, you know your guess is rejected as it talks about Valentine’s Day, the growing, sales and distributions of roses. You may also notice that the language in the paragraph is simple in diction and structure. Second, when you have read the whole article, you notice that the numbers in it are statistics (mainly prices) and dates. Besides, the quotes are from a director, a rose customer and a rose grower. All these indicate they are facts instead of opinions. Third, as the text is featured by statistics, dates, quotes, and simple language, we can say the writer aims to be informational. Directions:When you read Passage B, scan it for clues that help you identify the writer’s aim. Use the questions below to guide your scanning, then decide: Is the text informational, persuasive or meant mainly to entertain? Or does the author have more than one aim? 1. What is the Chunnel? The Chunnel stands for the 31-mile Channel Tunnel, a word made of Ch(annel) and (T)unnel. 2. What numbers do you see in the text? Are they dates, statistics or something else? The numbers are statistics and dates. 3. What quotes do you see in the text? Are they from experts, witnesses, or whom else? There are quotes from one man from London, from a professor of English history, from a newspaper, and from one pessimistic visitor. The first paragraph is simple in diction, but a rather long sentence, which is characteristic of journalism. No technical terms are involved in both paragraphs. The last paragraph, simple in structure, gives the reader the impression of uncertainty. The overwhelming word in the paragraph is “pessimistic”. To sum up, as the text is featured by statistics, dates, quotes, and a journalist style, the writer aims to be informational. II. Text Analysis

Main idea: This passage mainly introduces the great Chunnel, which connects the Great Britain with the European continent, and will strengthen the communication between Britain and France. However a great number of differences between them cause people to challenge the significance of its construction. In addition, a series of problems will be taken into account, such as the impact on airlines and the security of the Chunnel ture Paras. 1-3 the chunnel will be put into use in the near future Paras. 4 some problems cause the delayed construction of the Chunnel Paras. 5-7 the people in both Britain and France question the worth of the Chunnel Paras. 8-10 the different train systems will slow down the speed of trains Paras. 11-14 thanks to the Chunnel, passengers will save time, while the airlines will lose profit Paras. 15-18 the security problems of the Chunnel should be taken into careful account Ill. Language Points Phrase I excluded sb.from: prevent sb. from entering some place, taking part in sth,etc.拒绝进入,拒 绝接纳 1. Women are often excluded from positions of authority 2. They excluded people under 18 from joining the club 2 for short: serving as a short form of sth.简称,缩写,简略之 1. He is called Alfred. or Alf for short 2. The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short 3 behind schedule: later than the planned time落后于预定计划 1. Owing to the recent bad weather, the work is several weeks behind schedule 2. The plane is two hours behind schedule 归纳记忆: schedule构成的短语 according to schedule按照原定进度 ahead of schedule提前 on schedule按时间表,准时 ight schedule排得紧紧的时间表 to schedule[美按照预定时间

Main idea: This passage mainly introduces the great Chunnel, which connects the Great Britain with the European continent, and will strengthen the communication between Britain and France. However, a great number of differences between them cause people to challenge the significance of its construction. In addition, a series of problems will be taken into account, such as the impact on airlines and the security of the Chunnel. Structure: Paras. 1-3 the chunnel will be put into use in the near future. Paras.4 some problems cause the delayed construction of the Chunnel. Paras.5-7 the people in both Britain and France question the worth of the Chunnel. Paras.8-10 the different train systems will slow down the speed of trains. Paras.11-14 thanks to the Chunnel, passengers will save time, while the airlines will lose profit. Paras.15-18 the security problems of the Chunnel should be taken into careful account. III. Language Points Phrase 1 excluded sb. from: prevent sb. from entering some place, taking part in sth., etc. 拒绝进入,拒 绝接纳 eg: 1. Women are often excluded from positions of authority. 2. They excluded people under 18 from joining the club. 2 for short: serving as a short form of sth. 简称,缩写,简略之 eg: 1. He is called Alfred, or Alf for short. 2. The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short. 3 behind schedule: later than the planned time 落后于预定计划 eg: 1. Owing to the recent bad weather, the work is several weeks behind schedule. 2. The plane is two hours behind schedule. 归纳记忆:schedule 构成的短语 according to schedule 按照原定进度 ahead of schedule 提前 on schedule 按时间表, 准时 tight schedule 排得紧紧的时间表 to schedule [美]按照预定时间

bus schedule公共汽车时刻表 class schedule功课表,课表 train schedule列车明细表 4 accuse sb /sth, of: blame sb /sth. by saying that they have done sth. morally wrong or against 债,控告 1. The police accused him of murder 2. He was accused of stealing a car 这两个词都含有指控或控告之意,但在用法上和搭配上是有区别的。 accuse指当面 谴责,但未必诉诸有关当局,语气比 charge强,为正式用语,其表达式为 accuse sb. of sth。 harge可指因小过错而受的责备,如违犯规则,但常指严重的罪过如犯法,并向当局正式控 告,既可作一般用语,也可作法律用语,语气比 accuse弱些,其表达式为 charge sb. with sth 5 In case: because of the possibility of sth. happening免得,以防 1. In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait 2. You had better take your umbrella, in case it rains 6up-to-date: a. modern or having the most recent information现代化的,最新的 2. Great trouble is taken to keep our textbooks up-to-date es you would want 1. It's an old house but it has all of the up-to-date convenience 7 if not for: if it weren t/hadnt been for; were it not for/had it not been for 57E 1. If not for my brothers help, I would not have finished 2. The earth would be a frozen ball if not for the radiant heat of the sun 8 have sth. In common: share interests, characteristics,etc.有共同之处 他最新的两部小说有很多相似之处。 His latest two novels have many things in common 9 die out: become less and less common and eventually disappear消亡;逐渐灭绝

bus schedule 公共汽车时刻表 class schedule 功课表, 课表 train schedule 列车明细表 4 accuse sb./sth. of: blame sb./sth. by saying that they have done sth. morally wrong or against the law 谴责,控告 eg: 1. The police accused him of murder. 2. He was accused of stealing a car. accuse / charge 这两个词都含有指控或控告之意,但在用法上和搭配上是有区别的。accuse 指当面 谴责,但未必诉诸有关当局,语气比 charge 强,为正式用语,其表达式为 accuse sb. of sth.。 charge 可指因小过错而受的责备,如违犯规则,但常指严重的罪过如犯法,并向当局正式控 告,既可作一般用语,也可作法律用语,语气比 accuse 弱些,其表达式为 charge sb. with sth.。 5 in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening 免得,以防 eg: 1. In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait. 2. You had better take your umbrella, in case it rains. 6 up-to-date: a. modern or having the most recent information 现代化的,最新的 eg: 1. It’s an old house but it has all of the up-to-date conveniences you would want. 2. Great trouble is taken to keep our textbooks up-to-date. 7 if not for: if it weren’t/hadn’t been for; were it not for/had it not been for 要不是 eg: 1. If not for my brother’s help, I would not have finished. 2. The Earth would be a frozen ball if not for the radiant heat of the sun. 8 have sth. in common: share interests, characteristics, etc. 有共同之处 eg: 他最新的两部小说有很多相似之处。 His latest two novels have many things in common. 9 die out: become less and less common and eventually disappear 消亡;逐渐灭绝



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