第一章气体的pVT关系 The Properties of Gases 刘向荣 西安科技大学 化学与化工系 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Xi'an University of Science Technology
第一章 气体的 pVT关系 The Properties of Gases 西安科技大学 化学与化工系 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Xi’an University of Science & Technology 刘向荣
Brief Introduction 本章简介: 司理想气体状态方程 (The perfect gas equations) 了真实气体状态方程 (The real gas equations)
Xi’an University of Science & Technology 本章简介: 理想气体状态方程 (The perfect gas equations) 真实气体状态方程 (The real gas equations) Brief Introduction
Preface Xi'an Universit 固体 m物质的聚集状态 液体 气体 流体 四气体 无固定形状
Xi’an University of Science & Technology 物质的聚集状态 气 体 Preface 固体 液体 气体 流体 无固定形状
Preface -Physical properfies of gas 米组成,n Composition moles 米 压力,卫 Pressure -Pa 米体积,V Volume-m3 Ah 米温度,T Temperature -K
Xi’an University of Science & Technology Preface -Physical properties of gas 组成, n Composition - moles 压力, p Pressure – Pa 体积,V Volume - m3 温度,T Temperature - K
The perfect gas Xi'an Universif 理想气体两大特征: 0分子之间无相互作用力; ②分子本身不占有体积。 四接近理想气体的实际气体状态: 。低压,高温
Xi’an University of Science & Technology 1 m 1 m 1 m 一. The perfect gas 理想气体两大特征: 分子之间无相互作用力; 分子本身不占有体积。 接近理想气体的实际气体状态: 低压,高温
Gas laws mT一定,p=c,Boyle'slaw mP一定,V∝T,Charles'law mT,P一定,Vo∝n,Avogadro's principle
Xi’an University of Science & Technology h T一定,pV=c, Boyle’s law P一定,V∝T, Charles’ law T, P一定,V∝n,Avogadro’s principle Gas laws
The perfect gas equation 司理想气体状态方程 PV=ART mp pressure mV=volume ▣n=noles m T=temperature m R=universal gas contant =8.314510Jmol-l.K-1
Xi’an University of Science & Technology 理想气体状态方程 The perfect gas equation pV nRT = p = pressure V = volume n = moles T = temperature R = universal gas contant = 8.314 510 J•mol-1 •K-1
Dalton's Law 四定义:各种气体的分压之和等于总压 The total pressure is the sum of all the partial pressure. def 分压力: PB-YBD 道尔顿定律: P=>PE B
Xi’an University of Science & Technology Dalton’s Law 定义:各种气体的分压之和等于总压. The total pressure is the sum of all the partial pressure. 分压力: = B p pB p yB p def B = 道尔顿定律:
Amagart's law Xi'an Uni m定义:各种气体的分体积之和等于总体积. The total volume is the sum of all the partial volume. def 分体积: B 三 阿马加定律: V=∑ B
Amagart’s law Xi’an University of Science & Technology 定义:各种气体的分体积之和等于总体积. The total volume is the sum of all the partial volume. 分体积: = B V VB V yB V def B = 阿马加定律:
二.The non-ideal gas 3 2 1 0 -2 repulsive attractive 3 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 distance The Lennard-Jones energy versus distance
二 Xi’an University of Science & Technology . The non-ideal gas The Lennard-Jones energy versus distance -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 distance Energy repulsive attractive