The birth of nationalism
The Birth of Nationalism The Birth of Nationalism
Liang Chi-chao and Nationalism a Rose to fame during the reform Movement in 1898 under study of Kang Youwei Exiled to Japan, a newspaper editor 1898-1902 Qingyi Bao "a paper of public opinions 1902, Xinmin Congbao a miscellaneous paper for a new people''-new people, the renovation of the people -patriotic new culture movement Rebel element of chinese scholar class. rebel reformers Eloquent style gave his writings great force, writing style, powerful and emotional, principles of patriotism and citizenship. A reformer of ideas rather than a revolutionist
Liang Ch’i-ch’ao and Nationalism and Nationalism Rose to fame during the Reform Movement in 1898; Rose to fame during the Reform Movement in 1898; under study of Kang under study of Kang Youwei. Exiled to Japan, a newspaper editor Exiled to Japan, a newspaper editor 1898-1902 Qingyi Bao “a paper of public opinions a paper of public opinions 1902, Xinmin Congbao Congbao “a miscellaneous paper for a new a miscellaneous paper for a new people” –new people, the renovation of the people new people, the renovation of the people – patriotic patriotic new culture movement new culture movement Rebel element of Chinese scholar class, rebel reformers Rebel element of Chinese scholar class, rebel reformers Eloquent style gave his writings great force, writing style, Eloquent style gave his writings great force, writing style, powerful and emotional, principles of patriotism and powerful and emotional, principles of patriotism and citizenship. A reformer of ideas rather than a revolutionist. citizenship. A reformer of ideas rather than a revolutionist
Sun yat-sen Education and experience as a student(western medicine and only semi-trained in the Chinese classics, never upper-class literati His program for Chinas reconstruction, his persistent plotting to overthrow the machus Revive china society(xingzhong Hui), 1894 Second period of revolutionary though, 1900-political aim of the revolution became republicanism, nationalism, and"Three people's principles USing Japan as their base in the early 1900s, to form a secret revolutionary league Tongmeng Hui, 1905 Revolutionary attempts, the uprising of october 10, 1911
Sun Yat-sen Education and experience as a student (Western medicine and Education and experience as a student (Western medicine and only semi only semi-trained in the Chinese classics, never upper trained in the Chinese classics, never upper-class literati literati His program for China His program for China’s reconstruction, his persistent plotting to s reconstruction, his persistent plotting to overthrow the overthrow the Machus “Revive China Society Revive China Society” (Xingzhong Xingzhong Hui), 1894 ), 1894 Second period of revolutionary though, 1900 Second period of revolutionary though, 1900– political aim of political aim of the revolution became republicanism, nationalism, and the revolution became republicanism, nationalism, and “Three people’s principles s principles” Using Japan as their base in the early 1900s, to form a secret Using Japan as their base in the early 1900s, to form a secret revolutionary league revolutionary league Tongmeng Tongmeng Hui, 1905 Revolutionary attempts, the uprising of October 10, 1911. Revolutionary attempts, the uprising of October 10, 1911
The revolution of 1911: Sun Yat-sen was inaugurated as provisional president; however, had little power to control the forces behind it Yuan Shikai, the builder of the new army in North China, ran the Peking government-1912212 the Last Manchu Emperor abdicated to Yuan The end of monarchy in 1912 marked the beginning of a crisis of authority and central power(warlordism) a Nationalism( Chinese state, culture and people) had not yet found institutional expression
The revolution of 1911: Sun The revolution of 1911: Sun Yat -sen was inaugurated as was inaugurated as provisional president; however, had little power to provisional president; however, had little power to control the forces behind it. control the forces behind it. Yuan Shikai, the builder of the New Army in North , the builder of the New Army in North China, ran the Peking government China, ran the Peking government – 1912.2.12 the Last 1912.2.12 the Last Manchu Emperor abdicated to Yuan Manchu Emperor abdicated to Yuan The end of monarchy in 1912 marked the beginning of The end of monarchy in 1912 marked the beginning of a crisis of authority and central power ( a crisis of authority and central power (warlordism warlordism) Nationalism (Chinese state, culture and people) had not Nationalism (Chinese state, culture and people) had not yet found institutional expression. yet found institutional expression