Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge Missionaries as cultural brokers"-religious vs secular activities Schools, private associations, and newspapers.(1887, SDK Timothy Richard, general secretary of SDK, aiming to persuade the Chinese elite of the value of western culture, esp. ideas of institutional and technological reform(cultural competitors a The publications of SDk, Wan-keuo kung-pao "The Globe magazine Western knowledge and current world affairs ( Young allen 1890s, the circulation grew rapidly widely influenced -SDK publications proved to be a powerful leaven for the ferment of new ideas and values How did missionaries writing influence reform-minded Chinese readers?(stimulation rather than providing content) What about reform-minded Chinese scholars' new political thinking(e.g.on political participation?
Society for the Diffusion of Christian and Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge General Knowledge Missionaries as Missionaries as “cultural brokers cultural brokers ” – religious vs. secular activities: religious vs. secular activities: schools, private associations, and newspapers. (1887, SDK) schools, private associations, and newspapers. (1887, SDK) Timothy Richard, general secretary of SDK, aiming to persuade th Timothy Richard, general secretary of SDK, aiming to persuade the Chinese elite of the value of Western culture, esp. ideas of Chinese elite of the value of Western culture, esp. ideas of institutional and technological reform (cultural competitors) institutional and technological reform (cultural competitors) The publications of SDK, The publications of SDK, Wan -kuo kung-pao “The Globe Magazine Magazine ” – Western knowledge and current world affairs (Young J. Allen) Western knowledge and current world affairs (Young J. Allen) 1890s, the circulation grew rapidly 1890s, the circulation grew rapidly – widely influenced widely influenced – SDK publications proved to be a powerful leaven for the ferment of n publications proved to be a powerful leaven for the ferment of new ideas and values. ideas and values. How did missionaries How did missionaries’ writing influence reform writing influence reform -minded Chinese minded Chinese readers? (stimulation rather than providing content) What about readers? (stimulation rather than providing content) What about reform -minded Chinese scholars minded Chinese scholars’ new political thinking (e.g. on new political thinking (e.g. on political participation)? political participation)?
Kang Youwei (1858-1927) What was Kang Youwei's educational background? What about Kang's mental horizon in the 1880s? Two central concerns, twin goals- to protect the faith(spiritual crisis)and to protect the state - formed the core of Kangs reform programme(1895-1898 Kang's political programme-institutional reforms which would amount a revolution from above?'- Bureau of government Reorganization -military reform and economic development Taking Meiji reform as a model for China, educational reform Not required, pp 287-290) Confucianism as the national religion vS constitutional monarchy and national wealth and power? How did the latter two coupled with the former? Kang 's interpretation of Confucianism- searching for cultural sanction for his reform of traditional China polity
Kang Youwei (1858 -1927) What was Kang What was Kang Youwei’s educational background? What about educational background? What about Kang’s mental horizon in the 1880s? s mental horizon in the 1880s? Two central concerns, twin goals Two central concerns, twin goals – to protect the faith (spiritual to protect the faith (spiritual crisis) and to protect the state crisis) and to protect the state – formed the core of Kang formed the core of Kang’s reform s reform programme programme (1895 -1898) Kang’s political s political programme programme– institutional reforms which would institutional reforms which would amount a amount a “revolution from above revolution from above ” -- Bureau of Government Bureau of Government Reorganization Reorganization – military reform and economic development military reform and economic development Taking Meiji Reform as a model for China, educational reform Taking Meiji Reform as a model for China, educational reform (Not required, pp. 287 (Not required, pp. 287 -290) Confucianism as the national religion 290) Confucianism as the national religion vs. constitutional monarchy and national wealth and power? How vs. constitutional monarchy and national wealth and power? How did the latter two coupled with the former? Kang did the latter two coupled with the former? Kang’s interpretation s interpretation of Confucianism of Confucianism – searching for cultural sanction for his reform searching for cultural sanction for his reform of traditional China of traditional China’ polity
The Reform Movement and the Reformers (to study on your own 1895 China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War, Kang and liang's petition and reform campaign 1895 Society for the Study of Strengthening Qiang xuehui) newspapers(Zhongwan Gongbao, Shiwu Bao 1896), etc-wide circulation Liang Chi-chao Liang Qichao) and t'an Ssu-t'ungtan Sitong The Hundred DaysReform ( une 11-Sept 21, 1898 Sept 21, 1898, Empress Dowger's coup d'etat, announcing her return to power to give instruction on administration, Kuang hsu Guangxu) Emperor was forced into "solitary seclusion Legacies of the reform era?
The Reform Movement and the The Reform Movement and the Reformers Reformers (to study on your own) (to study on your own) 1895 China 1895 China’s defeat in the Sino s defeat in the Sino -Japanese War, Kang and Liang Japanese War, Kang and Liang’s petition and reform campaign petition and reform campaign 1895 Society for the Study of Strengthening ( 1895 Society for the Study of Strengthening (Qiang xuehui), newspapers ( newspapers (Zhongwai Zhongwai Gongbao Gongbao, Shiwu Bao 1896), etc 1896), etc – wide circulation circulation Liang Ch’i -ch’ao (Liang Qichao) and T’an Ssu - t’ung (Tan Sitong) The “Hundred Days Hundred Days ” Reform (June 11 Reform (June 11 - Sept 21, 1898) Sept 21, 1898) Sept 21, 1898, Empress Sept 21, 1898, Empress Dowger’s coup d’état, announcing her tat, announcing her return to power to return to power to “give instruction on administration give instruction on administration ”; Kuang - hsu (Guangxu Guangxu) Emperor was forced into ) Emperor was forced into “solitary seclusion. solitary seclusion. ” Legacies of the reform era? Legacies of the reform era?