The Taiping Rebellion
The Taiping Rebellion
Origins of Rebellion Changes from outside(impact-response); changes from inside as well Expanded Population, flood and famine, gangs of pirates secret society Demographic pressure: late 17th century-late 18th century doubled from 150 million to over 300 million 1850s 430 million Organization of militia system Militia, braves, bandits, vagrants
Origins of Rebellion • Changes from outside (impact-response); changes from inside as well. • Expanded Population, flood and famine, gangs of pirates, secret society • Demographic pressure: late 17th century-late 18th century doubled from 150 million to over 300 million; 1850s 430 million • Organization of militia system • Militia, braves, bandits, vagrants
Anti-Foreignism The rejection of Western technology -popular sentiment(min xin)was more important than weaponry in making a strong country The conservatives maintained that in all the prosperous times China did not learn from the barbarians why must China emulate the West? Technology and human worlds(new buildings and fengshui) The fear of imperialism -a steady encroachment on China like a silkworm
Anti-Foreignism • The rejection of Western technology – popular sentiment (min xin) was more important than weaponry in making a strong country. • The conservatives maintained that in all the prosperous times China did not learn from the barbarians, why must China emulate the West? • Technology and human worlds (new buildings and fengshui) • The fear of imperialism– a steady encroachment on China like a silkworm
Hong Xiuquan The founder of the God-Worshiped Society Hong Xiuquan(1814 64)and his experience A failed licentiate(1827, age 14; 1836, 1837, 1843 Hong,'s christianity: pamphlet Good words to exhort the age before 1847 Hong s illness after the fourth failure and a symbolic fantasy image of Good Words, a direct call from God Political implications embodied in good Words: disaster resulted from moral decline and low-point of dynastic cycle Hong s fantasies in terms of christian doctrine: the second son of the God, the younger brother of Jesus
Hong Xiuquan • The founder of the God-Worshiped Society Hong Xiuquan (1814- 64) and his experience. • A failed licentiate (1827, age 14; 1836, 1837, 1843) • Hong’s Christianity: pamphlet “Good words to exhort the age” before 1847. • Hong’s illness after the fourth failure and a symbolic fantasy image of Good Words, a direct call from God. • Political implications embodied in Good Words: disaster resulted from moral decline and low-point of dynastic cycle. • Hong’s fantasies in terms of Christian doctrine: the second son of the God, the younger brother of Jesus
The Heavenly Kingdom Hongs writings in 1840s: conversion of chinese people into Christianity, and to reconcile Christianity with the Confucian tradition God -tian(heaven)vs. the mandate of heaven Hong' s missionizing journey to hakka community in hills with his friends, lower-level scholars God Worshiper's Society: Christianity religious teaching anti Manchu- to set up a new order of brotherhood and sisterhood among gods children In 1851, Hong proclaimed himself heavenly King: 20,000 true believers
The Heavenly Kingdom • Hong’s writings in 1840s: conversion of Chinese people into Christianity, and to reconcile Christianity with the Confucian tradition. • God – tian (Heaven) vs. the Mandate of Heaven • Hong’s missionizing journey to Hakka community in hills with his friends, lower-level scholars • God Worshiper’s Society: Christianity religious teaching + antiManchu – to set up a new order of brotherhood and sisterhood among God’s children • In 1851, Hong proclaimed himself Heavenly King; 20,000 true believers
Taiping Uprising, 1851-1864 1853 to take Nanjing as Heavenly Capital Civil war in a pre- modern stage yet defeated Manchu troops; local recruitment after losses Marching from city to city( 600 around), often with massacres, tremendously destructive However, lacking trained administrators and the ability to contro In Nanjing, the leaders spent much time elaborating systems of nobility, honors and ceremonies; but later split among themselves Defeated by Zeng Guofan,s army in 1864
Taiping Uprising, 1851-1864 • 1853 to take Nanjing as Heavenly Capital • Civil war in a pre-modern stage yet defeated Manchu troops; local recruitment after losses • Marching from city to city (600 around), often with massacres, tremendously destructive • However, lacking trained administrators and the ability to control • In Nanjing, the leaders spent much time elaborating systems of nobility, honors and ceremonies; but later split among themselves. • Defeated by Zeng Guofan’s Army in 1864
太平天国都城 石达开活动路线 太平天国统治地区 军作战路线 陈玉成西征路线 常胜军进犯腾线 李秀成等经江酒路线 主要战场 安 河 湖 北 湖 石达升率轴立活动,出湖 商后,缝广西,源北,四 °州 目否南,6月,在 常打地全军覆没 xinjunshi. cdm
洪秀全1814-1664),广东花县人。 天 太平天国革命稚 189年满仁计据写并经法秀全批 准域行的(资政新),层出帮有资本主 田 义色彩的施改纲雏 畝 伟 大平天国天王洪秀全(1814-1864),失意儒生,三 次落第.1851在清军力量最单薄的广西发动起义,向东南发展 直捣南京。在南京坚持十余年,城陷时自尽
Positive side? CPC historians writing on "Taiping Uprising",or Taiping movement Anti-Manchu Nationalism and social reform Taiping communism: ancient utopian ideas Social Teachings: against allevils'" equality between the sexes, against slavery, foot binding, arranged marriage, opium
Positive Side? • CPC historians’ writing on “Taiping Uprising”, or “Taiping Movement” • Anti-Manchu Nationalism and social reform • Taiping Communism: ancient utopian ideas • Social Teachings: against all “evils”; equality between the sexes, against slavery, foot binding, arranged marriage, opium