Strangers at the Gate
Strangers at the Gate
Before and After the opium War China has no desire to organize trade on the European model-what was the story after? Why the Opium War(1839-42 ) contains Significant importance in Chinese history? a Why Chinese views of the West rely primarily on upper-class/literati's writings? What was the major change before and after the Opium War
Before and After the Opium War China has no desire to organize trade on the European model – what was the story after? Why the Opium War (1839-42) contains significant importance in Chinese history? Why Chinese views of the West rely primarily on upper-class/literati’s writings? What was the major change before and after the Opium War?
Opium and the opium war Social life of opium in China: for medical purpose, in 1 8th century, smoke pure opium sap in a pipe to releve physical and emotional pain -but addictive In India. British invested in the manufacture and distribution of opium- seeing its sale as a way to solve the problem of their balance of payments with China (200 chests in1729;1,000 chests in1767;4,500by1800; 1000by1825;40,000n1828)
Opium and the Opium War Social life of opium in China: for medical purpose; in 18th century, smoke pure opium sap in a pipe to relieve physical and emotional pain – but addictive. In India, British invested in the manufacture and distribution of opium – seeing its sale as a way to solve the problem of their balance of payments with China. (200 chests in 1729; 1,000 chests in 1767; 4,500 by 1800; 10,000 by 1825; 40,000 in 1828)
Opium Smokers Calcutta: private merchants smuggling opium a Southern China: smuggling and smoking 1800-1818: Chinese private merchants acao rast boats through Canton ---inland --- along the sea coast --- inland ( suzhou 100,000 smokers around the time a Smokers: not only nobles, high officials, but also lower gentry class, soldiers a Why? After 1819, more opium harvest competition lowered the cost
Opium Smokers Calcutta: private merchants smuggling opium Southern China: smuggling and smoking 1800-1818: Chinese private merchants Macao --- “fast boats” --- through Canton --- inland --- along the sea coast --- inland (Suzhou, 100,000 smokers around the time) Smokers: not only nobles, high officials, but also lower gentry class, soldiers Why? After 1819, more opium harvest, competition lowered the cost
Balance of trade 18th century: tea, porcelain, Silk ---first ten years of the 19th century, 26 million income 1828-1836. 38 million outflow from China In 1830, at least 4 million pounds were transferred from India to england USing the rest of profits A to buy more opium to sell to chinese, B. to buy tea back to england to sell
Balance of Trade 18th century: tea, porcelain, silk --- first ten years of the 19th century, 26 million income 1828-1836, 38 million outflow from China In 1830, at least 4 million pounds were transferred from India to England ----- Using the rest of profits: A. to buy more opium to sell to Chinese; B. to buy tea back to England to sell
To Suppress Opium Chinese officials wanted to control the situation. i. e moralists In 1820, Ruan Yuan put 16 Chinese(Cantonese) merchants who smuggled opium trade into jail However, 1822-1830 the trading still reached its peak time 18.760 chests a Why?(waterways, opium transportation, bribes) Debate of banning opium -exchanges between private merchants and officials; punishment to whom
To Suppress Opium Chinese officials wanted to control the situation, i.e. moralists In 1820, Ruan Yuan put 16 Chinese (Cantonese) merchants who smuggled opium trade into jail. However, 1822-1830 the trading still reached its peak time 18,760 chests. Why? (waterways, opium transportation, bribes) Debate of banning opium – exchanges between private merchants and officials; punishment to whom?
a Daoguang Emperor and the debate -supported the suppressing movement of opium smoking and trading 1837, 2000 Chinese merchants who participated the opium smuggling were put into jar a 1838, those who smoked opium will be put into jail Question: how do you know who are smokers?
Daoguang Emperor and the debate – supported the suppressing movement of opium smoking and trading 1837, 2000 Chinese merchants who participated the opium smuggling were put into jail 1838, those who smoked opium will be put into jail. Question: how do you know who are smokers?
1839 Daoguang Emperor sent an incorrupt Imperial Commissioner, Lin Zexu, to compel foreign traders to stop opium 1838, Lin Zexu, a moralist, and his proposal ofmoral value”-“ moral advice to Queen Victoria”1839 March 1839, to inform the british merchants to give out the opium- August 1839, to cut off the supplie Who s law? Extraterritoriality
1839 Daoguang Emperor sent an incorrupt Imperial Commissioner, Lin Zexu, to compel foreign traders to stop opium. 1838, Lin Zexu, a moralist, and his proposal of “moral value” --“moral advice to Queen Victoria” 1839. March 1839, to inform the British merchants to give out the opium – August 1839, to cut off the supplies Who’s law? Extraterritoriality
Attitude to the war The british a Before the industry revolution ---to buy something from the east: After the industry revolution-to look for a market In their own country, a parliament debate whether to abandon eic monopoly -"free trading ■ The chinese Did the Chinese(high officials) predict that there will be a war? to win or to lose?
Attitude to the war The British Before the industry revolution --- to buy something from the east; After the industry revolution --- to look for a market In their own country, a parliament debate whether to abandon EIC monopoly --- “free trading” The Chinese Did the Chinese (high officials) predict that there will be a war? To win or to lose?
■ Confidence: A Past experience told them B. Through a war, they may teach the " barbarians a C. After war, things will be back to" tributary system a In fact, Chinese soldiers spears, swords, and big knives vS. The Nemesis, gunpowder and cannons Chinese soldiers: Manchus, not even rigidly trained; Han- Chinese, to "sel their service, not willing to fight (opium smokers
Confidence: A. Past experience told them … B. Through a war, they may teach the “barbarians”… C. After war, things will be back to “tributary system” In fact, Chinese soldiers’ spears, swords, and big knives vs. The Nemesis, gunpowder and cannons. Chinese soldiers: Manchus, not even rigidly trained; HanChinese, to “sell” their service, not willing to fight (opium smokers)